HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-2-11 MRR,18,2002 3:09PM FORD NESS FASSBENDER ~lO. '307 P.1/1 FORD ~ NESS ~ FASSBENDE~, iNC. LAND SURVEYINCI lIB CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION 111 WATER RIGHTS EXAMINATIONS CIVIl-ENCINEERING IIIll GEOTECHNICAlllil ENVIRONMENTAL LP12>~6 Vo.sS February 11, 2002 Dennis Minium ConstructIon 8745 Th~rston Road Sprtngfleld,Orsgon 91478 RE: Subgrade Evaluation lot 86 -Levi L.anding SPringfield, Oregon On February 11,2002, a representative from Ford..Neu-Fassbender, Inc. observed and hand. probed the bunding pad subgrade on Lot B61n the Levi Landing subdivision to assess the subgl'lde bearing capacity and shrink/swell potential of the soil. The builcling pad had been over..excavated to remove surface vegetation and 10 expose a clayey slit/silty clay subgrade soU, The subgrade had a mccleram shrlnk/swall potsntial and is suitable for an allowable bearing capacity up to 1,500 pst. To mitigate the potential fer soil shrink/swell, the moisture content at the son should be stabilized. To prepare the sl.fbgrade for wet weather construction and to stabilize the soil moisture content approximately s..inches of Cl'Llsl'led %-..0 aggregate from Springfield Quarry was placed over the eubgrade, The building pad 1& suitable for conventional rasidentlal construction with perimeter spread footings, We rcJOOmmend that helilVY equipment, such as concrete trucks, dump-trucks and lumber delivery trucks are not allowed on the building pad area during to the wet weather conditions, We also recommend that perimeter footings be reinforced with at least two No.4 steel reinforcing bars. We recommend that the landscape soil slope to direct surface water away from all foundations. and water should not pond adJaosnt to footings. Sincerely, PordaNess-Fassbender, Ino. Ronald J. Derrick p,e, 116 Hwy. 99 N" Suite 1 OOllll P,O. BOil U7n I ~I.llene, OR ~740Z II (1141) 344,1 1:1"211 1"1;1\ (541) H'HIU! e-mail: mail@fnfinc net I Web site: www (nflne.flet Certified W 13 E I D 8 E