HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 ; A "I&EbKQLru'tl: S.p-20-2004 a2:91pm Frcm-K & A En'lneerln., Ine +541-884-9350 T-7S5 P 002/007 F-952 a .n9ln,erlng Ie I A Engineering, Inc. P.O. 8&128624, lIgen" OR 174O! 621 MI. Il, Suite II, Ell..... OR 17402 (&41) BU._ Voice (141) 114-. FAX september 21, _ ' Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacier Place. Suite 110 Redmond, OR gn56 Subject Quality 888Urtnc8 . house foundatIOn pad construotion Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - ~ Addition Springfl8ld. Oregon PnIjeeI: 74.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As ruqU88t8d, K & A Engineering. Ino, has completed monItoring ttJe constructfon of Individual foundation pads at 119 subJect new residBntla/SU!KIMSlon. 39 indMdual foundation pads WIfi construcl8d at 1tle site and prepared ready tor fanning new foundations. Poor to con&truotion, a Geotechnical InvmIgation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific f'lICommsndattons for developing tile slt810r 11s1dent181 faun,datlons,~. and UUUtl8s. The purpose Of our sllfViceS was to provide monItOr C.....olIhJctIon of foundation paas to as&Ure that con&tnJotion cl1t8rla outlined In the ge0f8chn1ca1lnvest1gation was addressed. . 11lI8 report documents foundation pad constructiOn and makes reoarnmendatiOna for suitability for residential foundation construction, 0" FOUNDA11ON pm EXCAVATION Gllln The foundation pads deveIoperl for UlIs project are to support convenUonally framed ~Bntial8tructu188 cuppWd by conventional cat.fn-place conCl1tB splBad footings. Due to the slope 011118 SIt8 most of 1IIe foundation pads were constructed In two or moI1 benches, separated In grade by apprmcil't1lltely 1 to 2-feet FoundIdoa saill l11e aeotechnlcaf lrIve8tIaaUon (BoIre) had pr8d1cted 1f1at hIgh pfasticlty eflts or clays would underfls the site. Excavation forb pad8 confirmed that in most of the foundation pads,1I1ere was 1 to 3-feeI: of a gray, highly plutlc, modllral8ly atlff. and moist silt. In some locations the gray sift contained a significant amount of sub- rounded IgI1IOU8 CObble$, ThIs silt was oftsn covered by O.s.-to 1.Q.feet of damp, very low..(Jens1ty peaty siltS, Weathered ydow-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountered underneath the plastic slll8. 1 BOiRl AsaOcIatIs. Inc.. G8Ol8Chnlcal MdgaIIon for fie Jasper Meadows Second AddifiCII, Springfteld, Oraoon. FtbnJary 16, 2003, 8 'd l8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dvv:l 900l -9 'uer ~ ~ $.p-~O-2004 G2:31pm Frvm-K & A Enllneerlni, Inc +541-084-8358 T-735 P.OOS/007 F-952 K & A Engineering, Inc. I{ The gray plastic 8IIIs and gray p1astlc ullW wtth oabblta were deepest through the westsm portion 01 the subdivision. IsoIat8d zones of gray plastic sltt or plastic silt with cobbles WfII1 also encountered throughoUt the central and easem portions at the eubdlvlslon. Faundlliall hd GlllllrllcIIon Because the depth and ant of solis varied significantly across the BubcJlv~IQn, ~ah pad was evaluated IndIVIdually to datlrmfne the proper depth of excavation and the amount Of select fiR to be placed in the excavation. For many of ~ foundation pads, the depth to weatheRld slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In Ul8S8 cases, the foundation pads were excavated to bedrOCk, an(J graded smooth, level, and free from loose materfals. In ~ c8$8$ the base or the excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feet select aranUlar III WIS placed In the prepared mccavatkm and brought 10 footing grade. In those arus of deeper gray plastic sUI, the sifts wars removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inche8 below fooUna grade. The battDms of the 8XDaV8IIons were graded smooth, level, and free from loose matB~als. In most cases the base of tho excavation waa In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-f8el Select granular fin was placed in the pittparad axcavatIon and bnwght tg footing arade. In aU ca5e$ whef1 peaty slits were encountered, the peaty-suts were completely removad frOm the foundation area. ' .. IGIeOt GnnuIar - Select granular fills consisted of a sub-base material and a DaS8 mat1r1a1. The SCJb..bue materiaf was placed on 1118 prepared sUOgrade in the ,oundatlon pads and con9fst8d or a S-Inch mJnuc wau.grad8d quatty agoragat9. The beee materIat was placed over the stJl)-f)ase rock anfj consI8tBd at a 1 *lrt9h minus densel1raded quarry aggregate. Both aggmgates were produced at the Morse Bros. Quany In Spr1ngt1e1d. 111& stJb..bUe thickneSI g&n8t'8llY ranged 1rom 6 to 12-jnche8, Base rock ranged from 4 to 12..fnCheS In thlCkneea. In a few alAS (Jots 33 thrOUOh 39) tfte sub-ba8e rock was elImInated and base rock was tJS8d exclUsIVely for1he $BIect granUfar flU. The select granular fiUS wt\'I weU compacted in 12-inch mmdmum lifts (loose) using a st88I-wheeled VIbratory roller. Water was applied 18 necasary to maintain optlmum water content during compaction. Denllty of SeIIcI&rm.1ar filii SUb-base The density of the sub-base was evafUatsd by lnSpectlon of pla....,.....nt methods and tteld evaluatfon of water content. 1M denslly was considered adaquate If passes by the large YIbratory stael-drum roRer did not IBM VIsIble marIeS In the sub-base agg~ at the edges of the drum BJ1d if the 80~ watar contBnt appeared to be near optimum 88 determlned In the ftald. e 2 SqUH2lng a small amount of 118 liner 1aGl'8Ual8 in the hllld did not produce sillRffic8nt free watlr and would mnaln In a rellliYely amIfonn bat wtfIaut imm8dIateIy fafllng apart. Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phue II, Springfield, OR Page 2 of 3 Cllent Hayden Homes september 20t 2004 V 'd 08L9'oN S3WOH N3GAVH Wd9v:Z 9000 '9 'uer