HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-5-9 MAY-8-2002 1l3:02P FROM: TO: 154 beltf::;!:;) (1 P: 1/1 ~~ \-\O\~~-\- ::O~D ~ NESS ~ FASS3:~\J~)::~, ~\JC. lANDSURVfYING . CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. WArFR RIGHTS tXAMINATIONS CIVIL ENCINEfRINC . GEOTECHNICAL II ENVIRONMENTAL May 9. 2.002 Grassroots Development 1135 Cal Young Road Eugene. O,.:;~...A 97401 RE; Aggregate Compaction TGstlng lot 18 - Haidyn Meadow First Addition Springfield, Oregon On May 8, 2002 a representative from Ford-Ness-Fassbender, In(~. performed field density tests on the stepped residential building pad at lot 16 of the Haldyn Meadow Subdtvtsron to assess compaction of the approximately 6- to 1()-jnch thick layer of %'-0 C1UShed aggregate placed over .the 5ubgrade. The aggregate was compacted using a Vfbratoty pate compactor and the relati\te compaction of the aggregate was determined in two locations to te at least 95% of the aggregates maximum dry denstty of 133.5 pet as. determined by ~ASHTO Method T -99. The bUilding lot had been sufficiently "dug ouf' to '=""-t'.....se suitabte eubslrade material below the fdl that was present on site. The subgrade and compacted fill on ttm tot IS suitable for conventional residential perimeter foundation constructron We recommend the landscape 60Il slope to direct surface water a NaY from all foundations, and water should not pond adjacent to footings Ronald J. DerriCk, P.E 116 Hwy. 99 N., Suite 100. PO. 80,,22735. [ugpnp.. OR 97402' (541, ~ 44.1&52. fax (541) 344.~~ZJ E-mall.milll@(nftnc.t1et.Wf.bsllO. www.tnfln.net Certlf"tCd W8 t- I D 9.E