HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 ~ lct{olo Ord'\((tJl SIP-2D-2DD4 ~2:9Ipm, Frcm-K & A Enilneerlnl, lnc +541-B8(-em T-735 P 002/00T F-952 a fngln.IHlng K I A Engineering, Inc. P.O. Bar 28624, Elgene. OR 8740! 521 MIrtcet IL, Illite 8, EllgeM. 011.7. (&41) ...... Voice (141) 184-8368 fAX september 21, 2G04 Hayden Homes 2464 5W Glacter Place. 8U1t811 0 Redmond, OR 97756 Subject: Quality assurance. house foundation pad construotion Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - 2nd Addition Springfield, Oregon Project: 7400C PURPOSE AND SCOPE As r&qlJ98t8d. K & A Engineering, Inc, has completed mOnltorlng the coostrucUon of Individual foundation pads at 1he subject new residentlalSlJI)dMalon. 39 incftvidual foundation pads were canstruct8d at the site and prepared ready for 1mmIng nsw foundations. Prior to con&truotion, a GeotechnlcallnvmJgation1 was ~ of the subdivision to develop specific rucommsndatlons for developing ttJe site for residential foun,datlons,~. and 1JUI1tI8s. The purpose Of our allVices was to provide monltOl' constructlon of foundation paas to assuru that oonstruotian crlt8rla otJtIIned In tha gootsclmlcaJ Investigation was addressed. . T1ll8 report documents foundation pad constructiOn and makes recommendations for suitability for residential foundation construcf(on. FOUNDATlON PAD EXCAVAnON GBlleraJ ~ foundmion pads developed for this project Bt"C to support conventionally framed ruidantial atnJCtul88 $Upported by conventional cast-ln-place conCl'flto $prBad faotings. Due to the slope at !he _ most at the foundation pads wert constructed In two or more benohes. separated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-feet. Foundedoa Saill 1l1e aeotechnlcallnve8tlgadon (BoIre) had pr8dlcted that hIgh plasticity slits or clays would underlie the sits. ExcavaUon for the padS conflnned that in most of the foundation pads, 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a gray. highly plastic, modl!rat8Iy stiff, and moist silt. In some locations the gray 81~ contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub- rounded IgneouS cobbIR. 1lIIs silt was orten covered by 0.&.10 1.o..feet of damp, very low..(fenslty peaty siltS. Weathered )'BIloW-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountGrod underneath the plastic sills. 1 BOlte ~ Inc.. G80leChnlcal MsIgaIlDl1 for tte Jasper Meadows Second AdditiCll, Springfield, Oreaon, FIbnWy 16, 2003, " 8 'd l8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l 900l '9 'uer $1P-20-2004 02:31pm Frum-K & A En,IReerln.. Inc. +S"1-SB4-e35S T-T35 P 009/007 F-952 K &. A Engineering, hlc. The gray plastic 8fttB and gray plastlc ~IIW with cobbles were deepest through the wes18m portion 01 the subdivision. IsoIat8d zones of gray plastic sltt Dr plastic silt with cobbles were also encountered throughout the centJaI and eastern portions of the eubdlvlslon. FaUilPIiDI Pad GOIlatruclloR Because the depth and _ellt of solis varied Significantly across the BubdlvllJlQn, .,ach pad was 8lIaluat8d IndIVIdually to dltlrmlne the proper depth of excavation and tile amount 01 select fin to be placed in the excavation. I For many [Jf ~ foundatiOn pacl8, the depth to weathered slRstont or sandstone was less than 2..feet and, In Ihese cases, the foundation pads were excavated to bedrOCk, and gilded smooth, JeveI. and free from loose materials. In ~ casas the base or the excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feel S8I8Ct granular fit wu placed In the prepared excavation and brought to footing gradft. In those arw of deeper gray plastic sUI, the silts ware removed to a minimum d~pth of 1 &-inche8 below footino grade. The bottol'n$ of the excavations were grBded smooth, level, and free from loose materials. In most cases the base of the mccavatIon was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-f8Bl Select granular no was placed in the pttIpal'9d excavation and brooght tD footing grade. In all cases wtm peaty ants were encountered, the psaty-slllS were completely remavad frOm the foundatIon area. .. SGIeOt 8rInUIar FilII Select granular fills consisted of a sub-base materfal and a baSe materllll. The SCJb..base material was placed on 1he prepared subgrade in the foundation pads and conBl8tDd of a S-Inch minus waU.graded quarry "OOl'agatB. The bQe material was placed over the stJb-l>ase rock and consl8t8d at a 11k1nph minus dense.graded quany aggragate. Bo1h aggregates were produced at the Morse Bros. Quany In Sprlngtleld. 11Ia 8Ub-base thioIcn8II generallY ranged from 6 to 12-;nches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12..fnches ItJ ttIIckneea. In a fvw aues (Iot8 33 thrOUgh 39) tf1e sub-baM rock was eliminated and base I'OCk was used exclUslv8Iy for the uIect granular flU. The select granular fills were WIU compacted in 12-inch mmdmum lifts (loose) using a st8eI-whe8led vibratory roller. Waterwas spplied 18 necessary to maintain opflmUm water content during compaction. DenIIty ar leIecI Bnnmlar filii SUb-base The density of the sub-base was evatuatad by Inspectlon Of plat:cment metJ10da and fleld evaluadon of water content. The danslly was considered adaquale If passes by the large vibratory steel-drum roller did not IuVe ViSIble marIeS In the Btlb-base agg~ at the edges of the drum BI1d if the 80~ watDr collt8nt appeared to be near optimum as d8t8rmIned In the flak!.' '- 2 Squee2lna a small amount of 118 ftner aaGr8am in the hand did oot produce sillllI ..~:' ~ free wa1Br and would ~n In a rellliYely unIfOrm bIB wtJKIIll immediately 1aII1ng apart. Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivisiOn PhaSe II, Sprtngfield, OR Client: Hayden Homes Page2of3 8ept8mbBl' 201 2004 V 'd l8L9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9v:l 900l '9 'UBr