HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 \00 \'\ ~etb\~ ~ $1P-2D-20D4 a2:91pm Frcm-K & A En.lneerlnl, Ine +541-88H3SQ T-735 P 002/00T F-952 a 'ngln'lHlng K I A Engineering, Inc. P.O. 8u 28624, E'gen.. OR 17a 521 MIf'ket IL, Suite II. Eugene. OR 17. (541) &84-" Voice (141) ..... FAX '''''28._ Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacier Place, SUIte 110 Redmond, OR gn58 Subject: Quality assurance. house foundation pad construation Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - ~ AddlUon Sprlngfl8lt1, Oregon Project: 74.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE As 1'8QU98ted. K & A Engineering, Inc, haS complet8cl mOnltorlng the construction of Individual foundation pads at the SUbJect new residentla/SUbdIVl8Ion. 39 incftvidlJ8/ foundation pads WItt construc:f8d at the site and prepared ready for fonnJng new foundations. PrIOr to construotion, a Geotechnlcallnvmlgation1 was made of the subdivision 10 develop specific f8Commsndattons for developlng tile 6It8 for rlllldentl8f fou~ationsr~' and utIJtIes. The purpose Of our aBJVices W88 to provide monitOl' construction at foundation paas to as&Uru that oonatruation crtterla outlined In the geotaclmlcaJ Investigation was addressed. . 1l1I8 report docu..loolIl..; foundation pad construction and makes reoommendations for suitability for residential foundation ~....,L JcIIon, FOUNDA11ON PAD EXCAYAnGN Gllln The foundltion pads developed for this project are to support conventionally framed residllntial structu1'88 IUPportlld by conventIOnal cast-ln-pl8Ce concrotB spread footings. Due to the slope or tf18 SIt8 most of ttJe foundation pads WI" constructed In two or more benohes, sapara1ed In grade by approximately 1 to 2-feet. FoundIdoa SOils T11e Geotechnlcallrlv88tklaUon (BoIre) had predicted that high plasticity 811ts or clays would underlie the site. excavation for 1118 pad8 conflnned that in most of the foundatlon pads, 1here was 1 to 3-feeI: of a gray. highly plu1ic, modsnd8ly 8tIff. and moist sill In some locations the gray 8I~ contained a significant amount of sub- rounded IglI8OU8 CObbles, ThIs silt was often covered by 0.&.10 1.D-feet of damp, very low-denslty peaty siltS. Weathered )'tiIlOW-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountered underneath the plastic sills. 1 BOlte AsaocIatas, Ine" G8OteChnlcallnvaslgallon for lie Jasper Meadows Second Additioo, Springfield, Oraoon. FtbMry 16, 2003. E 'd lEL9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dtt:l 900l '9 .uer Sep-20-2004 02:31pm From-K & A En,ln88rlnl. Inc. +5.41"&B4-0358 1-735 P 009/007 F-952 K I. A Elalneerlng, Inc. The gray plastic sIII8 and gray plastic tlllt8 w~h cobbles were deepest through the westem portion 011he subdivision. Isolated zones of gray plastic sltt or plastiC slK with cobbles were also encountered throughoUt the centJaJ and eastern portions of the eubdMsJon. FallldlliDB PIlI GondrUcIIon Because the depth and axtem of solis varied significantly across the subdlv~n, .,aoh pad was evaluated IndIVIdually to datlnnlne the proper depth of exoavation and tlle amount 01 select 110 to be placed in 1118 excavation. For many r}f ~ foundafic)n padS. the depth to weathered slftstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, fn these cases. the foundatiOn pads were excavated to bedrOCk, and graded smooth, level, and free from loose "",~,rfals. In ~ casas the base or the excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2-feet. Select aranular fIJ WI8 placed In the prepared excavation and brought 10 footing grade. In those area of deeper gray plastic sUI, the sifts wsra ~ to a minimum depth of 1 &-inche8 below fooUnu grade. The batlDlTI$ of th9 excavations were grBded smootI'l, level, and me from loose mate~ats. In most cases the base of tho exoavatron was In two benahas ssparatBd In grade from 1 to 2-f88t SeIact granular no was placed in the ~ axcavatlon and brooght to footing grade. In aU caR$ wt1efI peaty slits were encountered, the peaty-silts were completely remavad frOm the foundation area. IGIeet 8rInUIar Fills Select granular fills consisted of a sub-base material and a baSe ma1erIaI. The SlJb..buc material was placed on 1he prepared subgrade in the foundation pads and con9I8t8d of a 3-Inch mInUs weU.grad8d quany 199ragata. The baes material was placed over the stJb-l>ase rock and consl8tBd at a 1 *Inch minus denae-graded quarry aggr&gatB. Both aggl1Q8t8s were produced at the Morse Bros. Quarry In Sprlngheld. 1l1a aub-base tf1ioInss generallY ranged tram 610 12-jnche8. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-inches In 1hIckne8a, In a fvw Gases (Iot8 33 through 39) the sub-ba8e rock was eliminated and base rock was used excluslv8ly for1he uIect granutar fill. l11e select granular filla ware well compacted in 12.inch maximum lifts (loose) using a st:eeI-wheeled vlbratory roller. Water was applied IS necessary to maintain optlmUm water content during compaction. DenIIty af ScIecI Onmular filla SUb-base The density of the sub-base was MIuatBd by InSpection of placlllJlent methods and fleld evaluaUon of water content. The denslly was considered adaquale If passes by the large vibratory stsel-drum roller did not IBave vls1bIe markS In the sutHJue agg~ at the edges of 1he drum Bnd if the soil water cont8nt appeared 10 be near optimum as determined In the ftald. e 2 Squeezing a small amount of lie finer IOQnlum in fie hand did not produce significant free water and would remain In a relaliYely uniform IHdl wit1aut irnmedIatllly falling apart. PrOject 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision PhaSe II, Springfield, OR Page 2 of 3 Client: Hayden Homes september 201 2004 t 'd l8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:l 900l '9 'uer