HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 \o\f0"\ ~6Jti,e S,p-20-2004 a2:91pm Frcm-K & A En.lneerlnl, Ine +541-884-9350 T-795 P 002100T F-952 ~ a fnglnflHrng K I A Engineering, Inc. P.O. Bar 28624, Elgene. OR 87a 521 MnetlL, Soite II. Euge... OR 17. (&41) ...... Voice (141) 184-" FAX 8uptembar 21,_ Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacier Place. SUIte 110 Redmond, OR gn56 Subject: Quality assurance - house foundaUon pad construation Jasper Meadows Subdlvfsion - fId Addition Springll8ld, Oregon Project: 74.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As 1'8qU88ted, K & A Engineering, Inc, has QOITlplet8d monftortng the construction of IndMduaf foundation pads at the SUbject new residantlBl8lJl)(!M81on, 39 individual foundauon pads were construct8d at the site and prepared ready tor 10rmIng new foundlltlone, Prior to con&truotion, a Geotechnlcallnvmlgation' was made of the subdivision to develop specific hlCommsndatlons for developfng UI8 slt810r IISIdent181 foun,datlons,~, and UUIJtles. ll't8 purpose Of our lSlIVices was to provide monItOr construction of foundation paas to assan that conmmtian crlt8rla outlined In the geol8chn1caJ Investigation was addressed. . 1llI8 report documents foundatJon pad consbuctiOn and makes recommendatiOns for suitability for residential foundation construcIIon. .. fOUNDA11ON PAD EXCAYAnoN GBnIl'll The foundltioll pads developed for this project are to BUpport conventionally framed residBntial8tructulll8 supported by conventional cast-ln-pl8Ce conCRlte Spl'&ad footings, Due to the slope or 1118 Sb most of tile foundation pads were canstTucted In two or more benches, separated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-f8et Founcl8dOa saill l11e aeotechnlcallnve8tkladon (BoIre) had pred1ct8d that high plasticity silts or clays would underUe the site. excavation for the pada confirmed that in most of the foundation pads, 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, highly pl., modllral8ly stiff. and moist silt. In some locations the gray 8I~ contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub- rounded igneous cob~, 1l11s silt was artsn covered by 0.&.10 i.0-feet of damp, vel}' low..(fenslty peaty siltS. Weathered )'BIloW-tan tuffaceous siltStone or sandstone was encounterud underneath the plastic sills. 1 BOIt'e ~ Ine" GlOtuChnlcal Mdgal!on for 1m Jasper Meadows Geeond AdditiCII, Springfield. Oreoon. FIbrUary 16, 2003. 8 'd l8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l gOal 'g 'uer S.p-~O-2DD4 02:31pm From-K & A Enllneerlnl, Inc. +S41-GB4-ea5e T-735 P.OOS/007 F-952 K & A Engineering, Inc. The gray plastic slits and gray plastic ~11te with oabbles were deepest through the western portion of 1he subdivision. IsoIat8d zones of gray plastic silt Dr plastic silt wlth cobbles WtII1 a1SD encountered throughout lie C"'j~tJ and eastern portloOls at the ~bdlvlslon. faunatlall hd Gonatrucllon Because 1he depth and tD4ent of solis vaned slgnificanUy across the subdlv~n, ~ch pad was evaluatecJ Individually to datlrmlne ttre proper depth of excava1ioo and the amount at &elect fin to be placed in the excavation. For many of th., foundation pads. 1he depth to weathel1ld slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In these cases. the foundation pads wers excavated to bslllOCk, ancJ graded smooth, JeveI, and free from lOose matertale. In rtWt casas the base of the excavation was in two benches sepanrt8d in grade from 1 m 2.feet Select aranular fill wu placed In the prepared excavation and brought 10 footing grade, In those arm of deeper gray plastic sit, the sifts wars removed to a minimum depth at 1 &-inche8 blllow footing grade. The batlDms of the excava1tons were gJBded Smoottl, level, and free from loose materials. In most cases the base of tho mccavatfon was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-fael Sefect granular no was placed in the pt6paI'Qd axcavallon and brooght to footing grade. In aU cases where peaty sllta were encountered, the peaty-slits were completely removad frOm the fDundatlon aru. ..... CIrImdar Fills Select granular fllls consisted of a sub-base material anti a baSe materlllI. The sub-bue mat1IriaI was placed on 1M prepared subgrade in the foundatlon pads and con9l8tBd of a S-lnch minus weU.grad8d quany ~raoatB. The blee material was placed over the stJb.i>ase rock and consl8t8d of a 1 *Inch minus dense1Jl'llded quarry aggragat9. Both aggregates were produced at the Marse Bros. Quarry In Sprlngfletd. 1l1a SlJb.basG thIotness generallY ranged tram 8 to 12-jnche8. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-inches ItJ 1hfckne88. In a fvw aues (Iot8 331hrough 39) ttJe sub-ba8e rock was eliminated and base rock was used excluslV8Jy for1he uIect granular flU. 1lJe select granular fins W8I1 weD compacted in 12-inch maximum lifts (loose) using 8 steel-wheeled VIbratory roller. Water was appli8d 88 necessary to maintain optlmUm water content during compaction. DensIty or SeIIcIBmluIar RIll SUb-base The density of the sub-base was evaJuatBd by InSpection Of placc:ment methods and fleld evaluation of water content The denslly was considered adequate If passes by the luge vibratory 8tsekJrum roller did not I8aY8 visible marks In the sub-base agg~ at the edges of the drum BI1d if the soil wal:er content appearud to be near optInun as determined In the field." 2 Squeezlna a small amount of 118 liner aaarvaall in the hand did not produce siDRificantfree water and would f8ma1n In a reII1iYely uniform ~ wttmut immediately falling apart. Project 74.04 Cli8nt Hayden Homes Jasper Meadows SUbdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR ( Page2of3 september 20t 2004 t 'd Z8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:Z 900Z '9 'uer