HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-12-28 w.,VtiJ aao D"'lGU 1'''' lSHUI"S flJOOl '=O{0 IlJ ''JESS ~ ,=ASS 3:ND: {, INC. LAND SURVEYING . CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. WATER JUGHTS EXAMINATIONS CIVil ENGINEERING · GEOTECHNICAL · ENVIRONMENTAL fu 0e0emII0r 28. 2001 19~ Of)..... tJ.,oses SS Mr. Eric Segner c/o Grassroots Development Joy of Bookkeeping P.o. Sox 195 Springfield. Oregon f1!477 HE: Subgrade EYaluation and Compacttcn Asses.I". ....nt Levi J.anding - Lot .e8 Sprtngfield.OI'8QOn On Oto...clnber 27,2001, a ~ from Foro-Ness--Fassbender. 'nc. obsetved and ha~ probed the building pad 8ubgrade on the ebove ret:';I~lil. ,.ced residenttal building lot to a$sess the subgrade beanng cepaclty and shrink/swell potentia) of the soil. and evaluated the .........pactlon of the overfying aggregate eover, t..ot 88 - Permit No. The building pad had bean over.exC8vated to remove surface vegetation end to eJqlOse a dayey silt/silty clay subgrade soil with traces of '"Bar-Run" gravel. The soU subgrade had a moderate shrtnklswel' potential and is suitabte for an allowable bearing _,. oldy up to 1.500 psi. The SlI:',IlII,,~.ht has been COYered wfth approximately +inches of compacted eNshed ag.,.;.ate to protect the subgnKte during wet weather conab'uction and stlIblliz& the 8011 moisture content to mitigate ahe Potvnttal for soU shrink/swell. The a~mat"y 4-indlllldt layer of ~- -0 CNShed Iggregele from Sprjngfield Quarry is moist and has been compacted with a wet I/lbI'iiltOfy plate compactor. Based on digging through the agglllgabt and accessing a 11m" weight to volume relation, the aggregate was ~etermined to b. compacted to at least 95% of its 133.5 pet nmimum dry denslty provided by SpnngfieJd Cuany and based on AASHTO MethOd T -99. The subgra(fe and mmpacted fiB on this lot is suitstH for colWGntlonal f9sidentier c:onatruQion. We ..........mmend that perimeter footings be j_ reinforced With at least two No. 4 steal rein,....":ng bars. We A!commencl that heavy equipment, such as co. ,"'. ."'~o:... tnJcks, dump-tnJcks and lumber delivery trucks not be allowed on .,. buDding pad area due to the wet oondltlons. Surface water shoulq be mscle to drain off the pad area and future landscape soil aU slope to direct surface ' \ water away from all foundetioflS, and water shouJd not pond adjacent to footings. =:----.~ ~~~ fIT Vl~l;: \l\ ""\:~n J ' R_J._pE. ~~~-'4'~_d 116 Hwy, 99 N.. Sulte100. P.O.lk>x ~ 7401. (S41) 344-1aS2_fillf (541) 344,"23 fomlll: mail.m. ebslte: www.fnflnc.nl!l Cel'tJiqd WS.E.. I D,S.f.