HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-12-3 . . MifeJv 1 JrISPECTIOtl LIIIE 726-376g .Job Address &)'~3.- /J1~ I, I ~?I ~d>6 INFORlIATION L1t!< 726-3753 Sq. Ftg. 1,Iain ~q. Ftg. Access. Sq. Ftg. Other Ilew Add Alter Rep. --Fence Demo Change/Use Other - - ~ Legal Description Owner HIA/UA j /Lat/t.., Address, <)??tJ -1n~ Address Ut:::dliN II:N1 Phone (address) BU11Gina Permit Info: Describe Work(i.e., Build Single Familv nesidence With Attached Gara~el ~ pj"/PL/~ R ...fur ~A- ;!/lj!.u. ~~/-"~ tJ "'- - ~ (;J Construction Lender lnamel (l(~OireS) (ohone nO.l Primary .~ '{f Structural Electrical Meehan; ca 1 CONTRACTORS (namel (addrpss) (lice:; no.' (pxnirp,,\ lohnnp nn_ 1 General Plumbina f1t./ftJ..PA-l Electrical "'ec:hanir.Cll I., . Each single fixture SQ. FT. ! MECHANICAL 1OELJ..cJ:IARGE ..JlU...1 I furnace/burner to BTU's I Floor furnace and vent I Recessed wa 11 Sn~rp hp~tp~ ~nrl vpnt I r"~ PlUllB ING ELECTRICAL ...Jill..... F>F rHI\Rr,F "n~ Residence of I App 1 f ance vent seoarat_p Stationary evap. cooler Vent fan with s;nole duct. I Vent system apart from I heatino or A.C. I Mechanical exhaust hood "'nd durt. I \-Jood stove/heater 1 I I im I I I I 1 I ,/ /Re10cated building (new Fix. additional) IS.F. Residence (] bath 1 louplex (1 bath) each IAdditional bath Temporary Construction 1'~later service IChange in existing I rp~idJ'nrp I Sewer Imultifamily. COIl11l. or I Tnn""tri<ll I Storm Sewer I I Of amps.j I 10)1 JiL 0-1,11/ aJ I CDMlI,IIND. FEEDERS I I I 0- A ",,-+- I IDI Install/alter/relocate I I /) ~j/~J; ()C) rli"trih fpprlpr" I I I 10f amp,,1 I I /1'% I I-'lV 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I SSUANCf OF PFRIIlT TOTAL CHARGES ID ,10 TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE L.'1I REQUIRES that tile Electrical work be done by an,'E1ectrical Contractor. the electrical portion of this pernit shall not be valij until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the BUilding Division jNew circu~ts alts. or extenslons . I SERVICES Fire Zone I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed aprlication for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work ~erformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. and that IW OCCUPAUCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ons 701.055. that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 7Ql.055 will be used on this project. SIGIIAT~~'.. ~~,~ DATE (;)-3 -,ts- FOP. OFFICE USE DIlLY Sq. Ftg. Sq, Ftg. Sq, Ftg. LEWIS IlAllE(please print)C. LAt2.~ c... Zone Tvpe/Const. Bedrooms Stories Units Occy Load Occy Group f1ain Access Other x Value Value Value x Flood Plain x TOTAL V AlUA TI 0/1 BUilDING PWIIT Charges and Surcharges Plan Ck, Comm/lnd 65%/Bldo Per Fpp ------------ Plan Ck. Res 30%/B1do Per Fee jO.CO I Fence ----- --:-10-1 Demo hidewalk I A/C Paving I Curb Cut ------------ I Isyste.ms Development Charoe t1.5~) .. PLUt1BING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges I I ELECTRICAL PERI:IT Charges and Surcharges MECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges ITotal Comb, Permit I I TOTAL fO. </0 , . . ~ a+l?p a..tn+l?u6~s aWl?U :A8 03M3I^3H SNVld ... :UO~+l?W..tO~UI +Jafo..td Ll?uo~+~ppV :a~nl?Jaq P..tl?08 s,..tapL~n8 a4+ 4+~M uO~+l?..t+s~6a..t WO..t~ +dwaxa +Ul?J~Lddl? +~W..tad /, :AJNVdnJJO 3HOJ38 03IJSI1VS 38 01 SNOI1IONOJ 1J3rOHd ~ /($ lj..taLJ +~W..tad A1NO 3sn 3JI330 M03 'A t\ y: <(, 'c\~J . c;O L- <;;01 'panss~ s~ f~wuad a41 ua4M alQ2A2d pue anp aJV Sa5J24J pUP saa) Ja410 lLV 'p~ed aJv'saaj asa41 l~lun passaJoJd aq lL~M Suvtd au pue 'uO~leJJldde a41 )0 aW~l 041 12 alQvivd pup anp aJP saa) ~Ja4J UVld sa6"04J puo saa3 . AI oaJnlPu6ls s~4 JOj panss~ s~ l!wuad tenlJP a41 aW!l a41 12 lUVJ!Ldde 041 01 l! 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