HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-12-10 "'!-iJ ( ~ ~1'b Inc. ~meDll (),V \ Branch Engineering, 31 0 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 DennIS Mmmm 8745 Thurston Rd Springfield, OR 97478 ~e.,!- / 'P, JZ. DO l ,- - Re InspectIOn of buildmg pad site at Lot 43LevI Landzng pi AddItIOn On December 6, 2001 a representatIve from Branch Engineenng, Inc was dIspatched to the subject Lot 43 to observe a proof roll of the subject pad site A thIckness of 3 mches to 8 mches of 1 Yz" - 0 quarry rock was spread over the bmldmg pad It was compacted wIth a plate compactor A loaded tandem dump truck was used for the proof roll test DeflectIOns of Yz" to 1" were observed dunng the proof roll Because of the exceSSIve deflectIOn, addItIOnal compactIOn was recommended. On December 7, 2001, another proof roll test was performed. AddItIOnal compactIOn of the pad SIte had occurred since the prevIOUS proof roll The proof roll was agam performed with a loaded tandem dump truck DeflectIOns ofless than~" were. observed Therefore It IS my opmIOn that the pad SIte IS smta~ for placement of the proposed reSIdentIal structure , &.~ ) .. :.~ ~ l' ~I I ~ , ~ ~ ' \ If" . $ ~ .. ~ " CIVIL STRUCTURAL \ lRANSPORTATION SURVEYING .)