HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 $1P-20-20D4 a2:91pm Frcm-K & A Engineerlnl, Ine +~~~ C\~'!7 ~~ ~ a .nglrt'IHlng , K I A Engineering, Inc. P,O. Bu 28624, E.gen~ OR 17402 521 MerIreIIL, Suite B, EII"N. OR 17. (841) ....... Voice (141) 184-8368 FAX September H,_ Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacter Place. Suite 110 Redmond, OR Q7758 Subject: Quality assurance. house foundation pad tonstruotion Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - ~ Addition SpringfI8ICI. Oregon ProjeIt 74.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As I'8qU88l8d, K & A Engineering. Inc, has complet8cl monItorIng the constructfon of Individual foundation pads at the sublect new residentlalSlJl)(jlVl8lon, 39 indMdual foundation pads were constructed at the site and prepared ready tor formJng nsw foundatfon,. Prior to conGtruotion, a Geotechnlcallnve3tfgation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific f8Commsndatlons for developfng ttI8 alte10r rlsldent181 fou~atIonsr~, and UUlltJ8s. The purpose of OUt allfViceS was to provide monItOr construction at foundation padS to 8S5Ure 1hat OOI1BtrUotion crlt8rla outlined In the geol8chnIcaJ Investigation was addressed. . 11118 report documents foundation pad constructiOn and makes recommendations far suitability for residential foundation construcIIOn. fOUNDAllON PAD EXCAYAnoN GIIIII'II The foundltion pads devefoped for this project are to support conventionally fnuned residllntial8lnlctul18 suppottlld by conventional cast.Jn-p18Ce concl'9tB Spr1!ad footings. Due to 1he slope DI' It18 Site most of the foundation pads WGI'8 constructed In two or more benches, sapara1ed In grade by appraxilTJ8.te1y 1 to 2-feet. FoundIUoa hill l11e GeotechnlcallnV88tlaaUon (BoIre) had predicted that high plasticity eJlts or clays would underlie the site. Excavation for the pad! confirmed 1hat in most of the foundation pads, 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, highly plilStic, modllrallly stiff, and moist silt. In some locations the gray sift contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub- rounded Igneou8 cobbJe$, This silt was oftsn covered by 0.&-10, to-feet of damp, very low.-denslty peaty siltS. weathered ydow-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountered underneath the plastic silts. 1 801m AsaOcIat8s, Inc., Be,,;,,;'., Jcallnveslgdon for lie Jasper Meadows Bseond Additioo, SprIngfield, Oreoon. FtbnJary 16, 2003. 8 'd Z8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dvt:Z 900Z '9 'uer SIP-20-2004 02:31pm Frum-K & A Enllneerinl, Inc. +541-8B4-8358 T-735 P 009/007 F-8S2 K , A Enafneerlng, Inc. The gray plastic sills and gray p/astlc JIlts with oobbles were Wepest through rile westem porlion of 1h8 subdivision. Isolated ZOOO8 of grgy plastIC sltt Dr plastic SIlt with cobbles Will also encountered throughout 1he central and eastern portions of the eubdMsIan. falDlUtial Pad GonaIrUcIIoR Because 1he depth and IIlCl8nt of soDs var1&d significantly across the subdlv~lQn, .,aoh pad was evaluated IndMduallY to dltlrmlns the proper depth of excavation and tJ1e amount or &elect fin to be placed in tile excavation. For manv {If ~ foundatiOn pacl8, the depth to weathered slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In It1ese ca~ the foundation pads were excavated to bedrOCk, and graded smooth, JeveI. and free from loose materfalG. In rtWt casas the baSe or the excavation was in two benches sepani8d in grade from 1 to 2.feet select aranular III \VIS placed In 1h8 prepared excavation and brought 10 footing grade. In those .,. of deeper gray plastic sit, the sifts were removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inche8 below fooUnu grade. Tho battDms of the excavations were graded smooth, revel, and free from loose materials. In most cases the base of the excavation was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-faBt. Select granular no was placed in the pt&partId axcavatIon and brooght to footing grade. In all caMS where peaty slits were encOU"liO I.d, the peaty-silts were completely remavad frOm the foundallon area. IGIeOt GrInUIar FilII SeleCt granular fills consl8t8d of a 8UtHlase matertal and a baSe ma18t1aI. The SlJb..bue matlriaI was Placed on 1he prepared subgrade in the foundation pads and con9IstDd or a S-lnch minus weU.grad8d quatl'y QQQragat9. lbe blee material was placed over the stJb-l)ase rock and con8l8t8d of a 11kl"fh minus densellraded quarry aggr&gate. Both aggragates were produced at the M0tS8 Bros. Quany In Sprlng1leld. ll10 8tJb..baS8 ttiCIa1ess generallY ranged from 6 to 12-jnch88. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12..fnches In 1hIckneas. In a fvw aues (Iot8 33 through 39) the sub-baae rock was eliminated and base rock was used excluSlv8ly for the laIect granular flU. The select granular fiUs WII'I weD compacted in 12.inch maximum lifts (loose) using a Bt88I-Whe8led VIbratOry roller. Water was applied 88 necessary to maintain optimum wat8r contsnt during compactIOn. Denllty If 8111Cl1mlu1ar filii SUb-base The density of 1he Bub-base was evaluated by InSpection Of placement methods and fleld evaluation of water content 1lte denslly was considered adequate If passes by the large vibratory Btaeklrum roller did not IeaYe visible markS In the stJb-base 8GO~ at the edges of ~ drum BJ1d if the 80iI wal8r content appeared to be near optimum as d8I8rmJned In the field. II , 2 Squeezing a small amount of lie nner aaoreaall in the hand did not produce sillllificant free: water and would f8I1'Ildn In a rellliYely uniform biI wttKwt imm8dIatefy failing apart. Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR Page 2 Of 3 Client: Hayden Homes september 20, 2004 t 'd 68L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:6 9006 '9 'uer