HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20
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S,p-20-2004 a2:91pm Frcm-K & A En~ineerlni, Ine
T-735 P 002/007 F-95f
K I A Engineering, Inc.
P,O. 811128624, E'gene. OR .7402
621 MIrkef IL, Suite B, Eu..... OR 17402
(141) .... Voice
(141) 184-8368 FAX
September 21,.
Hayden Homes
2464 5W Glacier Place. SLII1e 110
Redmond, OR 97758
Subject: Quality assurance. house foundallon pad construotion
Jasper Meadows Subdivision - 2"1' Addltlon
Springfield. Oregon
Project: 74.04
As r&qU98t8d, K & A Engineering, Inc. haS complet8d monitoring the constructfon of Individual foundation pads
at 1he SUbject new resid8ntla/ 'UbdMS/an. 39 incfwiduaJ foundation PadS W8t1 construcf8d at the site and
prepared ready for lonnlng naw foundations.
PrIOr to construotion, a GeotBChnlcallnvmlgation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific
f1IComlTlmdatfons for developing the sft8 tor I1lsldent181 fou~ationsr~. and UtIJtIes.
The purpose Of our alfVic8s was to provkle monltOl' construction at foundation paas to assure that oonstruotion
ct1t8t1a outlined In the g80t8ctm1caJ Investigation was addre8aed. .
11lI8 report documents foundation pad construction and makes recommendatiOns for suitability for residential
foundation construction.
The foundation pads devefoped for 1hIs project are to support conventionally framed residential atructur88
tupportlld by conventional cast-ln-place conCl'CltB Spnlad footings. Due to the slope or 1118 SIt8 most of the
foundation ~S were constructed In ~ or moro benohes, separated tn grade by approximately 1 to 2-feet.
FoundIUon hill
1l1e GeotectulJcallnv88tlgaUon (BoIre) had predicted that high plasticity slits or clays would underUe the site.
Excavatlon for the pad8 confirmed that in most of the foundation pads, 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, highly
plutlc, modllral8ly atIff. and moist silt. In some locations the gray silt contained a slgnlftcant amount or sub-
roundecllgn8oU8 CObbles, 1l1Is silt was orten covered by 0.&.10 1.D-feet of damp, very Iaw..(fenslty peaty slItS.
Weathered ydoW-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountered underneath the plastic sills.
1 BOInl AsaOc_ lno., G8OtuChnlcallnveslgallon for lie Jasper Meadows Gtcond Addition, Sprtngfteld, OreooR,
FtbnJary 16, 2003,
8 'd 6U9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:6 9006 '9 'uer
SIP-ZO-2004 02:31pm From-K & A Enllneerlnl, Inc.
T-735 P 009/007 F-952
k & A ERafneerlng, 'nc.
The gray plastic sifts and gray plastic ~11t8 w~h oobbles were deepest through rile westem portion 011he
subdivision. Isolated zones of gray plastic sltt or plastic silt with cobbles WSI1 a1sa encountered throughout 1he
centJal and eastern portions at the &ubdlvlston. '
fumUDB Pad Gonllnlcllon
Because the depth anc.Iextent of soils varied significantly across the subdlvlelQn, ~ch pad was evaluated
IndMdualJy to d8t8rm1na the proper depth of excavation and tile amount 01 select fin to be placed in the
For many (If ~ foundatiOn padS, the depth to weathered slftstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In
Ule&e cases, the foundation pads were excavated to bedroCk, and graded smooth, level. and free from loose
materfals. In ~ caset 1he baSe or the excavation was in two benches sepanJt'ed in grade from 1 to 2-feet
select aranular fill \VIS placed In the prepared excavation 8tId brought 10 footing grac:le,
In those at!a of deeper gray plastic sill, the sifts were removed to a minimum depth at 1 &-inche8 blllow fooUna
grade. The baftolT8 of the excava1fons were glBded smooth, leve', and free from loose materials. In most
cues the base of tho mccavatIon W88 In two benchas separated In grade from 1 to 2-fael Select granular fin
was placed in the ~ axcavatlon and brooght to foOUng grade.
In aU cases where peaty slits were encountered, the peaty-sJlts were completely ret'IIOVad fn)m the foundation
SGleat 8I'8nUIar FilII
Select granular fills consisted or a sub-base mater1al and a baSe matet1a1. The ~bue mat8ria1 was placed on
11\8 prepared subgrade in the foundatlon pads and COl19IstBd or a a-lnch mJnuI weU.gradad qU8tl'y ~ragatB.
The ble8 ~ kJ was placed over the stJb-t)ase rock and col18l8t8d or a 1 *lnph mil1US densellraded quarry
aggRl(l8t9. 80th aggregates ware produced at the Morse Bros. Quany In Sprtngtleld.
1110 atJb..ba88 thiCICnIB genera/IY ranged irom 6 to 12-inches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-1ncheS ItJ
1hIclcn88a, In I fvw aU8S (Iot8 33 through 39) tf1e sub-ba8e rock was eliminated and base rock was used
excfU81vBly for the uIect granular '"I.
The select granular fills WII1 weD compacted in 12-inch maximum lifts (loose) using a steel-Whe8led v1bfatol'y
roller. Water was applied 88 necasary to mairJlain opflmum water content during compaction. '
DenIIty af Select ....111' filla
The density of the sub-base was evaluated by InSpection Of placc:ment: methods and fleld evaluation of water
content. The dsnslly was considered adequate If passes by the large vibratory atseI-drum roller did not Iuve
visible markS In the sutHJase Bgg~ at the edges of the dl1l11 &nd if the &Oil water content appeam:l to be
near optimum as detennlneclln the ftBld. e
2 Squeezing a small amount of 118 liner aaureaatB in the hand did not produce si!lllibnt free water and would f8ma1n In a
rellliYely uniform IMIwt1laut immediately failing apart.
Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phase II, Spr1ngfiekt, OR Page 2 Of S
Client Hayden Homes september 201 2004
t 'd l8L9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:l 900l '9 'uBf