HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 7/26/2007
All condihons of approval shall be completed prior to approval of the fma1 plat unless stated
(1) The driveway shall be designed and constructed in conformance with SDC 16.030(6) and
the Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The driveway
shall be paved a minimum of 18 feet wide from the front property line to the pan of the
last parcel.
(2) The City Engineer shall review and approve the sanitary sewer plans and proposed
systems for all three proposed parcels according to the requirements of SDC 32.100(2).
(3) The applicant shall obtain necessary easements, plumbing permits and extend a 4" lateral to
each parcel. The Building Department shall mspect and approve the 5' wide utility trench.
The existing house on proposed Parcel #2 shall be connected to the approved sewer lateral
and the septic system shall be decommiSSIOned in accordance WIth the Lane County
Sanitarian. If a perrmt is required by the Lane County Sanitanan, submit a copy of the
approved permit.
(4) Execute and record easements as specifIed m Section 32.120(5) when necessary to provide
services, including but not limited to sanitary sewers, stormwater management, water and
electriCIty, to the site and neighboring properties.
(5) The apphcant shall submit a public and private uhhty plan showing location of uhhhes
correspondmg easements, and joint trench details for separation of public and pnvate
(6) Construct all necessary utilities to serve all the parcels prior to recording the Parhhon Plat.
(7) New street trees shall be selected from the CIty Street Tree List and mstalled as specified
m the CIty'S Engmeenng Deslgn Standards and Procedures Manual and in conformance with
SDC 32.050(2).
(8) A clear vision area shall be created and maintained at the intersection of Main Street and
the joint-use driveway, m accordance with SDC 32.070. Two sides of the triangle shall be
at least 10 feet long.
(9) Execute and record an irrevocable joint use/ access mamtenance and utility easement for
the benefit of the three parcels. The dnveway shall be located entirely within the
(10) The followmg sign shall be placed on both sides of the driveway: "No Parking-Fire Lane".
(11) The driveway location and dimensions shall conform to the Spnngfield Engmeenng Deslgn
Standards and Procedures Manual and the CIty of Springfield Standard Drawings, which
shall include the proposed driveway fitting enhrely WIthin the joint use/ access easement
that benefits all three proposed parcels. An encroachment Permit (working within right-
of-way or public easements) may be required.
(12) The applicant shall provide a storm sewer lateral (or alternative approved by the CIty
Engineer) that does not encroach onto adjacent private property. The private storm system
shall connect directly to a public system. Also, the-private catch basins shall be double
PartitIon T entavve Plan
Case No SUB2007-00021
chambered in order to comply with water quality requrrements. 1bis measure shall be in
place and functional prior to approval of the Final Plat
(13) Approval of a Stormwater Management Plan for the development demonstrating
compliance with the applicable provisions of Section 32.110 of this Code and the
Engzneerzng DesIgn Standards and Procedures Manual. The plan shall show all fill, grading,
sheet flow direction, downspouts, driveway collechon and removal.
(14) The building plans for dwellings on proposed parcels 1 and 3 must include a soil analysis.
If the site contains unstable soils or a high water table, special dramage and foundation
plans may be required.
(15) No individua110ts may be transferred ~ti1 the Partition Plat is recorded and three (3) copies
of the filed plat are returned to the Development Services Department by the applicant.
(16) When a federal or state agency issues a permit that substantially alters an approved
Tentahve Plan, the apphcant shall resubmit the Tentahve Plan for addItional review.
Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the
apphcant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are
available for a fee at the Development SerVICes Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield,
Appeal: This Type II Tentative Partihon decision is considered a decision of the Director and as
such may be appealed to the Planmng Commission. The appeal may be filed with the
Development Services Department by an affected party. The appeal must be m accordance with
SDC, Article 15, Appeals. An Appeals application must be submitted to the City with a fee of
$250.00. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the
In accordance with SDC 15.020 which provides for a 15-day appeal period and Oregon Rules of
CIvil Procedures, Rule 10(c) for servIce of notice by mail, the appeal period for this decision
expues at 5:00 p.m. on June 9,2007.
Questions: Please call Steve Hopkins in the Planning Division of the Development Services
Department at (541) 726-3649 if you have any questions regarding this process.
Prepared by:
Steve Hopkins, AICP
Planner II
Development Services - Urban Planning DiviSIOn
PartItIon TentatIve Plan
Case No SUB2007-00021