HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20
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CdJ\ \ Orc. I~(A ~n
S,p-2D-2004 D2:91pm Frcm-K & A Enilneerlnl, Inc
+54 J-e84-93SB
T-735 P 002/007 F-95!
K . A Engineering, Inc.
P.O. BOI28624, Ellgens. OR 17.
521 MIrIcet IL, Suite B. Eugene. OR 17.
(&41) ...... Voice
(141) 184-8368 FAX
8eptember 211_
Hayden Homes
2464 SW Glaefer' Place. SUIte 110
Redmond, OR Q7758
Subject: Quality assurance - house foundalton pad construotion
Jasper M6adows SubdMsion - ~ AddlUon
Springfield, Ortgon
Project: 74.04
As r&qU98t8d, K It A Enginaer1ng, Inc, has completed monrtortng Ule coostructlon of Individual foundation pads
at the subject new residential 81JI)d1Vl81on. 39 indMdual foundation pads were constt'LlCt8d at 1tJe site and
prepared readyforfonnlng new foundaUon5,
Prior to COf1&t1'Uction, a Geotechnlcallnve3tlgation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific
F8Commsndatlons for daveloplng 1tI8 slt810r ntlldentl8l foun.dations,~, and UUlJtJes.
The purpose Of OUt 1I8fVices was to provide monItOr construction of foundation paas to assure that conmmtion
crlt8rla outlined In the g80f8chn1ca1lnvest1gation was addressed. .
11118 report documents foundation pad construction and makes recommendations for suitability for resldentl!l
foundation c....hII~ JCIIon,
The foundation pads d&vetoped for this project are to BUpport conventionally framed residllntial atnJctur88
supportdd by conventional cast.ln-place conCl'9te Spl'Bad footings. Due to the slope or tI18 SIte most of the
foundation pads wel'8 constructed In two or mofQ benches, saparated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-feGt
FoundIUon SOill
l11e Geotechnlcallnve8tklaUon (BoIre) had predicted that high plasticity silts or clays would underile the sits.
Excavation for 1tI8 padS eon1frmed that in most of the foundatlon pads, 1hn was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, hlghfy
plastic, modllral8ly attrf. and moist sill In some locations the gray sI~ contained a significant amount of sub-
rounded Ign8Ou8 cobbte$, 111Is si~ was ensn covered by 0.&.10 1.Q.feet of damp, very low-denslty peaty siltS.
Weathered yaIIow-tan tuffaceous siltStone or sandstone was encounterOO underneath the plastic sills.
1 BoIre AsaOcIates. Ine,. G8OIeChnlcalllwedgallon for tie Jasper Meadows Second Additicrt, Sprtngftsld. Oraoon.
fIbnJIry 16, 2005.
8 'd lU9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l 900l 'g 'uer
$ep-ZO-2004 02:31pm Frgm-K & A En'lnBBrln" Inc
T-735 f.OOS/OOT F-952
K &: A Elalneerlng, Inc:.
The gray plastic 8ftts and gray plastic t111W with oobbles were deepest through the westsm portion of the
subdivision. IsoIatsd zones of gray plastic sltt or plastic silt with cobbles were also encountered throughout fie
, central and eastern portions of the eubdMslan.
fUIDIPIial hd GDftllrllcllon
Because 1he depth and m4ent of solis varied significantly across the &ubdlv"'(ln, ~ah pad was evaluated
IndlYldually to d8tIrmIns the proper depth of excavation and tJle amount 01 select flO to be placed in the
For many of "I: foundatiOn pacl8, the depth to weathered slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In
1tlese cases. the foundatiOn pads were excavated to bedrOCk, ant! gradid amooth, level, and free from loose
materials. In ~ c8$8S the base or the excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feet
select granular fill wu placed In the prepared excavation and brought 10 footing grade.
In those al!aS ri deeper aray plastic sBt, the sifts were removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inche8 below footinu
grade. The bottoms of the excavations were graded smoolt1, level, and free from loose materials. In most
cases 1he base Of tho mccavatfon W88 In two benohes separatBd In grade from 1 to 2-f8el Select granular nn
was placed in the pt&pat'Qd axcavaUon and brooght 10 footing grade.
In aU cases wtm peaty slits were encountered, the peaty-slits were completely removad frOm the foundation
SGIeOt 8rInUIar JliIIc
Select granular fills consisted of a Bub-base materfal8fKI a baSe mateI1a1, The ~base mat&riaI was placed on
the prepared subgrade in the foundatton pads and con9fst8d of a S-Inch minus waU.graded quany aggragatB.
'Tbe bae9 matet1al was placed over the sutJ-tlase rock and con8l8t8d Df a 11klnph minus dense.grad8d QlJ8l1j'
aggregatB. Both aggl'8Q8t8a were produced at the Morse Bros. Quany In Sprlngtleld.
1110 8tJb..bas8 tf1icknIII generally ranged from 6 to 12-;nch8s. Base rock ranged from 410 12..fnches In
ttJIokneaa, In a fvw Goes (Iot8 33 through 39) the sub-ba8e rock was elimInated and base t'OCk was used
excluSlv8Iy for the uIect graoU1ar flU.
The select granular fiUS were weD compacted in 12.inch maximum lifts (loose) using a steel-whe8led vtbratory
roller. Water was spplied 88 necessary to maintain optlmUm water content during compaction.
DenIIty of Billet ....Iar fills
The denstty of the sub-base was evaluated by InSpection Of placement meIhods and tleld evatuatfon of water
content. The density was considered adequate If passes by the large YIbnltory atsel-d~ roller did not IBM
VisIble marks In the sub-base 8gg~ at the edges of the dnrn BJ1d if the eon water content appeared to be
near optimum as determined In the field. e
2 Squee2lna a small amount of lIenner aallAlam in the hlllld did not produce significantfme watllr and would remain In a
"J,I~. .Jy uniform ball wtJ1aut irnm8dIately falling apart.
Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR - Page 2 of 3
Client Hayden Homes 8eptSmb8l'20t 2004
V 'd lELS'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~d9v:l 900l '9 'UBr