HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2004-7-9 (2)
Jul-09-Z004 11:IOam From-K' A En"n88rln,. Ine
1-639 P 001/006 F-'68
I( I A Engineering, Inc.
P.o.lax 2H24. --. OR 87402
521 Marlad St., SUb B, Eugene. OR 87402
(641) ....VG1c8
(&41)...... FAX
Greg LarkIn
Cc: Bob Barnhart, CIty of Spr1r1lfield8
From: MIchael ~ P,E,
Fa: 128~;~7.~78 Papa: 6 .
Subj~~St._CO.-OO841 D* 119104.
AUached Ialne.o~for the subject address In AbJeslde Meadows for RIVer Vaney Builders.
Please caD me If you have any questions.
Michael Remboldt. P.E.
K & A Enalneertng, 100.
Jul-09-2004 tl:10am From-K & A Enllnlerlna. Inc
r-S39 p DOt/O~S F-488
Community SerVice" Div, Building Safely
225 ~dl St1\:ct, SI'rinlllic:ld, OR 97477 Ph. 726-37~g
Job AckImI ??CU-1Z.th. ~+ .
City Job tt tOft'? n04 - 0Qf\41
Site investigation Questionnaire for CODSultlng Design Professionals
foundation requla\OOuaents - new strUCtures on teSlderitiaHots
This form may be used as a temporary verification to ailow coDStnlctlOD to collltlnue
on the job site untO the eonsuIVmt'. stamped attIdavltEqn the site &011 compaeticm
and stahilizadon Is submitted to the City~ ThIs form must be compIet.ed by a
UcensecI deslp professional (eaglneer or ardlitect) or hislher eatIlorbed employee,
and submitted to the buildinl inspector prior t8 ~ City 1upedI0II8 or
pladag foundation eonerete. It iB importaDt tbat all questions be &11 ,j, 11I1~nd
completely for the foundation site 10 be approved for c:onstruction.
Owner andlor Contrador Rtve..r Va" l:v' B:uilde.l'S'
L Date of the design professional's site evaluaUon? 6/29/04
Z. Has die alesilll professional reYlewed a tA)p)' of the geotedmIeaJ lnfonaatloD
for the subdivision that W88 provided with the bulldina permit? YaL No_
If no" please conUlct this office for" copy of the t'epon. The design prof~s.rlonal
must be familiar with the geotechnical inJomuuion before completing thll form.
3. What was the size &WI depth of the exea\'.tlon end lor ftU1
Thl! ~t'''yatfM f"C. "PP"nximAtl~' 55' w11t~ x 80t d~ep. benJ:he.d fntQ...the.
w~s-t"'faci'''1I hill~1de.. The h1(1~es.t Cllt is aDProximatelv 10. into bedrock
alctnlLtt}a.' e.n't ad'te. The foundatf'on pad was excavated rnto e.ss-ent1al1y
3 lienches .that ape.. orre.nte.a across the S'IOpe.. .
Was existing non-structural fiU or expansive soil encountered on the lot?
Yes_ N~ Il"yes'" what types, depths and locations?
What measures were taken to remedy the soil condition (include type of
engineered fill used to stabili!e the soil)? Sn11!t( in t:h~ ~ut cnn!;i~ted
of 1.0 to 1 :6-fe.et of orqaA1c ~tlt {toQsoi]) ovar weathered tuffaceous
s'i'1ts:. fia'l1.nq aDPY'oxfmately 20 to 30% of cobbles- and boulders.
Jul-09-Z004 !1:l0am From-K' A En,ln88rln.. Inc
T-639 P 003/006 F-468
Communlly Service.. Dlv. Building Surely
225 51~ Str!:cl. S\lrin~li~ld. OR 97477 Ph 726-l759
lob AddreSll 2297 37th St.
CityJobf COM2004D00641
No cpAt"if'... lI"'~CII !llt'A Y'Aqqir(ld ftlW' +~~C' 1",+ tlthl:lwo thAn tn
ensurli!! sttbiHty of the back cut. This should consht of liome !.'oCt
of reta1n1nq wall or reinforced slope system.
A very thin 11ft nf ~rushed ~nqr~qata fill wa~ nlacad on the benches (less
than 4-1nches)
Is the site as l-6';';l'ared adeqNllte a inadequate 0 to maintain constant moisture
content in the sub grade? Note: Verification afmoisture stDbAliztJtltm in the,ub
grade is a requirement of the geolechniclllreport, and must be aJfirmetl before
construction can continue.
If inadequate, wbat measures are needed to provide constant moisture content in
the sub grade?
Is the site as prepared adequau [j inadequate 0 to support the r~"I""'sed
strUctUre? An qff'innalive answer Is requisite to proceeding with cmlstruction.
If Inadequate, what additioaal work Is needed to provide adequate
fouHa8ioD support?
4. Did the design professJonel witness plaeemeaaa and compaction of the
eagiaeend 10. or Is there a spedallDspeedOD report fol'th.....,jcl C...!"I.I, 8
qualified aseney? I witnessed Placement 0 Special hasplcomJHlC1ion Nport 0
5. The desip professloDallDteDds to use tbe foUowIDg method for InstaUaUcm
of perforated perimeter ,"am, drains:
The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professional ...... 0
The method shown on the original constJuction drawings...... .. ................. 0
The typical "Foundation DnW1' drawing attached to permit ..................... ria
Perforated perimeter drains are not required ................,...................... 0
Note: City insp,ctoTs wiU Inspect ;1BItalkd drains prior to cOlI,r upon request...
Call: 726~3769 to schedule inspectiMl.
Jul-09-2DD4 11:llam From-K & A En'ln'8r,n., In~
T-63B P 004/006 F-488
Cummunny Ser\lic:~.. DIY, Building sufc.lry
22~ ,Ill Strcct, spt'tnSrleld. OR 97477 Ph,726-J759
Job Addre5~ 2297 37th St &
City Job 1# C0M2004..Q0641
Low.polnt erawl space drains are required to pteveat tile build-up of aceM
moisture IDSlde the t01llldatlom durlDI (aad after) \~'.I'I"I'J,':nu:tion. This drain
may be IDstaDed snfter fOUDelatlon placement m. ,!i~t~"e I!~~",LOJJ D.:;, II I " ,;Issiqa
It Qae d_'mII Drflf:ealon,IL
a. The design l':,i",ftssional has determined the following:
The crawl space drain il required when thl foundation is installed..... 0
The low-point dram can be installed after foundation placement without a
significant moisture build-up problem withi" rhefoundatlon............. 0
(The low-point drain may be installed at the fra~tng' . .. .. ~ta6e
of constl'UCli01l) po,," 'lUll,jrRmUIg. JlDufhtg. tile.
b. Has ,he design profeJskmal observed and approved the installation of the
required low point drain?................................... Yes, No ""-
if "yes", where is the low point drain locaud under the building and
where does it termitlDle at this time? (must be an approved location, I.~.
street gutter, stonn sewer, sump pump and discharge line to the street,
The design professional must determine whether the approved r"J;, jl drawings have
adequate foundation steel. Is _, addIdo_1 foundation steel required that Is Dot
sb., "'/11. " Olll the foundation drawiDp for tile bulldiq7
f IS. No xx . q "yes", describe adtIitionDl steel retpdred (or provide drawi"g).
The foUowing statemmt must be signed by 1M individual doing the observations tmd
providing direction for the excavation and site preparation work on the property.
Jul-09-2004 11:11am From-K a A Enllneerln" Ine
T-639 P 005/006 F-4S8
Community Service!) DIY, Buildins Safely
22S silt Stroot, SprJnlJli~ldr OR 97477 Ph. 726-:nS9'
JobAddre&C' 2297 37th St.
elly Job' COM2004-0Qf\lt 1
1'h~ ulUknlgMd 4,,,," pm/fluio_ (or awlwrllsd employee) atI41m t1uIt Mlslle
obaenfd '8IJBdrBd m..i..,ioUB ,1Ilb1lll1 proeedru68 on thia llU, tm4 that _ell proeedImJB
Wert aee.""lishIl4 lill/ore "It, ellangn OCClll'Mtl iIB the molltur, content of 1M aub-
,nut, ruul.I'aM QIYRImJ the bull4inl (wh",e UJltUUiv~ lOlls w".. eaco",,"'.). 77It
,,,,u"'ilndrd further tIltatl tIuII thB mb-grrule, (# Pf'IIItu'fd, 1& adequtlte to ,uPIN''' tlte
baUdia, propOlfltl/OI' thlllIU.
Additional eommeJlts:
(Note): A eop)' of this report shaD be kept on site with die approved plans at aD
This report shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and stamped by the desip
professional under whose auspices this u'rurt was c..u.yleted. affinning the inl.,w.....ation
herein. The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this report shall be
submitted to this office prior to requesting ftaming inspection for the building.
Signature ~ t~
Nam.. Mf Chile. 1 RMlbo 1 dt \. P. f ..
Comp~" K & A Enqf'neerfnrt. toc..
Pholll" 684-9399
Title P\"If!s;dent
Llf..iOllo,~..1Oi Mi~h8e.l ~@mhnldt:- PI='
License * 19474
expires 12131120~4
The geotechnical report for the Ambleside Meadows - I" Addition Subdivision
recommends immediate moisture stabilization of exposed expansive sub-grades. and tba1
expansive soils be over-excavated and replaced with at least 12 inches of fill compacted
to at least 959& of ASTM 0698 for foundation p......J8tion. The report also recommends
that measures be taken to prevent water from collecting'in or around the foundation areas
during and after the construction process, and that positive site drainage be provided to
reduce the infiltration of surface water into the expansive soils.
The geoteChnical .c.~u.l fwtber emphasizes that the finish grade of landscape soil
adjacent to the foundation should be alleast 24" above the expansive beating soils, DI:ml!
comoacted, to reduce the infiltration of water at the surface. The adequacy of fill soil
material around the building must be verified to the satisfaction of the design
, ,
Jgl-09-2D04 11:llam From-K' A En'lnlerln.. Ine
T-S38 P 00S/006 F-468
Communily Servl&:&:/J 01\1. Bluldmg Saftll)'
225 Sill SlNct. Springfield. OR 97417 Ph. 726.3759
Job Addreaa ?:?Q7 :nth St
City Job * C0h12004.00641
For Site Investigation Questionnaire
Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for
Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - 161 Addition
The undersigned hereby affirms that the excavation, structunl1 fill and moisture
stabilization methods for the building site at the address shown above was observed by
me or an authorized employee of my firm and that the following is true:
1. 1be foundation sub-grade is capable of supporting a minimum of 1 SOO psI, and is
adequate to support the building proposed for this site.
2. The moisture content of the excavation was adequately maintained during the site
preparation process and was adequately covered to stabilized moisture content
prior to any significant change in moisture content of the sub-srade.
3. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of warer in the
excavated area during construction.
4. The accompanying report titled "Site Investigation Questionnaim for CODsulting
Design Professionals" containiDg fIeld observations and instructions made on
June 29. 2004 (date) for the building site was completed either by
myself or by an employee of my rum under my 51..,...... /ision. To the best of my
knowledge, the infonnation contained in that report is complete IIld accurate.
NameofLicenscdProfessional (print) H""'~IlQl Rambq,,"t, ~ r
Signatu~ ~
Date 119/2004