HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 7/27/2007 PRE-SUBMITT~ T PLAT ' DISTRIBUTION LIST: 7- 2/-D7 Date Distributed: / Dave Puent - Building ./' , Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire ~ /Gary McKenney - Traffic / Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering ~Les Benoy'- Public W orks/Engineering V" Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying ./ Bart McKee, Spfld Utility Board (Water) I Tamara Johnson, Spfld Utility Board (Electric) Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District Planner, ~~ P(ZE: '5U l'?rVl( ~ 1--u1/o1 City of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00048 Date Submitted: 7/27/2007 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 2 7 2007 Proiect Name: WILLIAMS PARTITION Project Description: Pre-Submittal for Partition Plat for 3 lot partition at 7034 Main Street Application Type: Partition Plat Job Address: 7034 MAIN ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702353100900 DISCLAIMER: ApplicatIOns will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and SubmIttal of the ApplicatIOn for Development Review Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 wIth any questIOns or concerns A Planner will be assigned the following busmess day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. PlanJobPnnl rpl 7/27/2007 83802AM Pre-Submittal =vIeeting Development Services Dep3J.hllent Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, August 3, 2007 1. PRE-SUBwTIAL MTG #PRE2007-00048 (PART PLAT) WILLIAMS $336 Assessor's Map: 1 ~-02-35-31 TL 900 Existing Use: Residential Address: 7034 Main Street Applicant submitted plans to plat a 3-lot partition Meeting Date/Time: Friday, August 3, 2007 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m. Planner: Steve Hopkins 2. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00047 (SUB TbNT) FOUMAL $336 Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-13 TL 1101, 1102, 1200 Existing Use: Residential/V acant Address: 3835 & 3861 "E" Street Applicant submitted plans to create a 6-lot SFR subdivision, Foumal Subdvision Meeting Date/Time: Friday, August 3, 2007 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Steve Hopkins /' ~1~b , City of SprIngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Land Division Plat Application, Type II Subdivision Plat: Partition Plat: Applicant Name: Company: Address: APplica~t's Rep.: \ Company: I Address: I Property Owner: C'ompany: Address: <; v~ ~;\\.~ ~~C) ~ no-y tJt\rV''';\. Phone: N I At- I Fax: I P.D.~ ~"'"j ~I \ / L.o~l\ I DR- t:1,\'\:S L.. f\o.lr4'" \~~L... I Phone: I t..V'v-c.,~ /?J"Y9-. A-~Sf)c.~~ Fax: I b '01 ttWJ #\~ ~ ~.lo~ ~~_.o_~ r.w. G.-f f l~ C.lNlA.t' to 'b~ -42ll L1 ~l.\-'1b~ , I Phone: I 1Fax:. I h ~~ , ~, ~ , ~ IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: \,- ()"1.- 1~ -; \ Property Address: 10 S 4 M&\.i^ trtrl.zt I i Size of Property: Ot 5"""D ! ~~o~osed, ~~~e of Subdivision: I ""-'l \:> ~I.,,-.~ f) tv...- : Description of Proposal: Existing Use: I # of Lots/Parcels: i ' TAX LOT NOeS): G)l)O Acres ){} Square Feet 0 NIA-- \e.,....\ lo+ I kb ,'6 \.eJ..J t~<::. . ~.,i~J)/&-/w( Tentative Case #: S~ "2-bb'- O0t>1...I ~ Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: t.ZZ,1 sf Density: (,..OS dujacre Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits D ,Associated ,Applications: ~2B\) 1- a5b2 I Pre-Submittal Case No.: ~rLt6'D1-G5b% Case No.: Application Fee: Date: Date: . Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary D (~P~) -:f! 21/6":' I .-1 J -------- ~ Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Total Fee: Postage Fee: (Jr-j ~6tf5- C50bZz- ~'a- fb/3/07 IIO:ou I\/IA Steps in th~ Process: " I 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application , The Pre-Submittal Application IS mandatory. Check the Development Fee schedule for I application review fee. The submittal package, must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 6 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 a.m'. and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre- Submittal meeting within Ave to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team, to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning DIVIsion. The meeting will be scheduled for 3Q to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the Items required to make the application complete-If it Isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal alnd acceptance by the City. ThiS IS the time period when the plat and documents will be red lined by the City surveyor and the corrections made by the applicant on paper copies of the plat prior to submittal of mylars. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal ChecklIst, please submit 2 copies of the complete application and mylars, to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will b!2gin. When the Planner has completed mail notification and review procedures, a deCISIOn. will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/ design team and affected parties notifying th~m of plat approval. The plat may then be filed by the applicant and 5 recorded paper copies ,delivered to the Development Services Department prior to the Issuance of any building permits. Owner's Signature ThiS application will be used for both' the requlre~ Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's slgnatur~s are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. Case Number: ~ '2.601 ' The undersigned acknowle sChedUIIn~91L~- Owner: \ ' Signature_ es that the informa~ion in this application is correct and accurate for ttal Meeting. Date: > -2ft -07 SecolLr Rs WtJU/~ Print Name 9/15/05 - 2- PRE-SUBMfi\TAL CHECKLIST FOR INTAKE L _ FINAL PLAT PARTITION OR SUBDIVISION NAME: ~\N,\-\\~,~~ prJ'C'/'I/('\, OWNER/DEVELOPER: ?)u* LN"l\\e-~C\ ~~- (1",-~ DATE RECEIVED: SURVEYOR: PLANNING CASE NO: (tentative) , (final) t\ .:- /\ u..'. \.e:.~ j .....) tJ <t> rfr 'ts ~ . . - , ' . '. : : '.. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: " Final plat application. A letter which lists and addresses each of the Conditions of Approval, and details the actions taken, and current status of each item. 6 paper copies of the plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. 2 copies of closure sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedIcated areas and' easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets,. 2 copies of title report or subdivision guarantee for the parcel being divided. Must list the vested owner Identical to that shown on the plat. The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older report IS OK for - the initial review. ' O. I~ 2 copies of each of the reference documents and reference plats listed on the plat. 7. :~ 2 copies of each of the supporting documents: the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), eXisting easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions .. ~n the title report, etc. ' 8. ~'~ draft copie,s of any STREET DEDICATIONS, (I.n.,~be City of Springfield street \ dedications on Partitions must be recprd~d' by separate document per SDC 34.090 (3)(i) [surveYing] (the City has a bOilerplate form for this purpose). 9. ~: 2 draft copies of any NEW easements or restnctions being created by separate document, Improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, JOint use Ingress/egress i3nd utility easements, sewer hook up In lieu of assessment, and any other documents that Will be recorded together with the plat or that are required by the ,Conditions of Approval. 10. )Xr A Consent Statement (Concurrence) -9n the plat (mylar mus):-. be "signed by all lenders . pnor to final approval) OR 2"'copies of1an AffldaYlt of Consent by separate document IS required from all Trust Deed, mortgage or oth'er" secured loan interest holders against the property to be recorded simultaneously with the plat IF any public dedicatIons or easements are being made and/or any other Interests are being transferred to the publiC. ORS 92.075 (2-4)" 11. .Kl. One 8 V2" X 11" reduced copy of the plat to attach to the public notice. 12. ~OPies of wetland documents as required. 13. Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. 14. m ne draft copy ?,f Bargain and Sale deed for RESERVE STRIPS (the City has a boilerplate form for thiS purpose). 15. ~ Venficatlon that street tree agreement is in progress as required. 16. ~ One.draft copy of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) If any. 17. ~post monumentation deposit as required. The current fee IS $700.00, plus $30.00 for each monument. The City prOVides a boilerplate deposit form for thiS purpose. (Applicable to subdiVisions only). 1.~ 2. ~ 3. ~ 4. ~ 5-. ~ 9/15/05 - 4 - r: It" " I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary fori processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not othe~wlse contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with thy information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the reqUlrem~nts of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application i , I I I , Owner: Date: Signature Pnnt Name I I I , i Plat applications will be processed as fOIlOW~: i 1. The applicant submits a Pre-Submittal me~ting application. I 2. Within five to seven working days, the applicant and the City conduct a pre-submittal t' I mee Ing. ' 3. The applicant coordinates any additional re1view and refinement of the plat and other required documents with representatives f~om the City's Planning, Public Works Engineenng, and SurveYing divisions. 4. The City will notify the applicant when the plat and other documents are sufficiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plait mylars. 5. The applicant submits the plat application ~Ith the mylars and all final documentation,and financial securities including the applicatio~ fee. 6. The City Surveyor and Development Servldes Director may sign the final plat if all other conditions and requirements are fulfilled. I 7. The signed plat mylars may be forwarded to Lane County for recordation. 8. The applicant shall deliver (5) five recorde~ plat paper copies and any other recorded required documents to the Development S:ervices Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. 9/15/05 - 3 - . 18. ~he location of the floo~way of floodway fringe In accordaf;:L.%: with Article 27 of the --' _~ - Springfield Development Code. . 19. ~ EXisting easements must be clearly Identified with their recorded reference and acknowledged In the owner's declaration. New easements and reserve stripS must be referenced In the owner's declaration on the plat If being dedicated by ~eparate document. Easements may be dedicated In the owner's declaration If being dedicated on the plat. The purposes of easements must also be IdentifIed on the plat. 20. WThe solar factor for each lot and the claSSification of each lot as a south wall, south roof or exempt lot as specified In section 35.010 of this article. Individual solar setback tables must be recorded with the final plat of each lot platted under the performance approach as specified In Section 35.010(3)(b)(3) of the Spnngfield Development Code. "- NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ -Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. Final Land Division Complete Application Submittal Requirem~nts Checklist Note: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. 2. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued Within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. 3. One original plat on Mylar With notarized owners signature and Signed surveyors stamp. One copy of the Mylar on bond paper. . 4. Final drafts of all required documents with signatures where appropriate. 5. Applicant shall deliver (5) five recorded plat paper copies and any other recorded required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. 9/15/05 - 5 - C\J I 1'1 I lO 1'1 I C\J o I I'- a. <( ~ W W (f) ~ '" I~ ~ - " I) " " 00 '" r- '0' \; JNfT}A.L J I . pa,Hr 9 I' ,." /00' ~'\ _-,03/ "," -mu (1 ,-'./,1' 90' 1122 1111 ~ ~ () ~ " ~ "I;., ~ '" ., ~b <:l 'l: lOa' 22 II 90' ~ -B /.30' -S.Y/I.5.'c " '" -+- IO~' (f) 12 ~5' ~ 1121 1112 0 Q r'- ~ ~ r- ~ 1120 '0 ~ ... :H '8' 0- "I. ~ Ir. ~ '" 13 HS'"!f,'39"ff' .~~~t 1113 <:) " . H E:~)('~F ~O H D 2C ~ !l8'.'" 39' I< 1045'1 21 . " ~r- "', 0: "', /04 !Ii' 1111"5"3'"[; 1119 '49S' :;; 14 fill"" ::WE ;0;. 1114 ~G~ .13" M'O'''W -- -15 ", /l'" ;tD' '" " '" ... '" lCS'2~.2.7/~ 'w ~I'S', Rz2o' ~. . 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S 36227 S 36268 7'5101 'E 7J 7,Z 1'12,.5..39 I ,.,.n.f~4a 1101 ~ \~ 460C , I I I _ J~ 01", ~:" 1102 ~I II" wi g: NI -I bl. o[ ~ 1II1 ~ :'" I I !,4' t~' ia ~3 {' -'4.:,.1 S'S-"!.4t'w S.67~2Z7"w' ,. . ~ ~ .. <t.. ~ , ~ ~c ~ f 17i.p./ 7' J r 5 JC J ; ... '5r'" 304'1'" 0;11 8 P.c -E-- PS C - -M c - KEN- Z 1 3:q -:-~q 's (IQc,..,",,) +- '" " 6 N 'i"5~ 39" E 73' 1104 40' Zit."" .. ~ '~~';:1~~~'j' 4::0 -0> " ... 0 39 AC :l.O cc " .~ 1002 P,l:;; ;:. :,.0 25 AC f:l 1- ~ '" <'11 I.., :i' P 2 ~ ~ \.\ :\;. :8 ~ ~ th, :b 0 inl~ o ~.:::> ",10 :Z~OO .".10 . 0 "'I" . 1 N 14 36 28" W I / 1354 t' !I),97;", '" 9))190 nN Y 8500 ~ eq:-44-! " , I CITY qF SPRINGFIELD 17 -01-35-31 TL 900 i -- (" < ~It" + ~ . '" ",,'" "'00 " ~ ... - ",'" 0\" ~ 1103 ~ ..:: ,T '- I I I I", ~ II>! Cll I~ ~ I ---l . '" I ~ ".- S 89'40'28' E 9612 I . ~ . n I ~ ~ N ~ PARCEL 1 I a: 6,455 so FT. 1 e b ~ 8 I z ~) 10' PU E. AND STORM I~ o DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE I", i_EASEMENT I -----~,jI-------___J__J_ P2 S89'41'10'E 5495 13001!30q., 96.12 \= jU 10:;:. '_____u (N 89'51'50' W 122 12)2 _____ ----------- co SL- 420 00~1 ;:. , ~rFOUND P K NAIL MARKING A- 0 25 I 8 S89'55 3O"W 286 - ~ P S ON CENTERUNE OF MAIN S-2"12'18 1 0 ~ STREET, ENGINEERS STATION ' ..f- 345+1915 ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~? ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~N~:~N~KENZ~ ~H~AY) _ _ __\ (S 89' 35' 00' W 42000)1 L- 420 00~1 A- 025 1 S-2"12'18 1 FOUND 5/8' IRON ROO ~II") ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~ ::lolll~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~8 f5~ 1c5~ I 6' PRIVATE UTIUTY EASElAENT TO BENEFIT PARCELS 2 AND 3, CREATED HEREON, I : 10' SANITARY I : SEWER EASE- REXptJRD : 17 BASIS OF BEARING 17 I 18 ~_:~~~~~~:~~~-~ I PARCEL 3 ---r \.:~NITlAL : 8,088 so FT :~ POINT I 5' PRIVATE UTIUTY EASENENT Ion I TO BENEFIT PARCELS 1 AND 2 I I CEREATED HEREON I I ,!:t It) I") ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I ); I ~ 1 S 89'40'28' E 109 12 PARCEL 2 7,090 SO FT ~ n ... N . N ;., o b ~ ,# ,- SCOTT WILLIAMS & MAX E. NORRIS NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SECTION 35, T 17 S, R 2 W, W, M" SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON DATE OF SURVEY: JULY 18, 2008 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR "'" OREGON JUly 14, 1978 MARVIN S. KRUSH 1643 EXP JUNE 30, 2007 , (WEST 855.33)2 852 47 ~ ~ ~ .... it I ~ Cl) ~ ~ 5' PRIVATE UTIUTY EASEMENT TO BENEFIT PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3 CREATED HEREON N co I") ~ ~ SHOWN o FOUND 2" BRASS eN> IolARKING THE SE CORNER OF' OLC NO 35, SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, W N. FOUND P K NAIL IolARK- tNG CENTERUNE, CENTER- UNE OF 71ST STREET AND NCKENZIE HIGHWAY- P 5 C ON CENTERUNE OF MAIN STREET, NO t.fONUNENT FOUND :r----------t-<- (S 86"59'55' W 21581)1 ~-2"15'~11 R-5456 82 1 L- 215 82 1 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL 2 It ?rl07