HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-9-20
Sup-2D-20D4 ~2:9Ipm Frgm-K & A En~in..rlnll Ine
\dJ2A ~ebb\ ~ Qt
+541-BB4-8358 T-735 P 002/007 F-952
K I A Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Bar 28624, Elgen&. OR 87402
621 MIrbI IL, Suitt II. !uge". OR 17.
(141) ... Voice
(141) 1114-8868 fAX
September 21, 2004
Hayden Homes
2464 5W Glacier Pracl, Surte 110
Redmond, OR on58
Subject: Quality assurance - house foundation pad constnmtion
Jasper Meadows Subdlvfsion - ~ Addlllon
Spring1l8k:J, Oregon
Project: 74.04
AsI'8qU88l8d, K & A Engineering. Inc, has complet8d monftor1ng the construclfon of Individual foundation pads
at the subject new resid!ntlBlsUbdIVlSIon. 39 indMdual foundation pads were constructed at the site and
prepared ready for fonnIng new foundaUOI1$.
Prior to con&truotion. a Geotechnlcallnv~gatiDn1 was made of the subdivision to develop specific
f8Commsndatlons for developlng ttIe stte for IISIdentI8I fou~ationsr ~, and UtIIJtIes.
, The purpose of our asrvice8 was to provkle monftOl' construction of foundation paclS to assure that corwtruution
cl1t8t1a outlined In the geottchnIcaJ Investigation was addresaed. - .
ThIs report documents foundation pad construction and makes reoommsndatiOltS tor sulrablllty for I'e$JdentIsI
foundation constructiOn.
The foundltion pads dGvetoped for this project are to support conventionally framed resmllntial atructur8a
supported by canwnUonaf cast-ln-ptace conCI1tB spread footings. Due to the slope at the SIt most at the
foundation pads were constructed In two or mofQ benohos, 88parated In grade by approximately 1 to 2-feet
FouncIadGII SOUl
TI1e aeotechnlcallnv88tlaaUon (Doh) had predicted that hIgh p1astiolty sIlts or clays would underlie the sits.
excavation for the pad8 conflnned that in most of the foundation pads. 1here was 1 to 3-feet of a gray. highly
plastic, modllral8ly stiff. and moist silt. In some locations the gray slit contained a slgnlftcant amount of sub-
rounded Ign8OU8 cobbles. ThIs si~ was onen covered by 0.&.10 1.0-feet of damp, velY w..cferlslty peaty sIltS.
Weathered )'tIIIOw-tIn tuffaoeous siltStone or sandstone was encounterod underneath the plastic sills.
1 80ire AsSOc_ Inc.. GeoIeChnJcal mdgaI!DIl for tm Jasper Meadows G8G0nd AdditiCII, Springfield, Oraoon.
FtbnJary 16. 200a.
8 'd ZEL9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~dtt:l 900l '9 'uer
Sep-20-2004 02:81pm Frum-K I A En,lnllrlna, Inc
T-735 P 009/007 F-9S2
K I A Englneerlng,'nc.
The gray pJartfc: sIII8 and gray plastlc ~11t8 with oobbleB were deepest through the western portion of 1he
subdivision. Isolated zones of gray plasttc sltt or plastic silt with cobbles were alSD encountered throughoUt fie
centJaI and eastern portions or the ~ubdMslon.
FaundllioB Pad GORdrUcIfoR
Because the depth and 8)tent of solis vaned significantly across the subdlv~n, .,ach pad was evaluated
IndlYlduaJly to dBtlrmfna the proper depth of excavation and tile amount 01 select fin to be placed in the
for many [If ~ foundation pacl8. 1he depth to weathered slRstone or sandstone was less than 2.faet and, In
these cases. the foundation pads wers excavated to bedrOCk, ana graded smooth, level, and free from loose
materfale, In ~ casas the base or ttle excavation was in two benches separated in grade from 1 to 2.feet
Select granular fill WU placed In the prepared excavation and brought to footing gmdt:,
, In those at!a5 of dMper gray plastic sII, the sifts were removed to a minimum depth of 1 &-inch08 belOw footing
gracle. The bottDma of the excavations were gJlded smooth, level, and free from IooSI1 mate~als. In most
cases the base of tho mccavatJon was In two benches separated In grade from 1 to 2-fael 8eIect granular no
was placed in the pt&pal'Qd 8XCllVIltIon and broooht 1c footing grade.
, -
In aU CiSe$ where peaty slits WSI'8 encountered, the peaty-Slits were completely reI11OVOd frOm the foundation
Slltot CIrImdIr FilII
Select granular fills consisted of a sub-base material and a Dase material. The SlJb..buu ma1IriaI was placed on
1M prepared subgrade in the foundatton pads and con9l8tBd 01 a S-Inch mInUs waU..grad8d quany aggl1g&ts.
The ba(le material was placed over the stJb-l>ase rock and consl8t8d [If a 1 *"'~ minus densellraded quarry
aggr&gatB. Both aggregates wert produced at the MatS8 Bros. Quany In Sprlngtleld.
1l1O 8Ub-baSe thIOknesI generally ranged from 6 to 12-inches. Base rock ranged from 4 to 12-inches In
1hIckn8aa. In a fvw aoes (Iot8 33 thmugh 39) tt1e sub-ba8e rock was elimInated and base rock was used
exclUSIVely fertile uIect graoufarflU.
The select granular fill8 were weD compacted in 12-inch maximum lifts (loose) using a st:eet-wheeled vibratory
roller. Water was sppli8d 88 necessary to maintain optImUm water content during compaction.
DenIIty af 8111c1....... FIII3
llIe density of the sub-base was evaluated by InSpection Of placement methods and fleld evaluaUon of water
content The denslly was considered adaquale If passes by the l3rge vibratory atseklrum roller did not ruve
visible markS In the StJb.base agg~ at the edges of the drum BJ1d if the soil water content appeared to be
near optimum as determined In the fteld. ' -
2 Squee2Ina a small amount of 118 ftner aaGlVum in the hand did not produce silJRfficant free water and WOUld rsmaIn In a
relllively unIfom1 baI willout irnmIdIateIy faOlng apart.
Project 74.04 Jasper Meadows SUbdivision Phase II, Springfield, OR Page 2 of 3
ClIant: Hayden Homes september 20, 2004
t:d l8L9'oN
S3~OH N30AVH ~d9t:l 900l'9 'uer