HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2006-6-29
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June 29, 2006
JUN 2 9 2006
Mr Dave Puent
City of Spnngfield
Development Sernces Dep<u w~ent
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Re: Glacier VIew Final Geotechnical Summary
Dear Dave:
This letter summarizes the earthwork and assocIated fill completed for the Glacier View
SubdIvision during project Construction on August 18, 2005 through September 27, 2005.
Per the attached letter from .eST, Inc dated looe 28, 2006 the earthwork performed by Wildish
Sand and Gravel and mspectCd and observed by PSL Inc. has been successfully completed in
accordance with the proJect reqk <'LUents, plans, specifications, the PSI GeotechnIcal Report
dated July 22, 2005, and applicable \\orkmansb.1p proviSlons of the State Buildmg Code and
The rnmirnum allowable soil beanng capacity of 1,500 pounds per square foot has been met for
Lots 5 through 12. Lots 1,2,3, 13, md 14 are native cut lots and Lot 4 will be addressed at a
later date. Please note that tlus letter and the attached PSI, Inc. letter covers the construction of
the smgle family resIdence lots up to finished sulrgrade and does Dot include footIng excavations,
wmch have not yet been performed, and the placement of crllShcd rock.
Please do not hesItate to call me with any quesnons at 988-1862 or Ray Al1pertJ. from PSL Ine at
Eiga Burkholder .'\.<3soClates, LLC
Todd Powell, P.E.
PrOject Engineer
Ce. Joe Harris I JeffSmdt, 2J, LtC
Ray AIipertl, PSI, Lllc.
EV~ETT II .721 Hewll:;: A\ienue . Sur::.. 401 . Everett:, Washir>geon 981201 . [4e15) e52.aS2S . faX' [425] 252--9551
SP~JNGf"IELC . , 5:l North 7t.., Sl;1"eEil: . Sprlrgfield, Ol"'egon 97477 . [!541) 9Ss..1 862. fax [541 j 988-1953
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