HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 S,p-2D-2004 D2:Slpm From-K & A Enllneerln., Inc ~\n-~L ke-.. +541-BB4-9358 T-7!5 r D02/007 F-95f a .nglnPlrrng K " A Engineering, Inc. P,O. Bal28&24, Elgene. OR 17402 521 MIrk8IIL, Suite It Eu..... OR 17402 (141) ....... Voice (141) .... fAX 8eptember 21,. Hayden Homes 2464 5W Glacier Place, SUIte 110 Redmond, OR gn56 Subject: Quality assurance. house foundallon pad constnmtion Jasper M4adows SubdMsion - ~ Addltlon Sprlngfl8ldj Oregon Projed: 74.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As 1'8QtJ88t8d. K & A Engineering, Inc, has completed monltot1ng the construction of individual foundation pads at the SUbject new resid8ntlBlsUMMSIon. 39 indMdual foundation pads were construcl8d at the site and prepared ready for fDm1Ing new foundatlOfl$. Prior to con~ a G9OteChnlcallnvmlgation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific f8Commsndatlons for developing tt1e site 10r 11I1dent181 foun,datlons,~, and uuutIes. The purpose Of our allViceS was to provkle monItOr constructlon of foundation paas to assuru that c:onmwtian criteria otJtIIneclln the geol8chn1caJ Investigation was addreSSed. ; 11lI8 report documents foundation pad construction and makes recommendations far suitability for reskfentml foundation Cv....,L JcIiOn. FOUNDATION PAD EXCAVAnoN Gill_ The foundltion pads developed for this project are to BUpport conventionally framed residsntial atnlCtul1I8 supported by conventional cast-ln-place conCRlte SplBad fOOlings. Due to the slope Df tI18 SIt8 most of tIJe foundation padG W9rv constructed In two or moro benohes, aaparated In grade by appraxirna.tely 1 to 2-feet. FoundIUoa hill The GeotectudcalllMlstlgaUon (Bofre) had pr8dlcted that high Plasticity slits or clays would undenle the site. excavation for the pad8 conflnned that in most of the foundation pads. there was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, highly plastic, modllral8ly atIff, and moist slit. In some locations the gray sI~ contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub- rounded Ign8oU8 cobble$, ThIs silt was often covered by 0.6-10 to-feet of damp, very low..(fenslty peaty siltS. Weathered )'BIlow-tan tuffaveous siltstone or sandstone was encounterud underneath the plastic sills. 1 BOiRl AsaOcIatDs, Inc., G80feChnlcal mstIgallon tor fie Jasper Meadows s.eond Additioo, Sprfngflsld, Oreoon. FtbMry 16. 2003. 8 'd G8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH WdH:Z 900Z '9 'uer $ep-20-2004 02:81pm Frum-K & A En'lnaarina, Inc +S.4l-GB4-Q36e T-735 P.009/007 F-852 K " A Engineering, Inc. The gray plastic 8IIts and gray plastic tlllttl with oobbles were deepest through the western portion Of 1118 subdivision. b..tJ~d zones of gmy plastic silt or plastic silt with cobbles were also encountered throughoUt the central and eastern portions of the eubdMslon. faundaUoa hd lionalnrcllon Because 1he depth and extent of sods varJ&d significantly across the subdlv~Qn, .,aoh pad was evaluated IndMduaRy to d8tlrmfns the proper depth of exaavatian and tile amount at select fiR to be placed in the mmavatIon. for many trf ~ foundatiOn paels, the depth to weathered slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In these cases. the foundation pads were excavated to bedrOCk, and graded smooth, level. and free from 10088 materfale. In ~ casae the base of the excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feet Stlect granular fill WI8 placed In the prepared excavation and brought to foottng grade. I In those .,. of deeper gray plastic sRI, the silts were removed to a minImum depth of 1 &-inche8 below fooUno grade. The battolT8 of the excavapons were grBded smootl'l, level, and free from loose mataJ1als. In most cases the base Of the mccmtfon was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-f8el Select granular no was placed in the ptlIpat'QCJ axcavatIon and broooht to footfng arade. In aU cases where peaty sota wel1 encountered, the peaty-silts were completely removed frOm the foundation ill8&. 0- SGIeoI CIrInUIIr FilII SeleCt granular fills cOnsisted of a 8ub-base material and a baSe rnatet1a1. The StJb.obue mabJriaI was placed on 1M prepared subgrade in the foundatlon pads and con9Itt8d 01' a S-Inch minus waU.grad8d quarry aggragata. The bQe matertaI was placed over the sub-l>ase rock and consl8t8d at a 11klnch minus dense..graded quany aggr&gat9. Both aggregates WGI1 produced at the Mcne Bros. Quany In Sprlnghe!d. 1llO sub-base thioItnIa generally ranged from 6 to 12-inch88, Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-inches In 1hIc1cnea8. In a fvw aues (Iot8 33 throUgh 39) tf1e sub-base rock was elimInated and base rock was used exclUslv8Iy for the uIIct granufar flU. The select granular fins were well compacted in 12-inch maximum lifts (loose) using 8 Bte8l-Wheeled VIbratory roller. Water was applied 88 necessary to maintain optlmUm water content during compaction. DenIIty IJf 8c1cclOnmular filla SUb-base The denstty of the sub-base was evatuatBd by InSpection of placc:ment methods and t1e1d evaluaUon of water COntent. The dBrJSlly was considered adequate If passes by the large vibratory 8ts8k1rum roller did not IBave vIslbIe markS In the sub-base aggrqam lit the edges of the drum and if the soH water contsnt appeared to be near optimum 88 d8t&rmIned In the field. e 2 SqueezInQ a small amount of lJellner aaDJ8D1tt in the hand did oot produce siunificant free water and WOUld ntlnaln In a rellliYely unIfonn bit wttHJUt irnmecIately tailing apart. Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR Page 2 of 3 Clfent Hayden Homes S8ptemb9l' 20, 2004 V 'd Z8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dgv;Z 9DDZ 'g 'uer