HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/29/2008 \ Property Line Adjustment (' City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 - -- ~ .... - 6~ ~ y-- -- - -. $:.... , ... ""tf W - ~ - - - "~- *'~~ - ~ ~ . Requ~i~r~d Pr~jecf'1[nfor~mat(pn __ -~ (Appliciflnt: complete this section) , Applicant Name: 'Uell\V\i<:.. 8Y-V)<;t, rlh.., ~~Y\JeI-fOv Phone: 7Z(ir 2095 Company: (:d-ltf of SO("',^h.~-e\d Fax: 12(;-'3&72- , II '" Address: '22S f'l f+~ S"\r-ee..t "\ '5; pvvV-, ~-f.'c- id, Ore q7l{77 Applicant's Rep.: 'R-€x A.1;>et2.) 'PlS Phone: 1l.{{p.-()ft;31 Company: ~Yavtv~ E""~i'V\eey\V\~ _ TV\r- Fax: ;4/0.-0381 Address: "3 \0 t"'l Ft~ <;~eGt I S ;y~~ -hoot' 14, O~ Q,l(7! I f if ' I I PROPERTY 1 17-0'?r'2Z- I ~ "3200 ft -=33DO Assessors Map #: 17-1"?-::1,.. 2'2~4l.{. ITax Lot #:- ~ 8 L{.OZ Property Address: .~oV\e, A~c.",otdY\ed YC\i!v-o.c...J Vlc::,\.,J--c-j-vuCli> Property Owner: C_(t~ oj <) P'{\~ ) .F-e. \d Phone: 72t:P-? o6f 5 Company: r. ('\--, 1 rAt Sf'\~/j ~e td Fax: 7'2u- 3& 72 I Address: ~ 1- ~ 1='l ~ <;, iv e e tiS fJY ~ c:- (.. el 0( ) 0 f( Q 7l.f7, I PROPERTY 2 Assessors Map#: \(-0'3--72- Tax Lot #: 34-D3 _ O d .l... L.l1 \L () k "'S (J r v- ':) hdd, OiC. Property Address: 3\0 jV\t(yTIY\ \Ar",e..- \.V\~. J'I.I-'uv "<JtL1 ~'471 Property Owner: WoW\eVl ',,> CaV'~ A-vpe y+res; LL C Phone: ILj 1- 4 qqL/ Company: '? o~ ~ ~x I O'~ cPR Fax: Lf85 -7312- Address: ?C1e> ECt<;t I ?,tk S.1ve~'\. Gk..,&v\e, 6 R... q,L{D) Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application Proposal: S.ee ct trCtv,", -€d }U?tV-Vt:A.. 1-\ v~ ISignatures: Please slqn and nnt our name and date in the a ro , ,-- Associated Applications: ~RC 7./roh- cl'X> '-Ir;- C S (( i) Case NO.:;;)~ ~ -BI5D z,L-f Date: .5'/Ut/O'6 Reviewed by: ~ 1_ O. ( 00 3020 Application Fee: $ 'iJ t-t-' Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ (P.3 4-, to PROJECT NUMBER:Lf62..) ~<'.:, - ~gC6 " r Date Received: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian t .,- j 1~ MAY 2 9 2008 1 of 4 ..do."; Signatures Applicant: The undersigned acknowledges tha~formatlon In this application IS correct and accurate ~ tP(7 / Date: JtJttvt 11 2008 Signature ~ -- I ' 't<e>e .A. 13e."f-&- Print If the applicant IS not the owner, the owner he~eby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf Property Owner 1: c.('~'1 J '5ft~~ Id Signature [JcN^,/~ ,p, UN,) '/ Print Property Owner 2: WPVV\~~S C4Y-e... plfAlle...hrs {U:.. Date: S- / /9 / ~ A If the applicant IS not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf ~/~~,-~.~~ Si9~c.6?_ AI. ~ Print Date: b-/~9hrP> Date Received: , MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 i"" Property Line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist . NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ 0' g' D if ~ ri Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~q I~ -\- '5''11.7 -::. ~q S7,(PO Property Line Adjustment Application Form Copy of the Deed for all properties Involved In the property line adjustment. Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all ,encumbrances for all properties Involved In the property line adjustment. Draft of the Property line Adjustment Deeds In compliance with ORS 92.010 and 92.190(4). Recording of these deeds wIth Lane County shall be a condition of approval. Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the eXIsting use of the property, and any additional information that may have a beanng in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with SDC 5.16-125, Property Line Adjustment Critena. )\-tr?<v~pi \0 .~() \(C~+ t'V\ Three (3) Copies of a Preliminary Survey including the following: [if' Prepared, stamped, and Signed by an Oregon licensed land surveyor g Scale appropriate to the area Involved and the amount of detail and data ~orth arrow, date of pr:eparatlon, and title, i.e. Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey ~Boundanes of the lots/parcels Involved, including dimensions and area [!;y Zoning and plan designation of the lots/parcels ~Exlsting property line and proposed property line, clearly differentiated by line type [21' Location and outline to scale of all existing structures, Including required setbacks from current property lines and proposed property lines uY'Locatlon, widths, and names of all eXisting streets, alleys, or other rights-of-way within or adjacent to the lots/parcels and the location and width of driveways cz( Location of all public and private easements and utility lines within or crossing the lots/parcels. For properties outside the City limits, location of all septic tanks and drain fields. ' W Reference to the recorded SubdivIsion or Partition by n~me or reference number and blocks, lot/parcel numbers, where applicable r- Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 4 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone r City of Springfield Official Receipt ~\ I elopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000359 Date: OS/29/2008 3:06:30PM Job/Journal Number SUB2008-00024 SUB2008-00024 DeSCrIptIOn CTY Property Lme Adjustment + 5% Technology Fee Payments: Type of Payment INT CHGS Paid By 201-62211-611008 WMNCARE Item Total: Check Number AuthorIzatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 604 00 3020 $634.20 \ ' Amount Paid " INTWMNCR In Person Payment Total: $634 20 $634.20 ERNST Dennis From: it Subject: GOODWIN Len Wednesday, May 21,2008214 PM ERNST DenniS, GOODWIN Len ALLOCCO LOUIS (Lou) RE Women's ~ ClL~ rV\-\' V.:;<O)"( \ Dennls: We wlll be recordlng the revenue lnto the Street Fundf so I would suggest 201-62211-611008. Len I III I i -----Orlglnal Message----- From: ERNST Dennls <dernst@cl.sprlngfleld.or.us> Sent: WednesdaYf May 21, 2008 04:29 PM To: GOODWIN Len <lgoodwln@cl.sprlngfleld.or.us> SubJect: Women's Space Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Original submittal cRecemtl Page 1 of 1 5/29/2008 -- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00024 3100 MLK Parkway & Abandoned SP railroad R-O-W SITE Map 17-03-22-00 Tax Lot 3200, 3300, 3403 & 17-03-22-44 TL 8402 + North Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Original submittal May 19,2008 Branch No. 08-008B . Date Received: MAY 292008 \ NARRATIVE for PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN THE LANDS OF CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND THE LANDS OF WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC Original submittal The purpose of the proposed property line adjustment is to attach to the lands of Women's Care Properties, LLC that portion of the 60.00- foot wide abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad right -of-way (lands of City of Springfield) that adjoins the south boundary of said lands of Women's Care Properties, LLC and is bounded on the west by the east margin of Game Farm Road South and on the east by the southerly extension of the west margin of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. The land held by Women's Care Properties, LLC before is all of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030 as platted and recordedAugust 14,2006 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon and is tax lotted as Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3403. Women's Care Properties acquired title in that certain Warranty Deed that was recorded December 12,2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-088769 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. The land held by the City of Springfield is all of the lands th~t were conveyed in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded February 4, 1993 in Reel 1824R at Reception Number 9307441. Said lands are a portion of the abandoned 60.00- foot wide Southern Pacific Railroad right -of-way that lies easterly ofthe east margin (lying 20.00 feet offset from the centerline) of Game Farm Road South and northerly of the north margin of Harlow Road. The lands conveyed in said deed include Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200 and 3300 and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402. The separate tax lots are not described as separate lots in the above deed. The existing use of the lands held by Women's Care Properties, LLC is a mixed-use commercial building that provides physician's services. The existing use ofthe lands held by the City of Springfield that are to be conveyed to Women's Care Properties, LLC is vacant except for the westerly 15.00 feet which is currently being used as public right- of-way for Game Farm Road South. Said westerly 15.00 feet (the east line of which is offset 35.00 feet easterly of the centerline of said street) will be dedicated to the City of Springfield for street purposes immediately following the recordation of the Property Line Adjustment Deed. The remainder of the lands held by the City of Springfield are currently used for public road and lie within the bounds of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. As the property line is being moved away from the existing Women's Space Properties, LLC building, said building has not been shown on the tentative map. / REGiSTERED ., PROFESSIONAL LA~SURVE." .Y911 j /it ;;~~/-- , OREG N JULY 20, 1993 . REXA. Bt:!~ \... mOB./ /-(7: 6)OIP I zjJ/ /oCJ May 27, 2008 Branch No 08-008B f Mr DennIs Ernst, CIty Surveyor CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Re Women's Care Property LIne Adjustment ApplIcatIOn Dear DennIs, Attached are the folloWIng Items for the subject applIcatIOn 1 The sIgned applIcatIOn form 2 A copy ofthe vestIng deed to Women's Care PropertIes, LLC (Rec No 2006-088769) 3 A copy of the vestIng deed to CIty ofSpnngfield (Reel 1824R, Rec No 9307441) 4 A copy of the PrelImInary TItle Report by Evergreen Land TItle Company dated as of May 15,2008 5 A draft copy of the Property Lme Adjustment Deed 6 A copy ofthe NarratIve explamIng the purpose of the proposed development, eXIstIng use of the property and additIOnal related InfOrmatIOn 7 A copy of a statement regardIng complIance WIth SDC 5 16-125, Property Lme Adjustment Cntena 8 A draft copy ofthe BargaIn and Sale Deed for dedIcatIOn of addItIonal nght-of-way along Game Farm Road South 9 A draft copy of the proposed PublIc UtIlIty Easement over the property that IS to be conveyed to Women's Care PropertIes, LLC 10 A draft copy ofthe proposed extension of the 30-foot PublIc TraIl Easement over the property that is to be conveyed to Women's Care PropertIes, LLC 11 A draft copy of the proposed 25-foot Emergency Access and MultIUse Path Easement and 4 45-foot WIde PublIc Slope Easement over the property that IS to be conveyed to Women's Care PropertIes, LLC Yours truly, ~~ Survey Manager , f Date Received: t MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal " / CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING f 7-0-'3 22 RETURN TO CASCADE TITlE CO. er: ~tICf U3 . - f1{ 0 It 1);0 7 S/.fv\- , 1'03- Z 2-,.#= :3 L{<fiJ After Recording Return to: ,-~,>C Lc r 3'-1 0 ~ ( D!vlslon 0' Ch Deputy Cl~k Lane County Deeas and Records rtf' {3 " 2006-088769 $41. 00 . ~'.I I I - II II:' II ,. "1'1 '0'o7573~006~~ba76S00~~049 RPR-DEED Cnt.:l St.n:1 cAJ3~A~~ 01 :07: 13 PM $20.00 $11.00 $10.00 Until a change is requested aU tax statements shall be sent to the following address: S!ZB E: /.?-I-t, ~?enp. C:>J- '97t./t6/ WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM Prefl:.ucd Properties of Oregon, Inc., Grantor, conveys and warrants to Women's Care Properties, LLC, Grantee. the following described real property, free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein. Parcel 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2006-P2030 recorded August 14,2006, Reception No. 2006-058347, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Subject to the exceptions described on attached Exhibit A. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCbYTING TInS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRAN~!"bKRlNG .t'~ uILB SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE .t'~SON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY. UNDER ORS 197.352. TIn$ INSTRUMENT DOES NOT AILOW USE OF THE PRO.t'nKTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR AC\.X..t' ImG TInS INSTRUMENT, THE .t".J:J:{SON ACQUlRING FEE lllLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNfY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DEIID<MINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS Dm'll'ffiD IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PRO.t'~KTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. The true consideration for this conveyance is $1.072,000. Dated this g day of December, 2006. Preferred Properties of Oregon, Inc. Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 IZ/ V~ Original submittal "\ (notary acknowledgment on following page) Warranty Deed - 1 C:\Documents and Settings\susan.GCBPC\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKERWamntyDeedl10906l.doc ...~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) SS. County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on December L. 2006. by InB.c'1+h.' u-m~ ,the ~/'.&ni- of Preferred Properties of Oregon, 1ll.4 V/~ Pres/den{- ~.;\' _~;~.~1'~. ~ DEBRA RAGSDALE i NOTARY POBlJO. OREGON : COMMlsStON NO. 394134 I U\'CQMMISSlOHEXm\ESBE21,- . !l . .'__ ~..._.__ .......,"" Wl.._'.....,.:.'it""""-...-.,.....~ - ----- - -- ,....... y404 ~~ Notary Public for gon Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal Warranty Deed - 2 C:\Documents and Settings~usan.GCBPC\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OL.KBf\WarrantyDeedll0906l.doc EXHmIT A t. ,. -~ Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 ~ , - ..., SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: Original Submittal 1. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof. granted Mountain States Power Company, by instrument recorded October 16, 1946, Book 333, Page 653. Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Exact location not defined) 2. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted City of Springfield, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board. by instrument recorded December 14, 1990, Reception No. 9059956, Lane County Official Records. 3. Easement, including the tems and provisions thereof, granted City of Springfield, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, by instrument recorded December 14, 1990, Reception No. 9059957, Lane County Official Records. 4. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield and Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation. recorded June 8, 2001. Reception No. 2001-034714, Lane County Official Records. Assignment of Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, from Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation, to PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation. recorded December 31, 2001, Reception No. 2001-088566. Lane County Official Records. 5. Easements set forth in that certain Lot Line Adjustment Deed recorded October 2, 2001, Reception No. 2001-064919, Lane County Official Records. 6. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between PeaceHealth, a Washington corporation and the City of Springfield, recorded December 6, 2002, Reception No. 2002-095013, Lane County Official Records. 7. Amendment to the PeaceHealthlCity of Springfield Annexation Agreements, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded October 8, 2003, Reception No. 2003-098507, Lane County Official Records. 8. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between PeaceHealth, a Washington corporation and the City of Springfield, recorded June 5, 2002, Reception No. 2002-043161, Lane County Official Records. 9. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield and Peacehealth, recorded June 3D, 2005, Reception No. 2005-048788, Lane County Official Records. 10. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between PeaceHealth and the City of Springfield, recorded January 20, 2006. Reception No. 2006-004477, Lane County Official Records. 11. Easements, notes, conditions and restrictions shown, set forth, or delineated on the recorded plat of Riverbend Phase I. , J ....... . 12. Declaration of Access and Maintenance Agreement, for public landscape areas. public access ways and paths and open public storm drainage systems. including the terms and provisions thereof. recorded May 10, 2006, Reception No. 2006-032093, Lane County Official Records. 13. Easements. notes, conditions and restrictions shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Land Partition Plat No. 2006-P2030. 14. The following matters shown and delineated on the survey by K.l"J:1J:1 Consulting Engineers, dated September 26, 2006. Danny Denning, Registered Public Land Surveyor: a) Asphalt path running N:orth and South near the West line. b) Storm drain near the Northeasterly corner. (Labeled SD and "Storm end of line stub point") c) Overhead power line/telephone and guy pole near the West line. -- I Date Received: r ! MAY 2 9 2008 Original SubmiN....:._. , 8 ~lf 12. / q 3D 7 4l/ I / ~ I \ '\ ~ . ' 930744:1 ELT-1S2:33 l'ROPBRTY PAGE 1 of 1 !'- I. I F , .' A portion of tbat certain parcel of land Situated in SeotiDn 22. Township 17 SDutb. Range :3 West, Willemette Meridian, as described In Deeds recorded September 13, 1890. 8Dok 25, Page 182, and September 18. 1890. BDOk 25. Page 185. of the Lane County Oregon Deed Records. lying Easterly of the East right-of-way line of CDUnty Road No. 3 (Game Farm RDad) and Northerly of the North right-of-Kay line of County Road No. 439 (Harlow Road). all in Lane County. Oregon. EJtCEP'1'ING '1'HCREFROH the Hesterly 30 feet of Southern Pacific Transportation Company's main track [Woodburn-Springfield Branch. now abandoned) lying between the Easterly prOlongation of the North and SDuth lines of that parcel of land described in the deed dated Hay 6. 1965. frDm Robert '1'. Lewis Bliss and Georgia Wanda Bliss. husband and wife. to Kenneth c. Hodgin and Ida Hodgin, hUsband and wife, recorded April 20. 1973, in Reel 634. Reception ND. 73 17462. Lane CDunty Oregon Deed RecDrds. FUR~HCR EJtCEPTING THEREFROM all sand, gravel, minerals. Dil. gas and Dther hydrocarbon SUbstances, es eXcep~ed and reserved in the deed frDm SDuthern Pacific TranspDrtation Company tD Repka, Inc., recorded Sepeember 15, 1988. Reel 1534. RecepeiDn ND. 88 38542. Lane Couney Oregon RecDrds , , ," . ~~ 'i ~::. ; ~ 'I ~ i t'~ , ~ ....,l..; S ' '1 ~ ~ ) " ~ , 'i -. . e ~..." '. :2'" -' :Ii. ~;~:~ ~ J!1'2 \2 ~! ~ J f :-,....". : ~\~}: ;" 1! .E a.: ,13 '\ '~'ll ... ~, ';.V' 5~ '" < ,~ =~{J~: . ~t 1!!'g '" ~ ~ .. t.1 ~ i ~ ~ o~ t ~ ClC) ~~ ~ ~t, I o'S :c 88 'at Ui-~ l!! ..... , ii5 H g .. 11 H i:, " .... ..>uJ .. .. , " -,' > , . t_, " , ". r Date Received: (. t MAY 2 9 2008 0" ~ C 1'\ "n:" ',1 nglnal vULlo 1"-..,___ L I . ' ", ..J 1651 CENTENNiAl BLVD. .. SPRINGFIELDf OR 97477 PO, BOX 931 " SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE. 541.741 1981 FAX 541 741 0619 1\ ~x~rg{~~!1 TiTlE INSURANCE SERVICES .. ESCROW CLOSINGS 875 COUNTRY ClUB RD .. EUGENEf OR 97401 1'.0 BOX 10211 " EUGENEf OR 97440 PHONE: 541 687.9794 FAX: 541 687.0924 , ! rc I. Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 , 1 May 23,2008 Original Submittal Our Order No.: ELT-55583 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT City of Springfield Engineering Dept. 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Dennis Estimated PremIUm for: PARTIAL BILLING ADDITIONAL CHAIN $200.00 $100.00 TOTAL $300.00 Dear Dennis: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropnate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of May 15,2008, at 8:00 a.m., vested in' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (as to Parcel 1), and WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC (as to Parcel 2) Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. CONTINUED "IN OUR BUSiNESSf YOU MATTER MOST" www eve! greenlandtltle,com ELT - 55583 Page 2 SCHEDULE B Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 1 1 \ GENERAL EXCEPTIONS Original Submittal 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the publIc records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inqmry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservatIOns or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment (of existing improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existing improvements located on adjoimng land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the publIc records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS EXCEPTIONS AFFECfING PARCEL 1: 6. The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of city ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied. · Map No. 17-03-22-44-08402, Code 19-03, Account No. 1435955 . Map No. 17-03-22-00-03300, Code,04-23, Account No. 1255486 · Map No. 17-03-22-00-03200, Code 04-13, Account No. 1255478 7. Public Utility Easement, if any, whIch lie within the limits of said abandoned nght-of-way. 8. Rights of the public in and to that portion of said abandoned right-of-way within the limits of Game Farm Road, County Road No.3. 9 Leasehold interests ofTCI and Northwest Natural Gas as disclosed by instrument Recorded January 22, 1991, Reception No. 91-02951, Lane County Oregon Records. CONTINUED EL T - 55583 Page 3 10. Right-of-Way Easement, granted to the CIty of Springfield, a municIpal corporation, acting by and through its Springfield UtIlity Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded October 22, 1991, Reception No 91-50861, Lane County Oregon Records. EXCEPTIONS AFFECTING PARCEL 2: 11. Right-of-Way Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded December 14, 1990, Reception No. 90-59956, Lane County Oregon Records. 12. Right-of-Way Easement, granted to the City of Spnngfield, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, mcluding the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded December 14, 1990, Reception No. 90-59957, Lane County Oregon Records. 13. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provIsions thereof, between the City of Springfield, and Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation, by instrument Recorded June 8, 2001, ReceptIOn No. 2001-034714, Lane County Oregon Records. The Assignor's interest in said Annexation Agreement was assigned to PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, by Assignment Recorded December 31, 2001, Reception No. 2001-088566, Lane County Oregon Records. 14. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the CIty of Springfield, an Oregon municipal corporation, and PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, by instrument Recorded June 5, 2002, Reception No. 2002-043161, Lane County Oregon Records. 15. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield, an Oregon municipal corporation, and PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, by instrument Recorded December 6,2002, Reception No. 2002-095013, Lane County Oregon Records. 16. Amendments to PeaceHealth Annexation Agreements, including the terms and provisIOns thereof, by instrument Recorded October 8, 2003, Reception No. 2003-098507, Lane County Oregon Records. 17. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield, and PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, by instrument Recorded June 30, 2005, Reception No. 2005-048788, Lane County Oregon Records. 18. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield, and PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, by instrument Recorded January 20,2006, Reception No. 2006-004477, Lane County Oregon Records. Date Received: CONTINUED MAY 2 9 2008 Origin;;;.; ';;~bn'hits' ELT - 55583 Page 4 19. Easements, Notes, Conditions and Restrictions as shown on the recorded plat of RIVERBEND PHASE 1. 20. Declaration of Access and Mamtenance Agreement for Public Landscape Areas, Public Accessways and Paths, and Open Public Storm Drainage Systems, including the terms and provisions thereof, between PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corporation, Willamalane Park and Recreation District, an Oregon special district, and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, by instrument Recorded May 10, 2006, Reception No. 2006-032093, Lane County Oregon Records. 21. Easements, Notes, Conditions and Restrictions as shown on the recorded Land Partition Plat No. 2006-P2030. 22. The following matters shown on the survey by KPFF Consulting Engineers, Dated September 26, 2006, Danny Denmng, Registered Public Land Surveyor: (a) Asphalt path running North and South near the West line. (b) Storm drain near the Northeasterly comer (labeled SD and "Storm end of line stub point") (c) Overhead power line/telephone and guy pole near the West line. 23. Declaration of Public Access Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded September 26,2007, Reception No. 2007-067068, Lane County Oregon Records. 24. Modification of Accessway Easement, including the terms and proVIsions thereof, by instrument Recorded September 26,2007, Reception No. 2007-067069, Lane County Oregon Records. 25. Easement Agreement, including the terms and proviSIOns thereof, between Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, and PeaceHealth, a Washington non- profit corporation, by instrument Recorded September 26,2007, Reception No. 2007-067070, Lane County Oregon Records. 26. Public Utility Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a muniCIpal corporation of the State of Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded September 26,2007, Reception No. 2007-067071, Lane County Oregon Records. 27. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Women's Care Properties LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, as Grantor(s), to Cascade Title Co , an Oregon corporation, as Trustee, for the benefit of American United Life Insurance Company, an Indiana corporation, as Beneficiary, Dated January 29, 2008, Recorded January 29,2008, Reception No. 2008-005119, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $3,140,000.00. Date Received: ~ 1 1 , , MAY 2 9 2008 CONTINUED Original Submittal- ELT - 55583 Page 5 28. Assignment of Le'ases and Rents, as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust as Exception No. 29 herein, which assignment was executed by Women's Care Properties LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, to American United Life Insurance Company, an Indiana corporation, by instrument Recorded January 29,2008, Reception No. 2008-005120, Lane County Oregon Records. 29. Subordination, non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between American Umted Life Insurance Company, an Indiana corporation, and Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon limIted liability company, and Women's Care, P.C., an Oregon professional corporation, by instrument Recorded January 29,2008, Reception No. 2008-005121, Lane County Oregon Records. NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-03-22-00-03403, Code 04-78, Account No. 1773298,2007-2008, $9,808.80, paid in full. (Parcel 2) NOTE: The address ofthe property to be insured herein is: NOT KNOWN. Parcell 3100 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. PARKWAY, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. Parcel 2 NOTE: A mDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the narne(s) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, and as of May 15,2008, none were found. NOTE: As of May 15,2008, there are no liens for the City of Springfield Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CaMP ANY HOME OFFICE By: ttJ~ Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. Date Received: 4 '1 MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal .. ELT - 55583 Page 1 of 1 Legal Description EXHIBIT A PARCEL 1: A portion of that parcel of land situated in Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, as described in Deeds Recorded September 13, 1890, Book 25, Page 182, and Recorded September 18, 1890, Book 25, Page 185, Lane County Oregon Records, lying Easterly of the East right-o-way line of County Road No.4 (Game Farm Road) and Northerly of the North right-of-way line of County Road No. 439 (Harlow Road), all in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Westerly 36 feet of Southern Pacific Transportation Company's main track (Woodburn-Springfield Branch, now abandoned), lying between the Easterly prolongation of the North and South lines of that parcel ofland descnbed in Deed Dated May 6, 1965, from Robert T. Lewis Bliss and Georgia Wanda Bliss, husband and wife, to Kenneth C. Hodgin and Ida Hodgin, husband and wife, Recorded April 20, 1973, Reel 634R, Reception No. 73-17462, Lane County Oregon Records. FURTHER EXCEPTING THEREFROM all sand, gravel, minerals, oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, as excepted and reserved III Deed from Southern Pacific Transportation Company to Kapka, Inc., Recorded September 15, 1988, Reel 1534R, Reception No. 88-38542, Lane County Oregon Records. PARCEL 2: Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat No. 2006-P2030, Recorded August 14,2006, Reception No 2006-058347, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal , "-1lM-~ ~~ I MAP '\'~3 22 r \\~~7";~~~.~1~_1~~~~K ~ im i ~ ~ 5.37241 f I ~ -\i\. '\\: ~ " "~~ sIM: ~ ~ ~~. I S21~~~~~3j'''' ~~;~, ~J. ,,~'\ I (t 2.~ ';-C, I a: . We'ST"O"'4'\~' I '-..... '"", l;-..oE >;,3; , I 58/'1628'" ',,-. '0"'':>7$' "~I &~-~- 10~=-~-==~======~._.;7SQ------~-S21~}~~~~- ~- "N.. ~ ,L 410~92 55 PT VEST 109829' I SI6"29'12'V AVENUE n' R=131324' EAST 109829' 5640j'- ( 3200). LC=NOO'~9'21'v1 400 Slt"29'12'V ,/ -25247 I 866L' 004-13 9,22 AC. S06'50'56'~ l' 16256' o 0 0 0 l)LCs;427Q8.g'VQ fi~ 0 0 0 010 Q:9 :-; G. 50 R=985 04' il <<'ll=If\\<<l\ SO'01'30'E , .............. ~ 7 \lJI\UI 169 72~ '_ Ql{ t 1501 -( ~ \ ~'5 '0' 6744' I ~I: :.) ~ N.g9~;a,1!" " J29 12 . -i!otl4/7' 2446' _ 02'1 I ( 3300 : ~ 89'58'0 'E 101 L 4\4~6S7a P1\~\t, ( ,.\ ~ 0 \\\ ~ \ \\\ SE I., CD ~ o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) 004-23 MALLARD lA!1IN-Go, Q ,r:;; .?-> -."0.....- ~5' q It. ~. I. ~.~ ~ ~~ o ~..9 .I'9~t:.. . ....u_~,_ _., ..;'1 2203 / 7-05-7-2--D0 227 CCJ ~ O~E.~~,~ !l1I;e 'VB9c~!Y'E 90 I J~ :J ~ " '" \'( , PINEDAl E See : '" Mar) SPRfNGDALE .; ::J ." "~ r b. // Date Received: ""'!!I '.,} , MAY! 9 2008 Ongmal Subl nlUc.i.___ May 19,2008 Branch No. ,08-008B Date Received: SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CRITERIA PER 5.16-125 for PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN THE LANDS OF CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND THE LANDS OF WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal , A. The property line adjustment does not create a new lot or parcel. There are two tracts at the start and two tracts upon completion of the property line adjustment. The dedication of street right-of- way following the adjustment is not considered as creating an additional tract. B. The property line adjustment does not create a landlocked lot or parcel. The adjusted lands of Women's Care Properties, LLC retains its current access points to Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway and Game Farm Road South. The adjusted lands of the City of Springfield are within the public right-of-way of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. C. The adjusted lands of Women' s Care Properties, LLC are increased in size by the addition of the 60.00-footwide strip to the south of said lands. The adjusted lands of the City of Springfield lie within Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. There are no lot size or setback requirements in the public right-of-way. D. There are no violations of any previous conditions the Approval Authority may have imposed on the Jots and parcels involved in the application. E. The property line adjustment does not detrimentally alter the availability of existing public and / or private utilities to each lot/parcel in the application 0 to abutting lots/parcels. A public utility easementis being conveyed by Women's Space Properties, LLC over the entire 60.00- foot strip so as to cover any existing public utilities within the strip. Easements for (1) the 30- foot wide public trail alongside Game Farm Road South, (2) the 25- foot Public Emergency Access and Multiuse Path Easement and (3) the adjoining Public Slope Easement have been extended across the 60.00- ' foot strip have been provided and will be conveyed by separate instruments following recordation of the Property Line Adjustment Deed. F. The property line adjustment does not increase the degree of non-conformity of each lot, parcel or structure that is non-conforming at the time of application. /" '\ REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LANp SURVEYOR i /~~;I- -', / ORcuON - JULY 20, 1993 '- REX A. Bt::.1 '" . J ..... #f~ / /... (~ . e)Ci/ /c(-lI!07 .' .. Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Recorded at the request of and after recording return to: for Lands described in Exhibit A Send Tax Statements to: for La~~iQm~i~!-,j:>mif!~lllolt tl Send Tax Statements to: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street /" Springfield, OR 97477 City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 '\ Women's Care Properties, LLC P O. Box 70368 Eugene, 'OR 97401 The true consideration for this conveyance is J)ROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED - The parties to this transfer are (1) City of Springfield, an Oregon Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Party 1 and being a qrantor/Grantee herein and (2) Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Compc,my, hereinafter referred to as Party 2 and being a Grantor/Grantee herein. This Deed is intended to adjust the boundary line between a parcel of real property owned by Party 1 and an adjoining parcel of real property owned by Party 2. The parties are entering into this Deed to agree on the property line separating their parcels to comply with City of Springfield Land Use Regulations and the pro,visions of Oregon Revised Statutes 92.190(4). The legal description of Party 1 's property prior to this ~djustment is all of the property that was conveyed to the City of Springfield in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded February 4, 1993 in Reel 1824R at Reception Number 9307441 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200 and 3300, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) The legal description of Party 2's property prior to this adjustment is all of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14, 2006 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3403) The line being adjusted herein is the entire southeast line of said Parcel 3 as said line is common with a r portion of the northeast line of said lands that were conveyed to t~e City ,of Springfield. WHEREAS the Parties desire to adjust their common line and WHEREAS the Parties are agreeable to execute a transfer of property through means of an approved Property Line Adjustment and this Deed as said Property Line Adjustment was given Tentative Approval ,2008 by the City of Springfield under Case Number SUB2008- THEREFOR, for purposes of accomplishing this Property Line Adjustment: Party 2 hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and interest in and to the property described on "Exhibit A" to Party 1 as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part ~ereof. And Party 1 hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and interest in and to the property described on "Exhibit B" to Party 2 as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof. ' -The description of Party 1 's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The description of Party 2's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200,3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Page 1 of 5 '. Dated this day of ,2008. City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon '\ By: John Tamulonis, Community Development Manager Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Signed: Frederick W. Green, Authorized Member BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TillS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS IN~_TRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD GHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES [AND], TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS O~ LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On ,2008 personally appeared the above named John Tamulonis, who being duly sworn said that he is the Community Development Manager for the City of Springfield and that the above instrument was signed on behalf of said city and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon Date Received: STATE OF OREGON County of Lane ) )SS MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submitta~ On ,2008 personally appeared the above named Frederick W. Green, who being duly sworn said that he is the Authorized Member of Women' s Care Properties, LLC, and that the above instrument was signed on behalf of said limited liability company and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon , PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200,3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Page 2 of 5 1 EXHIBIT A Date Received: TRACT! AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200 and 3300, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 84t QJ after 0,' I Suomi taT adjustment) ngma MAY 2 9 2008 SITU A TED in unincorporated area in Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: ^ BEING all of the lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded February 4, 1993 in Reel 1824R at Reception Number 9307441 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; EXCEPTING THEREFROM, any portion of said lands that lies within the following described tract of land: SITUATED partially in the City of Springfield and partially within unincorporated area all in Lane County, State ofOreg~n in the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: -, BEING all of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14,2006 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon together with a portion of the lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded February 4, 1993 in Reel 1824 R at Reception Number 9307441 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; the perimeter of said lands being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of said Parcel 3; THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING and running along the north line of said Parcel 3 , along the following one numbered course: (1) SOUTH 88012' 43" EAST 284.53 FEET to point on the west margin of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (a public right-of-way of varying width); THENCE, southerly and along said west margin, along the following five numbered courses: (2) SOUTH 07022' 15" WEST 174.17- FEET; (3) SOUTH 36001' 06" WEST 61.53 FEET; (4) SOUTH 07022' 15" WEST 76.55 FEET to a point of tangent curvature to the left; (5) along said tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 82037' 45" East 1177.50 Feet, a central angle of 000 45' 10" and a long chord of South 06059' 40" West 15.47 Feet, an arc length of15.47 FEET to a point of non-tangent line; and (6) along said non-tangent line, SOUTH 150 04' 44" EAST 84.25 FEET to a point of non-tangent curvature to the left; THENCE, continuing along said west margin and its southerly prolongation (crossing said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield), the following one numbered course: (7) along said non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 85030' 57" East 899.59 Feet, a central angle of170 43' 11" and a long chord of South 04022' 32" East 277.11 F~et, an arclength of278.21 FEET to a point of cusp and non- tangent curvature to the left that lies on the southwest line of aforesaid lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield; THENCE, northwesterly and along last said southwest line, the following three numbered courses: (8) along said non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 660 43' 18" West 924.93 Feet, a central angle of120 18' 15" and a long chord of North 290 25' 50" West 198.25 Feet, an arc length of198.6JFEET to a point at the transition from a circular curve to the beginning of an offset spiral curve to the left that lies 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, of a spiral curve that has a radius of954.93 feet, aspirallengthof150.00 Feet, a spiral central angle of 04 030, 00" and a spiral long chord of North 380 34' 57" West 149.96 Feet; (9) along said offset spiral, which offset has a long chord of North 380 35' 40" West 147.60 feet, to a pointthat is offset 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the point of transition from spiral curve to tangent line of aforesaid spiral curve PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200, 3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Page 3 of 5 " "' .. that has a radius of954.93 Feet;_and (1 0) along a line that is offset 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, from aforesaid tangent line, NORTH 400 04' 57" WEST 103.67 FEET to that certain southwest comer of said lands that were conveyed to the City Springfield that lies on a line that is parallel with and 20.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the centerline of Game Farm Road South (a public right-of-way of varying width); THENCE, along said parallel line and west line of the said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield, the following two numbered courses: (11) NORTH 020 35' 30" WEST 75.09 FEET and (12) NORTH 01049' 36" WEST 23.09 FEET to the most northerly comer of said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield; THENCE, along the northeast line of said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield, the following one numbered course: (13) SOUTH 400 04' 57" EAST 24.23 FEET to the southwest comer of said Parcel 3 as said comer lies on a line that is parallel with and 35.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from aforesaid centerline of Game Farm Road South; and THENCE, along the east margin of said Game Farm Road South and west lines of said Parcel 3, the following three numbered courses: (14) NORTH 01 0 49' 36" WEST 123.21 FEET; (15) NORTH 87039' 55" WEST 5.01 FEET; and (16) NORTH 01 049' 36" WEST 110.10 FEET RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING and Containing 111,172 Square Feet (2.55 Acres) more or less. CONTAINING a net area of3.1 Acres more or less. Date Received: MAY 2 9 '200S Original Submittal PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200, 3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Page 4 of5 r, , ~ . f I, I , Date Received: EXHIBIT B MAY 2 9 2008 TRACT 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3403 after adjustment) Original Submittal SITUATED partially in the City of Springfield and partially within unincorporated area all in Lane County, State of Oregon iri the Northeast and Southeast quarters of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14, 2006 in the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane CountY, State of Oregon together with a portion of the lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed that was recorded February 4, 1993 in Reel 1824 R at Reception Number 9307441' in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; the perimeter of said lands being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of said Parcel 3; THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING and numing along the north line of said Parcel 3 , along the following one munbered course: (1) SOUTH 880 12' 43" EAST 284.53 FEET to point on the west margin of Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway (a public right-of-way of. varying width); THENCE, southerly and along said west margin, along the following five numbered courses: (2) SOUTH 070 22'15" WEST 174.17 FEET; (3) SOUTH 360 01' 06" WEST61.53 FEET; (4) SOUTH 070 22'15" WEST76.55 FEET to apoint of tangent curvature to the left; (5) along said tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 820 37' 45" East 1177.50 Feet, a central angle of 00045' 10" and along chord of South 06059'40'1 West 15.47 Feet, an arc length of 15.4 7 FEET to a point of non-tangent line; and (6) along said non-tangent line, SOUTH 150 04' 44" EAST 84.25 FEET to a point of non-tangent curvature to the left; THENCE, continuing along said west margin and its southerly prolongation (crossing said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield), the following one numbered course: (7) along said non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 85030' 57" East 899.59 Feet, a central angle of170 43' 11" and along chord of South 04022' 32" East 27~.11 Feet, an arclength of278.21 FEET to a point of cusp and non-tangent curvature to the left that lies on the southwest line of aforesaid lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield; THENCE, northwesterly and along last said southwest line, the following three numbered courses: (8) along said non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius center that bears South 660 43' 18" West 924.93 Feet, a central angle of 120 18' 15" and a long chord of North 29025' 50" West 198.25 Feet, an arc length of 198.63 FEET to a point at the transition from a circular curve to the beginning of an offset spiral curve to the left that lies 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, of a spiral curve that has a radius of954.93 feet, a spiral length of 150.00 Feet, a spiral central angle of 04 0 30' 00" and a spiral long chord of North 38034' 57" West 149.96 Feet; (9) along said offset spiral, which offset has along chordofNorth 380 35'40" West 147.60 feet, to apointthatis offset 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the point of transition from spiral curve to tangent line of aforesaid spiral curve that has a radius of954.93 Feet; and (10) along a line that is offset 30.00 feet southwesterly, by perpendicular measurement, from aforesaid tangent line, NORTH 400 04' 57" WEST 103.67 FEET to that certain southwest comer of said lands that were conveyed to the City Springfield that lies on a line that is parallel with and 20.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the centerlIne of Game Farm Road South (a public right-of-way of varying width); THENCE, along said parallel line and west line of the said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield, the following two numbered courses: (11)NORTH020 35'30" WEST 75.09 FEET and (12) NORTH 01 049'36" WEST23.09 FEET to the most nonherly comer of said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield; THENCE, along the northeast line of said lands that were conveyed to the City of Springfield, the following one numbered course: (13) SOUTH 40004' 57" EAST 24.23 FEET to the southwest comer of said Parcel 3 as said comer lies on a line that is parallel with and 35.00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from aforesaid centerline of Game Farm Road South; and THENCE, along the east margin of said Game Farm Road South and west lines of said Parcel 3, the following three nuplbered courses: (14) NORTH 010 49' 36" WEST 123.21 FEET; (15) NORTH 87039'55" WEST ~.01 FEET; and (16) NORTH 01 049, 36" WEST 110.10 FEET RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING and Containing 111,172 Square Feet (2.55 Acres) more or less. ' " PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lots 3200, 3300 and 3403, and Tax Map 17-03-22-44, Tax Lot 8402) Page 5 of5 , ,oj BAR CODE STICKER) Date Received: MAY 292008 Original Submittal BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Tax Map 17-03-22, Portion of Tax Lot 3200 (on the date of execution) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantor, In Consideration of the acceptance by the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, Grantee, and the use or holding of said property for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargainS, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, ItS successors and assigns, all the following real property, With the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated In the County of Lane .and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows L, . SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever dedicated to the public to be used as PUBLIC ROAD TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said Grantee, ItS successors and assigns forever THE CONSIDERATION for: thiS conveyance IS other than monetary IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor above named has hereunto set ItS hand and seal thiS day of , 2008 WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Frederick W Green, AuthOrized Member " STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE ss BE IT REMEMBERED that on thiS day of , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the Within named Fredenck W Green, whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he IS the AuthOrized Member of the Within named Company and does acknowledge said Instrur:nent to be the free act and deed of said Company, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said Company IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the day and year last above wntten ' Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires THE CONVEYANCE set forth In thiS Instrument conveYing title or Interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, IS hereby approved, and the title or Interest conveyed therein IS hereby accepted CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . By DenniS P Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor Date RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Z \2008\08-008B PLA WOMEN'S SPACE COS\SURVEY\PLA DOCUMENTS\08-008B ROW BargatO & Sale Deed-CorporatIon 051408 doc REVISED September, 2004 EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT-Of-WAY WIDENING Of GAME fARM ROAD SOUTH \ SITUATED In unincorporated area In Lane County, State of Oregon In the Northeast 1/4 of Section 22, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian and described as follows BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed to Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon limited liability Company, and described as "TRACT 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT" In Exhibit "B" In that certain Property Line Adjustment Deed that was recorded _' 2008 at Recorder's Number 2008- In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, said portion being more particularly described as follows BEING all that portion of said lands that lie westerly of a line that IS drawn parallel with and 35 00 feet \ easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the centerline of Game Farm Road South as said centerline Is(shown on the Survey Map by Danny M Denning that was filed April 17, 2006 as County Survey File Number 39772 In the Office of the County Surveyor of Lane County, State of Oregon / > ' Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal J BARGAIN AND SALE DEED For Widening of Game Farm Road South PORTION OF LANDS OF WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LJ"C (Portion of Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3200 on the date of execution) " Page 2 of2 J " . (BAR CODE STICKER) v Date Received: MAY 292008 Original submittal PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3200 and Portion of Tax Lot 3300 (on the date of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered Into this day of ,2008, by and between WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as the Grantor, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a mUnicipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee WITNESSETH In consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement 60 00 feet In width, together with the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and uSing PUBLIC UTILITIES which currently eXist or may hereafter be Installed on the following described property, to-Wit SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to the said Grantee, ItS heirs and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor above named has hereunto set ItS hand and seal thiS , day of , 2008 WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Frederick W Green, AuthOrized Member STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE S8 BE IT REMEMBERED that on thiS day of , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the Within named Frederick W Green, whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he IS the AuthOrized Member of the Within named Company and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Company, and that said Instrument was Signed and sealed In behalf of said Company IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the day and year last above written Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires The conveyance set forth In thiS Instrument conveYing title or Interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, IS hereby approved, and the title or Interest conveyed therein IS hereby accepted CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By DenniS P. Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor Date RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 , Z \2008108-008B PLA WOMEN'S SPACE COSISURVEYlPLA DOCUMENTSI08-008B PublIc UtilIty Easement-Corporation 051508a doc REVISED September, 2004 . i 'J EXHIBIT "A" 60.00-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITIES EASEMENT SITUATED m unmcorporated area m Lane County, State of Oregon m the Northeast 1/4 and Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan and descnbed as follows BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed to Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon Limited liability Company, and descnbed as "TRACT 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT" m Exhibit "B" m that certam Property Lme Adjustment Deed that was recorded _' 2008 at Recorder's Number 2008- m the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, said portion bemg more particularly descnbed as follows BEING all that portion of said lands that lies (1) easterly of a Ime that IS drawn parallel with and 3500 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the centerline of Game Farm Road South as said centerline IS shown on the Survey Map by Danny M Denning that was filed Apnl 17, 2006 as County Survey File Number 39772 m the Office of the County Surveyor of Lane County, State of Oregon and (2) southwesterly of the southwest Ime of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14,2006 m the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT -PORTION OF LANDS OF WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC (Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3200 and Portion of Tax Lot 3300 on the date of execution) Page 2 of2 , "\ (BAR CODE STICKER) '. Date ReceiVed: MAY 292008 " "na\ submitta\-- On91 30.00-FOOT PUBLIC TRAIL EASEMENT Portion of Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot 3200 (on the date of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered Into this day of , 2008, by and between WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as the Grantor, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee WITNESSETH: In consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the Grantee, a perpetual easement 30 00 feet In width for PUBLIC TRAIL purposes, together with the nght to go upon said easement area hereinafter descnbed for the purpose of reconstructing, maintaining the accessway surface, including sweeping of said accessway, which currently eXists or may hereafter be Installed on the following descnbed property, to-Wit SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to the said Grantee, ItS heirs and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor above named have hereunto set their hand and seal this , day of , 2008 WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Fredenck W Green, Authonzed Member 5T A TE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE SS BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Fredenck W Green, whose Identrty was proved to me on the basIs of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he IS the Authonzed Member of the within named Company and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Company, and that said Instrument was Signed and sealed In behalf of said Company IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my, official seal the day and year last above wntten Notary P~blic for Oregon My CommisSion Expires The conveyance set forth In this Instrument conveYing title or Interest to the City of Spnngfleld, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, IS hereby approved, and the title or Interest conveyed therein IS hereby accepted CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By Dennis P. Ernst - City of Spnngfleld Surveyor Date RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Z \2008108-008B PLA WOMEN'S SPACE COSISURVEYlPLA DOCUMENTSI08-008B Pubhc TRAIL EASEMENT-Corporalton OS I 508 doc REVISED September, 2004 . '\ EXHIBIT "A" 30.00-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC TRAIL EASEMENT I SITUATED In unincorporated area In Lane County, State of Oregon In the Northeast 1/4 and Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan and descnbed as follows BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed to Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, and descnbed as "TRACT 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT" In Exhibit "B" In that certain Property Line Adjustment Deed that was recorded _' 2008 at Recorder's Number 2008- In the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, said portion being more particularly descnbed as follows BEING a stnp of land of uniform width of 30 00 feet, by perpendicular measurement, the east line of which IS more particularly descnbed as follows BEGINNING at the Intersection of the east line of the 30-foot Public Trail Easement that lies Within Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14, 2006 In the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon With the southwest line of said Parcel 3, THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING, and along the southerly extension of said east line, SOUTH 010 49' 36" WEST 96 90 FEET, more or less to a POint on the southwest line of said lands of Women's Care Properties, LLC Said easement being bounded on the northeast by said southw~st line of Parcel 3 and on the southwest by said southwest line of said lands of Women's Care Properties, LLC. , , Date Received: MAY 2 9 2008 Original submittal 30.00-FOOT PUBLIC TRAIL EASEMENT PORTION OF LANDS OF WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC (Tax Map 17-03-22, Portion of Tax Lot 3200 on the date of execution) Page 2 of2 !- (BAR CODE STICKER) L........... .. ,~\"C;lved: ~ MAY 2 9 2008 Original Submittal 25.00-FOOT PUBLIC EMERGENCY ACCESS AND MULTIUSE PATH EASEMENT AND 4.45-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC SLOPE EASEMENT Portion of Tax Map 17-03-22, Tax Lot, 3200 (on the date of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered Into this day of , 2008, by and between WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as the Grantor, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee WITNESSETH: In consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the Grantee, (1) a perpetual easement 2500 feet In width for EMERGENCY ACCESS and for MULTIUSE PATH purposes, together with the right to go upon said easement area hereinafter described for the purpose of reconstructing, maintaining the accessway surface, including sweeping of said accessway, and (2) a perpetual easement 4 45 feet In width for slope and slope maintenance purposes all of which currently eXIst or may hereafter be Installed on the following described property, to-WIt SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easements to the said Grantee, ItS heirs and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor above named have hereunto set their hand and seal this , day of , 2008 WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company \ Frederick W Green, Authorized Member r- STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } SS BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of , 2008 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Frederick W Green, whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he IS the AuthOrized Member of the Within named Company and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Company, and that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said Company IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written ' Notary Public for Oregon My CommiSSion Expires The conveyance set forth In this Instrument conveYing title or Interest to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, IS hereby approved, and the title or Interest conveyed therein IS hereby accepted CITY 'OF SPRINGFIELD f\ By DenniS P Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor Date RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Z 12008108-008B PLA WOMEN'S SPACE COSISURVEYlPLA DOCUMENTSI08-008B Pubhc EV AE AND PATH Easement-Corporation 051508 doc REVISED September, 2004 L EXHIBIT "A" Date R~ceived: MAY 2 9 2008 1 j , 25.00-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC Oriai I S b . EMERGENCY ACCESS AND MULTIUSE PATH EASEMENr na u mltta} SITUATED m unincorporated area In Lane County, State of Oregon m the Northeast 1/4 and Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian and described as follows \ ' BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed to Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, and described as "TRACT 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT" m Exhibit liB" In that certain Property Lme Adjustment Deed that was recorded _' 2008 at Recorder's Number 2008- In the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, said portion bemg more particularly described as follows ) BEING a strip of land of uniform Width of 2500 feet, by perpendicular measurement, the centerline of which IS more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at the Intersection of the centerline of that certam 25 OO-foot Wide Emergency Access, PUE and Multiuse Path Easement with the southwest line of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14, 2006 m the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon as said centerline and southwest line are shown on said partition plat, THENCE, leavmg said POINT OF BEGINNING, and along the westerly extension of said centerline, NORTH 880 34' 14" WEST 45 89 FEET, more or less, to a pomt on a line that IS drawn parallel With and 35 00 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the centerline of Game Farm Road South as said centerlme IS shown on the Survey Map by Danny M Denning that was filed April 17, 2006 as County Survey File Number 39772 In the Office of the County Surveyor of Lane County, State of Oregon Said easement bemg bounded on the northeast by said southwest Ime of Parcel 3 and on the west by said paralle! Ime 4.45-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC SLOPE EASEMENT SITUATED m unincorporated area m Lane County, State of Oregon m the Northeast 1/4 and Southeast 1/4 of Section 22, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian and described as follows " BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed to Women's Care Properties, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, and described as "TRACT 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT" m Exhibit liB" In that certam Property Line Adjustment Deed that was recorded _' 2008 at Recorder's Number 2008- m the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, said portion being more particularly described as follows BEING a strip of land of Uniform Width of approximately 4 45 feet, by perpendicular measurement, the south line of which IS more particularly described as follows , BEGINNING at the intersection of that certain south Ime of the Variable Width PubliC Slope Easement that has a bearing and distance of North 800 34' 35" West 95 34 Feet With the southwest line of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2006-P2030 as platted and recorded August 14, 2006 m the Land Partition Plat Records of Lane County, State of Oregon as said south easement Ime and southwest line of Parcel 3 are shown on said partition plat, THENCE, leavmg said POINT OF BEGINNING, and along a Ime that lies parallel With the south line of the 25 OO-foot Wide Emergency Access, PUE and Multiuse Path Easement that lies m said Parcel 3, NORTH 880 34' 14" WEST 5969 FEET, more or less to a pomt on a Ime that IS drawn parallel With and 3500 feet easterly, by perpendicular measurement, from the centerline of Game Farm Road South as said centerline IS shown on'the Survey Map by Danny M Denning that was filed April 17, 2006 as County Survey File Number 39772 m the Office of the County Surveyor of Lane County, State of Oregon Said easement being bounded on the northeast by said southwest line of Parcel 3 and on the west by said parallel line. 25.00-FOOT PUBLIC EMERGENCY ACCESS AND MULTIUSE PATH EASEMENT AND 4.45-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC SLOPE EASEMENT PORTION OF LANDS OF WOMEN'S CARE PROPERTIES, LLC (Tax Map 17-03-22, Portion of Tax Lot 3200 on the date of execution) Page 2 of2