HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-7-30
Aug-OI-04 03:11P
^~r-Ol-'UV4 U~:13am . frameR , A En,lne8fIR8. Inc
1-614 P DOt/GOS '"020
1 .
CQmmunuy S.....tlvICCll 01", Building SUrelY
22.'\ Sill StrL'l:I. ~rinll(ic:ld. OR. 97477 Ph. 126-J'159
Job AddJMi"-' "- ~ - 2 28-0~;;'3 7tfjr,;S t :--::::,~;,';.:...;~ _ I',
CifYJob,~'r.mt2nn4~:nQ9'Y - 0 '. '.
Site In~Uon QuestioDD8ire for Consulting Daip Pmteulo_ J
'fo1l'ndatiOn'reqUirements - new stmctures on residential lots
Tbts (..I.,,. .i. mty be Uted as a tenaporary verlftcadcm to" emuJtrudio. te eoalimle
em the Job IInd! tJae C':iODIuJtaDt', sfBa,ped aIIIdavk'9D Ihe * auiI compacdOll
aDdI ataWUza n Is submitted to the City. This form must be eompleted Ity .
I.iceDIed pntl\lllltoul (eaalMel' or arehiteel) or IdtJIMr audaorktcI~""'I"'Ioyee.
ad SIA to the bwldlq 'upeetor prior to nquestiDg City iatpeeUoDS or
pIadJaa 'Oil . ccmerete. It illmportant that all questlomi he ...wered
,;'I"""!L"!etfJy t; thefmm.tian. to.. approved lor ecD8tradioD.
0wDer andIot Contractor 8rj.l~1l. W.tlliftftrt ~1iI,t(,~ IJ....!J......
1. Dateotdaedellp~.slliteevaIuaCIcJI'1 Julv 3Q: 20QL
2. Has ~ __ profeuioJlaJ II~~ ,"".111,,1 a ...,. \r'~1 otfhe poIedlldeal iIaformadoD
'or thelsuINIivisioa that wu PI'Orided db tile buiIdin& peI'IDJt? Yesu No_
q not, ~lmst conrad this ~ fm 0 copy oflhe reptJrr. The /Un",. profesliOMl
newt ~ Itmriliar with 1M p<<eduaietllllffi'~ bef01'f cDmJ1kring ,his form..
3. What.. the .. and depth of the cUBYaUoaa tmd 'OF fIB? _
1'ha. '*JCc~at1.on IIl_S 1"0.;.... SOI,.J( 6QI, nn+ i..nc1udi09 c:t,tVlIIWlUI
Ttie. eJ;;1' Y~,tton .$ cut'n. two. ~~hes, _~-et!i!,l'atacl .4r aD~t'Qxi'mA.tely
'-,U:f to. Qte,ntt'on. aPP1OJCi~teJY' mT~ froJl} J:hi. front of .the. cut.
. . - , T'.
Tha. ~.".~E... ~ep:th. of the I.o;.;.>lnttl.-.... 'bo..... ""rJ'".JLV4IoL...~.J '1;:a-,...c.L,
Was e~g non-sttaclural fill or c)[paDsivc soil encountered on &be lot?
tf,ItUJ\ 0 If ''yes'', wbm types. ~ and loc~.....iS? Tan. p 1 ~!l'Ul" .s.il.ts.
(JI)OdeJ".~i~T.Y'uP~n~''Ic4; ~e_ fOlLnd at .the. QFOund f~~fiilCe. t{l ~It Qf
(\P~f'9J1. ,.u~reat. ~'Q1.'I( unQRl 0 trIA. 51'1 t~ cOJ:\S.t$"te.d of Very a1:"'Lto hard
\"~lJljJ~~eQtllTT ~ snT;uone. \'tth. 'ub-rounoeQ CObbJ~ . stained orange. in plilC~\
I .!l.:: ,
What ~ were raUll ro 11lD:ledy tile $Off coDdi~on (indlJde ljpe of
~ fill used to stabilize the soil)? .Jb#. tno J4...fo 2.. Q- feet of \01'1 s
WlU'e, """cmul from,..the.. ~lte. ~od r~l~ce.d wttl1 3..1nch. mJnu!i: ~ws.:. ~q,cldQ.d
~?\.I$1Wf q~r)"y. t'Cot'le: ~nCl cqYe.r'ed ~'ltn ~ - tlt1 n., H ft at 3/4- f nch. m1.:nus:
J~.!~o.:,~f''''Y'''' "lU~HIU.. ~11'1' "'l.ICl, 1.1:.. ~J/I.Q. ~ra"u II" rt, I \tll$ CQflJPllc:tEUJ U$ i (1.9
~ Y l.'b.plllto I'Y' ~e.e.l ~h.I1e.' ed l"Q 11 e..r t
Aug-Ol~04 03:12P
. AU,-Q'-'UU4 U':"DB r'~l , A tRlln..rln(, In'
T-6T4 P 0031005 '-OlD
Comnl\ln1t' S4.nk~ Dlv. BUlldl1lJl Stlr~,y
125 5'" Stre\.t Sl1l1ngficld. OR 97477 Ph. 726-:17t;~
1Gb Address_ 2280 37th St.
City Job.' 'fo~'0a4..n(}()1l
. ,..... :,\~~A..~9ttM ~"l':~ 'lJiC ,':~ .t-th.e
~f "'hA 9r~Q,ll1~~ f" t ~. tb,- ..~e't. ltopl ('f t."1'> ("1I1- AnA "t the
th.. ~f des of .t.tte.. cut.
l~ the sJte as prepared odeqlllJte tik inadequau.JliJ to mainrain constent moisture
COdten1 in the sub grade? NOIe: Verijit;Qficn ujmoirtun stabiliZJUtOll in the luh
gr_ ,; tl rwpdrement of the geoTechnical report. a1UJ must be affirmed b4/ore
COMII1t;don can C01ltUut8.
If ~uate. wb8t measmes are needed to provide constant moisture Content in
the subI8f8de1___ ..._
Is the Bite as .....11;1'.ared. -f#~ ;"tlIkflltlle CJ to support the proposed
structuJ;? An IlJfiTflltltiw an.nwy is ~ to proceedmg wit1a COlfItrr.ICtWIt.
Ifl~ -Iaat addltfonal work IB needed to ..,..,~.' ,':..ia adequate
f.........~ ..I'" ~lj'.n1
4. Did theldeslp profGldoDal witness ~ awl mmp8dioD of the
eaaIn..... JIll, 01' lliI there 8 spedaI bpection report fOl'thcomiDI from a
quaUW qency'll witnessed Placd., ..." ,.: ~ SpecillI l1Uplcompaaicm report 0
5. The ..,. pnfessiobJ blteDds to we the loJlo1rbag method for lDItaDation
of pe.....ed Pl,!,;'loli'-"ooanc dralul;
The ~ on the attached drawing provided by the de$ign professional ..,.., Cl
The met tad shown em the original eoJHtmCtioD dmwings........ ........... ...... 0
TIle typi..;al 4PoundatiOJl Drain' drawing attached to permit ... . .. ... . .. . .. .. . ... jiJ
Perforat4d perimeter d.nrins are not requiJ:ed . .. ... . . I .. . ... ... .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. ..... 0
c.. ".........)u: 'o~hg ~~1.A$' .rft. ".&1. o.4d.UtoD +^ ."~:." d'?++14 P~P"
nl~,,~ ~t ~h~ 6Qttnm G~ .h@ ~~'@~t Ir~"ular- fr11
Note: CIty Uupectors 'MIni inlpect /JUtalkd dr4ilu prior to c~"lIpOn re;pIU1...
CIIll: 12.-3169 to scJu:dMle i&rpBc1ion.
Aug-Ol-04 03:12P
Aua-UI-ZUD4 U3:14~m frQI-K l A En,lneerln,. Int
T-67. P 0041006 F.020
CtJmmunity S~'f~~ Div, 8ulldi", Sl\t~~y
22$ ~'" Su'ccl. StTlngfleld. OR 91477 Ph. 726-~7~()
.Job Add1tu Z280 31th St.
Ctty Job 1# COM2004-009 f1
Low-.omt aawlllpace dnins are reqaInd to preveat the buJld..ap of ~
moIs~ fasfde the f~s chuiDg (aM a1't.r) coutrucUon. TJds draJo
ma, .. ......... ,lfter ~ pIacemeDt DIll. with dae -DreM ..........t-
I. ' The design professional has determined the following!
TIw CTQwl spilC' drain is FWpdretl what the~ is buMlled...., 0
, TIle low-point drain CQIt be wttlll8d 4JUr foUlltJstiqIJ p/aMn.enr without Q
hgni/iamt moUtflTf! blliJd..up probkm witlrin 1M I~. .-----...... 0
(The tow.point dTai" MaY be innDlkd tU 1M frami n~ . stage
qf ccmstructioll) POSlti ....}1t/Irlmt. fflafitlR .....
b. . Haa me dufgn proJeniOMI obstrwd f>>IAI tlpprovtJd 1M insrallatt07l. of tM
. req..iTf!d luw point dmin!............. -"h..... .... ......... Yel, No xx
if '~.f". where if n.low point drtJin located rmder the bllilding curd
.w.re den " g~ tat r1m ti1Mr (1ftlI8t N 1m tlpproVl41ocadOll, i.e.
Kt"et gUtler, ~rm HW/!'. lUmp PII11tp tmd dilc,"",. Iin. tD the 'treet.
The deslp professiOnal must determine whether the "~t'~..,.red permit drawlllp have
adequate fouactmOll steel Ja uy additional foucJatlun dIleJ nqPlnd that is IlOt
shown Oft .... tovDdatloJl draWip tor tile build'"
Yu , Nc I IX. If"ya ",Mlmb4 tllMttiOMl suet ~'ed (or pl't1Vilk drawing).
TM !oU<>wing A....., ",8tIt IIUUt be ,igned by the iruJividual dohag rM obuP'Wllions tmd
providing dindlon fot the exct;lWltion and site prepartllUm work 011 the pI'OJMny.
Aug-Ol-04 03:12P
AU8~UI.luU4 U~:14d1 frow~~ I A En'ln"flo.. foc
T-G74 P.OOSl006 F-DZO
C()mnt~ily S....,."i~, Ojv, Building Sufely
225 Sl~ Sm:cl. sp-irtglluld. OR '1"/477 Ph. 726-~15Y
lobAd~__ ZZBO 37th St.
Citylob:tt CQ~Qa4-aasl1
The "".",._ tI..;." Pl'OfUkWJUJl (t>>' ~ ~) t.JItfm tllfllluthlaft
obs.-nlld re__ ~ SItJbi/iq proudluws lJIIli/6 ,IN, ad t1tat sru:A protalurllS
"'fin ~W H/Dr# ItR, dMmtIa II<<II17WI ila . "tuN ulfUal iI/. ,''''''
/11WM ..,.....Md 1M iRiI4iRg (..Acnr "..""nsi" IOfl8 Wu.~). n.
..... ...:.~.."}tuIbn fl#III8 tIuU Uu $~, tu ~,' "~. . ,.rill, U o8tpuIl* 1o.11ppDfI III'
bld14blg"."",_ 10' 1IIIIRu.
Additional ...~_,."",.8IIU!
(Note>: A ~ of this report sbaD be kept o.a &1&8 with the apprvved ,..... at aD
This ........... sbl$U be fonowed by an .tfidavir, signed and 5t:....,... ,~d by the design
...,,,(i;.S8lOftal Uidet .hose auspices this..:or ~lt WlIA C. ,..,. t'~, affirming the infonnation
herein. The sipedlstamped affidavit togetbar with 8 COpy of this ropon shalt be
submitted to l~ oftlce prior to requesting 1latning inspection for the buildin.l'
Name ~~icb4el RemIio 1 dt. r ~ "
Company I(i& A ~lJ.!nW'tnq. In,c.
l'bone 684.._ n ~
T.dIe ..fres1 dent
License '..l.2!2I4 . .
~s 1213112.QO.4
The geotCC~ ....,...i" for the Amb1esidc Meadows - lilt Additiolt Subdivision
r.;"......~ ~at.e moisture stabiliation of exposed expansive 81J.b..gndes, and that
expansive soils !be over-exca"ated aAd. teplace<l with 811~ 12 inches of fill c:ompacted
to at least 9S4.i Of ASTM D698 for foundation preparation. The report also reeommends
that ":~"..l>>'L,bS '* taken to preYeDt water from coUectiog in at atOUnd the fmmdadon areas
duri.ns and afte.J! the c:onstruction .."......:.Js, ahd that positive sire drainage be provided to
reduc:e the inftl1Jation of surface water into me expansive soUs. ,
The pot<<:hnil'-,! report further empbMizes that the finish grade of landscape soil r
adjacent to the buuiation should. be at least 2.4" above the {!l[paDlive bearing soils, ~
~ lO Rduee the infiJrnWoa ()f wafJ:r lit the surface. The adequacy of fill soil
materiallll"Dundllhe building must be verified 10 the satisfadion of the desip
Aug-OI-04 03:12P
AUa-UI-tUU4 u~:I~Dm rr~ I A tnllOIOrlnl. In~
1-674 P 006/00& ~020
Comn1unily &rrlW4:>l Div, Buildinll S..lC:t)'
22.~ S'" Slrecl. Sflringlield. OR 97411 Ph. 726-J159
Job Addn:5s_ 2280 37th St.
City lob lit CQH2 M4-t'J09.!L-._
For Site In\'cstlptiQD QuestiOlUlaire
Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for
Residencla1 Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - lit Addition
Tbe undersi8*d hcnby a1:......s that tbe excavation, strucrural fill and DlOistl.n
Stabilizatioo Dtethods far the buildiq site at the address shown above was observed by
me or lID aulbcM'ized employee of my firm and. that tbe following ill trUe'
1. The f~ 8Ub-gQde is <;apable oI6~",*,...;;ng a minimum of ISOO psf. IIDd is
adeqvCe to lWppmt d1e buildinJ 1"""lI '.l..d for tbi& sire.
2. The _stum ~tcDt of the excavation was adequately mainlained durin, d1e site
l''"'''''.atitiOn process and w4S adequately covered to stabilized lJlOist&ft content
prior td any siamficant chaDp in IOOisbn content of rbc sub-gade.
3. The ,i. is adequatelyataded and drained lO pzevart the collection of water in the
seavQed area during con5ttOCtioD.
4. The a..~w'''i''lloQyjl18lqKXt tided "Site Investigation QuestiOlUla.ire Cor Consulting
DesignlProfesSionals" ~ field ob8ervadons and insmtctious DuIde on
July 'Ill, 2.M4 ) (da!e)forthebWId!nsskewascomple&edeilherby
mylelf or by aD employee of my firm UDder D1y supervision.. To the best of my
knowledge. the i.olonnadOl1 eontained in d1at report is camp1et.e and I1CCW'are.
Nameof~ProIessjonal{pri4t) Hichu.1 Rgmboldt.1 P,t.
SiJD~ \(;~-
Dare..!!ll t2.Q.Q.4
. fir 1"7~ ~~~
---=- J. .
"1; · ........., ~...._~_.
~~.o,.. OUGOlW h. ~
~I( DENNIS ..~./
EXPIRES: l"l-hL b4-