HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-10-11 lL "'I"~'L"""""___...:!.~~ "'.n".\ ..:.~,~.~.I~.nA'l'!(l:~'JI.'U~jll":~m_-';:""~'j~\Z"~l."!.",Wft!tl"I' "~L.. ;".',' --..,;.; '. I ~ Ill).":, INFORMATION: 72G'J7~,J city of springfield 225 n, 5th strect . INSPEC'TIONS: 72G.J76D S;ot~ 6, SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION LI.~I (YIC:U.1n S',I-ret'" i- LECAL DESCRIPTION 1/0:')2- s ::!" OHNER OR PROPEIlTY I J ,<:::::: . h"LV\ ~ ADDRESS 42" mclA.M Sh-el"+j <rY'iV\~rk~J~ ~OR O\1NER OF SIGN (IF OTIlER THAN rROPlmTY OWNER) A. 'LOCATlON 01' SIGN (ADDRI;SS) TAX !.OT't. (120 () PIlONE l,,~l 'J'ii'lo'~ m q7477 ADDRESS NANE OF BUSINESS. FlPJ'1. ETC,-'J." Kl~ PIlONr. TYPE 01' .IlUSrt:ESS R-:l/\ b .:;,..,(~ , J D, USI; Arm CI!ARiCTER OF SIGN: IDWTlTY B, TYPE 01' I/ORK: C. STRUCTUHAl. TYPE 01' SIGN: _ERECT ()l ALTER \1ALl. ~FREEf,TANDUlG ~REJ.OCATE _ROOF _PROJI':CTlNG _oTllm ~lt()UEE _UNDER IlAlWUEE _O'r1lElt U1.SI1J~ (.,... POI"F _INCIDElITAI.; ~DOUBI.r. FACE _SINGJ.E FAGE ._MIILTI-FACE, . _P.F.ADER BOARD _BILLBOARD . I *, I E. VENDORS, CONTRACTORS, . SICN I':RECTOR (' ~.l(' I ~ s.. D/l_ CO, '. h.U':':) \ .t,DD~':;SS-l.' nn~, ~~ -r:;n"'(. pC;> ) C'\O .,^ "". CITY J.ICENSE 1l~'IIIER ''?Cl 000 r.. -' SIGN HANUFACTUllER (IF OTIIER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP,f.SS flf<. Pllcm:..3."i<::'::>- ~ \ 'R' ~ :m q-17() I ? EXP, DATE .PI!Otm F .' DIHEI/SIONS. llISTALLATION {, CONSTP.IJCTI01! G. EX ISTING SIr.NS AIlf. TIIERE M/Y E:nSTltIG ~ICNS? ~YES tlO 1!lJ11BE~, SI7.E IN SO.FTG, TOTAL 'IIEIGIIT AIlOVE GIU\DE VERTICAL DUIENSIOII OF SIGN 1I0RIZOm'^L WIllTH OF SICN DINf.NSlOtI FROII GRADE TO BOTT0!1 OF SIGtI TlIICKHESS OR DEPTlI ~.I" i..j.:'-J" ^1.L EX I$TUIG 51f.NS FOR r.l1~;rNESS. CTC. S~.,..f'I 'S. "A"S+r, (~ s~..f..f) 4' }(~' q'I,," I Lj " DOr.S SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LIIIE? ___YES ~NO IF YES, DUlENSlON BEYOND PROl'r. RTY 1.1 NE NOTE, IF PltOJEGTl.OlI I:; IIORE TIIAN t2" Dvl.:IT PUnt.IC !'HOPEP-TY TI!f. SIGN EHECTOR I.IUST FlU: WITH Till': UUI!.IlINr. DIVISION COPIES OJ' III!;fIlEH LlAlIlLlTY AND PllOP- ERTY DAHAGE H1SUP.ANCE POLICIES, H. HI~L SIGN lIAVE ELEGTP'!bA IHRIllG? Ves IF YES, \JlllCI~ APPLY? F.LECTP.ICAJ. SIGtI _II.I.WllNATEll (INIJII''):C'. I.IGI!TF.D), F.1.ECTlnCAI. COtITP.ACT0l\ (N-Y\SOh....~~('O. ADDRI;SSJrgO""> N C For }j"-,,,,.. P'M;:,J ,of. LI5C.NUHln:H q -S0 PI:mlr. ,:::"X-7-)t~'2-- I. J. SITE H1J'OPJtA'l'lOlI(I.AND lI~F.) -- EXISTlNG USf. m' IlUlI.DWG Or. LAND (fIR LAST USE IF VACANT) R~k DF.SCRIBE TYPE OR f'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTHllCl'ED or, ~I \IV\ l .In 1.\ /YV\ ( A. h.'f IA t :I- 0\p v -CA'-O.A-- , r NVYl n. 0 .Y('J..A. 0 K. VALUE OF SIGN: .\1 ~nn 0.9 ~lNDOOr. r:U$um~:s OlJTDOO~ t,fERCllAUOISltlC PROPOSED USF. OF nUI1.ll!NG OR I.AND: ~(U L'l "^VE C/\RF.FUU..Y r::::.AHltIF.D the complcCCtl npplic:1l:1f,1O for permtt :mc.l do hereby certify thnt nll informntion i~ true :10<1 correct, and t further certify thnt :111 work performed shall b€! done in acconl:mcc with the ::tprinc(i.cld Sir.n Or.t1in:lnce. the Uniform Sign Cotlc .15 ndopted by thc City of 5orinr,ficld :lncJ .111 other OrdinttnCC:i o[ I:hl':' Cir:y or :lflri.nr,Cicld am! th~ lnwR of the $t:1tC of ~r.Cr.OIl pcr'tnlninr. to VlC worl~ eJer.cribccl ~C.l'J,n. 1: further ccrt.l..~y thar; rIV ::~r.!" Co",tr:lctor Y..1- ccnnc with thc City of: $pri~r.ficld i.~ in (1I11 force nnd effect ar. rCf'!ul.rcc.l by Sprinr.ricld Codes 8-2-6(3) llnd 9-]-20(2). I will rcquc!;t n11 rcquLrcu :;ign inspection:> li:;ted on the npprovcd pennit. NAH~ (I'L~AS~ PRINT) .Q) In \('\ \ J SIr.N.\l'UHI: ''')t .v\ "'-'---t.! ~:.'1 (f \l\d k~ VYl "\ \ ~d:V_L-.,,\-_ nAT~ C,) IfY; / RO, , I ..,.\ , , 'i i ; ..~ . , ; , I . j ~ . J . . ~ . . i 1 .t (':;:(I'..---- '~""""'w ;'1 '. ~ ;.: '. .', ;.~ PLEASE ReD . 1) SI~""r:1tc Slrn Appl'ic,1tlon: A scp.1rate application 10 requiL"ed' .fo~ each .tiepaL"3te oien as defined 1.ll the Sign ..Code, - l-:lectrical-: Any permit i:.lsueu untl<:t' thil; appU.cati.on will include wirine in or on r.ien structure. the suppiy wires for conncction IIIUr.t: be covered on :1n clectrical t;cL"mit. Elect1"icill connection must be made only by u State Liccnned l.::lcctl-i<:,al Gootr01cto1:'. 111\1minatcu sir,ns (both intern.11ly .md externally) lIlllSt conform to :';ection:.; ,)-7-l, (I.) [..; C.i) and 9-7-18 of the SpringficLu Sien Or- dinance. 2) 3) Plan!; ReCluired: 1111s ilPplicOltion 13 to be ouLmittcd with two complete sets of plans showint di- mcnsi.olls ant! heicht of si,'.n; .,Jvcrti~in& me5:;ace on sign; location of sien on propert)' with d1- mens.ions to property lines, str\lctul"nl detail~ of ::;upport frOlminr., bracing and (ootints; r.I.1teri<\1.:; of construction for sign and sien structure; 'clectrical equipmcnt and lighting; size and loc.'ltion of existing signs on property for the sallle busier-r.s. .0.11 as requircd to determinq com~)liancc wi.th the Springfield Sign' Ordinance (Article 7 of the SIJrincficld City Code). Also,. show tllC follow- ing..in(orOJation on the plot plan (plan showinG property linea aud location of si&ns): 4) a) Show the location of all cxistin~ Sigll(S) as well as proposed sign(s), b) Show the .length of the street frontnJ~c tOlkc.n up by the busincss 01' builJing. For wall signs I show the length of the buildinG frontaec. c) Show the location of entrances open to the puhlic and uriveways. \-/hcn rcquired. bcciluse of dc::;iCn, uizc, etc., cngincercd dra.wings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to dc:;i~n standards on file ut t~c Uuildinc Divi- sion Office. Plan:; of insurrlcient clarity or dct<liL will bf~ rctul"ncu to the 3pplicnnt ,,,1th no permi t beine issued. Sigll:; must mCl't corner vi~ion clca.rance rC(jutl..CIIlCl\tli a.u ucscribcd in FiGure ~ of the S~rinc.ficld Comprchcn:iivc Zoning Code. NO'1'I~: No sicn may be erecteu which I:: lesH clwn 12 (ect horizontally or vertically [1.010 overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volt::;. Ot. lCl;::; than 5 feet in Olny direction [rot:' ovcrhcOld electrical lines which arc ener,:,ized at lc~s tiwn 750 volts. If a sign is not instulled within GO days aftc\' the date of issue of thi13 permit. tile permit'sh.1ll be void.. Insflcctions: 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Insp~ction - to be made before the sign is plnced. U!iually, the Footin[~' Inspection (it applicalHc) may be tnc'lue .11: the same time a:.; the Site Inspection. The l'oot1n& Inspec- tion is to be 1000de after holc (5) i~ c;..cavat.c(i, hut prior to tile placement of concrete. b) Finnl Inspection, - to be mflde upon completion of all work. c) Electrical - 311 electrical :;ign::; must be inspected for electrical hoo1<. up "fter the 5i&n 1.5 erecteu and before the si&n is turned on. CALL FOR TIl~ REQUIltED HISI'ECTlONS ON Till, 2'. 1l00lR HISPECTlON LINE AT 726-3769 FOI( ()fl'I.~I'; IJ::f( l.J['ll:t SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT /,,,/ JOB U 8'PJ /I'J M TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: SITE/LOCATlOIl ~OOTlNG 0LECTRICAL =FINAl. _OlliER ~.d-I SlGIl I'ERHlT FEE: -- OR HETIIOD OF Al"rACIII.1EIIT EI.l':CTRlCAL PERHlT FEE: '.7. STATE SURCIIARGE: TOTAL .JJ.ry _Aw~A ! DATE RECE1PT CLEHK , SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED 'UEFOllli EllliCTlOlJ OF Sl.GN: ADDITlONAL' INFORNATION NEEDED DEl'ORE ]'ElU1lT HAY BE I5:;UED: APPROVED BY: ~A IO\tl\~ DATE SI::CTION: SPRINGFIEI.D SIGN ORDINANCE .".... .....".... .... ". .... ......,. ......... ......". .,....".~.. ...~. ........... ~... . .... ... ..... ."....... ....... . .... . .....".... .. .. .. . .... , , .. ... '"" ~ . ,1.:, .:"! . . .. I II .. II.". ... ""'" .~.~. ..."'. ._" , .... .. I j,.. "II.... I. .~. .." ~\ "..:;;:tJ:'lUIIoIft.~"'J~,,"""'I.' 1.1""",...I.'~'U:.i.~.;.'" .._ , . '",'IIl~''''l.'nln~.'I'l_''' "~ city of springfield 225 n, 5th street . spnlNCFIELO . . . \NFOIlMMION: 126-3753 1 INSPEC'TIONS: 126.3769 ~r -A I SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A, LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) 4?' 7 YY\ ~'.l.N\ LECAL DESCRIPTIOM i 70 ~?-'.5 ==< I OWNER OR PROPERTY \!. S, RriA'..... \-<.. ADDRESS d?,7 YYlCl.i...\"\ ~h."".-i-l OlmER OF SIGN (IF OTIIER TIIAN PROPERTY OlWlm\ ?itr...~+-- ~('..; '" er(:;" Ie-!. 6K TAX 1.0T'~ 1/7J'Ir. PIIOME ("R'7 - 76 '" ":l, 7.IP~7 _ROOF ~IAR()UEE _UMDER 11AR()UEE PROJEC'fING PIIONI: TYPE OF .nUSU:ESS~ ~), " ..J D, USE AIlD CI!AMCTER OF SIGIl: _IDEIlTITY _INCIDEIITAL ~DOUnLI: FACE _SINGLE FACE -,'!tILTI-FACE _READER BOARD _nILLBOARD -' ADDRESS NAJoIE OF BUSIIlESS, FlRJol, ETC, I A ,<::: F)~Ji\...k ~ B. TYPE OF IWRK: . ____ERECT ~ALTF.R _RF.1.0CATE _OTIIER C, STRUCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: _\lAI.L k.FREESTAMDING _OTHER [V I Sf f N G-- POU:: . E. VEMDORS, COMTRACTORS: . SIGN ERI:CTOR (;:;.I,'\$,()n S,-{.y-'\ C.n, I( ( . Iv"'" r...i I.. ().-:! 'I ""' .t,DD~':;SS_ ,,")t'; ,~,....., 'Y.nt'S . 1""'\1' .1'1<"1.. (.IY''E:'Jr'l'" CITY LICENSE tltr.'IIIER POi I? 0(9'( , , meN!: ?-. '67_ - '2.\ )< 7 . :m CiT/Ol ~ EXI', DATE SIGM I.IANUFACTURER (IF OTIIER THAN F.RECTOR) ADDP,f,SS PI!OtIE 1 F. DUIEtlSIONS, U1STALLATION f, COMSTlU1CTICltl TOTAL IIEIGIIT ACOVE GRADE VERTICAL DI1-lF.NSION OF SIGN 1I0RIZOlITAL WIDTH OF SICN DHlENSION FROI1 GRADE TO BOTTOM 01' SIGN .:21." .L..{?," G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIIERE MIY !::nSTI!IG ~IGNS? ",-YES tlO lfUlmE~, SIZE 1M SO,FTG, ALL EXISTING 5 I.C';N$ FOR r.U~INf.SS. CTC. TIIICKllESS OR OEpm Cj 'I" " !'I" '7;\(J'- o Ov.- \Y\~~ 51-: (~;;L ~~ ,-~,) ~ Lj I 'X'i$ I DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? ___YES ~NO IF YE~, DUtEMSION BEYOND PROPERTY LIME NOTE: IF PROJECTIOll IS IlORE TIIAM 12" OV-EIl rUnl.IC PROPERTY TI!E SIeN EI(ECTOR I-lUST FILE WITII TilE BUILOING DIVISION COP [ES 01' IIIS/Ilr.R LIAIIILITY AND PROP- ERTY DMIAGE INSUPoANCE POLICIES, H. HI~1. SIeM IIAVE ELECTRICAL IIIRlUG? V.p<, cfu 1 IF YES, \J1IICI! APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGll lLLlnlINATEU (INllIRI! .Y LIGHTED). ELECTlnCAI. COllTP.ACT(l[t i2l1' \ ~o.... 5:.t.~ (0. ADDRESslf,.n~ NE....5./'{he."l ~.....rl. O~ _ . J I.ISC. NUlmER '1-5 (' > PI:eNr.-3B.7_ -21'R1.... : . I. DESCRlnr. TYPE OR !'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED Of, , ~'" II .fA/\ (.~':I_';__{ ,nl-e.y i 5/01 ~ Mf () J.. J. SITE INI'OPltATIOlI (I.AIID IISE) -- EXISTING USE OF CUILDUlG OR LAMD (flR LAST USE IF VACANT) F?dkJ<, . . i (' (JYYl h\.Q.k G< a R K. VALUE OF SIGN: .$Son X INDOOR nUSIMESS -,OUTDOO:t 1"ERCI~rIDISIIIC PROP~ED USE 01' nUILDINC OR [.AND: MCl.IL-k . L'I HAVE C/\RF.FULLY E:Wtlmm the complctcll nppli.cn.ti.on (or permit noo do hereby certify- that nlt inEormntion i~ true .lOcl correct. nnd I further certify th:lt 0111 \wr)< ~crformcc.l sh.::all be done in <lccoronncc with the ::iprincflcld Sign Orclin.r!.llcc. the Uniform ~afln Code "s ndo!'tcd by the City of Snrinnf1cld nnd all other Ordinance!: o[ the <:11:Y of $pri.nf'.[icld :'l1ld the Inw~ of the $tntc or :)rcgon pcr'tainin~ to t!1C wort:. ucscri.bccl h!::"l:Ln. I further certJ..l:y thn'~ 1'1:,/ ;.~r.!'" Co"'\tr3cto'r r..1- ccn~c with the City of Sprinr.ficld is in full (orce nod effect 115 rc,!uircd by Sprinr.field Coves 3-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2), I will rcqucot all rcquired oilln inspections listcd on thc approved permit. . MANE (l'LJ:ASE PRINT) H.; n Ifl \ I LU I I \ " ~ m S SIGtlATURE 1='1, L'\ ~\ , ., {t \ ~ .( r' AYV< ~ MTE C; /, 'R,/')?C\ - I I. ~ , i J (I'".'r-a - ! . PLEASE R.D . 1) ^ 5cl)ar~te'applic~ltion 15 rC(luired for enel\ separate ~icn as dcfined 2) 5CU.1rnte Sir.n t'J,\)J.ic.1tf.on: Iii the ~igl1 Cod~. Ele~'trical: Any permit iSGucd UI1UC1- thin nppli,c.1ti.on will include wirinG in or on siE;n structure, the supply wires for connection mu:;t be coven~d Oil an clc'cl;rical licrmit. Electric:'Il connection must be mdue only by a Stnte l.icl.!llncd Elcc!,;l'icaJ. Contractor. lllllmin:ltcd siron,:; (both internally and externally) must confoL"lIl to Sections 9-7-', ('I) [. (~) and 9-7-18 of the Sprincfie1d SiCn Or- dinance. 3) Plans Required: 11\ls ilppl1c.:ltion i3 to be Dubmitted with two complete Dcts of p1:105 showing di- mensions and hciCht of sign; advertising me5{i:1[:e on 5ir,n; location of sien on property with di- mensions to property lines, stnlctu\.",ll details oC support fral1linl~, bracinr. and footinJ:s: materLnls of construction for siCn ilnd sign structure; electrical. equipment :md lighting: siz.e nnd locntion of existing signs on property for the sallie bus.lct"is:;. ;tll as required to determin~ cOIll!)liilnCe wi,th the Springfield Sign Oruinance (Article 7 of the ::;pringfield City Couc). Also," show the fol10ww lng information on the plot plan (plan showing prop~rty line:J .:Iud location of SiellS): a) Show the location of all existinG siGn(s) os well as proposed siGn(s), b). Show the length of the street frontar.e taken up by the busines:; or building. For wall signs, sholJ the length of the builui.ne front:;q;c. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. \-1hen requireu, beC;1use or dosien, slzc, etc. J cl1ginecrcd drawinr.s and cillculations must be prc- pilrcd by <l licensed engineer 01" zhtlll conform tu o-.::;ign stanuards on file at t~c Builoinc Divi- sion Office. Plans of insufficicnt clar"ity or detail will be returneo to the ilPplic.:mt with no permit being issued. 4) 5) 6) ,Signs must meet corner vision c1c<lr:mce requirement:. a:J described in Figure 9 of the Sprinefield Comprehensive Zoning Couc. NOTE: No sign Iilay be et"octeu which i:. 1e:;:; tlHln 1.2 feet hori7.onta11y 01." vertic:111y from overhe.1d electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, 01" ll':;5 than 5 feet in 3ny dircction frotl overhead clcctt"ico11 lines which arc cne1"cio:cd at less thnn 750 volts. If a sign is not inst..lled within 60 days o1ftc\.' the date of issue of this be void,. 7) 6) .~. 'h 11 perroL: nc pcrmlt .5 a QY 9) Inspections: a) Site Inso~ction - to be m;Hlc bcfor~ the sien b pl<lccd. Usuillly, the Footinl) Inspection (it ilpplicablc) may be made 3t the same time a:; the Sitc Inspection" 'Ibe rootiri'g Inspec- tion is to be lnilOC aftcr hole(:;) is e;~caval.:eti., i)ut prior to the placement of concrete. Flnal In:;llccti.on - to be madc upon completion of all \vork. Electricnl - all electrical si.ell:; must be inspected for electrical hook up nftcr the sien is c.rccteLl and before the sign is turneu on. b) c) CALL FOR TilE REQUIRED INSl'ECTIOfIS ON TilE 21, 1I0UR INSl'ECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FOH m'\'lCI': U:;I': ONLY SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT f 0, J1 Jon 0 g-q 10 fj-7 TOTAL SQUAllE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: SIGlI l'EHJolIT FEE: J.~ _SITE/LOCATIOll _ELECTRICAL _ OTItER _FOOTING OR ~U,TII0D OF ATTAGllnENT _nNAJ. EI.I,GTRICAL l'ERnrr I'm: /~ 1,7. STATE SURCHARGE: CLEHK 7')' ~O. 7 S'" ,/ r:!/(" /Jrq c;n. ",/l.../. 1"- V RECEII'T 15/50; I TOTAL: DATE SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1'0 nE SATISFIED nEFOllE EIU,GUOll OF SlGN: ADDITIONAL INFORJolATION NEEDED U!,mllE PERJolIT HAY nE ISSUlm: APPROVED ny: DATE SECTION: S'l'RINCFIELJ) SIGN ORDINANCE ...,.. ...", ..."........' n.. ,. ...~...I,,,.,, ,.'"--''' ~ ...... ""',,. .....................,... .".......... .0Il .. ,