HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20 _~loDrcn\CLLn S,p-20-Z0D4 D2:91pm Frcm-K & A En~lneerlnl, Ine +541-984-9359 T-7!5 P 002/007 F-95Z a 'nglnPlrlng K .. A Engineering, Inc. P.O. 80128624, Eagen&. OR 17402 521 MlrIref Il, Built II. Eugene. OR 17. (&41) I84-ta8t Voice (141) 1184-8368 fAX september HI !104 Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacier PlaCe. SuIte 110 Redmond, OR g7158 Subject: Quality assurance. house foundatfon pad construotion Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - ~ Addition Springfield, Oregon Prcjed: 74.04 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ,As 1'8qU98t8d, K & A Engineering. 100, has compfet8d mOnftor1ng Ule constructfon at lt1dMdual foundation pads at the SUbject new residantlBlsubdlVlalon. 39 individual foundation pads w.... tgnstruct8d at the site and prepared ready for forming new foundatlon$. PrIOr to COf1~ a Geotechnlcallnvmlgation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific hICommsndattons for developing ttIe site for rnldentlal fou~atIonsr~' and UU11t1es. The purpose of our allVices was to provide monItOr construction of foundation paas to assuru1hat COf13tnJotion crltst1a outlined In the geo18chn1caJ Investigation was addressed. . 11118 report documents foundation pad construction and makes reoommendations for suitability for residential foundation ~.IoIIL JdIon. .. fOUNDAllON PAD EXCAVAnON Ginn The foundation pads devetoperl for ttds project are to IiUpport conventlonaUy framed residential atructurB8 tupportlld by conventional casI:-1n-p18ce conCl'GtB Spntad footings. Due to the slope or 1118 BIt8 most of the found~ion pads wert constructed In two or mOfQ benches, separated In grade by apprm.:j,.J.~1y 1 to 2-feet Found8Uoa hill l11e GeotectmtcallnvestlgaUon (BoIre) had predicted that hIgh plasticity e11ls ,or clays would underlie the sits. Excavation for the pad8 confirmed that in most of the foundation ~ds, 1I1ere was 1 to 3-feet of a gray, highly plastic. modllralfJly stiff. and moist silt. In same locations 1he gray silt contalned a slgnlffcant amotmt of sub- rounded IgnBoU8 cobbles. ThIs silt was artsn covered by 0.&.10 1.Q..feet of damp, very low..(jeflslty peaty siltS. Weathered )'IIIIow-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountered underneath the plastic slll8. 1 BOIre ~ Ine" G8CIIuChnlcallnveslgallon for lie Jasper Meadows Second Additioo, Springfield. Oregon, FtbnIIry 16. 2003, B 'd lU9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~dvv:l gOal 'g 'U~r ~) $.p-~O-2D04 02:31pm Frgm-K & A ER,lneerIRI. Inc +541"6B4-8358 T-735 P 009/007 F-952 K I. A ERglneering, Inc. The gray plastic sills and gray plastic ~11te with oobbles were deepest through the western portion of the subdivision. lsoJat8d zones of gray plastic silt Dr plastic sin with cobbles we" a1SD encountered throughout the central and eastern portions or the *ubdlvlslon. FUIIIIPIiDll Pad Gonllruclloll Because 1he depth and lIl4ent of solis varied significantly across the subdlv~IQn, .,soh pad was evaluated IndlYldualJy to datermlne the proper depth of excavation and the amount of select fin to be placed in the mwavatlon. For many of ~ foundalicm pads. the depth to weathered slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In lhess casas. the foundation pads were excavated to bedrOCk, ana gl'ldad smooth, level. Ind free from loose materfale. In ~ casas the base or the excavation was in two benches separated ill grade from 1 to 2.feet Select granular fill wu placed In the prepared excavation and brought 10 footing grade. In those arw of deeper 0I'8Y plastic sBl, the silts were removed to a minimum depth of 1 &oinch08 below fooUng grade. The bottoms of the excavations were grmisd smootI'l, leval, and me from loose materials. In most cases the base of tho excavation was In two benches separat9d In grade frOm 1 to 2-faBl Select granular fin was placed in the pttI(JarQd 8XCaVIItlon and brooght 10 footing arade. In all cases wtm peaty slits were encountered, tha peaty-siltS were compl8tely removad frOm the foundation area. SIleII GnnuIar FilII Select granular fllls consisted of a 8u~base materfaJ and a DaS8 ma18rIllI. The SCJb.obase mabJrial was placed on 1tle prepared subgrade in the foundatton pads and con9lstBd or a S-lnch minus waU.grad8d quatl'y Qggl'8l)ata. The bQe mal8rIaI was placed over the sub-l>aSe rock and consisted of a 11klnFh minus denae-graded quarry aggregate. Both aggregates ware produced at the Marse Bros. Quarry In Sprlngtleld. ThO sub-base thiOkn8II generally ranged from 6 to 12-;nches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-1ncheS ItJ 1trIckneaS, In a few aU88 (Jots 33 throUgh 39) the sub-base rock was eliminated and base rock was used excmlv8ly for the uIect granular flU. The select granular fiDs were well compacted in 12-inch maldmum lifts (loose) using a stgekihe8led vlbratory roller. Water was applied 88 neC88Sary to mairri2in opllmUm water content during compaction. DenIIIy of 8111c1 BRmuIar filla SUb-base The denstty of the sub-base was evaJuatsd by InSpection of placc:ment methods and fleld evaluaUon of water contMt. The denslly was considered adaquate If passes by the large vibratory stseklrum roller did not leave visible marks In the SUb-base agg~ at the edges of the drum and if the 80iI walDr conl:8nt appeared to be near optimum 88 det&rmIned In the field. II 2 SqueezIng a smaIJ amount at 118 liner aaGf8aal8 in the hand dld oot produce siDJlibnt free water and would fBI1'IaIn In a rellliYely uniform ~ wtfHIut immediately failing apart. Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR Page 2 of 3 Client Hayden Homes september 20, 2004 V 'd lU9'oN S3~OH N30AVH ~d9v:l 900l '9 'uer