HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 lQ(}\5 Jrt1 (f cLU1 SIP-20-2004 ~2:9Ipm Frcm-K & A En'lneerln" Ine +541-BB4-9359 T-735 P 002/007 F-95Z a .ngln'IHfng K I A Engineering, Inc. P.O. Bu28624, Eugene. OR 87402 521 M8rtce181, Suite B. EDgell. OR 17402 (&41) B84-8a8I Voice (141) 184-8368 FAX 8eptember 28. 2804 Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacier Placo. SIII1e 110 Redmond, OR on58 Subject: Quality assurance. house foundation pad construotion Jasper Meadows Subdlvfsion - fId Addllfon Springfl8lClj Oregon Pn:tjecI: 74.M PURPOSE AND SCOPE As 1'8qU88te<f, K & A Engineering, InC. has completld monftDt'1ng the coostructfon Of Individual foundation pads at the subJect new residentlalsUbdIVlSIon. 39 ind'widual foundation pads were construcf8d at 1he site and prepal'8d ready for fonnIng new foundaUOI1$. Prior to construction, a Geotechnical investigation' was made of the subdivision to develop specific fICommsndatlons for developIng ttJe site lor IISIdent181 fou~atlons,~. and UUIJtIas. The purpose of our allVic8s was to provide monftOl' construction of foundation padS to assuru 1hat construotian crft8rla outlined In the geofschnlcaJ Investigation was addressed. . lbIs report documents foundatlon pad constructiOn and makes recommendations for suitability for resldentllll foundation Cv..oIIL JCUon. fOUNDAllON PAD EXCAVAnON GlllnJ ~ foundltion pads developed for this project are to support conventionally framed residllntial81nJCtu1'88 suppotted by conventional cast-ln-pl8ce conCRlte $pnIad footings. Due to 1he slope or 1118 SII most of the foundation pad, were constructed In two or moro benohes, separated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-fllet. F8undIIIGII saill l11e aeotectlnlcallnvea1lgatlon (BoIre) had predicted that high plasticity eflls or clays would underlie the site. Excavation for 1tI8 padS conflnned 1hat in most of the foundation ~ds, 1I1ere was 1 to 3-feet of a gray. highly plastic. modllral8ly stiff. and moist silt. In some locations the gray all contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub- rounded Ign80uI cobbles, 11IIs silt was arum covered by 0.&.10 1.().feet of damp, very low..(fenslty peaty siltS. Weathered )'BIlOw-tan tuffaoeous siltstone or sandstone was encounl8r8d underneath the plastic slllB. I BOIre As$Oc~1 InG,. GeJ., ~",.:. . ,lcaIlnveslgdon for lie Jasper Meadowu &.eond Addition, Springfield, Oreoon. FtbrUIrY 16, 2003. 8 'd l8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l gOal 'g 'uer $1P-20-2004 02:81pm Frum-K & A ER'lR88rIRi, Inc +S41-GB4-0a58 T-735 P.ODS/007 F-9S2 K I: A Enatneerlng, Inc. The gray plaatic: sfIts and gray plastic tlllt8 with oobbles were deepest through the western portion 011he subdivision. IsoIat8d zones of gmy plastic sltt or plastic silt with cobbles WflI8 also encountered throughout the central and eastern portlaml at the 6Ubd/vlslon. FaunPliDI hd Gonllnlcllon . Because the depth and m4ent or solis varied significantly across the Bubdlv~IQn, ~h pad was evaluated IndIVIdually to datlrmfne ttJe proper depth of excavation and the amount of select fin to be placed in the mmavatIon. For many ~ 1110 foundation pads. 1he depth to weathered slRstDne or sandstone was le$s than 2.feet and, In It19so cases. the foundation pads were excavated to bedrOCk, and gradad smooth, level, and free from loose materials. In ~ casas the base of the excavation was in two benches SlparDd in grade fmm 1 to 2.f8et Select aranular fill wu placed In the pt'8pared excavation ~ brought 10 footing grade. In those aras of deeper gray plastic sRI, the silts were removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inche8 below footing grade. The battolT$ of the excavatlons were grBded SmootI'I, level, and free from loose mat8~als. In most cases the bas& of tho 8XG8V8tfon W88 In two beoohes sepamted In grade from 1 to 2-fael 8efect granufar fin was placed in the pttparQd 8XCavatIon and brwght to footing grade. In aU cases wherl peaty sllt8 were encountered, the peaty-sills were completely removad frOm the foundation art& SeIeIt CII'Imdar FilII Select granular fills consisted of a 8u~base material and a DaS8 material. The'SCJb.obase, I il(..l:riaI was placed on 1h8 prepared subgrade in the foundation pads and con9ISt8d of a S-1nch minus waU.gradOd quany aggragata. The ~e material was placed over the sub-l>ase rock and conslstBd of a 1 *Inch minus denae-gracl8d quarry aggregate. Both aggreoates were produced at the Marse Bros. Quany In SprlnoheId. llla.8tJb.bas8 thiOICnIIS generallY ranged from 6 to 12-inches. Bast rock ranged from 4 to 12..tnches In 1hfckne88. In a fvw Gues (Jots 33 through 39) the sub-ba8e rock was eliminated and base rock was used excluslV8ly for the uIect granufar flU. The select granular fiUS were well compacted in 12-inch maximum lifts (loose) using a steel-Whe8led Vlb. c:d.ut I roller. Water was applied 18 n8C88&ary to maintain optImUm water content during compaction. I DInIIty or 8e1ecllranular filla SUb-base The densfty of the sub-base was evaJuatBd by InSpection Of pla(:lHJIeJIf: methods and field evaluation of water content. The denslly was considered adaquale If passes by the large vibratory 8taeklrum roller did not IBM Ylslble marks In the sub-base agg~ at the edges of the drum IlJId if the soil wal:er conbmt appeared to be near opUnun as d8t8rmIned In the field. e 2 Squee2Ina a small amount of 118 ftner aglJf8Um in the hand did not produce silJllificant free watlr and would mmaln In a rellliYely uniform ~ wtJ10ut irnm8dIateIy 1aII1ng apart. , Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivision Pha8e II, Springfield, OR Page 2 of 3 CUent Hayden Homes september 201 2004 V 'd ZSL9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dgv:Z 900Z 'g 'UBr