HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-12-19 09:41 'C503 388 6480 PW SI:lU.t's 12/19/01 u\g\1--~~e~-ths5 FO:~D ~,_\lESS III FASSBE\l):~, I\lC. lAND SURVEYING. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. WATER ~IGHTS EXAMINATIONS CIVil ENGINEERING. GEOTECHNICAL. ENVIRONMENTAL December 19, 2001 . , . - Mr. Ed Lannoye c/o Grassroots Development Joy of Bookkeeping P,O, Box 195 , Springfield, Oregon 974n RE: Subgrade EVIlluatfon and Compaction Assessment levi Landing - lot 75 Springfield. Oregon 'On December 18,2001, a F9pfesentstive fl..m Ford-Ness-Fassbender, Inc. observed and hand- probed the building pad subgrade on the above referenced residential building lot to assess the subgrsde bearing capacity and shrlnk/swetl potential of the soi', and evaluated the compactj~ of the overlying aggregate cover. II Lot 7& - Pennlt No. The building pad had been over-excaV8ted to remove surface vegetation and to elCpOSe a clayey silt/silty clay subgr8de soil, The soil subgrade had a moderate shrink/swell POtential and Is suitable for an allowable bearing capacity up to 1,500 pst. The subgrade has been covered with approximately 5,5-inches of compacted crushed aggregate to protect the subgrade during wet weather construction and stabilize the soli moisture content to mitigate the POtential for soil shrink/swell, The approximately 5,5-inch thick layer of %--0 crushed aggregate from Springfield Quarry is wet from recent heavy rains and the sou1hwest comer has standing water. Based on digging through the aggregate and acceSSing a simple weight to volum~ relation, the aggregate was detennined to be compacted to at least 95% of its 133,5 pcf maximum dry density provided by Springfield Quarry and based on AASHTO Method T-99, The subgrade and compacted flll on this lot is suitable for conventionall8sidential construction We recommend that peri, ~.I' ~!~::.,r footings be reinforced with at least two No, 4 steel reinforcing bars, We I9COmmend that heavy equipment, such 85 concrete trucks, dump.tnJcks and ILlmber delivery trucks not be allowed on the building pad area due to the wet conditions. Sfanaing water should be made to drain of the pad al8a and future landscape soil shall slope to direct surface water away from all foundations, and water should not POnd adja ~ ~"..Ii to footings,