HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-6-20 .- . I Job# 00-00976-01 I . Page 1012 TRANSU:01-0002251 DATE:JUN 20 2000 AMT RECD:2 $ 114.96 CHANGE: CASHIER: 061 SPRINQFIELD ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON COMMERCIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Job Number: 00-00976-01 225 l)Jorth Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 location Of Proposed Site: 555 MAIN St Spr Assessors Map#: 17033531 lot: Block: Addition: Tax lot #: Subdivision: Office: 726.3759 Inspection line: 726-3769 * 11000 Owner: BLAKE HASTINGS 637 B ST Phone Number: 541-741-4676 City/State/Zip: SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 New Value: $14,000 Address: Scope Of Work: Rerool REROOF Contractor Type General Contr Contractor A1 ROOFING 550-F SHEllEY ST, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Registration # Expiration Date 52643 4/15/2002 Phone 541-746-4958 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections r~QTMdf6elore 7:00 -- a,m, will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a,m, Willr~lT,1l!Q~\tt)Il:f611oWiJfgXPIRE IFTHE WORK working day, AUTHORIZED UNDERTHIS PERMlTlS NOT R . d I' - --- --...... .....\...lnf"\~Ic:nt:"D equlre nspectlons vUIVllVIl;:.i"'v~LJ-' ........ ._. ..~ ~ .. I Building ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Roofing - Prior to installing any roof covering, Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? 0 ,Area (Sq. Feet) I Main: Accessory: ~_I "tt:i\: i iv..,.....! .:t",;", .c....' ..:.:qullt:~. jul.o , # Of Stories: Heig~JI!~~fbes adootPr! b\l the Orr-l(1on Uti;it.- Current Units: ProI18~,~tl)ll)i~:ef\i:1r. 'fhf'se flIle:> :'f(",~~1 o!. Census Code: Does not apply .'\ 0"''' ;"b2.(1\1I-li[l'i II " DII".] Ol-\;'L;)~-CO' 0090, YOLl mal' 0'1t8;1'\ copies ot Ill!" ~uICS b, Total: callir.o ~hE- cgrt~., (~JOI:: thl' t:.I:,IJ,lo~e .__~ _".4-. '''n n,,,,,nn Illilil'i i\'otitlcallOr Fee Paid On Receipt# Building 06/20/2000 2251 .....r-.t.... .. .. ."'" -~.. . ",.' Value/Quantity Fee Amount Building Permit ,14,000 $104,50 . Job# 00-00976-01 I Paid On Receipt# Building 06/20/2000 2251 06/20/2000 2251 Fee State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building Grand Total Signature . Page 2 of2 Value/Quantity Fee Amount $7,32 $3,14 $114,96 $114,96 Date . COMM ERCIALJlN DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION . LOCATION OF PROP9SED WORK' ,('-<:;~~- /'l A /7 ,,:.. 17033SJ/ /.3 /a /fJ;? ~;; C7--'" ADDRESS' ~-/. JOB NUMBER 00 T~22'Jl INSPECTION LINE: 72B(1v6~JUN 20 20 JO OFFICE, 726,3759 AMT RECD: 2 $ 114. 16 CHANG: : CASHIER:Oll 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ ASSESSORS MAP' TAX LOT, 11000 OWNER: PHONE Lf'//- ~.0> /'.c::::. , CITY' STAT~' ZIP: DESCRIPTION OF WOR~' NEW REMODEL r-f' - /'7J /' ~' ADDITION ;7 DEMOLISH OTHER VALUE: NAME ADDRESS PHONE ARCHITECT' CONTRACTOR'S NAME _ .-1 .~: / '/7'" kj, PLUMBING' ADDRESS /l-/ .P:/~..;.._ , -/ vi CONST, CONTRACTOR' <)'-267-' '\ EXPIRES P PHONE /j/JJ00 ~/e:. .~r~ MECHANICAl' ELECTRICA' ' FEE I CHARGE I I I I ... I -I I I I I I I I MFr:HANIr:AL PLUMBING NO Nn ~r:J:' ,.....ARr:lI= It. Furnace/burner & vent < 100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent > 100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or floor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate Stationary evap. cooler Vent Fan/Single duel Vent System aparl ,: from AC or htg, Mechanical exhaust hood and duel Single FIxture Relocated Bldg, (new II x, addtll Water Service Sanitary Sewer II. Storm Sewer It. 8ackflow Device Permit Issuance $10,00 TOTAL PERMIT TOTAL PERMIT - OFFICE USE - HANDICAP ACCESS, FLOOD PLAIN: ~UAD AREA' . OF BLDGS, LAND USE: . OF UNIT~' ZONING' OCCY GROUP' . OF STORIEc, CONSTR, TYPF' HEAT SOURCF' LIGHTING POWER BUDGET, WATER HEATER' SO, FT, $/SO, FT, VALUE SO, FTG MAl N SO, FTG ACCESi' SQ, FTG OTHER X X X TOTAL VALUE OF ,PROJECT PLAN CHECK FFF RCPT' DATF BY I BUILDING PERMIT II"!; Slate Surcharge MECHANICAL 7%' Stale Surcharae I PAVING I PLUMBING I DEMOLITION '/'10 State ::iurcharge FENCE VALUE $, SIDEWALK TOTAL PERMIT FEES I EXCLUDING ELECTRICA' :D :3: -' -' == ::0::1> ::I> ['J--lZ J"IUJ c..# n ..C-...(.. ...... I"W'--...... CJ) Z t-' 1-l("":J 1'..J6 j m:Cl-4-oo :::::O:D~ 0 :.: :Z~~N . ~rT1~Qc..n SUBTOTAL FT, PERM ITS SYSTEMS FT, DEVELOPMENT CURBCUT .., . REQUIRED INSPECTIONS . IUs the, responsibility of the permit holder to see that all Inspections are made at the proper time, To request an Inspection. call , '726'3769'(fecoider), state your City designated job number, Job address, type of Inspection requested and when you will be ready for Inspectlbn;f.!equests received before 7:00 a.m. wUi~b'e made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made -' ' ". .l-'-,' ';"', 'the following work day, 1.''' I SITE INSPECTION: To be :/~~:.;~:'i::'_l made after excavatIon, but prior to setup. of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any wo'rk Is covered. ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: No work Is to be covered until these Inspections have been made and approved. PAVING: After gravel Is In place but prior to placing asphalt or concrete. FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel In place, but prior to placing concrete. FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing materials and before framing Inspection. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: In accordance Section 306 of the State Specialty Code a special Inspector shall be employed by the Owner I Contractor during construction of the following work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division, ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS CONCRETE SLAB: To be made after all lnslab building service equipment, conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillary equipment Items are In place but before any concrete Is placed. FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are In place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and mechanical are approved. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 2500 P,S,I. (306 a,1) STRUCTURAL WELDS, Performed on the Job, (2722 f) UNDERFLOOR: Plumbing, electrical, mechanical. To be made prior to Installation of flo.or insulation, decking or floor sheathing, INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all Insulation and required vapor barriers are In place but before any lath or gypsum board interior wall covering is applied, ' FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to plans. HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt installation and tightening operations, (306 a,6) UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water and drainage lines. To be made prIor to covering or filling trenches. SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: UB,C, Standards 43,S, SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During earthwork, (306 a,11 & Chapter 29) POST & BEAM: To be made prior to Installation of floor Insulation, decking or floor sheathing, LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, Interior and exterior, is In place but before any plastering Is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished, GLU.LAM BEAMS: Inspection Certificate by an approved agency, furnished to the City's Building Division before beams are placed, (2501 U,B,C, STDS, 25.10,11), STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 a,7) FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to Installation of decking or floor sheathing, SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right of way, to be made after all excavating complete and form work and sub-base material In place. "In addition to the Inspec. tlons specified, the Building Official may make or require other Inspections of any constructIon work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code, MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams grouting or verticals In accordance with UBC 2415, ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to Installing any roof covering. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but prior to placing concrete. ------------------------------------------------------- FINAL PLUMBING SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days In advance of the date you wish Inspection, All project conditions such as landscaping, parking lot striping, etc, must be completed before requesting this inspection. FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, electrical, mechanical and Fire Department Inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made untll a . CertIficate of Occupancy has been Issued by the Building DIvision and posted on the premises. FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS' PLANS REVIEWED BY OAT" By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify th~t all Information herein Is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done In accordance with the OrdInances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety DIvIsion. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address Is readable from the street, that the permit card Is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all tImes durIng constructIon. Slgnaturo Dato VALIDATION, AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT .' DATE PAID' RECEIVED BY' . J / /' I 00~ /l;"Za/'I, S I- ! i; . 7 9' Os-. /J/db.' Ha;;pLl';i". ' ':\j:cm " Lis ' "< ~/Y/:~~' ('j: ')' 1</. '..' ,," ..',.... ... .. ..n 'J"'I--'-----' .-. ............-- ...,- V.I.. " L/- .Y',..,.. ::-," /cr/~, Lid It- -..' .-..---..~.- ........ - --.-.--iifL..~ ..S/t"?-J4if.. ., '''Ii -....--,. ,.,..,.- ....".., -.." ,- ,_..__Q~y/.t!Ef..,<:J-_ A&-...,.~, . "'1: __.... _. __ ,. ,._ c2Q / J}- .,' "--" , ,_ ..i1.... -""'" ..- --"--/-,lZC._/Yt:~--,.........-...... II .. --...'=:,.-.-..-------.. ,&:dVU"'L __\1__ ____u -I .. , '.. ~~,;.;.2J1~:-~-: I ii""'" ,....,..____ /- / b- ... li .....- ......--... . .... ,..- -- . L.a-:<~~.. ".. .---" '.. - ,... ii ' . , ,. . ---- ~1--<A..5' - ..,.. -- ' ...- -"1 p, --,,--- .-- . .-f. ' .. ..""..;, --..... ..,----....- /5.00" ---..-..---"..,..,.... H'n -- -....- ...." , ,-... _H ... --.. ----.. ["" J, . . . '..,.. I ''';1 ... . ,.. .... ,.., ,_..... ...., ,..... _ i! ' . .." "'...'"",,. I ... ~\ "]!." I ..-. I; --. ...., r'\;. ~i). ,.,'.., S' .~i! .....J "'-i:' k:>" , V) ,1: I ',. '.,.. ~ '#:'~{~~. './r.Vpkl1'..f~#f,~~,' "7v~.~~/ ' ~'$'. ',,1' 5"/ '.~ -- });tl// /', \.\1' '-. ,~'..A ' ." ... c. '" 5'- g.'!. ON..'..~ 7 ' ~ if s~ A \. . ... .. r-' 'j! ,Ii 1I . j: ...' ..... I ilrJ .......1____._ i' " ..."..-.. J .. ......-. --, , I ' -'Ii mo... . ,. ,.., ..--..--..... , i . ~ I .__ '1 ''OJ: _ ,I \// /V70"'~ sf ' l;. ;:; ~ oUl'g ;:P , . 9~ :1 2. (y$j '. ~ " fJ ~\v!; ~ ' ,) '.~ Ih I J 'v~ . ROOFING SINCE 1m CCB 1151643 550-F Shelley Street Springfield, OR 97477 "'-,~. Ed Cook".) General Manage, Eugene Corvallis Alban\' Fax ' Cell 541.746.4958 541.752.1443 541.967.5035 541.302.6692 541.501.7456 Outside Areas: 1-800-998.9771 "Your Flat Roof Specialist" . ~ . Job: 00-00976-01 Address: 555 MAIN St Owner: BLAKE HASTINGS . Received: 6/20/00 Unit: BLOG: FLR: FEE SUMMARY Type Building Subtotal Administrative Fee Surcharge Total Grand Total Amount Due Amount Paid 104.50 0,00 3,14 0,00 7,32 0,00 0.00 114.96 ') 0.00 ----- ~ I:...~ ....-'"' - ,..,.".,." I . ''''..'... ' (I' 18 Roof Systems CPA _le~PIY Membranes: TY~ical'prolies a as 9000 & ISO 9001 approved system Member me. UlDl NATIONAL ROOFING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION Property Method Requirement *45.100 Thickness (in) ASTM D751 0,040 0,045,,100 Breaking Strength (lbD ASTM D751 00 MD 200 330 XMD 200 310 ru Elongation @ Break (%) ASTM D751 MD 15 60 XMD 15 40 ~ Tearing Strength (lbD ASTM D751 ~ MD Tongue Method 45 63 XMD 45 62 low Temperature ASTM D2136 ~ Bend (Celsius) -40 Pass Pass Dimensional Stability (%) ASTM D1204 ru MD 0,5 .0,50 XMD 0,5 0 Puncture Resistance (lbD ASTM D4830 NfA 101 lQb Water Vapor ASTM DE96 Transmission (gfh m') (MelhodA) 0,13 0,17 Water Absorption (% max) ASTM D570 3 0,24 0> Water Extraction (% max) ASTM D3083 NfA 0,08 Volatile loss (% max) ASTM D3045 5 .0.45 Accelerated Aging: Dven ASTM D3045 Average ~ Breaking Strength (%) 80% 90 Elongation @ Break (%) 7d@100C of 90 Tearing Stren9th (%) Original 92 ~ Accelerated Aging: Water Average Breaking Strength (%) 7 d@70C 80% 88 Elongation @ Break (%) in water of 87 ~ Tearing Strength (%) Original 85 Accelerated Weathering ASTM G53 Cracking (7x Magnification) 5,000 h min None None ~ Crazing (7x Magnification) None None Discoloration (Visual) Negligible Negligible Hydrostatic Resistance (psi) ASTM D751 NfA >250 ~ Fire Resistance I Ul & FM ClassA Wind Resistance' . FM 1.120 Warranty (years non.prorated) 15.25 Material 00 Mfg, labor Warranties available on a fee basis The table presents typical propertie~ of 18 CPA Single-Ply Membranes. Requirements are taken from ASTM 04434.96. "--' Test methods not required by IheASTM standard are listed without requirement values. a. Consult the Underwriters Laboratories and Factory Mutual Directory for details. b. Consult the Factory Mutual Directory for details. e~~BO~ '-' -'#ER-S4DS 'Note: Typical Properties will increase when membrane thickness increases II11I11 IIIII .,' ,~ 11... ..., J ",,'. .~. ','" ~1 ". ) "A-I Roofing & Consiruction; ;', , 550:F Shelley Street,,~ ,', Springfield OR 97477 ',' .' , ' .. .. 4 . ( ,1 ,--1~800.:998,9.nl' .. ',' , '"., .~ solution@ibroof.com ROOF SYSTEMS www,ibrooLcom IF'" ~;~': '_feet''''""",,, "'~' ,.,',~~~_~- ---',~.i},:-~;~ S~CIFICALLY DESi~D Each roof is specifically designed accarding to i,s unique needs. c~.mr;: --t. ""'11\1 l Roof Layout Design IB Roof System was designed for the contractor, The rolls of membrane are site fabricated to minimize wrinkles caused by compound angles in the roof deck. All seams are vulcanized using robotic welding equipment. Every IB certified applicator is thoroughly trained in the entire installation process to ensure proper and professional application, Prefabricated sysiems are available upon request. I,' II Hot Air Welding Contractors report that IB CPA single-ply membranes are the easiest membranes they have ever welded, IB membranes are welded together with hot air, and there are no chemical activators or seam seals needed, Ponding Water IB Roofs were uniquely formulated to with- stand ponding water, Moisture will not pass through the IB membrane, Ponding water will not affect the performance or the lasting warranty of IB Roof Systems single-ply membranes, /B Membranes are sealed with the nelvest and most technologically sophisticated welders. Inseam/as/ening 1 B membrane provides chemical resistance for roofs exposed (0 high le\'els of convsive elemellfS. fir Chemical Resistant IB CPA single-ply membrane has proven itself to withstand the detrimental effects of chemicals such as alkalis, animal fats, petroleum i oils, salt water, and ozone, These are all common corrosive chemicals in \ North America that are responsible for destroying many other roofing systems, IB membranes contain a special dirt release formula, This prevents fungus and algae from setting into the membrane and allows dirt to be easily lifted from the surface. ~> ~":..,......oL;:; ;l';;.....~. ~ ~_ '~',~, ,