HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 S,p-20-2004 D2:91pm Frcm-K & A Enflneerinl, Ine ~ ro lJax':t; +541-884-8358 T-735 ~2/D07 F-952 , "' .a 'ngln'"rrng K .. A Engineering, Inc. P.O. BIll 28624, Elgene. OR l7a 521 Markel St., Soile II. Ell..... OR 17. (141) ..... Voice (141).... FAX September 28, 2804 Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacter Place, SuIte 110 Redmond, OR on56 Subject: Quality assurance - house foundaUon pad construation Jasper Mtadows SubdMsion - ? Addltlon Springfl8ICI, Oregon PmjIIct: 74.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE AsI'8QU88t8d, K & A Engineering, Inc. has completad monftOOng the coostructlon of Individual foundation pads at the SUbject new resid8ntlal8lJl)(!1V181on. 39 indMdual foundation pads W8ft construcf8d at the site and prepared ready for 10nnIng new founda'Uons. PrIOr to COflstruotion. a Geotechnlcallnvmlgation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific f8Commsndattons for developing 1t\e &fte 10r rllldentlal foun,datlons,~. and uuutl8s. The purpose Of our 1I11'ViceS was to provide monitOl' construction of foundation paas to as&tIf8 that conmmtion cl1t8tla ouUIned In the geotachnlcaJ Investigation was addressed. . 11118 report documents foundatfon pad construction and makes recommenllatiMB for suitability for residential foundation constructIOn. .. fOUNDATION PAD EXCAVAnoN Gllld The foundJ:lion pads developed for this project are to IiUpport conventionally framed resid.,ntial81ructur8s tupported by convenUonal cast-ln-ptace concl'9tD SprBad footings. Due to the slope or tI18 SIt most of the foundDtion pada WlI1 con&tructed In two or more benches, separated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-fllet. F8undallOll saUl l11e aeotectmJcallnv88tlOaUon (BoIre) had pr8d1cted that high Plasticity sills or clays would underlie the site. Excavation for 1118 pad8 confirmed that Ir1 most of the foundation pads, 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a gray. highly plilStlc, modll_ stiff, and moist silt. In some locations the gray sI~ contained a significant amount of sub- rounded Ign8OU8 cobble$. 11118 silt was orten covered by 0.&.10 1.Q.feet of damp, very Iow..clenslty peaty sIltS. Weathered )'BIlow-tan tuffaceous siltstOne or sandstontl was encountenld underneath 1118 plastic sills. 1 80Ire AsSOc1at8s, Inc., GlJOIeChnlcal MsIgaIon for lie Jasper Meadows Second Additioo, Sprtngfleld, Oreoon, FtbnJary 16. 2003. 8 'd lU9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l 900l 'g 'uBf SIP-20-2004 02=31PI Frum-K & A Enllneerlnl, Inc +541-684-0358 T-T35 P.GQS/007 F-952 K &: A Enafneerlng, Inc;. The gray pJastic aIItS and gray plastic ,11ta with oobbles were deepest through the western portion of 1118 subdivision. IsoIat8d ZOOO8 of amy plastic sltt or plastic sift with cobbles Will also erJCount8&'8d throughout the central and eastern ponloos of the eubdMslan, fallllblliall Pad Gonllnlctlon Because the depth and ant of soDs varied significantly across the subcJlvl$lQn, .,aoh pad was M1uated IndMdually to detlnnlne the proper depth of excavation and the amount of select fin to be placed in the excavation. For many (If ~ foundation pads, the depth to weathered slftstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In 1118&8 cases. the foundation pads were excavated to bsdtOCk, and graded smooth, level, and free from lOose materfale. In ~ *" 1he base or the excavation WitS in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feet StI8ct granular III was placed In th8 prepared excavation and brought 10 footing grade. ' In those arus of'deeper way plastic sIl, the silts W1II'B removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inche8 below footing grade. The battDma of the excavations were graded smooth, level, and free from loose matfI~als. In most cases the base of the mccavatIon was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2..faet Select granufar fin was placed in the ~ ucavatlon and broooht to footing grade. In all cases when! peaty slits were encountered, the peaty-sllls were completely remavad frOm the foundatton area. .. hItot CIr8nUIar FilII Select granular fills consisted of a Bub-base matBr1aI and a baSe material. The SlJb..buu malIIriaI was placed on the prepared subgrade in the foundatton pads and con9Istlld 01' a S-1nch mJnus WllU.grad8d quatty lOOl1QatB, lhe baee matertat was placed over the sub-l>ase rock anti conststBd of a 1 *'"'~ minus denae.graded qlJ8nY aggl1lQ8lB. Bath aggregates were produced at the Morse Bros. Quany In SprlngtleId. 1hO aub-baso thlokneIs gentl8lly ranged from 6 to 12-inche8. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-1nches In thfclcne88, In a fvw aues (Iot8 33 thrOUgh 39) tf1e sub-base rock was elimInated and base rock was used exclUSlv8ty for the ssIect granUlar flU. The select granular fiUS ware weD compacted in 12.inch maximum lifts (loose) using a steel-wheeled vlbratory roller. Water was applied a neC8S&ary to maintain opflmUm water contBnt during compaction. DenIIty af Select ...... filii SUb-base The denstty of the sub-base was evaluatBd by InSpection Of placement methods and fleld evaluaUon of water content. The dBn8lly was considered adequate If passes by the large vibratory 8teef-drum roller did not IBM YlsJbIe markS In the BtJb.base agg~ at th8 edges of the drum and if the &OR walar content appeared to be near optimum 88 determined In the field. e 2 Squeezing a smaJI amount of lie_ aaareallle in the hand did not produce siDRificant free watllr and would mnaln In a rellliYely uniform biI witKrut in'lm8dIaIllly failing apart. , ProjeCt 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR Page 2 of S CtI8nt Hayden Homes september 20, 2004 V 'd lUS'oN S3WOH N30AVH Wd9v:l 900l '9 'uer