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\Q\fLfl- QUOf ~ Atf2-
SIP-20-20D4 D2:Slpm frcm-K & A En~ineerlnll Ine
T-735 P 002/00T F-952
K Ii A Engineering, rnc.
P.O. Bu 28624, Elgene, OR .7.
521 MtrIr8t ILl Suite II. !up... OR 17402
(&41)....... Voice
(141) 1114-8868 FAX
Hayden Homes
2464 SW Glacier Place. Sutte 110
Redmond, OR g7758
SUbject Quality assurance - house foundation pad construation
Jasper Meadows Subdlvfsion - 2nd Addition
Springfield. Oregon
Pmject: 74.04
M rgquested. K & A Engineering, Inc, has complet8d mDnftorlng the coostructlon of IndMdual foundation pads
at the subJect new residential sutldlVl8/on. 39 indMduaJ foundation pads WIlt Construc:t8d at the site and
prepared ready tor1Drmlng new foundations.
Prior to COflstruotion. a Geotechnlcallnv~gation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific
recommendations for d8veloplng tI18 slt810r IISIdent181 fou~atfons,~. and UfIIJtJes.
The purpose Of our 1IBJVic8s was to provide monItOr conatrucUon of foundation paclS to as&tIrB that cxmatruotion
crlt8rla outlined In tha ge0t8c1m1caJ Investigation was addr8saed. .
11lI8 report documents foundatlon pad constructiOn and makes recommendations for suitability for residential
foundation construdIon.
The foundltion pads devefoped for this project are to support cOIIYentlonal!y framed residllntial aIructur88
tupported by conwntlonal cast-ln-pI8ee concrutD spr&ad footings. Due to the slope lIf 1118 all most or 1111
foundation pads were oonstructed In two or moro benches, separ1ted In grade by approxilTllliely 1 to 2-feet.
FoundIUoa hill
1lIe Geotechnical lnve8tIaatlon (BoIre) had predicted that hIgh ptasticlty slits or clays would unde~1e the sits.
eccavatlon for 1tI8 padS confirmed that in most of the foundatlon pads, there was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, highly
plutlc, modllralllly atlff. and moist sill In some locations the gray sI~ contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub-
rounded IgnBoU8 cobble$. ThIs silt was onen covered by 0.&.10 to-feet of damp, very Iow-denslly peaty slItS.
Weathered yaIIow-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encount8nld underneath the plastic sills.
1 BoInl AsaOcIatDs, Ine" GGOIeChnIcaJ MsIpIIon for lie Jasper Meadows Seeond Addition, Springfield, Oraoon.
ftbnary 16, 2(1)3,
E 'd lEL9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l gOal 'g 'uer
$ep-20-2004 02131pm From-K & A En,lneerln.. Inc.
1-735 P 009/007 F-9S2
K &: A Elglneerlng, loc.
The gray plaltic aIIt8 and gray plaatlc tlllt8 with oobbles were deepest through the western portion of the
subdivision. IsoIat8d zones of gray plastic sltt or plastic silt with cobbles WIll also encountered throughout 1he
cenIraI and eastern portions of the eubdMston.
FUlDldlliDD Pad GondrUcIIoR
Because 1he depth and ant of soYs varied significantly across the &ubdlv~lQn, ~ch pad was evaluated
IndMdually to determine the proper delrth of excavation and tile amount at select nu to be placed in the
For many tJf till: foundation pads, the depth to weathel1ld slRstone or sandstone was less than 2..feet and, In
1tl8se cases, the foundation pads were excavated to bedrOCk, and Ql'Idad smooth, level, and free from loose
matertale. In ~ casas the base or the excavation \Ya5 in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feel
select aranular fill wu placed In tIl8 prepared excavation and brought to footing grade.
In those aIU5 of deeper aray plastic sI, the sills wen! removed to a minimum d~pth of 1 &-inche8 below footlno
grade. Tho bottoms of the excavations were graded smootn, level. and free from loose mat8~als. In most
cases Ute base of the mccavatIon was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-f8Bl Select granular no
was placed in the ~ 8lWavatIon and brooght to footing grade.
In aU cases where peaty slits were encountered, the peaty-slits were completely remavod frOm the foundation
SGIeIt CIrImdar FilII
Select granular fills consisted of a sub-base material and a baSe maI8rIa/. The ~bue matvrial was placed on
1he pl'9pared subgrade in the foundatfon pads and con9l8tBd 01 a S-1nch minus weu.graded quatl'y QQgl1gata.
The bate material was placed over the stJb.i>ase rock and consl8tBd at a 1 *4~ minus denst1Jraded QLJ811Y
aggllg8l9. Bo1h aggreoates were produced at the Morse Bros. Quany In Sprlngtleld.
l11a StJb.bas8 tfioJcnesI generalJy ranged from 6 to 12-jnches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12..fnches III
1htC1cne8a. In I fvw aues (Jot8 33 throUgh 39) tf1e sul>>a8e rock was eliminated and base rock was used
excluslV8ly for tIJe islect granular fill.
The select granular fills were well compacted in 12-inch maldmum lifts (loose) using 8 st8eI-Whe8led v1~ eih... J
roller. Water wu applied 88 necessary to maintain opllmUm water content during compaction.
DenIIIy af SIIIcl8Rnm1ar filla
The density of the sub-base was evalUated by InSpection Of placcnent methods and fleld eva/uaUon at water
content. The denslly was considered adaquate If passes by the I3rge vibratory stael-drum roRer did not leaVe
visible markS In the sutHJa&e agg~ at the edges of 1he drum IJ1d if the eoH water conl8nl: appeared to be
near optimum IS determined In the field. II
2 Squee2Ina a small amount of 118_ aalJr8ulll8 in fie hand did oot prntluce significantfree water and would remain In a
l' t.~' ,~Jy uniform '*' witIaut imm8dIateIy failing apart.
ProjeCt 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision PhaSe II. Sprtngfield. OR
Client Hayden Homes
september 20t 2004
t 'd l8L9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:l 900l 'g 'uer