HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 S,p-2D-20D4 U2:91pm Frcm-K & A Enllneerinl, Inc +541-684-9358 416;r~bJe;_@ T-735 P 002/007 F-952 ~." a fngln.erfng K I A Engineering, Inc. P.O. Bu28624, Eugene. OR 17. 621 MIrIcet IL, Suite II. Ea..... OR 17. (141) 184~" Voice (141) .8368 FAX 8eptember 21,_ Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacter Place. Sutte 110 Redmond, OR gn58 Subject: Quality assurance . house foundation pad tonstruotion Jasper Mtadows SubdMsion ... 2nd Addition Spring1l8ldj Oregon Project: 7.c.OC PURPOSE AND SCOPE As r&qU88t8d, K & A Engine&rlng. Inc, has complet8d monftol'lng the constructfon of Individual foundation pads , at the subject new residantlBlSUMMaIon. 39 indMdual foundation pads were constructed at the site and prepared ready for forming new foundaUone. Prior to construction, a Geotechnlcallnvestlgation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific recommendatlons for developing ltIe site for rnldentlal foun,datlons,~. and uuutIaa. 1tI8 purpose Of our alfVices was to provide monItOr construction of foundation paas to as&Uru 1hat corwtnJotion cl1t8rla outlined In the ge0f8chn1ca1lnvestlgation was addresSed. . 11118 report documents foundaUon pad construction and makes reoomrneftdaliona for suitabIlity for I1$Jdentf8I foundation construction. fOUNDATION PAD EXCAVAnON GIIIII'IJ The foundIliOn pads developed for this project Bnl to IiUpport conventionally framed residantial8lrocturD8 supported by conventional cast-ln-place conCI'GtB spraad footings. Due to the slope or Ih8 SIt most or the foundation pads Wire aonstructed In two or l'1lOf'e benches, separated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-fllet. Founch1UoR SOil l11e aeotechnlcallnv88tlgatlon (Bofre) had predicted that high Plasticity slits or clays would underUe the site. Excavatlon for the padS confirmed that in most of the foundation pads. there was 1 to 3-feet of a gray. highly plutlc, modllralBly atIff. and moist slit. In some locations the gray 8I~ contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub- rounded IgrHIOU8 cobble$. l11Js silt was onen covered by 0.&-10 i.D-feet of damp, very lowoodenSlty peaty siltS, Weathered ydow-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountered underneath the plastic sills. 1 80Ire ~ Ine,. GGClIeChnlcaJ mdgallon for lie Jasper Meadows Second AdditiCII, Sprfngfleld, Oreoon. FtbIUary 16. :em 8 'd Z8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dtt:Z 900Z 'g 'uer Sep-ZO-2004 02:31pm From-K & A En'lnBerln" Ine +S4HB4-U3&8 T-T35 P 009/007 F-952 K & A Enatneerlng, Inc. The gray plaatic sills and gray plastic ~11t8 w~h cobbles were deepest through the westem portion 01 the subdivision. Isolated lDnes of gray plastic sltt or plastic silt with cobbles Will also encountered throughout the centJaI and eastern portions at the eubd/vlsbn. FaIDldlIiaD hd Gonatrucllon Because the depth and lD4ent of sods varied significantly across the subcJlvltlQn, ~Dh pad was evaluated IndIVIdually to dlltlrmfna tha proper depth of excavation and the amount of select fiB to be placed in the excavation. For many l1f 1h1; foundatiOn paela. the depth to weathered sl~stone or sandstone was less than 2..feet and, In lh8se cases, the foundatiOn pads were excavated to bedtOCk, and gilded smooth, level, and free from lOose materials. In ~ cases the baSe of the excavation was in two benches separatud in grade from 1 to 2.feet select granular fill wu placed In the pr9pared excavation and brought to footing grade. In those .. of deeper lJI1Y plastic sII, the sifts were removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inche8 below footing grade. The battonB of the excavations were graded smootI'I, leval, and free from loose matB~als. In most cases the baSe of tho mccavatIon was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-faBl Select granular no was placed in the pttIpat'Qd axcavatlon and bnwght to footing grade. In aU caM$ where peaty sifts were encountered, the peaty-sib were completely remavad frOm the foundallon at88. .. a_I 8rInUIar Fills Select granular fills conslstBd of a sub-base mater1al and a baSe matertal. The aub-obuu mablriaI was Placed on 1M prepared subgrade in the foundation pads and conafstDd of 8 S-Inch minus waU..grad8d quatty aool1OatB. 'The bae8 mat8rIaI was placed over the sub-l>ase rock and consl8tBd at a 11klnph minus dense.graded quarry aggregate. Bath aggreoates were produced at the Morse Bros. Quany In Sprlngtleld. 1l1O atJb..baSG ttiOJa1III generally ranged trom 6 to 12-inches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-incheS In fhfckne8a, In a few Clues (Iot8 33 through 39) the sub-ba&e rock was elimInated and base rock was used excluslv8ly for the ielect granular fill. The select aranular fiUS Will weD compacted in 1 Z-inch maximum lifts (loose) using a steel-Whgeled Ylbratory roller. Water was applied 88 necessary to maintain opt1mum wator content during compaction. Denllty If Select 0nnIII1ar RIIa SUb-base TIle denstty of ihe sub-base was evaIUatBd by InSpection at placr:ment methods and tleld evaluation of water content The density was considered Idaquale If passes by the large vibratory steel-drum roller did not IuVe Yislble marks In the sub-base aggregm at the edges of the drum Bnd if the soil water colJt8nl: appeared to be near opttrnll'n 88 determined In the field. e 2 SqueezIng a small amawJt of tie nner aaoreulll8 in the hand did not produce silJllificantfme water and would f8Il'IaIn In a relltiYely uniform bat witKIut irnInedIateIy fafllng apart. Project 74.04 JasperMeadows Subdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR Page 2 of 3 Client Hayden Homes S8pt8mb8l' 20, 2004 V 'd 68L9'oN S3WOH N30AYH Wd9v:6 9006 '9 'uer