HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20
SIP-20-20D4 D2:Slpm Frgm-K & A Enrineerinl, Inc
19teA [; ~ebD\e.- cfd
+54H64-U58 T-7S5 P 002/007 F:952---- -"\
K I A Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Bar!8624, Elgene, OR .7402
521 Mertef Il, Suite II. Eugene. OR 17.
(141) ....... Voice
(141) .... FAX
September 21,1J04
Hayden Homes
2464 SW Glacier Placel Sutte 110
Redmond, OR gn58
Subject: Quality assurance - house foundation pad constnmtion
Jasper Meadows Subdlvfsion - ~ AddlUon
Springll8ld1 Oregon
ProjtI:t: 74.04
M rnqU98l8d, K & A Engineering, Inc. has comp/et8cl mOnllortng the coostructton of IndMdual foundation pads
at the subject new residentlalSUbdMSIon. 39 indMdual foundatIOn pads were construct8d at the site and
prepared ready forfmmlng naw foundaUOfI$.
Prior to conS1rUOtion, a Geotechnlcallnverigation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific
rscommsndatlons for developing 1tI8 alte10r lIsldentI8I foun,datlons,~. and UU1lt1as.
The purpose of our services was to provide monItOr construction of foundation paas to assure that conmmtion
crlt8rla outlined In the g80t8chn1ca1lnvestlgation was addressed. .
11118 report documents foundation pad construction and makes recommendations for suitability for resldentl!l
foundation construcfIon.
The foundItiOn pads developed for 1hIs project are to support conventionally framed rMidllntial aInJCtut88
tupport8d by conventfonal cast-ln-pIace conCl'CltB SprBad footings. Due to 1he slope or Ih8 811 most or tile
foundation pads were constructed In two or moro benohos. separated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-f8et.
FoundIdoII hill
The aeotecl'lnlcallnVe8tlgaUon (BoIre) had predicted that high ptlStiolty tilts or clays would underlie the site,
Excavation for 1118 pad8 conflnned 1hat in most of the foundation pads, 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, highly
pllStlc, modllralllly stiff. and moist sill In some loCations the gray sI~ contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub-
rounded /gn8olJ8 cobbles. ThIs silt was ofIBn covered by 0.6-10 1.D-feet of damp, very low-d8ns1ty peaty sib.
Weathered )'BloW-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountered underneath the plastic sills.
1 BOlte AsaOcIates, Ine,. G8.,;, '.~ii , JcallnvesllgaIlon for tie Jasper Meadows kcond Addition, Sprfngfleld, 0r8Q0n,
FtbnIary 16. 2003.
8 'd 6US'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:6 9006"9 'uer
$ep-20-2004 02:31pm Frum-K I A En,lnllrln" Inc
T-T35 P 009/007 F-9S2
K &. A balneer~1 Inc.
The gray plastic 8IIls and gray plastic 811ta w~h cobbles were deepeSt through the westsm portion 01 the
subdivision. lsofat8d zones of gray plastIC sUt or plastic silt with cobbles Will also encount8l'8d throughout 1he
cenbaI and eastern portions or the eubdMslon.
falDldaUall Pad GOIIllrlctIOR
Because the depth and extent of solis varied significantly across the Bubdlv~IQn, .,aoh pad was Mluatad
IndlYldualJy to determine the proper deDth of excavation and tile amount of select nu to be placed in the
For many f1f ~ foundation pacJ8. the depth to weathered slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In
IheSB cases. the foundation pads were excavated to bedrOCk, ana graded smooth, level, and free from loose
materfals. In ~ casas the base of ttle excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feet.
Select granular fill WI8 placed In the prepared excavation and brought to footing grade.
In those ar!CI5 of deeper gray plastic sRI, the sifts were removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inche8 below fooUng
grade. The battDmB Of the excavations were graded smooth, level, and free from loose matfI~als. In most
cases the base of tho mccavatIon was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-f8el Select granular nn
was placed in the pttIpatQd 8XCavat!on and brooght to footing grade.
In aU cases wherl peaty slits were encountered, the peaty-slits were completely remavad frOm the foundation
SIIeoI CIrImdar FilII
Select granular fills consisted of a sub-base mater1al and a DaS8 materllll. The sub-obuu mat1Iriaf was placed on,
the prepared subgrade in the foundation pads and con9Ist8d or a S-Inch mInUS weU.gradBd quany aggregatB.
The bae8 material was placed over the sub-l>ase rock and consl8t8d of a 11kl~ minus denaellraded quarry
aggregate. Bath aoore0at88 ware produced at the Morse Bros. Quany (n Sprlngtle/d.
lha SUb-basG thiOknISS genet8lly ranged from 610 12-jnches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-inches In
1hIckneaa. In a fvw Goes (lots 33 through 39) tf1e IUb-baSe rock was elIminated and basS rock was used
excluSJvBIy for the IBIect granular flU.
The select granular fiUs WII'I well comoacted in 12-inch mmdmum lifts (loose) using 8 steel-Wheeled VIbratory
roller. Water was applied 88 n8C88&ary to mainl3in optlmUm water content during compaction.
Denllty If 8e1ect &ra.1at filla
'Ole density of the sub-base was evaluated by InSpection of placc:mem methods and tleld evatuatton of water
content. The density was considered Idaquate If passes by the large vibratory steel-drum roller did not leave
visible marks In the stJtHJase Bgg~ at the edges of the drum BJ1d if the 80~ water content appeared to be
near optimum as det8rmJned In the ~ld.1
2 Squee2Ing I small amount of 118 ftnef aallJ8DatB in the hll1d did not produce silJllificant free water and would I8I1'IaIR In a
."J."~d!lldy uniform ~ wttmut imm8dIately tailing apart.
Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR
Client Hayden Homes
september 201 2004
V 'd l8L9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dgv:l 900l 'g 'uer