HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20
\Q\Jffi ~ebb\(;~:
S,p-2D-20D4 ~2:Slpm Frcm-K & A Enllneerinl. Ine
T-735 P 002/007 F-952
K a A Engineering, Inc,
P.O. BOI28624, Elgen&, OR 17.
521 MerIcef IL, Suite B. !age... OR 17.
(&41) ...... VoIc.
(&41) .... FAX
September 21, ..
Hayden Homes
, 2464 SW Glacier Place, SuIte 110
Redmond, OR gnse
Subject: Quality assurance. house foundation pad tonstruotion
Jasper M&adows SubdMsion - ~ Addltlon
SprfngflelCt, Oregon
Project: 74.04
AsI'8QU88l8d. K & A Engineering, Inc, haS complet8d mOnftoring the constructfon of Indlvlduaf foundation pads
at the subject new residantlBl.U!ldIV18Ion, 39 indMdual foundation pads were tonstruct8d at the site and
prepared ready for forming new founddons.
Poor to con&truotiol\ a Geotechnlcallnve$gation1 was made of the subdivision to develop speclftc
f1ICommsndattons for developIng ttI8 slt810r IIsldentIaI fou~atlonsr~. and UU11t1as.
The purpose of our allVices was to provide monItOr collStrucUon of foundation padS to 8S6tJf81hat cormruotion
crlt8t1a outlined In the geol8chn1ca1lnvest1gation was addr8ssed. .
ThIs report documents foundation pad construation and makes recommendations fOf suitability for resfdentlat
foundaUon construction.
The faundltion pads developed for this project are to support conventionally framed residllntial 8Inrotur8a
suppol'tlld by conventional cast-ln-pl8ce conCI1tB spraad footings. Due to the slope lJI' 1118 SIe most of 1118
foundDtion pads were constructed In two or more benohas, separated In grade by approxi 1,1, 1(: dy 1 to 2-feet.
FoundIdoa hill r
T11e GeotectlnlcallnV88UgaUon (Doh) had predicted that hIgh ptuticlty sills or clayS would underi18 the site.
Excavation forb pada conflnned that in most of the foundation pads.1here was 1 to 3-feeI: of a gray, highly
plastic, modllral8ly atIff, and moist sill In some locations the gray sift contained a significant amount of sub-
rounded Ign8OU8 CObble$. ThIs si~ was orbm covered by 0.&-10 1.o-feet of damp, very low--denslty peaty siltS.
Weathered yuBow-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encounterod undemeat:h the pIastJe slll8.
1 BOlte ~1atBs, Inc.. G8OIeChnlcallnv8dgallDl1 for lie Jasper Meadows Second Additioo, Springfield, Oraaon.
fIbfUaIy 16, 2003.
8 'd l8L9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l 900l 'g 'uer
Sep-20-2DD4 02:31pm Frum-K & A En.ineerin., Inc
1-735 P 009/007 F-9S2
K & A Engineering, Inc.
The gray pJaatic slits and gray plas1fc t111t8 with oobbles were deepest through rile westam portion 01 the
subdivision. IsoJated zones of gmy plastic silt Dr plastic silt with cobbles WlI1 also encountered throughout 1he
cen1JaI and eastern portions at the eubdMslon.
fUlDldDliaII Pad GOIltlnlellon
Because 1he depth and extent of solis varied significantly across the subdlv~IQn, .,aoh pad was evaluated
IndlYlduaOy to dBtlrmlns the proper depth of excavation and tile amount of select fiR to be placed in the
For many of ~ foundation pacl8, the depth to weathered slRstone or sandstone was less than 2..feet and, In
Ulese cases, the foundation pads wers excavated to bedrOCk, and gradad smooth, level, and free from loose
mal9r1al6. In ~ C8$M the baSe or the excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feet
select aranular fill wu placed In tile prepared ma:avatfon and brought to fOOUng grade.
In those aras of deeper 0l'8Y plastic sBl, the silts ware removed to a minimum d~pth Of 1 &-inche8 below fooUng
grade. The bottoms of the excavations were graded smooIt1, level, and free from loose mate~als. In most
cases the base of the mccavatIon was In two benohBs separated In grade from 1 to 2-f8el Select granular fin
was placed in the ptipAt'Qd 8XCavatIon and brooght 10 footing arade.
In all cases where peaty sifts WSI1l encountered, the peaty-slits were completely remavQd frOm th9 fDundatlon
area. '
S8IeOI CIrImdar FilII
Select granular fills consisted of a sub-base matertal and a baSe mat8r1aI. l11e SCJb..bue,1 !,~I:,riaI was placed on
1t\8 prepared subgrade in the foundaflon pads and con9f8fDd or a 3-Inch mlnCJc weU..gradSd quarry aotIraoam.
The blee material was plac8d over the sub-J>ase rock anCI consl8t8d Df a 1 *"'"Fh minus d8l1S81J!'flded quarry
aggragate. Bo1h aggregates were produced at the Morse Bros. Quany In SprlngtleId. \
1l1O 8Ub-basG thiOIa18SI genet8llY ranged from 6 to 12-inches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-ilches In
1hIckneaa, In a fvw alAS (Iot8 33 through 39) the sub-base rock was eliminated and base rock was used
exclusively for the ss/Ict gramlfar flU.
The select granular fiUs W8I1I well COlT1J)8cted in 12-inch maximum lifts (loose) using a steel-Wheeled VIbratory
roller. Water was applied 88 necessary to maintain opllmum water content during compaction.
DenIIty of 8e11cl.-... filla
The density of the sub-base was evaIUatBd by InSpection Of plac;ement maIhods and fleld evaluation of water
content The densJly was considered adequate If passes by the large vibratory steel-drum roller did not IBM
visible marIeS In the StJb.base agg~ at the edges of the drum Bnd if the eon water content appeared to be
near opUmum as determined In the field. e
2 Squee2Ina a small amount of lie nner aaureaate in the hand did not produce significant f~ wa1Br and would r&maIn In a
relaliYely unIfom1 bat witIout irrlm8dIateti tailing apart. I
PrOject 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phase II, Sprtngfield, OR Page 2 of 3
Client Hayden Homes september 20. 2004
V 'd lU9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dgv:l 900l 'g 'uer