HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-10-30 October 30,2007 722-70227-21 Wllco- Olympic Spring 1401 21st St Spnngfleld, OR PO No COM 2007-00-834 DAILY MASONRY FIELD REPORT l."~;llnformation I!!.". .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing Client S R Yett The Olympic, LLC PO Box 26125 Eugene, OR 97402 Date Performed, Report No Project Name Project LocatIOn Weather Overcast SPECIFIC PLACEMENT LOCATION (5) MATERIAL INFORMATION SUPPLIER MIX NUMBER SLUMP AIR CONTENT AMBIENT TEMPERATURE MATERIAL TEMPERATURE TIME PLACED NUMBER OF SAMPLES DESIGN STREf\JGTH (PSI) PLACED III Performed visual Inspection of reinforCing steel In the locations listed above placement and clearances where applicable o ReinforCing steel was secured USlnq (2) two Olive Through Columns at west side 9' 6" and 9' 8" to top out 4' 8" 11ft Grout Knife River 246HG3KOOO 8 1/2" Mortar Pnsms 57' 610 130 PM 2,000 1 ReinforCing steel was checked for grade, Size, lap, mil ReinforCing steel was placed In accordance With 13 approved design drawings and specifications m All cells were relatively clean and mortar projections are Within the limits of the International BUilding Code . Performed continuous Inspection dunng placement of grout In the locations listed above o As directed bv , continuous Inspection during placement of grout was not required IliiI Grout was placed by pump and mechanically consolidated IIi1 All cells were grouted solid 0 Only cells containing reinforCing steel were grouted solid o Empty cells were 0 Filled With Insulation 0 Covered With grout paper o Cast set (s) of x ) grout test cylinders o Cast set (s) of x ) mortar test cylinders o Cast set (s) of 0 solid test prisms 0 hollow test prisms o Additional Comments Il!lll Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed III To the best of our knowledge, the work Inspected above was In accordance With the bUilding department approved deSign draWings, specifications and applicable workmanship prOVIsions of the International Building Code o Non,Compllance Inspector DaVid Smith Respectfully Submitted, ProfeSSIOnal Service Industlles, Inc CCB #176269 ReViewed By ~/ ./ ~L~ /' ~~ dB?e';;h Vardner, EIT Branch Manager o ReqUires Engineers Acceptance (RFI) ICC #0877340-84 OBOA #442 Distribution List o Re-Inspectlon ReqUired Robert Castile !LO Construction. i102@comcast net Enc Hall Architects - annette@enchallarchltect com Erik Kunbel THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA nON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES ProfeSSional Service Industries, Inc. 1040,A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746.7163