HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-12-27 ( " " Branch Engineering, Inc. '\ 31 0 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 (541) 746,0637 Fax (541 ) 746-0389 ~ ~ ~ S- A-~~v- ~,T Tim White Essex General Construction 4284 West 71h Ave Eugene, OR 9740 I December 27, 200 I Re 481h & Aster St P30193 99-14B The following is the punch list for the above project Clean street 2 Re-do crack seal in concrete street J Re-stripe street 4 Crack seal al\ AC joints 5 Seal AC at North end of bike path on Main Street 6 Fll1ish landscaping and cleanup at assisted living facility 7 Open tt ench to drain street at South end of 481h Street 8 Check street light operation, one light on during daytIme 9 Traffic signal loops need to be numbered and re-meged 10 Pat S Thompson to write letter accepting wetlands and dikes II City of Springfield Planner to sign off on project Remove pole from assisted hving access 12 CIty of Springfield Maintenance Div to inspect Stormceptor and accept or provide list of corrections CIVIL / STRUCTURAL "TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING 13 Grout all curb inlets, stann and sanitary manhole rings 14 Attach tone wire( s) near top of curb inlets opposite inlet 15 Attach tone wire(s) near top of manholes 16 Cover exposed tone wire on storm MH over 54" stm line at Sta, 3+92 5 R 0+34 on 48th St 17 Bury tone wire and attach near top of Area Drain Robert M Andreasen c ~ 12-c:> ""- c;, 13,' II M. C 1G.7 JRN-10-2002 17:06 FROM:DELTR S+G/CONST TO:541 7361021 P.001/001 .. IIlTA DELTA CONSTRUCTION CO. cce II 62971 999 DIVISION AVENUE I EUGENE, OREGON 97404 I PHONE (541) 688-2233 I FAX (541) 688-8610 January 10, 2002 Ron Sather City of Spnngfield Public Works Department 225 Slh Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE. 48"' & Aster Street Punch List ., ~ D", 1101 POg.. Fax N018 \"'\O~2. \ Ta RON SATij ~ FlIX" 13 ~. t.e J..-I From & VI! BftV:D PhonQiI ~~.I" 233 Ron' This letter replaces letter dated 9 January 2002. The following is an update to the 48th & Aster punch list letter by Branch Engineering dated 27 December 2001: 1. Street has been cleaned by the General Contractor. 2. Crack sealing has been done by Walt's Concrete, 3. Reflective buttons were placed by H20 Striping on Friday, 4 January. Centerline striping along Aster & 49,h was no part of the original contract. Therefore, it was not completed during October when H20 stnped 48th Street. Centerline striping became a part of the contract via change order during December 2001 Centerlme striping was'attempted during one of the few available dry December days and is not completely adhering to the concrete surface. I suggest that the centerline of Aster & 49111 be strrped again during a dry, warm day no later than June 15th at the expense of the owner 4. Morse Bros has sand sealed all A C, Jomts. 5. Morse Bras has sand sealed all A.C. joints (including the north end of the bike path), 6 & 7; The landscaper working for assisted living center IS responsible for Items 6 & 7. 8, One street light is not working right and will be corrected by Lantz Electric on Friday, January 11th, 9, Traffic signal loops have been numbered and re-merged by l.antz Electric. 10, Branch Engineering is coordlnabng with Pat Thompson regarding wetland Issues, 11, City Planner IS sign off on project ,Pole has been removed from access by General Contractor. 12. Stormceptor Inspection to be done by City Malnt Division 13 through 17: All curb inlet and manhole Items (grout, tone wire. etc) have been corrected. Thank you in advance. Please call if you have any questions. :L- ~~-~ ~ Sue Parmer-Boyd '7 ConstructIon Superintendent SPB:sc JAN-tO-02 THU 04:12 PM ( " BRANCH ENGINEERING FAX:541 746 0389 PAGE 1 Branch Engineering, Inc. \ January 10, 2002 31 0 5th Street Sprmgfield, Oregan 97477 (541 J 746-0637 Fax (541 J 748-0389 Ron Sather CIty of Springfield-Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street SpringfIeld, Oregon 97477 RE: Bio-Swales and Wetland Area on Jenna Village Dear Ron, As inspectors on the public improvement project for S, 48th and Aster Streets and the (Jenna Village development, we have inspected the bio-swales surrounding the wetlands, Attached IS an e-mail from Pat Thompson regarding the items that need to be done for the bio-swale and wetlands to be complete. Once these items are completed, Branch Engineenng can accept the wetlands and bIo-swale issue~ as being completed, If you have any questions regardmg this, please feel free to call me at 726-0637, Respectfully submitted, !!!:;~::XL cc: Tim White, E~sex General Construction Hoy Gray, Developer Post-it" Fax Note 7671 'To {(ON ~~kTH€R. ~OJDePlClr'l of SfrD Phone 11 IDale Iff 0 (0],. Ip~B~s" Z Fromf?~('A 7f::MPLI.&. CO, D _ c. I.JJl(ANCH c.-NG, I Phone # 71ra -01;,37 . (ax I' F3X # 73G, - t02 \ CIVIL STRUCTURAL SURVEYING ~ TRANSPORTATION . JAN-fO-02 THU 04:12 PM ~~~,~,~~,~~9.,~,~,~.~~,~,~,,9,~n~,' BRANCH ENGINEERING FAX:541 746 0389 PAGE 2 From: <Pstcon@aol.com> <:branch-civil@uswest.net> Wednesday, January 09,20028:17 PM Janna Estates construction inspection ~ .It: Subject: Rebecca, As you know, Bob Andreasen of your office and I conducted the requested InspectIon of the constructed bio-swales and wetlands on January 8, 2001 The following IS a list of items that we both felt needed additional attention, and one item observed that will need to be dIscussed and taken care of this summer, 1. The two foot wide bottom grading of the bio-swale does not appear to be completed from the newly installed outfall back approximately 200 feet to the east. 2. We need to check the plans to see how many bio-swale olJtfalls were required and there locations to make sure that the amount and locations are correct. Also, the elevations of the concreted outfalls to the wetlands seem to be reversed or flOWing back to the swale instead of a gradient to the wetlands. These elevations should be checked to see that they are correct otherwise the water in the swales will flow out of the outfall pnor to flowing Into the wetlands The Intent was for the water to be retained for a certain amount of time in the bio-swales and then flow Into the wetlands at speCific pOInts, WIth only the highest flows making it to the outfall for flood prevention. 3 Seeding of the bio-swales and spoils piles was not accomplished prior to the winter rains per requirements outlined in the Joint Removal/Fill permit. It IS to late to do this now, but should be attended to in the spnng or fall of this year to brrng them Into compl1ance With the permit conditIons, and/or the mitigation plan. One other thing that we noticed was that the someone, possibly the City of SprIngfield, has maintained a portion of the ditch along Weyerhaeuser's haul road. This appears to have opened some ground water flows on the southwest comer of the mitigated wetlands where the old outfall was located. ThiS area should be reviewed this spring to address the best solution to stop this leakage from the wetlands, while also addressing the issue of offsite flooding. I think that a berm could be placed r' ~ '1g the eXisting neighboring fenceline and at the same time we could dam up the leakage area, We would need to review mitigation plan to see if thiS was supposed to be done by the contractor or If we will need to tackle this as a remedial measure to assure the proper hydro-period for the mitigated wetlands. ) I hope thiS gives you the information you need. Please have Bob Andreasen review this to make sure I have Included all of the items we observed and discussed on site. Let me know If you need any additional information.