HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-4-28 04/38/2083 Jl'3~ ~d19889571 AF-R- ~ ~200;3 10: E19f' 1'1lOM: som~ER COt~~J fRtJC,TlOH Tn: i~'l.3a$9571 PAGE __ ~J.:? P:l/6 " I ,. FORD ~'JESS'~ ~ASSBENJER, INC. lANO ~VRVfYING lllI CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION II \.HATFK RIGHTS EXAMINATIONS ClVU fNCiNtE'UNG II GI;OTeCHNlCAl II ENVIRONMFNTAl April .28. 2003 GrassRooB Thlnkl"9 Inc. 1135 CaI Young Road Eugene. Oregon 97401 RE: AggnllgetJI CompaCtion EvaluatiOtl Bates - Lot 108 ... Amb,",do SubdIVision PhalJ' II Sprlngfltlld, OtegOfI 0" Apnl22. 20038 represantative from Ford 8. AlSsociate,.lrl~. VI~ t~ subject site to assess t~ t)ulldmg pad conaJtlons with reaped to ttl. compactior of the 8901'8;* eovor The bulldtng 9h ".ad been O~, __voted approximS't$fV 1~ at the rear of the site Site feoting cf the 314-..0 crushed ag9~ ffOm s". ~ ,,,,,1~ Quen'V in bte$ thst the tt1ickness of "'!III!fII:>.gate 11 &pproldmatf!fy 8-inches MtOss the s'tte. TM $9lilt1J9; Ite ha& been QQmpilCWlJ 1Q alt least 95% of the m~tena1s m8lClmum dry d~1fy at 133.5 Pet 18 d !termmed by AASHTO T-99 method. The subgradt and ag., ",.,ate fit! tire $uitable fat QOnwant onal raidential st)'le pe.l".,~l.lr footing construction We r;;:-."mGnd that all footmg.$ t~ re;nl~....ecl WIth at least two #4 ~ reinforcing bal'l. and that turfeoe water be dIrected eN1Qy from thll f(l~ndatlon, 1nd not anowed to pond adjaeent tofQotingt. We do 'lot teCQmmend 81io\Ilnq dump-tl'lJdcs, conct&te trucks or otllar h.,avy eql.tipment onto the building pad duM9' wet weather We Ncommfll'1(i fooiing gO!) ~ '"~ on the upwtlope SlUe ot tile fo~ll)i'I. Attadled 16 the completeduq~naire for the AmbleGlde Mea40Ws SUbdlvlslon 161 AddWi. 8 ~Y-1 "3 'S Jll.. s-f Slntarerlv. Ford & A~iatIis. Inc. ~~ i O~~~ /2dA'!~~ ~._J. Derridll P.E. ~ 11Uhvy 'ill N' ,Sulle too. p.o. au.. ~;H3'hHII.(rc:, OIl'740llll[S4l/3"4.18SilllralC (541 l 344-9~lS .(.11'111/. matl(g"ntlnc; net. WIIU 'Il'. 'II""" 1"(1"( .M' . ~ (.-rlfllild W S.I, j () S,'. A r:<,: 301 2[;0:' iJl. JS 5419829571 HPR-2S-2~ iG;tlP FPD~; SOOr'4ER CfJh'3TRdCTIDH TO: i:;41;1,<;;i:)';;6?'1 '<<, -0(". ..... - ._..~---- -- -- \. . ..........._,~~ r 11/~~QZ ~ 11:18 fAX 14tfJ8QUI' em a, snr~:ftnII.~ .. .- C"""ll~~~-D1w.~WollQ' .k1b~ ~r t~,""! ".,__ CITY 01' S~i.D~ o.RSOO;N c:!.rtr",\ 11.__ _ _........ 12! S- ~ ~~. t\~ In.,? Pia. ~n59 ~~~ """, ,. ",-. "...~. '1""'-. ,....,.. ;_.~ ~..... J\ffidavit Par SJ&e ;tu~&tiot1 ~r.i~~l . ",. ~. '''' ,_ r" ,;....... , . F(N!1~<m Stt~ AJtif'l"'''id fat . R.eti&aQQI .Bu.~ Si~ in .A.miJ!Hfd, Mea(oWl- I" Addinon S~ioJ:S . ..~~~-~.......~.-.~~ m8fl1l~ , !IfMj~H,'fI>lt$- ...~ fot'~ ~8 &613 at tbe~ .., ~1lIU J-uJfJtJ. 0' . il\lllor_~ ~Qf~.b__tbJ~=Ja-= t n.~"..u~et'~&m5l__ftll~.P<~i1 ~tQ~-~~1<<1b.\t.. ~ n.~~t4~GWl"'~~~ ~~ti'leD .......~~ UiW"~~.d tOctUilUl!ll!~con~ ptfm'1D1C)'.1~'~m.~~:..Il..~e4'l~&~ . . .$.. ~~i&~~~-~cc~"''';~af'''',""",bUw ~.........I~~~ .' .... 'J'b: ~~~ ~ Utle4 "'9!ra ~""'~~.d~~'rW~~1 ~~'~,ftukt~~~~,~on ' ~ 14.,=~ _ tdaaa).b <be ~ &olL~ waulo~clt1uby ~G b;t III ... tM myb lJa)d;r my~Jft.. fa tl\e boil or~' bow~ UI&~~",]I!Iill b tlmtroportu(cmpr. _ ~ :.Nl\lmecflJ~dLPJlkYicm.a1(zAW), "J~""'A~f? ~~D~~~.~. , Ar~,v~ I~ 16.170 ~ ; ~~~U~ ~~ . .y- iP '4,i - "..1' '\ J' \ (lfFr."',1 If! . '.. '~. <1'~.... (,'" ...;. 'i (') , 'ff' ~ ~ ~r/':'~" ..i;.~ ""-""'1Ili ...;.. .../f1lk .~ '. PAl;E U"7 P:b"F, r '':J~. C~/ 30/2003 Ol.3g 5~1983S571 ~-c;-~~~s 10:10P ~R0M: SOOt'>jER CONSTRcXTIOtl TO. 15415889S71 ~ty $cr>tU:l3 l:Jlv, Suild1r.A W4ly .J~ ~ A , T J tJ7 CU'Y ~ &f1I.ING~ OIl200W ctQo loti ~ _.. 12S S'6 ~ l~r6. Olt "4'11 Pi. ~$P tDw1'Oiu. Q":t~{QU(t d~ ....leaqskea ~p.m'B11l tUbW14..'Up Q{ t;U~ ~i1'~~"~~~~(q4",)~ t1lJimln ~ Ite ~Jt-a .~ pJA~~eJu1Ahf.be surms ~~'1P. vr~~.,.. ~,_ L n-..e. dRLgI. ~h6lI ~ tm ('oI~)~ ~ :tM434iW ~ftn Jc~ ~ "..~~ ~ 1Ntr:rJJIt.tt.. ' l:l na~~... ~~bt~II!Js'/"J1I:~pIM~r>>~ 9 6f~~ h4'i4.. PloW. ~~..~... ........ )1J ~-:;~t.~/'.lH)' &r ~..j;if.IIAA:~.~ ~ge b. .lI'iIU4\e"~~M4"~.~G/fha ~-JIl(Ilat__t........._.~..t_o......-- y~, . N'eL '~.. ~(U_-,....IatA1tilt."_~1lDtd ' ~.. il~w IIIJ\W1t1m1' ~.od..~ I.MDIfRI.. i.~ lIIW.t ~ ~__J". 4WIlIJt,." __l..~ lilK ID I1f# Rl'eCJ,. ,*-) .J." _ 'fbJ~~~d.4~~_...".....-R4,........,Jt~.ave ~~~ I1qy"d~f~_Anqum~lIO{: ~ CIltllefoU:14B&SoZldlil'WIDIs10l'_ ~ Y'a "N~.L. If )111..... ~~ nNlllrtfu1 'Wl(Q' JlW'fhk tJ,&tI.7.r.i). ~_ -r'''tJ_41'~...:...u~,. ",~;"~J~{' ~ P'"-~" .. -. . -- c!"'- -.....- ~. .~..... ~~tB.;: .i'::_~~:':li..!lA_- . a..,.,. ......_.~,:-l..:.-.;;.-._._-:::a-:l....:...;;-:,~"..." Ill' TMf#/lrJ~ ~~l!IM.ubt ~ by m, itNiMJMtI.bJl 1M ~ tmti ",. '. ~B ~ltfn" WM>oUl.'l'Al!R".u. ~ wu:~cm IN. propl'J'f1. 3 ( F~(iE Ot:. F:4'6 Bc/30/2003 01:39 5419889571 "M-:-~-c:'6el3 te: taP FROr'I: SOONER CONST~UCTION TO: 15419009571. .. . '.. ~iQt 1il;.I'Jt. Cl". Duil4t..~ .Wl~ WI.'t OP lU'6UN~f O:R.BQQN Qtr '''''_ i;IS 58 ~ ~~ OR ".17 Pk. nw'J9 Lt?.~_.LPJ ,,~,."''''''I...,~ - n. ~~M""'JIItd.rI8MJ(Q'~~.) U_1bm /J.~ ......., I~i.,'""l~..__~ tIClltUt--. Uf411urz~"..~ .... ~tk:hf ~.lV". ~JIJJ *.-u_.0lIlIIIl~fJ/. sub. Il/I'fIJIIMUII"_""'IIIIfI.~ ~ ~1IIfb W'l"J' .-.._.~ ~ ~.lWthG!'..._,..~~.....,.,~ l,wllp$'/tJ;"'ptt1film ~~JW". 4AdI~1":~1lt1 ..- ...IlIIi... -- ,,"..., ~.~.. ,"t..u". ... r"""", ._. ".,',1 - J.. '.1, ...:"..........."...................- ~. . . (N'ot.}:1t. a,rGttllb u;;:~.ilb.l t:bi,t ~ ~.~ hll;.o~...Js.t.a . ~ ,. -.w.*"I<"'QUw~-,~~ ~1lG1~.tJ1th~ . ~ ---*~\tbwp&(\...."'.,'~I-.lJ~.4Pt~~ ~. ne~~...j~~v._&-Ytet~tsl9pOnftiDtIt:t tIJ~~~o~ ptb~ ~~~insf."':'iL. .~ar~~ _l..loJ,,'~~~~.~..-- .. '.. ~""-{? ~,r~C.L.. '~'_ CI"""~"'>IllIlr. .~1'.." ~.... J'~'::.. '......... .~."'...._ . ~a-~r~C) .. L~~....t1..o ~ -~~.... 'U..-..... P€....J..~/7<? ._~.~_~/_~:! ""'.'" .""'1' . , '!b~lio~lDl~~t!lc~~i_l.. A6i~_S~ lfB!"""9r.~lil ~mm..1Uate ~~ of eaposed "1I~'V1: ~.II\O Ula! i!,~ve:iC.Us 1141 ~1D4 ~ \Wh III kN\ l~. i~.au ~~ to a.f 1$Yt 959& ef ASn;f O~i for ~c:m ,;..'-"t...-aa '1'.&:~ l'efOC ~ t:rr..............-"..r ( lM\ ~~, be.~ t'Q~t ~ tromea~i.t6ar~"_ t.D~0l1 ~ ~.. ~ \':lac ~~jnCC.AS.lta:ld rlw~'c.i-.e. ~~ 1Ja ........llW ~ ~ ~ :c.5.1t&:a~ w S~Qe: W8Uf w'tu cbra ~dtle~ ~ol.,.,..,.Juical..~ ....Iwd:----r1auiuG ~~.o*MlIlur_u .~ ~ '~~ ic the f~.~ abb.14 b4 ~ lflUt 2~M ~MthDc;ql"51ve~ rolb, ~ ~~.. Q ~\ll:&"" !ftl"~ 'Of WBCa' I1Ihi.: ~ The Weq,*, ot..Ql.\ ~ 81A~ 1UOUIld tb aUihtil11 mull; ~ 'f"llll'i..5ad tg ~ ~\ .If Ibe ~ 1l"~Hl. 4 PAGE 05 F'15/5 ~ a4/20/2003 01:39 541gS89571 RfR~~-cero 1e;f19P FROM' . ~~fl;'~2 ~ ll:l. ~AX .&112'~'it . ": som~ER CON':3TRUCTIOH 1"\" .....0;: PAGE 0-1 P:2'6 ~ . ':::'>0: C!~ OP S"JNQF12_~ TO: 154198a:,-4S71 ~ ~- f>i"..kIhihofl&iiltj CU I Of/' Sf'1I.wtur.t&.D. ~lf ' .w J. ~ IJDI~. 01 Q14'f'T >>. 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