HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20
\QGtO O(ch\QUr\
S,p-20-2004 a2:91pm Frcm-K & A Enllneerlnl, Ine
T-735 P D02/007 F-952
K I A Engineering, Inc.
p ,0. 80128624, Eleene. OR 17402
, 521 MlrkellL, Suite II. !u"De. OR 17.
(&41) I84-U8I VoIee
(141) 1184-8868 FAX
September 21,.
Hayden Homes
2464 SW Glacier PlaCe. Sulle 110
Redmond, OR g7!56
Subject Quality assurance - house foundatton pad construotion
Jasper Meadows SubdMsion - ~ AddlUon
Springf\8ICIl Oregon
Project: 74.04
As 1'8qU98t8d, K & A Engineering. Inc, has completsd monJtot1ng the coostrucUon of Individual foundation pads
at the subject new residentlal8lJl)dMSIon. 39 indIvidual foundation pads were cQflStructad at the site and
prepared ready tor 10nnIng new fOUndatfon5.
Prior to con&t1Uotion. a G9OteChnlcallnVcm!gation1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific
l8Commsndatlons for deveJopfng ttJ8 site for IIsldent181 foun,datlons, ~, and UUlJtIas.
The purpose Of our lSlIVice8 was to provide monttor construction of foundation paas to assure that con&truotian
criteria outlined In the gool8c1m1caJ Investigation was addreSaed. .
This report documents foundation pad construction and makes recommendations for suitability for resldentlal
foundation construcUnn.
The foundation pads dovefoped for this project are to IiUpport conventionally framed residllntial81Nctur88
IUPported by convantlonal east-ln-pIaCe concl'GtB spraad footings. Due to the slope or 1118 SIt8 most of the
foundation pads were aon&tructed In two or mOJ1 benohcls, separated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-feet
Found8IIOII SOils
The aeotectlnJcallnV88tlgaUon (Bolre) had predicted that high Plasticity eJlts or clays would under11a the site.
eccavatlon for 1118 padS eonflnned that in most of the foundation pads, 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a gray. highly
plastic, modllral8ly attff, and moist slit. In some locations the gray sll contained a slgnlftcant arnotmt of sub-
rounded Igneou8 cobbte$, 111Is silt was often covered by 0.6--10 i.().feet of damp, vel}' Iowoodenslty peaty sIltS.
Weathered )'IIIloW-tan tuffaceous siltstone or sandstone was encountered underneath the plastic silts.
1 BOlte AsaOc_ Inc.. GGOC8Chnlcal Mdgallon tor fie Jasper Meadows keond AdditiCII, Splfngfleld. Oraaon.
ftbMry 16, 2003.
8 'd l8L9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dH:l 900l 'g 'UBf
Sep-20-2004 02:alpm From-K I A En,lnllrlni, Inc
T-T35 P ODS/007 F-9S2
K & A Engineering, Inc.
The gray plastic sIIl:s and gray plastic llllt8 with oobbles were deepest through rhe wesiem portion 01 the
subdivision. lsolatsd zones of gray plastic silt or plastic silt with cobbles WtIf8 also encountered throughout the
central and eastern portions of the 3ubdMslon.
FalDldlliDa hd Gonllt1c11oR
Because the depth and 8Xlent of solis vaned significantly across the subdlvl~IQn, "aah pad was evaluated
IndlYlduallY to d8ttrmlne the proper depth of excavation and the amount or select fin to be placed in Ule
For many of tho foundation padS, the depth to weathered slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.feet and, In
lheso casas. tile fDundation pads were excavated to bedroCk, and gl'ldad smooth, level, and free from lOose
materfals. In ~ *" the baSe of the excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feet
Select granular fII WI8 placed In the pllpared excavation and brought to footing grade.
In those arus of dQper gray plastic sUI, the sifts wars removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inch08 blllow fooUnu
grade. The battolTB of th9 excavations were graded smooth, level, and free from loose mato~als. In most
cases the base of tho f>>CG8V8tIon was In two bench~ separatea In grade from 1 to 2-fael SeI8ct granular no
was placed in the ~ ucllVldlon and brooght to footing arade.
In aU cases where peaty slits well encountered, the peaty-sills were completely remavad frOm the foundation
SIItot ClrImdIr Fills
Select granular fills consisted of a sub-base material and a baSe material. The sub-obue material was placed on
the prepared subgrade in the foundatton pads and COlI9IstDd of a S-1nch minus weU.gradGd quatl'y aooreoam.
The bQe material was placed over the sulrJ>ase rock and consl&tBd l1f a 1 *'"9h minlJS denae.graded quarry
aggl'8g8t9. Both aggregates were produced at the Marse Bros. Quany In Sprlngt/eId.
Tha stJb..bas8 thiOItnIst generally ranged from 6 to 12-inches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-inches In
1hkl1CnN8. In a few Gues (JotI33 throuOh 39) the sub-ba8e rock was elimInated and base rock was used
exclUSlv8Iy for the uIect granUlar flU.
The select granular fins were well compacted in 12-inch maximum lifts (loose) using a ..Wheeled vibratory
roller. Water was applied 8B necasary to maintain optlmum water content during compaction.
DenIItr IJf 8c11c11raau. filla
The derlsfty of the sub-base was evaJuatBd by InSpeCtion of placement methods and tleld evaluaUon of water
conmnt The density was considered adequate It passes by the large vibratory ataeI-drum roller did not Ieav8
ViSIble marks In the SUb-base aggregm at th8 edges of the dnan and if the soH water contBnt appeared to be
near optlmum as d8termIned In the field. e
2 SqueezInQ a small amount at thInner lO_ate in the hand dld rwt produce siDJJificant free wa18r aDd would IImaIn In a
rellliYely uniform biJ wtf10ut irnm8dIaWf failing apart.
Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows Subdivision Phase II, Sprtflgfield, OR Page 2 of 3
Client Hayden Homes Septambsr 20, 2004
V 'd l8L9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~d9v:l 900l,'9 'uer