HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/27/2007 , CIty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~. ~1?b SPRINGFIELD ~- Land Division Plat Application, Type II Subdivision Plat: Partition Plat: Property Owner: Company: Address: <S ~btt \rJ;\\~ ~~<; ~ no-y tJef''l''\\. I Phone: N IA- !Fax: I e.O. ~'J ~,\ ~wJ,\ D(L. &11\.\~L.. - / I t, ~ ~"lA. \Lv-"'-"o.~ I Phone: t.V'v-,,~ ~ A~soc.~~ Fax: f.c, '0, l+w~ ~q ~ \ o*'" J . ,- 4u..~~~ lA..~ ('\-efl; (~t- lo ?>~ - ''2(1 4 ~l\-'1b~' Applicant Name: Company: Address: Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: I Phone: I lFax: I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: \1- ()"}.- 1~ -; \ Property Address: 't) S 4 M&\.i^ <&trl.zt i Size of Property: Ot S-c> Proposed Name of Subdivision: TAX LOT NO(S): 9t)O . Acres ~ Square Feet 0 Description of Proposal: \1::> ~\".~ Nlk I \e-j....\ lo~ \ Ab, -; \.e0~ t~~ . l) tv.- Existing Use: # of Lots/Parcels: ~"T~AhwC Tentative Case #: Swo 7..ot.I- Coo"U "b Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: t ZZ-I sf Density: (..os dujacre Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 Associated Applications: ~Jb2BU1- d5lJ2 I Pre-Submittal Case No.: ~rLton1-G5b4::b Case No.: Application Fee: Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 (~P~) -:f ! 2~ /~r:- Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Total Fee: ~ Date: Date: Postage Fee: P~j ZtSt:f:j- DbOZZ- ~'a- fb/3/07 I /O:OU!\AA. Steps in the Process: I 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal M:eeting Application I The Pre-Submittal Application IS mandatory. Check the Development Fee schedule for application review fee. The submittal package: must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are requl'red to submit 6 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review; Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 a.m. and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre- Submittal meeting within five to seven worklnlg days of receiving the application. ~ {' 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting J I We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team, to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting will be held wIth representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning DIVISion. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you I with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of t~e meeting specifYing the Items required to make the application complete-If It Isn't alreaci:ly complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. This is the time I period when the plat and documents will be red lined by the City surveyor and the corrections made by the applicant on paper copies of the ~plat prior to submittal of mylars. , 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Applicatior When you have addressed all of the Items on :the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 2 copies of the complete application and mylars to the-City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will b~gin. When the Planner has completed mail notification and review procedures, a decIsion: will be mailed/faxed to the appllcant/owner/ design team and affected parties notifying th~m of plat approval. The plat may then be filed by the applicant and 5 recorded paper copies ,delivered to the Development Services Department prior to the Issuance of any building permits. Owner's Si:gnature ThiS application will be used for both- the required Pre-Sub-mlttal Meeting and subsequent co'mplete application submittal. Oyvner's slgnatur~s are required at both stages In the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal: Y1 Case Number: {YL< 7..6'"'01 ~ ku'1tlt I es that the information in thiS application IS correct and accurate for ttal Meeting. Date: ) -- 2,LJ '~07 The undersigned acknowle scheduling ~7 ~.~_. Owner: ~)/j) Signature_ ~ca.rur- ~ Wt/U/~ Print Name 9/15/05 - 2 - PRE-SUB~\'rAL CHECKLIST FOR INTAKE L. FINAL PLAT PARTITION OR SUBDIVISION NAME: '~'\ \~~,~~ './J~J{)V'V(''''L OWNER/DEVELOPER: ?)G>* LNi\\~~~ A~" t'~~ DATE RECEIVED: SURVEYOR: PLANNING CASE NO: (tentative) (final) (\ .. , '1\ t...\.\\~ I ,,-, tJ'brY'tS, . . . . -" ". , : 1 ',,: REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION: " Final plat application. A letter which lists and addresses each of the Conditions of Approval, and details the actions taken, and current status of each Item. 6 paper copies of the plat stamped and signed by the surveyor. 2 copies of closure sheets for the boundary and each lot or parcel and all common areas, dedicated areas and easement areas that are not simple parallel offsets'. 2 copies of title report or subdiVIsion guarantee for the parcel being diVided. Must list the vested owner Identical to that shown on the plat. The title report must be dated within 30 days of submittal at the time of the final submittal. An older report IS OK for the initial review. ' 6. I~ 2 copies of each of the reference documents and reference plats listed on the plat. 7. -~ 2 copies of each of the supporting documents: the vesting deed (must vest title to the owner listed on the plat), eXisting easement deeds, and documents listed as exceptions _ \ In the title report, etc. - 8. ~2 draft copie,s of any STREET DEDICATIONS, (In"tlJe City of Springfield street \ dedications on Partitions must be recprd€d by separate document per SDC 34.090 (3)(i) [surveYing] (the City has a bOilerplate form for this purpose). 9. Ql 2 draft copies of any NEW easements or restrictions being created by separate 7" document, Improvement agreements, maintenance agreements, Joint use Ingress/egress and utility easements, sewer hook up In lieu of assessment, and any other documents that will be recorded together with the plat or that are required by the ,Conditions of Approval. 10. )Xr A Consent Statement (Concurrence) .~n the plat (mylar ~l!s~. bet,slgned by all lenders . prior to final approval) OR 2 'copies of1an Affidavit of Consent by separate document IS required from all Trust Deed, mortgage or oth'er'secured loan interest holders against the property to be recorded simultaneously with the plat IF any public dedications or easements are being made and/or any other interests are being transferred to the public. ORS 92.075 (2-4)'. 11. .Kl One 8 '12" x 11" reduced copy of the plat to attach to the public notice. 12. ~oPles of wetland documents as required. 13. Copies of ODOT Access Permits as required. 14. m' ne draft copy ~f Bargain and Sale deed for RESERVE STRIPS (the City has a boilerplate form for this purpose). 15. ~ Verification that street tree agreement IS in progress as required. 16. ~ One,draft copy of the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) If any. 17. ~post monumentation deposit as required. The current fee is $700.00, plus $30.00 for each monument. The City prOVides a bOilerplate depOSit form for this purpose. (Applicable- to subdivisions only). 1.~ 2. ~ 3. ~ 4. ~ 5.~ 9/15/05 - 4 - I represent this application to be complete for su8mittal to the City. Conslstent'with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the applicatIOn with the Information as submitted. ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requlrem:ents of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Print Name Plat applications will be processed as follow~: I 1. 2. The applicant submIts a Pre-Submittal meeting application. I Within five to seven working days, the apP,llcant and the City conduct a pre-submittal meeting. ' The applicant coordinates any additional review and refinement of the plat and other I required documents with representatives nom the City's Planning, Public Works Engineering, and SurveYing dIviSions. i The City will notify the applicant when the plat and other documents are sufficiently refined to allow for the submittal of the plat mylars. The applicant submits the plat application With the mylars and all final documentation ,and finanCial securities including the applicatlo~ fee. - The City Surveyor and Development Servl<ces Director may sign the final plat if all other conditions and requirements are fulfilled. I The Signed plat mylars may be forwarded to Lane County for recordation. The applicant shall deliver (5) five recorded plat paper copies and any other recorded requIred documents to the Development S:ervices Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. ' 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9/15/05 - 3 - 18. ~he location of the floocdway of floodway fringe In accordar;-~e with Article 27 of the /: '\ - Springfield Development Code. 19. Ps EXIsting easements must be clearly Identified with their recorded reference and acknowledged In the owner's declaration. New easements and reserve stripS must be referenced In the owner's declaration on the plat If being dedicated by ~eparate document. Easements may be dedicated In the owner's declaration If being dedicated on the plat. The purposes of easements must also be Identified on the plat. 20. ~The solar factor for each lot and the classification of each lot as a south wall, south roof or exempt lot as speCified In section 35.010 of this-article. IndiVidual solar setback tables m~st be recorded With the final plat of each lot platted under the performance approach as speCified In Section 35.010(3)(b)(3) of the Spnngfleld Development Code. '~ NOTE: When, as part of the approval process, the application has been conditioned so that the recordation of a document is required, the applicant shall be responsible for paying the Lane County recording fee for any such required document. Documents which may require recordation include, but are not limited to: Development Agreements; Improvement Agreements; Deed Restrictions; Future Development Plans; Easements; Joint Use Access/ Maintenance Agreements; and Dedications of Right-of-Way. Final Land Division Complete Application Submittal ~equirem~nts Checklist Note: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to thiS form. 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. 2. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued Within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. 3. One original plat on Mylar With notarized owners signature and signed surveyors stamp. One copy of the Mylar on bond paper. ' 4. Final drafts of all required documents With signatures where appropriate. 5. Applicant shall deliver (5) five recorded plat paper copies and any other recorded required documents to the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. 9/15/05 - 5 - ~ . " '" '" I~ - " " <:> " '" " " ;.,- t- o" '0' 8 I 9 _"" 03' ",,' >:. ""'" ""U77/ 510' 730" \\," 80 1110 1109 '" .., N ae,"5G, OO'W 7201 ... 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KRUSH 1643 EXP, JUNE 30, 2007 ~ (WEST 855 .3.3)2 852 47 \~,1 ~ ~ ~ I ~ Q) ~ ~ N Ui' .... ~ o ~ SHOWN 5' PRIVATE UTIUTY EASEMENT TO BENEFIT PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3 CREATED HEREON () FOUND 2" BRASS CAP MARKING THE SE CORNER OF DLC NO .35, SEcnON 17, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, W.~ FOUND P K NAIL MARK- ING CENTERUNE, CENTER- UNE OF 71ST ""'<'<'1 AND ~CKENZIE HIGHWAY- P S C ON CENTERUNE OF tolAIN STREET, NO MONU~ENT FOUND -------~ (S 86"59'55" W 21581)1 ~"2" 15'58q 1 R..5456 82 1 L- 215 82 1 PRE..SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL 2 It :m07 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2007 -00048 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT #: DescriptIOn CTY PartitIOn Plat Paid By REN-FUR LLC C' of Springfield Official Receipt I)". elopment Services Department Public Works Department 2200700000000001193 Date: 07/27/2007 8:40:18AM Item Total: Check Number AuthorizatIOn ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 336 00 $336.00 Amount PaId tJ 1694 $336 00 $336.00 In Person Payment Total: Page 1 of 1 7/27/2007 1/..1/,"\1' ,"\lU\) 1 J. .IJ I~ 'L\ .HI.jH-I.J,H ~ {J(J~j, lJ III , " , ' ", :' I' , I " ,~ .. , ' :' ' ,I li: :'j ,I 'II 'I! ,I , I!,' !I/ "', I" ; I' ,),;!, I " . 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Se("tlon ""'''11~'' Hlll'Wa\ Jl. & ~:. H&nlon I r, \. ".,l.., I Gi'l " l (' I r t , ',..n..f. t' t<' be derlved between the undersigned and the StilLe' ('If lrrf'C '"'). 1 \ ,"r'I(1 "I' It' 01' J! ,-, Stnle Highway C0mmi&s Ion and the Ci ty of Sprln~rl"'11, {1 'll'!"'ll It'" I ( 'I P : 1 I "I, It , If'rf'hy ngreed that the Oregon State Highwav C 0mm I c: 'i i ,1 n \ t <:. ,) ~ It... r ( t I' 1 " '",~rtnr',~c\ cntPr upon the real property awned b\ t\....c und('t"'l c.....pd ....... (t, <..t r It t" 1') F_?7)._, \,,,0" 181114 Lene County Deed Rpcorde, foT' 1\ t: \ ~ L ... 1\' r> n li~ ten ',', l, I tn the exjgt\n~ rfj!ht of "H of thl' ~ 1~<:;OCllr"- ~;\ -L. feet to t'V,- I , f I I. l' Mc~enZle Hl~ 'lW/1\ I tn (lnl"ot ...!np.... ....1),1 WIH'1f" rf''lul rl'd no additional provln~ ~t(1r." .!rrll'.:"'~ '" 1 ,:,,< "I", t '. ',lid :ll~hwtlv, ~nd further, It i8 hl'rehy ,.~r..d thl] t t \'c :' 1 t " '"I':' {'I'< n~d c"ntractor~. mil\' pntet upon _aid ,r Sp' I ' 11 I, 1 rf"'ol pt0per~\ l:tct 1..1\' ,"'."' ",1<1 q rm drnlnn~~ (ocllltl..~, pro\lldlnll' Jf '...1 ... I r !" ~ ~ I 1 1 j ',,,:,, "",. 1"1' Ilk" mnonl'r n'lo will /lot eX('l'ed In I '''I' ,\ t "n. (I) f (1[1 tv,. rt Ie n I ,11'" 1",rqr\J<:tcd \;nl'r" o:ht~rl,,.d, L-!8(wK/.f.4.:s 1111 , I ... t 4 r pIll'"'" \ \ F)i 1 '-. ~ I l"ll' I, (I 11'1) I I\n\ " < I " , , , I' " ", 11''''' I, 1-, .' '" r, " II .irnfnnl'1' (nc[!ltIP< Includlnll catch II' 'pI 1 '\ /1\1 tile l"Jrpnc.,(I Of rpm\)v(ll or &urCJ1c& )1)11')l:fl(!l~' TI~t... :;Lote tll~'nW8\' Commisslon I '11 ['I'" mr I nt r>n,1n('f'" 4*~hruh" .', ':'''' 1'1"" """"".'1111 Lj D ~....<-< Lv t'L__ ~1/,t,J...,-< II c ,I (' r" n r e n \<J II 1 he p e Il.i 4 U" ~ E f (\, I nW8 : 5 Ot,,~ r c lnc I t l. '1/1 ~ f/t!(/,llc,,-o( J L... ... UJf'S L j,1!~ ~ (/ 12./~ /'J)r-, r I ,f LVI- of ~/O{I 1 C't 1/1 ~r\ rn\~('.to tn be MAde her,.undp~ t~p under.IAned. I Ct(rb U p0r' r nmp I F! t I I ,f t I ~ '..J I 'n' their h",r' nnd I\<"gno, r"I', 1,1('1" Ill' ""tp II'.I.,,',.\' (.nm'T1I~~lnn (,,,m an\' (, nhl'r claim. 'WIth r(.~f1p4: tl') l.l_ l""1j..,,1....,' "pr "....T',.. r("\~(>l/,j IlPrfln Do,"<:' )// q,< I I I r,f,. _.~_7 J) ~......~/..........v _"/ ,~~, /1 /9hb S 1 An ,"I Sl~ncd Sf~ned ~""'",,.~~!,_, _--I , I Sl'''.1.Y,C:: STATE OF OREGON t? County of ~~-- On tl\i6 !ftldav of ..N()_4.-j 19f,f,. pPr5f'nr)4y .cam*; bef~1~.e~ary Fuhlic in e'}C ,Wr ;,ld count\ Ilnd U;-tl' tll" w1thln nawed ~)'9- and ~~:t.f- f.Ia-..~ . h1~ 'dEp, to me perso;'lrli}' I-nown to be the identltal perso?((s) described In, f~d who execJt~rl the ~It~if' l/lstrument, and who each personally acknowledged to me that~7eKeCJterl the seme freply dnd \loluntarily for the uses Bnd pur. pOI eS t~l\h"llil.r,omed, .'"1- ", ~, C J 'I, : ~ ..':-'\.1tl~.Go~<f~/~nd and <'>fflc!el ''''.) the de\ ~nd \"n~c bOV~~i ten" . ~ " .... ,. ...."/~, ~ ~...... ....,~";. ~ ~ ~i, \\QTARY", \\ :.~ - ~ ~i':P-UB'~\Cf '. a Notary ~blic for Ougon m.. .\', , \. : j : · /J. 1.1. . \., t t': j .. .. \ M '"2. "7 t"'"""' 3,t0J.A6 ;,,:.11."- ../s-~)..:.., v CO'T\mlssion expiT'es 7< '-'-..). ~I uJ;..' '..... r$) i "',. .,,/'. ............ ~.....", "",/ E: 01" <:.\"", · , 111111111\'\\\ I~ '" ....J 1.t.~;}., S5 . , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to the said Grantee. Its heirs and assigns (orever, IN WITNESS WHEREOf, the Grcntors above named have hereunto set thel r hands and seals thl S Ft.. day of July, J9-12-. .... r~' . .fl-~t!'//~ p~ dSEAL) ~tC~ (/) }2ecL//(SEAl) ~k OFaGON ; / ' 55 Co un ty of Lane ) BE IT REMEMBERED. that on thlS ~('4 day of _ " __, 19 -IL. before rr.,. the undersigned. a Notary Publ1C 1n and for sa1d Cou';ttyand Stdtc. perSona 11)' appeared tlie wHhln named ..J.4/,K NF'TT.L And NANCY r NF.lLL._ known to me to be the id~ntlcal indlVldual descrIbed 1n ond who executed the with1n instrument and acknowledged to me that tonn'! executed the same freely an-:l volul1tdnly ( SEAL) (SE/\L) , , 7 ' IN TESTIMONY ImEflEOF, I have hereunto set l1:y hand and affIxed my offICIal and year last above wrItten. sea i Jt~~~~dY ," .., .....,1.. . ) 11 J ., '.'; / I ~. ... . , ,.," . 'I ' I ~(~~/ ,:1~0' rrotarj FubllJO' .( I) t, J . i " V.l f) ,. " ...."" . '0. ." ~\ ) ..... f "",," ,I. 1 L. .\\:,,\\' r'fl"'f...1 .': ~/ .~979 MyC"orrmlsslon txpi res CIS EO fS4-1 E · Ie. 1/ 1 i I t 4 1" , .'..iIL-:...... _ . ~~:iJ.{~}~:t.......,.".....,...._..~......:,. - -'" f'..... {'. ~_ .. ......,.... .. -..-," ( HO ., -Yt...4~ ,. 11 .,I~',l~l: ,"'! ~~~ , ~~/'. ~~ : ~;. '~ ':~-, ~ I~. ...., . ,'.~ .'.Ii . ~I:~.i , .' -, ", " , f'J 1.;~ --;:~ J t, ' J , I ~ I r " , l ! , ~;~: -J1~ ~ ~'iJ :c: I JL .. . . ; i 0 & ~ ~1 ~j~~ 0 1 ~ '~,. j Qj ,q;; ~ Q .. .! ~ " .:, r~ ~ ~ 4 , ~ ( .s ..."" '0 ~ ~ ~ ~ , i 0 c 1 E ~ '" , ~ L':) ~ '" , ~ > w j ~ ~ :3iI i;. t OJ ~ j {'" , 3"1~ ('J i: c . f.. . ~ ~ u. !1. c Q. ~ .. 0 /"'~ ~ . ~ :st , . , =' f -8 r::: r}\ I"l ~:; ~ 00 B .?J CO ~ 9:> L :fj :; >- Q ~ v " ~ . i: ~~ ~ :;; ~ 4- ~ 5 t .-[~ ./IV S :z: j f?~ Q " i " 'v' ~l ~. " ~) IlH r' ~ ,..~ I' < 1 !i~, 'r 1.1'... r. , " r. '.:<~ ,....'J -I' ... ~ ~. .. ".. I ., r' '5'\f~\ ~~'4 ""~'~' ":~ ~1'~ "~::1 z.. ~1 . ~ ~ -,.." -ry."~~ -. f:,. ~' " I..;~~ , .' ...~ ~ I ,I I \ . f " ..; ...:;.." I , I " I r ~r; 'II1II ," I. . ",' f ..~"""..i:::~)..tll':.l.~~....~..~,,-,,"r..(,& l.._';J.J!"~' ~.:', ' V ~ .'~~%I~~.Q.I!!.Zo;;;:'CJ~,.' .....~n"':......~~,,)'l:. J!',,~. ~c :,,~_,I J'.,,"-.t.~, ~",.. ,. -............ ~~...:; . -,. / I L .J , -..t ! 7~6~68~~ RIGHT-OF.' M E!lSEMENT KNOW ALL ~Et' llY THESE filE:UHS. that the .l'ldersigned:m:. \If' \~L ~~____ roly.\,_~\jl _____ _____, for a goed dnd valua~le c01s1deratlon, the recefP't"Whercof is hereby acknowledged, ::rues hereby grant unto the C,ly ')f Sprlngf1eld, a munlclpal corporat1on, actlng by and t~ro\lgr, 'ts SPRINGFIELD UTILITy rOA-D, and unto ltS successors anJ asslgn~, the rIght to pnter upon the )~nds of the under,lgncd sltuated In the Clty of $prlngfleld. State of Oregon, and ~re partlcularly descrIbed as follows Tax lot 1/.00 ^ ten (10 01 foat wide porret~al wator and electrlr r'sc~ent ,dl,cent to and nonh of th... sOuth rroperty 11 e of tLe webt hCllf of the foll"""ng d...~crlbcd yrorertj Buglnnlnll at a point 730 feet WeHl cf the SOl.thedst Corner of the \:111("", 1 lillIer rlonation Land Claim No_ ~8 Notificatinn ;.0 731c, ;o,"",ship 17 South, Range West of the ,HllJmctte Ncridlan, nnd runnll1b thence. ~oulh 70.00 ft 'Jay, t)1(>n,,, West 2~9 S0 ft North 675 00 ft r:ast 249 50 ft , ~outh 605 00 f~ '"(H~ or 1(55 to rhe North lllle uf the ~lcKtnzle 1111'11"01' t ght of a10n~ siliJ ~,ortr line of tre :1c"end~ HI,;hwl1), ~I ,n.;e I thence th~rre to tl.c Point of Beglnnirg, all ir La~e Cwunty, Or,'gon , .' o , . )1. /9 I e ~ I ; ~ & 0) ~ (, And to place, construct, oper~te, re?~lr, ~a,ntajn, reloc~te and replace there:n a "ater trarlsm1SS10n Or d1StrlUutlon l1ne, lncludlng other (IE'lC5SJrj fdCll1tlCS and tc cut Jnd trln trees, 5hrubbery, dnd remove and rep1aCL fences and la~n$ to the extent necessary to construct and malnta!n Sdld water l.ne. Tn! underslgned convenarts that he IS the owner of the 3bove descr,bed propErty and thJt such property IS free end clear of enc~~brances and 1 'cnS o~ ~hat5oever character except, l~vmIJESS IIHEfliSJ[, the L.nders,gned nas set hlS hand and seal thlS /9C: day of-~Z,l--_-_ ' 192L. I, / J (J _~J!. /<-l-LU___(Seal) STATE Of "EGON $S. ~cU,<e:':I-)jp~:v.f-' ($,,') COUNTY OF LANE ,'tI . / OE IT REI:~t1iJERED, that on the I'll-day of 2~;:." , 132 t:: before re. the underSIgned" d '~ot~JY i5'u5T,l/;/,n andlir e-St~t~oJ,Oregon. perSOnally appeared t~e W1 thln named_ _ (Jc,J;_A~':Y.__'-'-~::! ~'<, -r?<p_...lL_ ________ __ whoYK-~nown to me to b~he IdentIcal person__;. d~cnbed 1n anJ wno executed the wlthln lnstrument and acknowledged to .TIe that ~:L--executed tne SC."H: frf'ely and voluntdrlly. / Ilj W[Tf~ESS WHEREOF. [ hilve hereunto set my tland and notana1 seal tr~ day and year last above wrltten ' \11' II,., ," ':t II. ~'" . ~':.. ........ . "'i,;'.... ,~.' '.~' /~OTAl?r \J. &: 4" \f:>u fJ \..\C. " /~. r-~" 1',," , . ,. "- ; , . C - ';('/ . h _ /I.:..~~~_ _~J;'-2y~;L__ ~otary Publ1C for Orecon~ My Coran1Ssion E,q)lres_/_<,~..;,i.S;!LJ --1 n 1 ..... .... , ~ - -.. ....a..~.I"I,J II ,_ r 7362682 -- "'" St&tc'ofOrtgon CoublyofLaM- ~ ) D 'I Penlold DlTK'tOt of c.be ~rl menlo' Ctt'lenl ~n"'la'! ~n.nd foe the Mild County do hereb> e"fofllfy lhat the WtlN.n tu:ut\.nJmenL ...., rt'('t"w1"d for l't'C'()rd.l 17 ((:T 7q I'): '4 /U,,] 1 0 3 0 R LahtCounq OF"F'1Cl^L Rttord~ ~l ~~ Pe-...'ok!. llU-tCWf of tit. l)(>pafunl:!'nt 01 L~~.' SrT"~n '---- ' a,':?C,--t. '_:~l\ \rrt CL.. ,-" C'".JO.:)] t,!.:.~ L 1 , ll.o...,.!.w~JI,I~~j'~Ji1~~~~IJO!!i.~~lULj",.... L illj"....~~I;lIW!..IJluw.:Ml....a...,,~t.,'~Ii.~IlII,"..~Wa~Y.JjI~)~J.. '_;,~~. ,~ 'y 'lIf \.. Scott Williams and Max Norris P.O. Box 311 Lowell, OR 97452 ,~ PRE..SUBMIITAL REC'D~-~ JUl .2 6 2007 ',,- Partition Tentative Plan Approvalfor Scott Williams and Max Norris-SUB2005-00019 Conditions of Approval: Condition 1: The driveway shall be designed and constructed in conformance with SDC 16.030(6) and the Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The driveway shall be paved a minimum 18 feet wide from the front property line to the pan of the last parcel. The driveway has been constructed and is 18' wide, 4" thick concrete on compacted 1 yz" & %" crushed stone. Condition 2: The City Engineer shall review and approve the sanitary sewer plans and proposed systems for all three proposed parcels according to the requirements of SDC 32.100(2). Sanitary sewer lines were installed and signed off on by the City of Springfield. See permits. Condition 3: The applicant shall obtain necessary easements, plumbing permits and extend a 4" lateral to each parceL The Building Department shall inspect and approve the 5' wide utility trench. The existing house on proposed parcel #2 shall be connected to the approved sewer lateral and the septic system shall be decommissioned in accordance with the Lane County Sanitarian. If a permit is required by the Lane County sanitarian, submit a copy of the approved permit. New sewer laterals have been installed for the proposed parcels. There is no 5' wide utility trench on the property. The existing house @ 7034 main Street has been disconnected from the city sanitary sewer crossing Parcel 3 and re-connected to a lateral within the private utility easement along the east boundary of the property. Said installations have been approved by the City of Springfield. See permits. Condition 4: Execute and record easements as specified in Section 32.120(5) when necessary to provide services, including but not limited to sanitary sewers, storm water management, water and electricity, to the site and neighboring properties. The necessary easements are shown on the final plat. ~\ .. . Condition 5: The applicant shall submit a public and private utility plan showing location of utilities corresponding easements, and joint trench details for separation of public and private utilities. All utilities have been submitted and approved by the city of Springfield. Condition 6: Construct all necessary utilities to serve all the parcels prior to recording the Partition Plat. All utilities have been constructed and approved. See permits. Condition 7: New Street trees shall be selected from the City Street Tree List and installed as specijied in the City's Engineering Design Standards and procedures manual and in conformance with SDC 32.050(2). The applicant is in the process of completing this. Condition 8: a clear vision area shall be created and maintained at the intersection of Main Street and the joint-use driveway, in accordance with SDC 32.070. Two sides of the triangle shall be at least 10 feet long. The vision clearance triangle exists. It is the property owner's responsibility to maintain it. Condition 9: Execute and record an irrevocable joint-use/access maintenance and utility easement for the benefit of the three parcels. The driveway shall be located entirely within the easement. A draft copy of the required document is being submitted with the final plat application. Condition 10: The following sign shall be placed on both sides of the driveway: "No Parking-Fire Lane. " PrIor to final plat approval, the owners will install the required signage. _4 ... ~ . Condition 11: the driveway location and dimensions shall conform to the Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and the city of Springfield Standards Drawings, which shall include the proposed driveway fitting entirely within the joint-use/access easement that benefits all three parcels. An encroachment permit (working within right-of-way or public easements) may be required. The driveway has already been constructed to the standards specified. Condition 12: The applicant shall provide a storm sewer lateral (or alternative approved by the City Engineer) that does not encroach onto adjacent private property. The private storm system shall connect directly to a public system. Also, the private catch basins shall be double chambered in order to comply with water quality requirements. This measure shall be in place and functional prior to approval of the Final Plat. Spec. Industries Video shows that the lateral does not encroach onto the adjoining private property. A revised drawing by Mortier Engineering has been submitted. Regarding the catch basins, per the owner's conversation with Matt Stouder on June 26th, 2007 @ 4:39 pm: "the low use residential would not require a double chamber and the existing single chamber will be sufficient." The catch basins were inspected and approved on August 22, 2006. Condition 13: Approval of a Storm water Management Plan for the development demonstrating compliance with the applicable provisions of Section 32.110 of this Code and the Engineering Design Standards and procedures Manual. The plan shall show all fill, grading, sheet flow direction, downspouts, driveway collection and removaL 2 copies of a revised Stormwater Management Plan have been submitted with the final plat application. Condition 14: The building plans for dwellings on proposed parcels 1 and 3 must include a soil analysis. If the site contains unstable soils or a high water table, special drainage and foundation plans may be required. Noted. Condition 15: No individual lots may be transferred until the partition Plat is recorded and three (3) copies of the filed plat are returned to the Development Services Department by the applicant. . "'. .. The owner will provide the Development Services Department with three copies of the recorded plat. Condition 16: When a federal or state agency issues a permit that substantially alters an approved Tentative Plan, the applicant shall resubmit the Tentative Plan for additional review. Noted. \ ., , After recordmg return to Scott WIlliams and Max E Noms POBox 3 11 Lowell, OR 97452 DECLARATION OF PRIV ATE NON-EXCLUSIVE JOINT-USE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS A Declarant This DeclaratIOn of a Private Non-Exclusive JOint-Use Access and UtilIty Easement and Mamtenance Agreement IS made by Scott WIlha@ E NOrris, the owners of the real property described as LAND PARTITION PLAT N .2006- , and the Access and UtilIty Easement as described in Exhibit "A" B. Purpose' ThiS Declaration of a Private Non-Exclusive Jomt-Use Access and Mall1tenance Agreement IS made to specJ1'ically provide for (I) Access to Parcels 1,2 and 3 of said LAND PARTITION PLAT, and (2) Mamtenance reqUirements of the Access Easement, and (3) Installation and maintenance of utilIties, and (4) ResponsibIlities for all persons who are or who may become partIes usmg saId easement. WITNESSETH: Now therefore 111 consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part of thIS DeclaratIOn of Private Non-Exclusive JOll1t-Use Access and UtilIty Easement and Mamtcnance Agreement, the undersigned hereby declares as follows (I) Declaration of Access and UtilIty Easement There IS hereby declared, granted, conveyed and created a perpetual private and non-exclUSive easement as a means of IIlgress and egress to and from Parcels 1, 2 and 3 of saId LAND PARTITION PLAT It is further declared and provided that said Access and UtilIty Easement may be utilized for the mstallation and maintenance of such utIlities as may be needed to serve said Parcels SaId easement shall also be used for emergency vehicle access. It IS expressly understood that no rights outside the Access and Utility Easement are proyided (2) Extent The easement created by this declaration are not personal or in gro<;s but arc appurtenant to each said Parcel (3) DuratIon of Covenants Binding or Successors and AssIgns: The easement created by this declaration shall be permanent and perpetual and shall constitute covenants running wIth the land and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of all heirs, successors and assigns of Parcels I, 2 and 3 of said LAND PARTITION PLAT. (4) Non-ExclusIve' The Access and UtIlIty Easement proVIded herein shall be non-exclusIve to Include but not limited to owners, heirs, successors, assigns and their permitees, invItes, licensees, guests and others of Parcels I, 2 and 3 of said LAND PARTITION PLAT or any portIOn thereof and each shall be entItled to use the Access and UtIlity Easement for the vehicular, pedestrian access and utility purposes for which it is provided (5) Maintenance: Any party may cause the Access and Utility Easement right of way or any portion thereof to be maintained or repaired. The party causing said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay for such work, and other persons uSing the Access and UtIlIty Easement shall be liable for contribution based on that party's relative use proportional to the total roadway use This payment shall be made In a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expense (6) Taxes: Real property taxes shall be paid by the owners of the property upon whIch the easement IS located (7) Indemnification. Each party shall mdeml1lfy and save any other of the parties harmless from any liability, loss or expenses resultmg from that parties agents and employees, any independent contractor hIred by that party, and that parties permltees, invitees, lIcensees and guests unless that injury is caused in part by any of the other parties' failure to contribute to the expenses of maintenance of the Access and UtilIty Easement. (8) Further Documents' In the event that any further grants or easements are reqUIred to document and effectuate the easement created herem for Parcels I, 2 and 3 of the aforementioned LAND PARTITION PLAT or portIon thereof, Grantors each represent that each will execute said grants of easements. Scott Williams Date Max E Noms Date State of Oregon) )ss County of Lane) The above named Scott WillIams and Max E day of NoUnowledged the foregoing before me thIS U Notary PubliC for Oregon My Commission Expires: . ExhIbit "A" Easement DescrJotlOn. Beginnmg at a point bemg North 113.16 feet and West 855 33 feet from the Southeast corner of the WIlliam Y. Miller Donation Land ClaIm No. 48, SectIon 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence South 00 03' 21" East 17696 feet to a pOInt on the North margIn of the McKenzie Highway, thence along saId North margIn along the arc ofa <;plral curve havmg a centerline "A" value of 025 (the chord of whIch bears North 890 51' 50" West 90 12 feet) a dIstance of 90.12 feet to the True Point of Beginning, thence contmumg along said North margIn along the arc of a spiral curve having a centerlme "A" value of 025 (the chord of which bears North 890 51' 50" West 34 00 feet) a distance of 3400 feet, thence leaVIng said North margin, North 00 03' 21" West 12435 feet; thence South 890 40' 28" East 2600 feet; thence South 00 03' 21" East 10529 feet; thence North 89056' 39" East 6.00 feet; thence South 00 03' 21" East 19 00 feet to the True Point of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon J After n:cordmg return to Scott Williams and Max NOrris POBox 3 II Lowell, OR 97452 AFFIDA VIT OF CONSENT BE IT KNOWN BY THESE PRESENT, that JACA Investments, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, is the beneficiary of that Deed of Trust dated September 12, 2005, recorded September 13, 2005, Document No. 2005-072305, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that Scott Williams and Max E. Norris are partitioning the property described in said Deed of Trust. NOW BE IT FURTHER KNOWN that JACA Investments, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Beneficiary, does hereby agree and consent to the platting of the above referenced partition plat. Dated this day of , 2006. , for JACA Investments, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: State of Oregon) )ss County of Lane) Personally appeared the above named , for JACA Investments, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company on this day of , 2006 and she acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires 07/28/2006 J6:40 lrAt cslanpPfnf com . Ran 1 n Sandon ~IOI)1/00!) ;...> 1/( ,!) , y 8_- ::c _ '/ Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon /' ~ Y 4710 Village Pleza loop Suite 160. Eugene, OR 97401 ,-:z- ./ '7 (&41)684-9960- FAX{5411684-0196 'l,o) ) r I' \OJ PRELIMINARY REPORT ESCROW OFFICER: Robbie Shyrer TITLE OFFICER: Rainie A. Sanden ORDER NO.: 02-107481-46- A Amended TO: Fidelitv National Default Solutions A TTN: KIm Hartmann 1566' Redhill Avenue, Ste. 201 Tustin, CA 92780 YOUR REFERENCE.: 4050641 OWNERISELLER: Wachovia Bank, N.A. BUYERIBORROWER: Scott Williams and Max Norris PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7034 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478 EFFECTIVE DATE: July 21, 2006,05:00 P.M. 1 . The policy and endorsements to be issued end the related charges are: Owner's Standard Lender's Standard Govemment SerVice Charge AMOUNT 99.760.00 60,000.00 PREMIUM 796 00 50.00 2000 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 3. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: Scott Willilims and Max E. Norris. not as tenllf'ts In common. but wIth rights of survhlOrship 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IN THE COUNTY OF LANE. STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF RAS\ras 07/28/2006 07/21l/2006 16-40 (FAX cf,l(lnN~f'Ilf'_('om ., Rnn 1 (' Sandf'n ~OO:l/OO!) ..C,' Order No. 02-107481 46 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT. ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCt:r . IONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments whIch are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the publiC records. 2. Any facts, rights, Interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspec1ion of said land or by making inquiry of persons In possession 3. Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances, not shown by the public records. reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof. water rights, claims or tltle to water_ 4. Discrepancies, conflIcts in boundary hnes, shortage in are8, encroaC'.hments or any other facts whIch 8 correct survey would disclose. 5. Any statutory liens for labor or materisl, Ineludlng Itens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for worker's compensation, which have now gained or may gain priority over the lien of the Insured deed of trust. whleh liens do not now appear of record. SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS: 6. Property taxes, which are a lien not yet due and payable, including any assessments collected with taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2006~2007. 7. Cfty liens in favor of the City of Springfield, if any. There are no liens as of July 21, 2006. 8. Rights of the public and governmental agencies in and to any portion of saId land Iymg within the boundaries of streets. roads and hIghways. ' 9. Easement(s} for the purpose(sl shown below Bnd rights incidental thereto as granted In a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects; Eugene-Springfield Land & Water Company Irrigation canal June 22, 1936. Recorder's No. 43183 Reference is made to 5sid document for full particulars Oi/28/20n6 16:40 IFAX cslane~ruf.eolll ~-.r.....' > Ran 1 n SIHldon I4.J OIl4/00!l Order No. 02-107481-46 10. Easement(s' for the purpose(s) shown below and nghtR incidental thereto as granted In a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: The City of Springfield Sanitary sewer line May 16, 1962, Recorder's No. 69801 Reference is made to said document for full particulars '1. Easament(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted In a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: A Heets: Oregon State Highway Commission Storm drainage June 15. '966, Recorder's No. 50868 Reference is made to said document for full particulars 12. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document. Granted to: Purpose: Recorded: Affects: The City of Springfield Public utilities August 10, 1977, Recorder's No. 7750148 Reference is made to said document for full particulars 13. Easement(sJ for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted In a document. Granted to; Purpose: Recorded: Affects: The Springfield Utility Board Water and Electric easement October 17. 1979, Recorder's No. 7962682 Reference is made to said document for full particulars 14. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby . Amount: Dated; Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Recorded: $60,000.00 November 29, 2004 Scon Williams and Max E. Norris, not 8S tenants In common, but with rights of survfvorship Fidelity National Title Patricia Major November 30, 2004, Recorder's No. 2004-091785 This Company is in the process of Investigating the status of the above item. Please M advised that, at this time, we find no release of record. 16. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below. and any other oblIgations secured thereby Amount: Dated: Grantor: Trustee: BeneficIary : Recorded: $78,000.00 September 12, 2005 Scott Williams and Max E. Norris, not a5 tenants In common, but with rights of survivorship FIrst American Title Insurance Co. JACA Investments, Ll C. an Oregon limited liability Company September 13, 2005, Recorder's No. 2005-072305 07'ZIl/2fJOh J6'40 jF;\\ ("'ol,Hl('~HIlf' r'Cl\ll . Rail! (\ '>Hllden ~005/00!i ..~-." NOTES: Note A. Note B. Note C. Note D. Note E. Order No. 02-107481-46 END OF iTEMS AND EXCEPTfONS YOU WilL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS,..T CLOSING. LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOllOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE Or- THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECTYOUA RIGHTS AND OBUOA TIONS. YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS mAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT. Property taxes for the fiscal year 2005-2006, Paid In full. Amount: Account No.: Map No.: levy Code: $1,466.75 0142404 17 02 35 31 00900 19-00 There are no judgments of record 8gainst Scott Williams or Max E. Norris. There are no tax liens of record against Scott WIlliams or Max E. Noms. We are amending this report to update for the county planning dept. Bnd surveyors. ~ " ,/ ~ l{ ,.....4") ; 35.r "3 I - ctJCiC(' AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO :=IDEUTY NATIP(IlAl TIn E INSURANCE COMPANY OF OHEGON' PO BOX 10827 EUGENE. OR 97440 to) 21 <'OOd II 2\l FR RECORDING REQUESTED BY Fldolhy NaMna' Tltla Company of Olagon GRANTOR'S NAME Wachovi. BBllk, NA, FQfrN,IV knOW" el First Unton NAtlonlt and a,ok, ., rruetn for ARC ZQOO-8C3 MOltgeg. loan Truat GRANTEE S NAME Scott w,maml ."d Max NOHls Until Further NotiCe Send Future 1 u Statomtn1, To S""nWilhama and Max E. Norr~s P 0 80. 3 \I Lo.."', OR 97462 Afl"IR AIOOADIN43 AlTUIW TO SCOltWJII."", and Max E. Norris PO Bo.Jl! 1.0..0<<. OR 97482 I Q)( lnt t I U.l J:J "1 VV~UU/Acct U14;.(4U4 ,- Division of C~18f Depuly Clerk L~ne Counly Deed5 ~nd Records II I III 00;4:118201:00917840020027 L~~~.~911~~ $51.00 11/30/2004-10:14:50 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $10 00 $20 00 $11.00 $10 00 lS41Ga4B1Cl1; T1J 1721il3461178 P0VUS STATUTORY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED ~Pl\c.f' "eov~ THIS lINf ~ PU;:ORf)f:R S ViE Wodwvle Sank, NA 'D""'r1y kllOwn.. Rill u..lan NlI1lonal s.nk. .. TNl19a 101 ARC 2000 1IC3 Mo"""g,loon TNIl Grantor, conveys and specially wlfrarue10 IkDnWill_andMa,,'rf.:m. not as tenant:'> 1n common*Grantlllh.IoIl.WlOgd..CfIb8dlo.1 P'OJ)flNv freo and cle.r of encumbr80CO& cr.. led or .uff.r.d by the G,antor except IJ.I s.pedl/csllv Sl!1 forth bfllow altuated In the County of lone, State of Qr&Qon *hut with the rights of survivorship. SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHED HEnETO AND MADEA PART HEREOF SublK! '0 .nd ucapdng. Conven,nt. Condition.. and E8BOmentlf of Record THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT AllOW USE OF THE PROPERlY DeSCRIBED IN THIS INSrnUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING 0/1 ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PER~ON ACQUIRING FEE TinE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPI10PRIA TE CITY OR COUNTY PLA~NING OEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED VSFS AND TO DETERMINC ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30930 THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSJDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS 199,7600015&0 ORS 930301 DA TED Novomber 2 I. 2004 Calltomla STArEOF __ __ _ COUNTY OF Los AngelO.S_ _ ThIS In"rumen1 wu aCknowttdtd before me (In __I-!-o"e..~ ~ 2. .-uro'-f bv ~a_ gada ' .. ill~f;'r.ijla;~Jlual.~ . FA- of rL!",' ~~"~'in:~aCI --.." NoCfu!,II:7OI ;..;.. ~ My Comm,..lon E.p".. ' ^ - , ~ 0 '7 FORO-:lll (ReY 211e) @ LISA R MILLHOUSE - Commission # 1414550 l ' -.~ . Norory Public - COllfornlO ~ J Los Angeles County "f ~Comm ExplresM,ov I 20024; nA11IlORY IPrClAL WARRANTY oem f?s ID746 ( if/3 !OJ ?I 2_ II ;!e FR 15416840196 TO 172094n1178 PIQ,1!5 bQl'QW No 02101411.,.5...U Till. 0",., He 00'07401 EXHIBIT ONE o.~,"Olng al a gOln' being Nonh 113 16 faa' llIl~ W,," 855 33 ""', from tIl. South...1 corn.. 01 tho WIlIi,m Y Mill'" OoooUon Land CI..m No 46. s.<:lIon 35. T ow...hlg 17 South. Rongo 2 WOOl of th. Wlllamano M."d......1l1.nc. South Ou 03' 21. [1ft l?d 98 f..l tu II point on the North margin of McKonll. Highwav thance along said North mWQto ,long tho or. of. ,pilt! curv, ht\llng 0 cantorUIl8 .A. .alu. of 0 25 (!he cho.d of which CUI.. b..,. Nonh 89' 51 50. Waol 122 12 ,..0 a dl&tOlOCa of 122 12 '1<11, Ihonce Itavlng said North margin North 0' 03' 21' W..1177 35 ,...t, Ih6llca South 69' 40' 28. e.al 122 12Ia.I'" lilt Pain, of IleglnnUlg.1n la"t C""nty. O.ogon <;; \>..9 l..-ro7 - Cu::. 2. \ )v-..6 -z,oQ I - D~ 2-1 If) \ ~ " u-I('"(~ 'O",j\~~ ! 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'~:':-' , ..t ~~ -~"'~l 1>3'5-: --J -.I ", COYO IE CR(d',K ENVIRONMENT \L SERVICES, INC Natural Resource Inventory, Assessment, Ecological Design and Permit Facilitatzon 27661 Crow Road Eugene, OR 97402 Tel (541) 484-7336 Mobile (541) 521-2806 Fax (541) 484-1233 ('011111'( 'led !,Sui)!J(,o!J!qJL COlli Report of Findings Delineation of Jurisdictional W ctland Boundaries PRE-SUBMllTAL REC'O JUL .2 6 2007 ~k View of Typical Mown Lawn Area 70th & Main Street / Springfield Project Lane County, Oregon Apnl 2005 ~ ~ Table of Contents Summary of Findings 1. Introduction 1 1 Layout of This Document 1 2 Preparers 2. Methodology 2 1 Reference Documents 2 2 Field Samphng Methodologies 2 3 Cartography 2 4 Coordmation Conducted 3. Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation 3 1 Study Area, Landscape Context and Project H1StOry 3 2 Weather 3 3 Hydrology 3 4 Soils 3 5 VegetatIOn 3 6 PrevIous Wetland and Natural Resource Studies 3 7 Wetland DelineatIOn Findmgs 4. Glossary 5. References 6. Appendices 6 1 Figures 6 1 1 V IClIlIty Map 6 1 2 Lane County Tax Lot Map 6 I 3 Soil Survey for Lane County Map 6 1 4 NatIOnal Wetland Inventory Map 6 1 5 Wetland Boundary Map 62 Wetland DelineatIOn Data Sheets and SIte Photographs 6 3 HIstOrIC AerIal Photographs 6 4 Weather Information 65 I Statements ofQuahfications ('ovate Creek Envmmmental Sen1lces, lnc Page ] Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 (5../1) ..fR4-7336 ~ ~ Dflincation !-If Jurisdictional Wetland Boundaries 70th & MalO Street / Sprmgfield ProJect Lane County, Oregon Summary of Findings The 70th & MalO Street / Sprmgfield proJect IS located In Lane County, Oregon. toward the eastern end of the CIty of SprIngfield The Study Area consIsts of 0 5 acres and IS specIfically defined as Tax Lot 900 on Assessor's Map 17-02-35-3 I The sIte IS bordered on all sIdes by resIdentIal developments, although Mam Street forms the ImmedIate southerly boundary The parcel has been utIlIzed for residential purposes smce the late 1940's and IS one of the first developed parcels In the Immediate Vlclmty Hydrology at the sIte IS sIgmficantly altered from the hIstone condItIon It appears from the 1944 aenal photograph that the parcel was a segment In an east-west lmear wet feature, wooded on the ImmedIate west edge beyond the parcel Mam Street, already present although smaller III SIze, most hkely mtercepted all runoff from the hIlly areas on the south As adJacent parcels have developed, the sIte has become more Isolated hydrologIcally At thiS tIme, hydrology at the parcells pnmanly receIved as preCIpItatIOn, supplemented with ground water fluctuatIOns The 1987 SOlI Survev for Lane County. Oregon IdentIties two sOlI senes present at the Study Area The hIgher ground along Mam Street IS underlaIn by SOli Series II 120b - Salkum slit loam 2 to 6 percent slopes, the remaInder ofthe parcells underlaIng by SOll Senes # 106a -- Perngra - Urban Land Complex VegetatIOn of the Study Area has been broadly categonzed Into 2 commullItlcs that also reflect the topography, hydrology regImes and eXlstmg / hlstonc land use VegetatIOn zones WIthIn the Study Area Include Zone 1) Bank slopc, and Zone 2) Open Meadow Areas, whIch appear to bc Infrequently mown Two bands of wctlands he In a general east - ,vest OrIentatIon m the low meadow on the south side of the house These receIve runoff from the bank slope along MaIn Street the drIveways and the rooftop of the reSidence (Via gutter and downspouts) VegetatIOn calculatIOns place the domInant grasses In the wet- tolerant category. soIls are dark, not gleyed, and dIsplay few although bnght mottles. and saturatIOn occurs wlthm 6" to 14" of the surface ___ ___ _ _ __ _ ]abl~ J._ 'Ye~land)nvt?n~ory F_iJ!d)ngs _ __ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ . _ __ _ __ _ __ W_~tlan_d)~-:~!.lt_~_re___ __ ___ _______ ,__ ~1~ssi~~_ati(mJC~~~rdiJ!l HG)\l_~etti!lg ~_ ~~t_I~,!_d Area_ . , Zone 2 Open Mcadow Areas Palustnne Emergent. Flats 0 05 acrcs Seasonally Flooded Total Wetland Areas 0.05 acres "ThiS report documents the mvestlgatlOn, best pro(esslOnaljudgment and concluslOn.\ of the mvestlgator It should be considered a Prehmmary JUrtSdlctlOnal DetermmatlOn and used at your own risk until It has been reViewed and approved m WI lf1ng by the Oregon D1V1SlOn o(State Lands m accordance With OAR J 41-090- 0005 through 141-090-0055 " C~)l;()te^ t'reek7J51;;/;'o;i;;/eI1ta! c~'CnJice~<;:7l1c ,-- - - - ---j -, ~ .. Delineation of .Ju. Ictional Wetland Boundarje~ 70th & Mam Street / Spnngfie1d Project Lane County, Oregon Introduction 1.1. Layout of This Document TIus document IS organIzed m a manner mtended to best faCIlItate an understandmg of the data, analYSIS and conclusIOns bemg presented DISCUSSIon of the results of the mventory and analYSIS IS presented m an mtegratIve fashIon, provldmg an overvlcw and context for further tmderstandmg of the local landscape Supportmg data collected m the field dunng wetland mventory IS mcludcd III the AppendIces. orgalllzed by samplIng pomt numbers 1.2. Preparers Research and documentatIOn tasks on thIS project were conducted by MIchael W ShIppey Pnnclpal / Landscape EcologIst Coyote Creek EnVIronmental SerVIces, Inc 27661 Crow Road Eugene, Or 97402 phone (541) 484-7336/ cell (541) 521-2806 fax (541) 484-1233 FIeld work and wetland boundary delineatIOn were conducted by MIchael W ShIppey, Andrew GIlmore proVIded field aSSIstance ThIS document was drafted, revIewed, edIted and finalized by MIchael W ShIppey, data sheet development was proVIded by JessIca MmnItl-Shlppey Please see Statements of QualIficatIOns m AppendIX 6 6 2. Methodology 2.1. Reference Documents Office Research mcIuded compIlatIOn of mfonnatIOn from the US GeologIcal Survey 7 5 mmute TooograohIC Man (Map (Snnng:field Quadrangle), the US Department of AgrIculture SOli Survev for Lane County Area. Ofelwn. (Issued September 1987). US Department of the InterIor NatIOnal Wetland Inventof\' Mao (S!Jnng:field Ouadrang1e), and hlstonc aerIal photographs obtamed from the UnIVerSIty of Oregon Aenal Photography Database LIStS ofhydnc SOIls were consulted, mcIudmg the HvdrIC Salls of the State of Oregon (USDA SoIl ConservatIOn ServIce, 1987) and the Hvdnc SoIls m Ithel Lane Countv Area. OreQ.on (USDA SOIl Conservation SerVIce, 1990) The 1987 US Armv Cams of EnQJneers Wetland DelmeatlOn Manual (Corps Manual) was referenced for the - - - delmeatIOn methodology The On-SIte Methodology for parcels Less than 5 Acres m SIze was utIlIzed "The Munsell SoIl Color Chart Book (Macbeth, rev ed 2000) was uscd to charactenze soil hue, chroma and value descnptlOn, and observatIOns were also made on soIl texture and mOIsture content Plant IdentIficatIon was aIded by the use of several documents, most notably Flora of the PaCIfic Northwest (HItchcock and CronqUIst, 11th ed 1998), Wetland Plants of Oreg:on and Washuurton (Guard, 1995), A Kcv to Common Grass Genera III the WIilamette Vallev (Zlka, 1992), and Western Wetland Flora (USDA NRCS) The 1988 and 1993 undated USFWS NatIOnal LIst of Vascular Plant Soecles TIlat Occur III Wetlands was lIsed for plant nomenclature and facultative claSSIficatIOn AddItIOnal reference sources are mcluded In SectIon FIve (Referenccs) of tllIS document COJ;ole Cree{ Hnvrron,ii'ell'lal SemGe:\ 'Inc 2 Delineation of Ju Jctional Wetland Boundaries 70th & Mam Street / Spnngfield Project Lane County, Oregon Standard Data Sheets that conform to state standards for wetland determmatlons / delll1eatIOns were developed for recordll1g field data, at each samplmg pomt PhotodocumentatlOn was conducted m order to add qualItative mformatIOn to tillS report AppendIx 64 contams copIes ofWcather mformatIon taken from vanous mtemet and hardcopy news sources (eg Oregon ClImatological Scrvlce and Eugene RegIster-Guard) for that time penod This mformatlOn IS presented to set the clImatic conte'(t (such as preCipItatIOn for the year. average ramfall and so forth) ofthe Study Area 2.2. Field Sampling Methodologies The entire 0 5 acre parcel was ongll1ally walked to IdentIfy potentIal wetland habItats wlthm the Study Area These were classified and charactenzed by topography, hydrology, SOlI compOSItIon, vegetatIon cOmmUl1ltIes, and level and frequency of disturbance The wetland delIneatIOn field work was conducted accordll1g to standards established for parcels less than 5 acres m SIze, as outlIned m the Corps Manual All field work was conducted durmg mId-March, 2005 A gnd of samp1mg pomts was establIshed throughout the front lawn, augmented by addItIOnal pomts establIshed m areas that would likely mcet cntena for consldcratIOn as JunsdlctlOnal At each Sampling Pomt, observatIOns and notes were made regardmg VISIble hydrology or pnmary and secondary mdlcations of wetland hydrology Sot! pItS were dug to an average depth of 16", adequate to observe and descnbe the sot! type, to observe subsurface hydrologiC condItions and to confirm / refute the aSSIgned SOIl serIes descnptlOn contamed m the Sot! Survey for Lane County VegetatIOn was IdentIfied to speCIeS where pOSSible and lIsted accordIng to deSIgnated facultative status Total cover for each vegetatIOn strata was estImated, and relatIve dommance was VIsually estImated for each specIes at a radIUS of 8' from the SOli pIt for herbaceous spccles and 30' for woody specIes (shrubs / vmes and trees) 2.3. Cartography All samplIng pomts were flagged and numbered SamplIng pomt locatIons were measured from Identifiable features by use of a roilIng measunng wheel All sampling pOints and Identified boundanes were mapped onto a field map Wetland boundanes \vere determmed by paIred samplIng plots, and extrapolated by notmg VISIble changes In topography. vegetatIon, soIls, and/or hydrology lbe combInatIOn of field samplmg pomts, field mappmg and survey were used to establish the estimated accuracy of the wetland boundary and mappIng to WIthIn 5 feet or less 2.4. Coordination Conducted Coordmatlon was conducted With the Ul1Iverslty of Oregon Aenal Photography Library pnor to begmnmg the field work 3. Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation 3.1. Study Area, Landscape Context and Project History The 70th & Mam Street / Spnngfield project IS located m Lane County, Oregon, toward the eastern end of the CIty of Spnngfield (please see figures for VICll1lty / USGS Map) The Study Area consIsts of 0 5 acres and IS speCIfically defmed as Tax Lot 900 on Assessor's Map 17-02-35-31 ( please see figures for Ta-x Lot Map) The sIte IS bordered on all SIdes by rcsldentIaI developments, although Mam Street forms the ImmedIate southerly boundary The parcel has been utlltzed for reSidential purposes SInce the late 1940's and IS one of the first developed parcels In the ImmedIate VIcmlty COYOTe Creck Em;,rOlime'1ta/:'lcn1/GCs, inG .-' 3 Delineation of J Jictional Wetland Boundaries 70th & Mam ~treet / Spnngfield Project Lane County. Oregon 3.2 Weather Information FIeld work was conducted on March 22, 2005 Weather for the prevIOUS month was wlseasonably warm and dry, WIth precIpItatIOn sIgl1lficantly lower for the calendar year The folloWIng chart dIsplays the preCIpItatIOn status for the preVIOUS two months. as well as the two weeks pnor to field work ~~~~LPJe~I~I~t}O~_ h _ _ ~_ ~~ I_n~hes ._~~~~! _~~e~IEI!~t!O~ _ _______~ ~ 66__ln~~es -- 6 35 mches ~ - - - --- -- I 27 mches - - - - - - ~ Two Weeks Prior to Field Work - ---- -- - -- - --- - --- --< 4 14 mches - ------ - - - - -- - --- 089 l11ches January 2005 February ~005 ; i:>ep-~rt~re -~o~ -~o~n~al : -5 -9~mch_es_ -; ~5 08- I~~chcs-- -325 mches Ramfall for the ram year (smce October 1. 2004) and the calendar years 2004 and 2005 have been slgl1lficantly below normal, WIth approxllnately 60% of the normal amount beIng recclved m 2004 Please see AppendIx 6 4 for mformatIon rcgardmg local weather trends and observatIOns 3.3 Hydrology Hydrology at the sIte IS sIgl1lficantly altered from the lustone condItIOn It appears from the 1944 aenal photograph that the parcel was a segment 1I1 an C<1.st-west lInear wet feature, wooded on the Immediate west edge beyond the parcel Mam Strect, already present although smaller m SIze, most lIkely mtercepted all runoff from the hIlly areas on the south As adjacent parccls have developed, the sIte has become more Isolated hydrologIcally At thIS tIme, hydrology at the parcells pnmanly receIved as prcelpltatlOn, supplemented WIth ground water fluctuatIOns 3.4 Soils The 1987 SOli Survev for Lane County. Orerron Identlfics two SOli senes prcscnt at the Study Area The hIgher ground along Mall1 Street IS underlaIn by SoIl Senes # 120b - ";a/kum silt loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, the remall1der of the parcells underlall1g by S01l Senes # 106a - Perngra - Urban Land Complex Pengra - Urban Land Complex, I to 4 percent slopes. IS located m broad, slIghtly concave areas on fans and toe slopes The Ul1lt IS 50% relatIvely undIsturbed Pengra sIlt loam, 10% disturbed Pengra sIlt loam, and 25% Urban Land Included areas of other soIls compnse about 15% of the total acreage RelatIvely undIsturbed Pengra soli IS deep and somewhat poorly dramed, formed 1I1 stratified alluvIUm The surfacc layer IS typIcally very dark graYIsh brown sIlt loam about 6 mches tluck, underlam by very dark graYIsh brown mottled SIlty clay loam about IS Il1chcs thIck PermeabI!tty IS very slow Tlus SOli senes IS lIsted as hydnc In enttrety Senes # 120b - Salkum SIlt loam, 2 to 6 percent slope,~ IS a deep, well draIned soIl found on lod alluvial and glaCIal outwash terraces, formed In mIxed allUVIUm Tile surface layer IS typIcally a dark brown sIlt loam, about II mches thIck ThiS IS underlaIn by a dark brown and dark reddIsh brown clay about 24 IIlchcs thIck PermeabIlIty IS slow ThIs senes IS lIsted as non-hydnc SIte samplmg generally confirmed the above soIl dcscnptlons Areas Immediately along Mam Strect are steeply slopmg down to the parcel and dIsplay !tttle mdlcatlOn of saturatIOn Areas m the flatter portIons of the parcel arc very dark and display lIttle or no redoxymorphle feature development C'o.yoie' (Seek Em 'I roll/nen/al Se;';'lces, 'i/;c" , , , -:./ Delineation of Ju rtional Wetland Boundaries 70th & ..,am Street / Spnngfie1d Project Lane County, Oregon 3.5 Vegetation VegetatIOn of the Study Area has been broadly categorIzed mto 2 COmmUl1ltles that also reflect the topography, hydrology regImes and eXlstmg / hlstonc land use VegetatIOn zones wlthm the Study Area mc\ude Zone 1) Bank slopc, and Zone 2) Opcn Meadow Areas, whIch appear to be Il1frequently mown Zone I Bank slop~ The Zone 1 commumty IS located along the steeply sloplIlg bank of Mam Street TIle domInant specIes lIlc\ude a mIx of ornamental and non-natIve InvaSIve plant speClCS, such as Scots' Pll1e (Pmus sylvestns), WhIte Poplar (Populus alba), Armeman Blackberry (Rubus armemacus), Orchardgrass (Dactylis glome rata) and Tall Fescue (Festuca anmdmacea) Zone Two Open Meadow Areas The Open Meadow Areas cover most of the parcel. and are dommatcd by Tall Fescue (Festuca arundmacea), EnglIsh DaiSY (Be/lis perenne), Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa praten.m), Velvetgrass (Holcus lanatus), Orchardgrass (Dactybs gfomerata) and Dandehon (Taraxacum officmah'l) ThIs Zone Two commumty IS spread across the maJonty of the sIte and IS found In margmally wet and dry areas. WIth only a shght change m the rate of prevalence of specIes from wet to dry 3.6 Previous Wetland and Natural Resource Studies TIle NatIOnal Wetland Inventory Map (please see FIgures) IdentIfies no wetlands at the parcel The parcellS Just beyond the boundarIes of the CIty of Spnngfield Local Wetland Inventory and was not mvestlgated at that tIme Please see FIgures for LWI map 3.7 Wetland Delineation Findings Based upon the SOlI Surveyfor Lane County, It appears that much of the lower portIOns of the Study Area are underlall1 by hydnc SOlIs ThIs sIte has been used as a reSIdentIal parcel smce the late I 940's, and has been actIvely managed and mamcured Sll1ce that tIme SOIls have been amended and modified as needed. ~th some areas used for drIveways, parkmg lots, foundations and other purposes m the past Two areas whIch appear to currently meet CrIterIa for JUrIsdICtIOnal wetlands are found at the Site, represcntll1g a portIOn of Vegetation Zone 2 Two bands of wetlands he Il1 a general east - west OrIentatIon In the low meadow on the south SIde of the house These receive runoff from the bank slope along Mam Street, thc dnveways and the rooftop of the reSIdence (V1a gutter and downspouts) VegetatIOn calculatIons place the dommant grasses m the wet- tolcrant category, soIls are dark, not gleyed, and display few although brIght mottles, and saturation occurs wltlun 6" to 14" ofthc surface Table I categonzcs the findmgs ofthls IIlvestIgatIOn by wetland claSSIficatIOn and size Please see Figurc 6 for the Wetland Boundary Map and Appendix 62 for the wetland delineatIOn data sheets and site photographs Wetland Feature - - - ~ - - - - --- : Zone 2 Open Meadow Areas , Tal>!t:). ,~etl~n~, ~Ilventory F!n~ings, , , , m,; ~Iassi~catio,n (Cowardi!l), HGM Setting , Palustnnc Emergent, Flats Seas<:)rt~~ly ~I?oded \y,e!,lan d A rea : 005 acres Total Wetland Areas 0.05 acres (-'OVOTe d eek fnl '/ ro,'mien/a! :')e'1.'/ce~'l. 'Jric 5 Delineation of Jl ictional Wetland Boundaries 70th & Mam Street / Spnngfield Project Lane COIillty. Oregon ''ThIS report documents the investIgatIOn. best professIOnal Judgment and conclusIOns of the mvestlgator It should be consIdered a Prehmmary JUrisdIctIOnal DetermmatlOn and used at your own risk unt/Ilt ha<; heen rev1ewed and approved m wntmg by the Oregon D1VISlon o.fState Lands m accordance WI th OAR 141-090- 0005 through 141-090-0055 " CO:VOle Creek Emllro;l1;Jental.~enllce.i. in;;" ,,,' (; 4. GLOSSARY OF TERMS AerobIc - A sItuatIOn 111 whIch molecular oxygen IS a part of the environment AnaerobIC - A SItuatIOn m whIch molecular oxygen IS absent (or effectIvely so) from thc envIronment AaUlc MOIsture RegIme - A mostly reduc1l1g soIl mOIsture regIme nearly free of dIssolved oxygen due to saturatIOn by ground water or ItS capIllary fr1l1ge and oeeurnng at perIods when the soIl temperature at 19 7 111 IS greater than 50 C Atvolcal SItuatIon - Areas 111 wInch one or more parameters (vegetatIOn, SOlI, and I or hydrology) have been suffiCIently altered by recent human actlVltles or natural events to preclude thc presence of wctland 1l1dlcators ofthe parameter Chroma - The relatIve punt:} or saturatIon of a color, IntenSIty of dlst1l1ctlve hue as relatcd to grayness, onc of the thrce vanables of color DIke - A bank (usually earthen) constmcted to control or confine water Dom1l1ance - A descnptor of vegetatIon that IS related to the stand1l1g crop of a specIes In an area, usu ally measured by heIght, areal cover or basal area (for trees) Dom1l1ant SoecIes - A plant specIes that exerts a controllmg 1l1fluence on or defines the character of a commul11ty Emergent Plant - A rooted herbaceous plant speCIes that has parts extendmg above a water surface FIll Matenal - Any matenal placed m an area to mcrcase surface elevatIon ,Flooded - A condItIon m whIch the soIl surface IS temporanly covered wIth flowmg watcr from any source, such as streams overflowmg theIr banks, runoff from adJacent or surroundmg slopes, mflow from hIgh tIdes, or any combmatIOn of sources Gleved - A soIl condItIon resultmg from prolonged soIl saturatIon, whIch IS malllfested by the presence of blUIsh or grecl11sh colors through the soIl mass or In mottles (spots or streaks) among other colors Gleymg occurs under reducmg sOIl condItIOns resuItmg from soIl saturatIon, by whIch Iron IS reduced predominantly to the ferrous state GroWIl1g Season - The portIOn of the year when soIl temperatures at j 97 1l1ches below the soIl surface arc hIgher than bIologIc zero (50 C) Can be approXlmated by the number offrost-frce days Herb - A non-woody mdlvldual of a macrophytlc speCIes, or seedlmgs of woody plants that are less than 3 2 feet m heIght Hue - A charactenstlc of color that denotes a color 111 rclatlon to red, yellow, blue. etc, onc of the three vanables of color Hvdnc SoIl - A soIl that IS saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough dunng the growmg season to develop anaerobIC condItIOns that favor the growth and regeneratIon of hydrophytIc vegetatIon Coyote" ('reek ]!.',;;;,!'oi1/llental Sel,J;ce.;7ric Hvdroohvtlc VegetatIOn - The sum total of macrophytlc plant lIfe growmg 111 water or on a substrate that IS at least penodlcally deficIent m oxygen as a result of excessive water content Indicator Status - One of the categones that descnbes the estlmated probabIlIty of a plant species occurrmg m wetlands JnundatlOn - A condItIOn III which water from any source temporanly or permanently covers a land surface Man-Induced Wetland - Any area that develops wctland charactenstlcs due to some activIty of humans. Ponded - A condItIOn m which water stands 111 a closed depressIOn Water may be removed only by percolatIOn, evaporatIOn, and / or transpiratIOn Samole Plot - An area ofland used for measunng or observmg eXlstmg condItions Saturated SOIl CondItIOns - A condItIOn In which all easIly draIned vOIds between SOIl partIcles In the root zone are temporanly or pemmnently filled wIth water to the soil surface at pressures greater than atmosphenc SOIl - UnconsolIdated mmeral and organIc matenal that supports, or IS capable of supportmg, plants, and whIch has recogmzable propertIes due to the lIltegrated effect of clImate and lIVIng matter actmg upon parent matenaL as conmtlOned by relIef over tune SOlI Senes - A group of soils havmg honzons sImIlar III dlfferentlatIng charactenstlcs and arrangement In the sOil profile, except for texture of the surface honzon Transect - A lme on the ground along whIch observations arc made at some mterval Value - The relatIve lIghtness or mtenslty of color, approximately a functIon of the square root of the total amount of lIght reflected from a surface, one of the thrce vanables of color Wetlands - Thosc areas that are mundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration suffiCient to support, and that under normal cIrcumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typIcally adapted for IIfc In saturated SOil condItions CO'VOle' Creek'i:~1Vlr()imle;lta{Sel1;lce.~, lnc 5. REFERENCES Department ofthe Army, U S Army Corps of Engllleers, Waterways Expenment StatIOn EnvIronmental Laboratory, "A Hydrogeomomhlc ClaSsIficatIon for Wetlands", Techmcal Report WRP-DE-4, August 1993 Department of the Army, U S Anny Corps of Engmeers, Waterways Expenment StatIOn Envlfonmental Laboratory, "Corns of Engmeers Wetlands De1111eatIOn Manual", TechnIcal ReportY-87-1, January 1987 Guard, B Jenmfer, "Wetland Plants of Oregon and WaShmgtOl:!", Lone Pme PublIshmg, 1995 HItchcock, CLeo & CronqUIst, Arthur, "Flora of the PacIfic Northwest"', Ul1Iyerslty ofWashmgton Press, 1973 Macbeth, G Greta, "Munsell SOIl Color Charts", ReYlsed washable edItIon, 617 LIttle Bntam Road, New Wmdsor, N Y 12553, 2000 POJar, JIm, and MacKmnon, Andrew, "Plants of the PacIfic Northwest Coast", Lone Pllle Pubhshmg, 1994 U S Department of Agncu1ture, SoIl ConservatIOn ServIce, "Hydnc SOlis of the State of OreQon. 1987 US Department of Agnculture, SoIl ConservatIOn ServIce, "Hvdnc SOlIs III Lane County Area. Oregon", 1990 U S Department of Agnculture, Natural Resource ConservatIon ServIce, "SoIl Survey of Lane County Area, OreQOl1 sheet 77", Issued September 1987 (1981 data) . US Department of Agnculture, Natural Resource ConservatIOn SerVIce, West NatIOnal Techmcal Center, "West em Wetland Flora. Field Office GUIde to Plant Soecles", date unknown US FIsh and WIldlIfe ServIce, Cowardlll, L M , et aI, "ClaSSIficatIOn of Wetlands and Deeowater HabItats of the Umted States", December 1979 US Fish and WildlIfe SefYlce, Reed, Porter B, "NatIOnal LISt of Vascular Plant SoecIes That Occur III Wetlands Northwest (RegIOn 9)".1996 NatIOnal Summary US Fish and WildlIfe Service, NatIOnal Wetland Inventory, "Sonngficld Oregon. 7 5 Mmute TopograohIc Ouadrangle", 1994 US GeologIcal Survey, "SonnQfield Oregon. 75 Mmute ToooQraohIC Ouadrangle", photorevlsed 1986 Zlka, Peter, "A Key to Common Grass Genera III the WIllamette Valley", 1992 Cove);e cYeek Elvira/ill/ental Servlc"e,~: l,ic ..-~- ~ APPENDIX 6.1. FIGURES ~~~~~" - -- ----. ( I . ~ 'f 4877 I 2" SCALE .......~-........ MILE ---" 1000 2000 3000 7000 FEET 4000 5000 6000 o 1000 5 o KILOMETFR --' CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET SUPPLEMENTARY CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 ~ ;{/ f ' '\ 1n~ 1__ - l~~/ VICINITY / USGS MAP Springfield Oregon Quadrangle 70th & Main Street / Springfield Project Figure 1 C~);ote"C;eefiEiiviroiilnentaJ~en;;ces:~liic~4~~~~~~~~41MMM'1Mf1HHi4.'M.4'.....,...,.,.~'...M.~~.H~..H~~MMH~"'._..4.M~..~M..'.ftU~,.,... ...~..,.....,....."............' , ("J ",<.i .,'?' t,J> ~ ~ <:fJ ',' 100~, .j,~1 '?' {<; 0" ~(j " ~(:fl:' 'I' , 700 . 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"('".:{' i~ I I. ] ~ I ji' " J I ...., SEE MAP 17-02~35..J-4 TAX LOT / PARCEL MAP 17 -02-35-31-00900 70th & Main Street / Springfield Froject Figure 2 .. 1= ; lLIl!l{ NE 1/4 S W 1/4 Section 35 TI7S R 2WWM LANE COUNTY 1"::;r100' SEt MAP 17-02.35-2-4 ,_~"'(~\'u ~ 5700 i S~~O ~ ~ ~\ 13~~~ '1 t, Ud't.. f& /, ......" \ tl~ 13200 .. \'d~ I 13100 1 I ." ;::r,-,,- 1 600 5400 7 5600 5500 ~ 1 J 1 I '" I '7 !:: 12900 '. '. ,6 13000 5300 , , ~.~ 5200 i '\ i!i i 12900 5100 ,. 70 ~ l~ 12700 1 t: ,. 6Q 3 t 12800 x \l" l\8 ~ ~' 126~O ~ ,tIC \ 60~~" " ~~;,... 5000 , ~\ 12400 n ; '" 'I (1 'I '" 'I t: Cl. " " w ~ / C(71Ut/f VAr-'-c~1- ~.~l.1tVlI ..., .... ~ ",~~,:: SEE MAP 11~02-35-3-4 7~1:~"J ~ ~ ---- . ~-----~ b lOb ~ ------ ---- l +(,.0 K 17 02 35 31 ,. 13 "n/,,,... ..~,. "., 1 - I 8600 ~ 6700 -.eee& t 8,,9~gc. l d \~ l'i~ ~'~ ~ ')' I .1 wN I ,~ 2. al .,. ~-- ,w,;;: · 9000 '.'.t. '. ~.~ \'''.. 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" 1 "2 SCALE 1 24000 o I MILE 1000 o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET o I KILOMETER CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET SUPPLEMENTARY CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM Of- 1929 jl/t~ufr",<) >, , \ \'..1 / " NA TIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY MAP 70th & Main Street / Springfield Project Figure 4 Coyole'C;eeffinvlroniiientaTSe;:Vice:~.~ Inc~ ^'-^"'~--.~~,~. -''"~_.~~-.- -"",.,----. ~ .._....'_"A....'_________..,n>..___".""..".. .~,--,~ -.- ., i t ~ ; ~ ~H f r~. ~"h~ " ,,"'I.:~..~........J, -" ..r' ,'''' ....,J , (.....r.." ~ "i : / '~ .""\'''''''''t .f \,', I'.,. ,.... ,r'. ,.' . 'h'~"\"""":\"'" }"..,.,-' \.....,,\ ~ ... ~ \~.._.. . )~.. ~ - . '. ..' .." LOCAL WETLA 70th & Main St ND INVENTORY MAP c..,-..-------- reel! Springfield Pr . O}ole Creek It--'------ OJ eel nVlronmeniai7{ii;:vTi:;i's.K--------- Figure 5 J nc. .,..:"'!'..4_...............u............,..............,...,..........1.H~.,...,....................................................................................--... .....-..} 'r-' .~...........\ ............... . ) '\"( . r.~..-..r-..:~r::::..:~..., . '). 1....._..'; ., ..'-' . ..'.CM"\. \._.;... .1 ,J:}i,l~tJ]~rJ~}..:'....'~'!'" ,'.:i'.,.'. ."-"',! ,} ..:..........(",. :"..",:.~::.;~~.. ~. - ... ,i".~;":,,,,"..~.l ~ ' I I ,: '''''''; '1 .. t:~i : . . i-~~~lJ~l;: E!Eir-: \. . , ' ~_,"'. ..:::', " l ii . .;.._..... _.'-...~._, .........._..J, .' i ; '.'F:E~:-~.:t,~..... .r:~::;'.::~:j , ,..... j :}..~.... ~.., ...~~.,.. . .' ~.;..-.,....-. ...~ i J \.; ..:'~. .. '. \,,, . .,..~...., ..1....... , :..,., . .".:~. ~ .....~~... l' :} .' , .....y".'f'.. .i .: ~',. .~..l-..~.~..,.J {.. .f '~''''( .['...1.....'..."..'.':'...\ ._~... , ' :._~ ....,..,.~..' ,.......,....f. t' . .:..........' ..1.... ~ . , ~ . ~""1 l . ..~.. .;-~....,..: ,;,,,...r:':::::, ':.1 ;~ ~...-:~.....~ .~ :;: I ;.,.,(:...~:c... .\.?~' . t2~~;;;T;~~f:L.t.I.! ~ . ; :........~ ._1. r . .~.. ~ .\ .A....~~:;r~.~.:..~?:.:~.: ~._"..... .. .'"'~ ..... ..... 'Ij''k/' , J(!,ull "t ~ N l" '----. .-/ ,~~\C t;v~'_--~ (~, lib ... ~/-'O f\- 1~\rVcx. ' ..,:._~......,.~. ...-,........... ..~.....-....~... .. i'" ,....~.~ ,...,..., ~'(".._........t............. \.._i.... [i I b: I t:j.. . , ' ! i .,1:".'.'.'.'.' ..........':"..~~~..,- ,..-.:;.i........,(1 -; f:~t~ ,~~)_. .. ~ ! ~.'t S ..~.."'..h..:......., ,r.! ,....._~,~,.:....i...A........;;,........~, { .....,.... r..Jo..........~ , (' ~ 1 , " )... '"'''' ~ f..-.........'. ... ,,"'1 .', fl:-:::.iL':-J)l~~;:-1 , .. '1"'............ ....."..; ,......- <.' C:L-r-- ('"1\ r " : , ....., ........_ > L..U.... " i-1j.:~_::)~;,.['Cl.' -' C\I~' .. .,,.; .....f..A..~....~...... < .,. ....... .. .' .' l \ -, ,.' .' ..~.. """"N:'''' i /'- ..- ; ! .l.......,[...'...,',/ -- > ,. ,~.. .. ........... .......... ....,.1 ; t~ .,..".,' ~ ~_...".....!.; \ ~. f ) L...../ T'.\,. \.. r'.~~~ 'L. ........['..........1.-..... ~ . ,i.. , " ,~ . r' //-. ~. .....{-.. ......r... '. .:-0..... 't. .~"...L, J r --------:--- I ~./ I ' l -.-_:... ---- ,. .____..J___,-,-.__~. .--'. ~..t , ~. l-\ 6 USE:. , ; 1- - :..,::,;:::=,~=-- (l ~-I-'--~_-=:': i I t ,/"'-+0l"ti ") L__=~--- -- - fJ+. 7. (;i':- ,. - . (t) I :tt 11 ~ ,~ ,~ ~ )1_)- ; .It -.. -, ~--. --" f <( k .Q I :&-c J 1 I" t + Vf5 -~ ~l \}.\ --i! I ~~. ~ 03J ~ I r" ___....----- ----- r-.___ ..D _ 'f ' - " 1- .'t,,.-- -- _. -~-=l ~~ ,.11.-.,-...1-. ... -'" . ".....,....._ ".',a.I... "JO',.,. ,,,... .. 'f-.,. dlw-\,...... , ..''If''''... '\A.-~~.-'.J~i:''''- .' " UA'I--f;A \)}t(>.,I/-J J --; f-:{ t ... ~J6 "' ,~ ~ , .. ~.. tf .. J t "".; ..31. .... ~ 'j ~' ~ -;~ ; ~ "'-:e. ,:~ ~ ~~. 1!t~ r~ ~" I ~ , I ";, f ~ " ~ i h r,; ~ I , ,. :;' . . J' ~ 7. ;,; ..j · '~9~"" ....l"fo b1~"~L- ~ ~ ~ ' 082 ' O 25 ~r:l- ,~~ ~ M..., .~ l~ .., ~ :>" ,. .,I' : I .. 1 ,-:" .~ . . !tJ.). \P .f.....,.(i'..:;.:.i.1N---..F..i\......',. ,"....,. r- "t; 0, ~c:; , t;o peer ~~~. CO-I'(Jfe Creek Em 'mil/men lar S'ernces. Inc' . . .. v"" '" . .. + ~~t1 ~VJ vI- [I WETLAND BOUNDARY MAP 70th & Main Street I Springfield Project ~ '-"\ f:"'H:'. M,t Figure 6 .--.........--- , APPENDIX 6.2. Wetland Delineation Data Sheets and Site Phot02:raDhs C;\'o/e ('reek l~l/vlrO/l'llel/tal Service,\, 'fllc DEPARTMENT OF STATE' NOS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA" '=ORM-Full Method ~nty Lane City SonnafJekj Date March 22, 2005 File # CCES #05-07 ProJeclICon1acl :'_' ~ Mam Street Delmeatlon / Max Noms Det by Covote Crook Enwonmental Semces. Inc / MJchool W Sh,{JPev P1antCommunlty M"vJ~' l-SW,^/ \:?~v\~'7lort> c;.o..'7e..- Plot' ')1'1 Plotlocahon 1,,'//'- I>f ,,(,-:.0- C,'r'.L"'- h .bi';',,1 !I'I,,<-..__I~'l,: :1 lir'L _'I(Vh','lk Recent Weather ~"I.M(' v>e. C.e-v.j f"1"CJ::.i f' ' Do normal enVIron condlllOns eXISt? Y X N ~ If No, explain Has VegetatIOn L Sod Hydrology been signifICantly disturbed? Explain Mown. manaaed and manicured lawn In residential area ================================================================================================================================ VEGETATION ~ ~ Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover ~ree ~~=.. s.,l"e.,r(',-c. Ntol.. 4"f) ,,~ \ot- .. k 2 I I /' ,-, 3 \:' v 11\ <l---\A,tV(..Vrh:! l ) e'k J SaohnalShrub Stratum 1 2 3 4 5 Herb Stratum l t: C ~ 1 IY, 'if. jl'/<~ V?t,,--4((~~ 2 :'I-'.,'r~ ,d""O,)"','c 4 ,I( _ 1 -1-.. t1~..,1 S 5 1 ).~ 1" '--. \ : _ ~ ,,' 1'1 " . 6 7 8 9 10 11 Status I Raw % Cover Rp,1 % Cover 1/t:'/ ;\t; .."c:; 'l; '" t:='; ~, Ie 1:::(--1<....- (r"(b/ - r-,Ac-, 2(.; ~-?: ~6 ,'I....~ !ll( Percen1 of Dominant Soecl~ that are OSL, FACW, FAC (not FAC-) 1--:4 :--- f.r -----T~~, Other Hydrophyllc Vegelahon Indicators ' J / Crltena Met? YES ~,NO Comments 't:{'$V61 ~tNt~~, Cilt \A -a--vtAe.,^,~-~ I M .it1/\. i< \.'- ~ f =============================================================================================f==r=======~-e======================= Map Unll Name --# It,(O A. ,- t;(:'t:-V~-.;j -' L.\tr<1V\ l-~402~~^"f'I(-x.Dr8lnageC'a:R~~;-t~- v \ ~n On Hydnc SOIls List? Y Y.... N Has hydnc inclUSions? Y N Depth Range of Honzon Matnx Color Redox Concentrations' Redox Depletions . abundlslze/contrasllcolorllocahon (matnx or pores/peds) Texture ( y,;; {( ~ 1/ __I {, tI / it 1 C:--/!t: I ' \ 6 y~/ j/Z- I Hydric Soil IndIcators Hlstosol _ Hlshc Eplpedon _ SulfidiC Odor _ RedUCing Condlllons (tests positIVe) Gleyed or low chroma colors /~ Redox features wilhln 10 Inches (e g . concentratIOns) C;tC. I {, '(V' /)/1' 0e-- " _ Concrehons/Nodules (w/m 3., > 2mm) _ High organic content In surface (In Sandy SOils) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy SOIls) _ Organic pan (In Sandy SOils) /"': Listed on HydriC SOils List (and SOil profile matches) _ Meets hydnc soil crllena 3 or 4 (ponded or nooded for, long duration) _ Supplemental indicator (e 9 , NRCS field indicator) Crlterla Met? YES Xl NO ============================================================================================================================== Recorded Data Recorded Data Available Aenal Photos Stream qauge HYDROLOGY Other No Recorded Data Available Field Data Depth of Inundation (_~. / j',-i _: I Depth to Saturahon ~\ Prlmary Hydrology Indicators Inundated _ Saturated In upper 12 Inches Water Mar1<s Dnfl Lines _ Sedlmen1 Deposlls _ Drainage Patterns Deplh to free water {f;. - \ G' {/ Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more reqUired) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 121 ,--ic: Water-stained Leaves '-6 Local SOil Survey Data _ FAC-Neutral Test I'll' Other "-,,/ \ . '''I \1' ; Criteria Met? YES NO' oJ Comments, V\ 0:;.1-', ;-'\'1'.\ (AI '\. ,i [:\) C '\ ==============================~===============================~~==~=======b================================================= DETERMINATION : '- WETLAND? YES NO '-, v"fA t' y ~~+L\ V't '~~ , J \-.. Comments <-"IV\." \ - ",- ~ '\ \ 1 ....; -- f '^ -'...V (-1,--1 ",. \.- ,/,\J \ Y I I 1', __KV\.(..J '" I v\ [ v"'" .... , 'j (\ , 11 \ I " [.'\;\1\ >-.f:,'" i '..1-<::l\: ,: .l-i . J \F . , , ~ J I' '\ /. ' ()...,: : \''\ Vv\/.j.-{tfr llf\ri 'h"., I I i // / ~~ lie \ \_. \I) ,'I" ~- iV'i-::., ~.r'\ ~':;.I~'-,. vV{ .. i \ ,i i I 'v'-~ / \ i ~I ~ ..' ... DEPARTMENT OF STATE '.IDS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA- 'ORM-Full Method c&nty Lane Crty Sonnafleld Date ProJectlContac1 -,:" & Mam street Delmeatlon / Max Nom!j _ Det by Plant Communrty tJ\6 uJl'\ ) OW\<\/ (110-,\-,\[1--- <;1 ~f"c::. I;;:lN~;\-CV- Plot locallon -;.....'.- () -- < r I. "-1' I'J I ~ I 'J '" ,-,,,.~,{ -{ 1" Recent Weather q~ 'M--€. t?r'"~ 'F ' Do normal enVIron conditIOns JXlSt? Y L N _ If No, explain Has Vegetation L Sod Hydrology been slgnrflcantly disturbed? Explain Mown, manaQed and manicured lawn In residential area MatCh 22. 2005 File # GGES #05-07 Covote Crook EnVIronmental Services. Inc / Mlchoo/ W Sh,006V Plot' ..; ~ 1~1~,(l .' {I . slJI' , ======================================================================================================================== VEGETATION Status 1 Raw % Cover I Rei 'Y. Cover TreeStratum ~LIL 1 r, {'. IV', ;;vI \'l2t'" 2 t t"ld> ,{r/V,_~~,7~rl':; 3 Jt' L-- l~o / N~L- \ II ~V'I.-\~-ICi l &,1 :>""'/ Herb Stratum I, '" '/ 1 . -- ,or-LoLl , ~ 1.I,~/l1 rl, 2 I, (. ._i... /1 (, r' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l/~-L _. 4- _ ,./ ,y- - O?"---' /c 1 Status 1 Raw % rAW"''' / Rei. <j(, CoW ~ .-' " f:?D)( i?c 1;- SaohnalShrub Stratum ,_ I 1 2 3 4 5 I / / !I-V r:=-At::/ -:OUl Percent of Domlnan1 Soecl9S that are OBL. FACW, FAC (not FAC-) OtherHydrophyhc Vegetahon Indicators Criteria Met? YES NO ",<- Comments -t::iSi:6'\A\.\t-eJ., (~CV\4\t\-'4:_,.v\.t4-1 s. ==================================================================================================================================== Map Unit Name IO({ Cj -- ~.c'Vl~;'r.-t- . {- On Hydnc Solis List? Y ':--<:.:._, N L'.l.-.-<::'''-. SOILS Has hydnc inclUSions? Y N ~ ~\<€-VJI ;:rt-~ ;"" d 1 Drainage Class Depth Range of HorIZon MatriX Color Redox Concentrahons' Redox Deplehons . abundJslZe/contrasllcolorllocahon (matnx or pores/peds) Texture \/ - / ( " 1/2 ...- I L II 1(, Ii /1'/ "I l/ .- / -" /I; 11'- ?J.Lj (/ d' :), ({ ~/ Hydric Soli Indicators _ Hrstosol _ HlstlC Eplpedon __ SulfidiC Odor _ RedUCing ConditIOns (tests poslhve) ~ Gleyed Dr low chroma colors _ Redox features wrthln 10 Inches (e g . concentrahons) Criteria Met? YES NO ';./' '....~ _ Concrehons/Nodules (wlin 3-, > 2mm) _ High organic contenlln surface (In Sandy Sods) _ Orgamc streaking (In Sandy Salls) _ Orgamc pan (In Sandy SOils) _ Listed on HydriC SOils List (and soli profile matches) >.:: Meets hydnc sotl crrtena 3 or 4 (ponded or nooded for long duration) _ Supplemental indicator (e g , NRCS field indicator) ================================================================================================================================ HYDROLOGY Recorded Data Recorded Data Available Aerial Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Data Available Field Data Depth of inundation Depth 10 Saturahon :'~ , l Depth to free water I - , 'I / Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated _ ~ -.:-Saturated In upper 12 Inches Water Mar1<s ' Dnfl Lines _ Sedlmen1 Deposits _ Drainage Patterns Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or mOle reqUIred) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 12") _ Water-stained LeAVes X Local Soli Survey Data _ FAC-Neutral Test,~.l,,- Other Criteria Met? YES "':, NO Comments =============================================================================================================================== WETLAND? YES NO '>-/ . M*~~"'Vl.:t,uy ~E~~j~INAT~O~_. \ _ Comments' 1\ hJe,!1 ':;oIl (, Ii-) I I.." v'v\'\XCd }~/~"c\~';'.(.-, , ( r '\ {_. ( I ~1S.l-\. f~f--l(.::,It:,(/l- Vf-CiC'X / /' f.- r (/v LHt/,I; , ~ \ DEPARTMENT OF STATf NOS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA '=ORM-Full Method ~nty Lane Crty SPrinafleld Date ProJec1IContacl 7.:,., & Mam Sfteet Delmeatlon / Max Noms Det by Plant Communrty, ~4~(.:t ~V\t>\.lJV\ \<AAN, " \o;:.w\~' ~k \,,-e.- Plot location ), c c -;- ",...-, --' l\J "7 1 t.' c., - f ,'( n tILl Recent Weather 9<plMQ... r~-r F(~C:'f' Do normal enVIron condrtlOos eXISt? Y X N _ If No, explain Has Vegetation X Sod Hydrology been Significantly disturbed? Explain Mown, manaaed af1(j-']llJnlcurod lawn In resJQent/al il.fBa March 22, 2005 File # GGES #0$.07 Covote Greek EnVIronmental Semces. Inc / Michael W Sh'poev Plot# '~l , - -- ===============:================================================================================================================ VEGETATION Tree Stratum 1 f',HG> 2 3 """;;-c I _,,,lv.'~iYI'J Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover ,./ Iv;:; /T JJov 1"-1- (I, r I \1, - ;/ ',l-, / r;;;; ~) -/ ~, I I t:? ? I ~ C. .7(/ I Herb Stratum J6 l.- I 1 J):~r+'Jfj~) ,1(.,.}'1r:'V,,'-tt~ 2 (,-'"\11/11..... f~r't ,,'11"/,,1. 4 f-1. ILL" ({.Lr:t,-l-'/~ 5 ~-vI101IVJ"''''~ (~[1( II~ 6 fe, \ t,....-t-..."S....I 7 ( u~' (.'\1 Ln V(i.\ , Status I RRW % Cover Rei % Cover SaohnalShrub Stratum L / 1 2 3 4 5 eel v - VlclVVIVV v~ 4'\ ---..., ./ f'/.J... I, I, ' ':'(\I .---... . . ,.--7-', c:..--- - I " ) "', /. -- / 8 9 10 11 Percent of Dominant Sooc.es thaI are OSL, FACW, FAC (not FAC-) Other Hydrophyllc VegetatlOll Indicators Crltena Met? YES NO >(' Comments S~-I.l0-,\6~~ CiV't> 1"1.,.1"\-- \/ev~y 0c+--1-,dc~Cl.-v"\:-' =======================================~======================================================d======================~============ SOILS \,I'i,. :- ~ ~c, On Hydnc Solis List? Y '- /' Y / " p -{;V\ ;;i' {.t . l/ l' / - I L../I . . ,~ N Has hydnc inclUSions? Y Drainage Class (",.(-'\f\/~\"0~'\ <..rt" r::~'od 1 N , Map Unrt Name (D(y a, - Depth Range of HorIZon Matrl)( , Color Redox Concentraltons' Redox Depleltons . abundJslZe/contrastlcolorllocalton (matnx or pores/peds) Texture c - llz f' '): -,/ 1/2 -lie Ii I ~' 't 1.2. -z. / z.. ';-)// ~/.LI' i l~ If. , J" (.:.~- (", C:;d--- -' Hydric 5011 Indicators _ Hlstosol _ Hlsltc Eplpedon SulfidiC Odor - RedUCing Condrtlons (tests positIVe) = Gleyed or low chroma colors {J c _ Redox features WIIhln 10 Inches (e g ,concentraltons) _ ConcreltonslNodules (w/m 3", > 2mm) _ High organic content In surface (In Sandy SOils) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy SOils) _ Orqanlc pan (In Sandy Solis) -:< Listed on Hydnc SOils List (and SOIl profile matches) _ Meets hydnc soli crrtena 3 or 4 (ponded or flooded for long duralton) _ Supplemental indicator (e g , NRCS field indicator) Criteria Met? YES NO X / / ===~=====================================================~===================~========================~===================== HYDROLOGY Recorded Data Recorded Data Available Aenal Pholos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Data Available Field Data Depth of Inundallon Depth to Saturallon Depth to froo water Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated _ Saturated In upper 12 Inches Water Marl<s Dnfl Lines _ Sediment Deposrts _ Drainage Patterns "J c Secondary Hydrology IndIcators (2 or more reqUired) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 121 f--. r ( Water-stained Leaves '0-.::::. Local Sorl Survey Data F AC-Neutral Test /'-.L ( Other Criteria Met? YES '-../ NO / Comments ======================================~=======================================~==================================~~=~======== WETLAND? YES , \, I' '1, NO I '" Comments DETERMINATION ( (:W\t,,_- DEPARTMENT OF STATE \IDS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA 'ORM-Full Method cl>unty Lane Crty Sonnafleld Project/Contact _-~. '~-& Mam Stroot Delmeallon / Max Noms Plant Communrty Mo.vJ 1'\ V a-L0 \-"--/ Plollocatlon U.' /\,. _-r ',r~ll.'V\J ^f- t'[(<-,-j <I~I"t' " ~I'~~\f-11 Recent Weather 4~ ~ \ r. ( C/ Do normal enVIron condrtlOns exist? Y L N _ If No, explam Has VegefatlOf1 L Soli Hydrology been SIgnifICantly dIsturbed? ExplaIn Mown, manaqed and manicured lawn In residential aroa Date March 22. 2005 File' CCES M5-07 Det by Covote Creek Environmental Semces, Inc / Michael W ShlDOeV Plot. .'~ --I- low ============================================================================================================================--=== VEGETATION Tree Stratum 1 2 3 Status J Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover SaohnalShrub Stra1um 1 2. 3 4 5 <..'/ Herb Stratum i GL /. 1 ..Q:o.'21l" ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ".nJ.L11 t.w /., 2 ," . " . ,t r' c rrJ'I,) ,e:...." 4~lIV/~"" .~r('),.-:'r1~ 5 ' 6 7 8 9 10 11 ( .' 00/c" Status I Raw % Cover y"i-fr - +u I r:::t>-c....- -+,,'1 tAL' .") / Rei % Cover -4 Z' '"Ie ~ %?/''/'(.' '>,f; I, Ir: 'I'n_ ........ , / ;;/ Percent of Dommant SOOCles that are OBL, FACW FAC (not FAC-) Other Hydrophytlc VegetatlDO Indicators . Criteria Met? YES ,X. 1~ ::.- NO Comments c;V\.v -.,A b ~t\.. i)Je+ ;i-o Ie Y'q{..\~ ================================================================================================================================== Map Umt Name I c ~ C\ - . On HydriC SOIls List? Y Y \?'-0'vI,P!;rc?j - ( ) L:C , G SOILS Drainage Class '7t'v\-El.d" cti~ /?c"v-l r N I N Has hydnc inclUSIons? Y Depth Range of HorIZon Matnx ~olor Redox Concentrations' Redox Depletions . abundJslze/contrastlcolorllocalron (matnx or pores/peds) T ex1ure r,)- 1/2/' l1z -lbl' If, ..;{'- "h ':"> / I () 11-: LI/~+ (iJ !... - i Iv It ,J'11 -:): 1-t1A (it!,'J' Ilh-~/)L () Hydric Soli IndIcators Hlstosol _ HlstlC Eplpedon SulfidiC Odor _ RedUCing Condlllons (Iests poslllve) _ Gleyed or low chroma colors '-. / Redox features wrth,n 10 Inches (e g , concentrations) .....-----.;; Crltena Met? YES '-....:/ , '. _ Concretions/Nodules (wlin 3", > 2mm) _ High orgamc con lent In surface (In Sandy Solis) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy SOIls) Organic pan (In Sandy SOils) X Listed on HydriC SOIls List (and soli prolile matches) _ Meals hydriC SOIl crrterla 3 Of 4 (ponded or nooded for long duration) _ Supplemental indicator (e g , NRCS field indicator) NO =========================================================~===================~~=====================================~========= HYDROLOGY Recorded Data Recorded Data Available Aerial Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Data AVBllable Field Data Depth of InundatIon Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated _ Saturated In upper 12 Inches Water Marks DnfI Lines _ Sediment Deposrts ><.. Drainage pa"em~/'" Criteria Met? YES I '.. NO Depth to Saturation (; 1-+ \ \ Depth to free water (i' 1"-;> " Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more reqUired) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 12") Water-stained Leaves , .<~ Local Soli Survey Data , _ FAC.Neutral Test t-J..:- ~Other 1... '.,} l\,"~< _ ;:;.-\~-,- : I , )t;'S i-t -, c \/~..._~ -~ 4 Comments ============================================================================================================================= "\ I' v' , WETLAND? YES '-, NO Comments DETERMINATION (::::~\ .'c. /(, '\~ f -./ I\,! ( I) o<""oi I, ~ ... '/' ,--", J I 1 ...~... ..~ - I l..... v L\,' )::;-:. \ 'f~~ ,} +-~d~ I ~~ If ' I <~- 'I-(';} y\:;Y // ;' If'de ,I " "\ I \ t {/IA <?t V.;.., I v\ ~ ,/ I { f L i \ ('-, \ \1 I t \,,~ ~::: DEPARTMENT OF STATE 'NDS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA '=ORM-Full Method ax,nty _ Lane Crty SDrlnafleld Date Project/Contact 7; ,.: & Main street Delmeahon / Max Noms Det by P1antCommunrty "".~WV\ L..--&vv'V\ Plollocallon ~.:.-Jt\i cf- ';'1'4. 1;V!'" . f he"' >c' Recent Weather -;. Me... pl"ui f Do llOfTTlal enVIron condrtlOns tJX1St? Y X N _ If No, explain Has Vegetation X Sot! Hydrology been Significantly disturbed? Explam Mown, manaaed and manicured lawn In residential area March 22. 2005 F,le #I GGES #()$.07 Govote Greek EnVIronmental SetVlC6S. Inc / MIChael W Sh,poev Plotll <;,r..; <;:;.ll',,;n\l~ 10 vV . !... ================================================================================================================================ VEGETATION Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % CO\lflr Status I Raw % Cover Rei % Cover Tree Stratum c' / 1 2 3 Herb Slmtum ,iJ L' / 1 -ee.illL<, (;~VI:diJliI'L(fL, 2 ('{ ".:..-r?I1':,,~. 4 t&l.V,\_J.~''-(':~cI.'Yl l'-f+Jl--I/11..'ly 5 :p '" -a, a..vl v\ LA. ~- 6 7 8 9 10 11 Clt:"-, - t:::Ac> tBu. ~C- ':;',5/ V-i /, '..:;/ . 7/0 -/'" I -'~t ~, ~ h/; -2-1 /;.:r- / SaohnalShrub Stra1um () /, 1 2 3 4 5 Percent of Dommant SOOCles that are OSL, FACW. FAC (nol FAC-) other Hydrophyllc Vegetahon Indicators Cnteria Met? YES ". / NO Comments =====================~=========================================================================================================== I -'1/ '1~: tv -7 ()/ {; Map Unrt Name I () fr, a' - On Hydnc SOIls List? Y K Pt>V\4/V'~ (/ c' L., DSOILS Drainage Class ':;'t'\M€W,^~ ftJC "'{T N Has hydnc inclusIons? Y N Depth Range of HorIZon Matnx Color Redox Concentrahons Redox Depletions' . abundJslZe/contrasllcolorllocatlon (matnx or pores/peds) T exlure l; - 1/,-," Ih- }i.J1I 10 -Ir:-~/t '::';' I V 'i 12..3/,.+ ,:;,(1 '-:?c-- ~ Hydric SOIl Indicators , Hlstosol _ HlstlC Eplpedon SulfidiC Odor _ RedUCing Condrtlons (tests positIVe) ~ Gleyed or low chroma colors /~ Redox features WJlhln 10 Inches (e g . concentrations) .- Criteria Met? YES .X: _ ConcretlonsINodules (wlin 3", > 210m) _ High organic content In surface (In Sandy Salls) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy SOIls) Organic pan (In Sandy SOIls) _ '-.(_ Listed on HydriC SOils List (and SOil profile matches) _ Meets hydriC SOIl crrtena 3 or 4 (ponded or flooded for long durallon) _ Supplemental Indicator (e 9 . NRCS field indicator) NO ==::========================================================================================================================== HYDROLOGY Recorded Data Recorded Data Available Aerial Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Data Avarlable Field Data Depth of Inundalion Depth to Saturalion ({J )~}.' J Depth to free water (.-J I';:''/' Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated = Satumted In upper 12 Inches tJ,,-, Water MaI1<s Dnft Lines _ Sediment Deposrts ..2Sl Drainage Patterns Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more reqUired) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 12") Water-stained Leaves ~" Local Sorl Survey Data FAC,Neutral Test N'- ',< _Other I /,H...;;-.\ SU;;'l'"-'( .. - f" I r --I . 11'~ it<' ,.', I J Criteria Met? YES '>: I NO Comments ============================================================================================================================= WETLAND? YES ':( NO Comments' DETERMINATION ~\ q'V'c}/I\/\ci( k~yAvvl':;01,( d~kt,t V~ C[.! Y , I " / I I l./' I , , " 1/\' i, " './ , v.'t \,,~ ...... --- DEPARTMENT OF STATE NOS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA '=ORM-Full Method County Lane City SorlnafIekJ Date ProJect/Con1act ',,- ~'So Main Street Delmoohon I Max Noms Det by Plant Community U e> VJ V\ \..raw \A.----- Plot location "'>-t-' N c-F sr..,. L' -iT" .l1._ he v ~<'_ Recent Weather C;f) \/II'L f (U\.p Do normal enYlron condlhons alost? Y ~ N _ If No, explaIn Has VegetatlOO L Soli Hydrology been sIgnificantly dls1urbed? ExplaIn Mown, manaqed and manlcurod lawn In rosJdentlal ama March 22, 2005 File # GeES #05-07 GoYDle Groek EnVIronmental ServICeS, Inc I Mlchoo/ W Sh,poev Plot # S/I; ~===========================================================================::================================================== VEGETATION Tree Stratum <'/ 1 2 3 Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover SaollnaJShrub Stratum 0/ 1 2 3 4 5 Herb Stmtum I u (] ;" 1 ~~''>,YLl1alr1tl({';.' 2 Ie'. '::-i",t'a- 4 ~.'- ['-J-f-C1/"",.... 5 ~il'J(~~Ll.,'G ,-~~L~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 / ::: t? 6 ~/~ Status I Raw % Cover Rei % Cover fp,,-,- F,(l.. c.-- FAc.-' t1iiL: __- ,_ . _--l5i.! 1.1 4~1 JL 4'~k- * 7> ./, A- (;V,'c --+- . r"'J,' "fr.J- f . f Percent of Domlnan1 Soec.es that are OSL, FACW, FAC (not FAC-) Other HydrophytlC Vegetahon IndIcators Cnterla Met? YES NO _-X 0. Comments =====================~===============~=====================~=======================================~============================== Map Unrt Name lo (r d -- y"" On Hydnc SOIls LIst? Y ,_ Fe"'/{~v~~ - V N \ 1 L-.C SOILS Has hydnc Inclusions? Y N S":,,wecu ~1<rl' Fe or! 1 Drainage Class Depth Range of HorIZon Matnx Color Redox Concentrallons' Redox Deplellons . abund ISlZe/contrasllcolorllocatlon (matnx or pore<;/peds) Texture o - i/z" ilz-}!>" /){.( { 1(, -{~,-----1---11- .- / JI IV YP- "/4 '3 ;/tu (lHL-j d . l C; C',tl^-- Hydric SOIl Indicators Hlstosol _ Hlstlc Eprpedon SulfidiC Odor _ RedUCing Condrtlons (tests poslhve) Gleyed or low chroma colors A Redox features WIlhln 10 Inches (e g . concentrallons) Criteria Met? YES ;<' _ Concretions/Nodules (wi," 3", > 2mm) _ High organic content In surface (In Sandy SOIls) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy SOIls) Organic pan (In Sandy SOIls) '><: Listed on HydriC Solis LIst (and SOil profile matches) _ Meets hydriC SOIl crrtena 3 or 4 (ponded or flooded for long durallon) _ Supplemental indIcator (e g . NRCS field Indicator) NO =====================================================================================================================~======== HYDROLOGY Recorded Data Recorded Data Available Aenal Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Data Available Field Data Depth of Inundallon Depth to Saturation Depth to froo water Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated _ Satumted In upper 12 Inches "-~ {i Water Maries Dnft Lines _ Sedlmen1 Deposrts I Drainage Patterns Nt::' ;~~~:=~~==~:~===========~==~========~='::~r:~-======================================================================= Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more requlled) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 121 Water.stalned Leaves 2-- local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test ('.1 C Other WETLAND? YES :'\'\ \ (.......j l/ (~ \ NOX vV~X <:u\ DETERMINATION Comments \ ~'\. <;'\A(-h'c>i (>\1 \'\ iy I I I (,(,-"-1L " L-'- I ~ , ~, \ C-I =- >:> '- ." . I UJf-l- I (;\,,' I f"h 0/,~~1'\1-- V '~_dcy / 1/ c.. /l~Hl~ I f;.-u -- -- -,....,~- DEPARTMENT OF STATE NOS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA -ORM-Full Method COunty ProJec1fContact Plant Community Plot location :',0' <, L {-Sf' l.} , .l, j 1'>1 1+ 'Sa- j, Recent Weather Do normal enVIron' condItions most? Y X N _ If No, explain Has VegetatlOO L Soli Hydrology been signifICantly dIsturbed? Explain Mown, manaaed and manicured lawn In rosJdentfal af9B, Lane City Sorlnafleld L ~ "'& Mam Street DeJmeabon / Max Noms Date March 22. 2005 File # GGES fl()5-07 Det by Covote Creek Environmental ServICeS. Inc / Michael W Shl()DOV Plot II ')1 t ===============================================================~==============================~================================= VEGETATION Tree Stratum ~/ 1 f'"w, 1a..i1tt/lt1. 2 3 Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover ~v) '5'/ )v~% / , ". ( (, 1fI/\ a.\i\.N{;V\ 1 -t\ \ \ '-' ./ Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover SaohnalShrub Stratum L'/ 1 2 3 4 5 Herb Stratum I (Y"0 r 1 Vc''-,t1-C.L .......<l/lcllll<J.",,~ 2 IYJt~'il."vv v,,-j?<':Yl~ 4 p.,; J/,<.., (,Iu'Pl'7l1', 5 ;,,,,- f'.!LL.T....n"'<. 6 7 8 9 10 11 ~. (1j 70lro I ' F:'/-t'1 _ - '41! I 1--=-8l/ ~ n ...' N C '._ :'~ I FA,r :-' '~I~' A-11",*- "D'/" t"'> .1. L .&. I t/" ry::; Percent of Dominant SOOCles that are OBl, FACW, FAC (nol FAC-) OIher:Hydrophytlc Vegetation Indicators \j~, =:'- NO )...( ==============================~====~=============================================~============================================== Crltena Met? YES Comments Map Unit Name !()(Q ,,- '-<' Pe-,V\j(4 - V V.L/.C', SOILS Dramage Class C;ol;W'-tUJ\ q-\- fC<Jd '\ On Hydnc SOils list? Y N Has hydnc inclUSions? Y N Depth Range of HorIZon Malnx )Color Redox Concenlrahons' Redox Deplellons . abundJslze/contrastlcolornocallon (malnx or pores/peds) T exlure c - lIt" 'll-' ILJ II Ie iP-V/t it/ Ie if- '1,J~' JC,{ 0C Hydric Soil Indicators' _ Hlstosol _ Hlsllc Eplpedon _ SulfidiC Odor _ RedUCing Condrtlons (tests pesllive) Gleyed or low chroma colors ~ Redox fealures wtlhln 10 Inches (e g ,concentralions) _ Concretions/Nodules (w/ln 3", > 2mm) _ High organic contenlln surface (In Sandy SOils) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy SOils) _9rganlc pan (In Sandy SOils) ~ 1.Isled on HydriC Soils list (and SOIl profile matches) _ Meets hydriC SOIl crrtena 3 Of 4 (ponded or flooded for long duration) _ Supplemental indicator (e 9 , NRCS field Indicator) Criteria Met? YES X NO t; =============================================~================================================================================ HYDROLOGY Recorded Data Recorded Data AVSllable Aerial Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Data Available Field Data Depth of Inundahon Depth 10 Saturahon ~) 10" Depth 10 free water (~. i u : I Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated X Saturated In upper 12 Inches ~ Water Marks ' _ Dnflllnes _ Sediment Deposrts _ Drainage Pa"erns' / ... I ...., Criteria Met? YES , ,"..... NO Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more reqUired) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 121 _ Water-stained leaves >~. local SOIl Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other Comments =============================================================================================~===============~=============== WETLAND? YES '\, (' NO ~ Comments <::-171 "1/ I DETERMINATION , t I .. 1 I ' \ I ," ~ \ \4 -' !', I - \ )'<..,6"i F'll I ~ i L/\.. 'i I '. I \ Iii .A' '/. \.I\/~ ,. - ( j ':'--1(Ji \1\{', \/ t~~'\l1_\.~ t:',I/(.::>V \ Ii ,I -' v I ' (I i ( I II !~ \\'vVvvv,::::" \... DEPARTMENT OF STATE IDS WETLAND DETERMINATION OAT ORM-Full Method > County Lane City SDrlnafleld Date ProJect/Contact 1:'1'1,& Mam Sfroet Delmeal10n / Max Noms Det by Plant Community tv\<:' \A..' V\ \ '2j vJ ""'--" PloIlocallon .1/';.-../ (1",,\.1- ,,,, 1 I.l W f"\..' J.;:;- j N c, f- r;p~i - f'( .1/l{7 d Recent Weather '::!-o iNl-"'- PV'c. c.' 17 Do nOfTTlal enViron condrtlOns exISt? y ..x.. N _ If No, explain Has VegetatlOO L Soli Hydrology been significantly disturbed? Explain Mown, manaaed and manicured lawn In resident/al aroiL March 22. 2005 FIle # CCES tlQ5-07 Coyote Creek Environmental Setvlces, Inc, / Michael W ShlDOOV Plolt II P 9, Tl. i/" VEGETATION ====================================================================================================~=======================--=== Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover Tree Stratum 15/. 1 Pinv ~ .~ ....,\{c:-';...-L~ 2 3 Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover J,Jc>V IS'/ /6C % / :., ,. V \ Q/VVv-V V'\-l-i ( ~) "- " FA. I, - ~:J-t. I:CAt (,,' I" ~c.--- ,:-;;:;:.za, 1~~ty. Herb Stmtum 'to / 1 r.!:,Tht tL t.'~ Yl-/1ttl ....1.-:\.<-.. t.- ~ 2 if.~.f~I,I~ (!i~'lfl<'r..-t.., 4 "\.. O.-,~tc'i1')_l'> 5 .fr,"\. I ';-Ft.-t.9 '^ t>\ ~\ 1\ '\ 6 -) 7 8 9 10 11 SaohnalShrub Stratum ('I 1 2 3 4 5 Percent of Dominant $oecles that are OBL, FACW, FAC (not FAC:) \ (;1/ Other Hydrophyllc VegetatlOT' IndIcators 0 ~--,\, \ !A.J ,p-r-e I/' - I . / = 0t:/c -:::!''' c' Vlt; I ',- Cntena Met? YES NO Comments A4~ *" ~ A- ~ fA ~ t:; ~, ~- Drainage Class ========================================~========================================================================================= MapUnrtName \Oro a - ':/ On Hydnc SOIls List? Y -"'-. ~v~a - \~, L-~. L/ . SOILS ~~\Act\- r~ovl"'" Has hydnc inclUSions? Y N N Depth Range of HorIZon Matnx Color Redox Concentrahons' Redox Deplehons * abund ISlZe/contrastlcolorllocatlon (matnx or pores/peds) Texture k\o 1- At/--C;I"-\. -- . FO l N\ \ [ f'.\ G' "'~ CJ !~r e f) Hydric Soil Indicators _ H1stosol Hlshc Eptpedon = SulfidiC Odor RedUCing Conditions (tests posItive) = Gleyed or low chroma colors _ Redox features wrthln 10 Inches (e g , concentrallons) _ ConcrehonslNodules (wlin 3*, > 2mm) _ High organic contenl In surface (m Sandy SOils) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy SOils) _9rganlc pan (In Sandy SOIls) .:---~ listed on Hydnc SOils LIst (and SOil profile matches) S'Meets hydnc SOIl crrtena 3 or 4 (ponded or flooded for long durahon) - _ Supplemental indicator (e 9 , NRCS field IndIcator) Criteria Met? YES ';(, NO HYDROLOGY ===================================================================================================~========================== Recorded Data Recorded Data Available Aenal Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Dala AvaIlable Field Data Depth of Inundallon t ,I { Depth to free water Depth to SaturatIon Primary Hydrology Indicators ><. Inundated _ Satumted In upper 12 Inches Water Marla; Dnfl Lines Sedmlent Deposrts "-; Drainage Patterns \"/ Criteria Met? YES ' '- NO Se<:ondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more requIred) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 121 Water-stained Leaves '/',-,Local SOIl Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other Comments DETERMINATION =======================================================================================================================~===%= \ , WETLAND? YES X, Comments I r -~ ((I A /~LvJ;-- ~, ~_>o- _ NO DEPARTMENT OF STATE \IDS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA =ORM-Full Method cbunty Lane _ Crty ~teId Project/Contact 7'7"">& Mam Street Delmeallon / Max Noms Plant Communrty M;?V.)I'\ L----qW'''- Plollocahon ';4-: N .~{- v'~)/,} 5/', ,f +<!f1 Lv_ Recent Weather <;0 V\.AL f'U\C "'i.~ Do normal enVIron conditIOns eXISt? Y L N _ If No, explam Has VegetallOn X Soli Hyl1rology been signifICantly disturbed? Explam Mown. malllK}8C/ and manicured lawn In residential area Date March 22. 2005 File # GGES #0$-07 Det by CoYOte Crne/( EnVIronmental ServICeS. Inc Pial # ' ,("I j -; 'e ,~f- lAU., -r d h" ,1 _ 1 S\ 1'.;./1;\ j- I" v-.,' (/ / MIChael W ShlOPeY ========================================================~======================================================================= VEGETATION Tree Stra1um 0; 1 2 3 Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover 1'-1 c? L/ ., I , \..... ( Do( V\ 'iYl4;v.\../\...n a I ) \.., / Ie. r "./ ./ '-"" /1:' I Herb Stratum I t { f' 1 1/i':Jn... (."l (,-',.} (,rut u'\.tl...L.t....t ~ 2 reA, r'./~-r<"I1_~l.., 4 ,.1 hi I~;V\.- ~n) 5 rt.;l", ~ 't'V'lAll/... 6 7 8 9 10 11 V'I'- ~- t.::; D i , I Status I RfI\N % Cover I Rei % Cover SaolmalShrub Stralum 1 1'....,'.<" "P(' 2 3 4 5 '-?j Ffy_ - pA. c_ ~f\{. ~f\ c. 4U/. ..~t. /, ,-,,-I <.:j/ .q-c ?~ * "i\-n vlcJ *' I~ , c;;?"1 <? I Percent of Dommarrt Soecl~ that are OBL, FACW, FAC (not FAC-) Other Hydrophytlc VegelatJon IndIcators Crttena Met? YES X NO Comments S--t..l.. v- 1 () Ii,^, VL'e~~ +c/ e:N~<1v\'r- ~=======================================================t========================================================================= Map Unrt Name \ 0 (<,) a - ""'-/ On Hydnc Salls List? Y ,~ , - f-z..V\c? {' d. LI N t ' J SOILS t.-., C Drainage Class Has hydnc inclUSions? Y N 4r,~\aJ/\q+' roV-IT Depth Range of HorIZon' MaIm< Color Redox Concentrahons Redox DepJehons' . abundJslze/contrasllcolorllocahon (malnx or pores/peds) Texture " - 1/[11" II?- - 11v" I () '1/2. '/;.. ~/ 101(2..7/+ :J, ({ C.7C_ - Hydric SoIl Indicators' Hlstosol _ Hlshc Eplpedon SulfidiC Odor = RedUCing Condlllons (lests poslhve) Gleyed or low chroma colors A Redox features wtlhln 10 mches (e 9 , concentrations) Concrehons/Nodules (wlin 3", > 2mm) - _ High orgamc content In surface (In Sandy Sods) Orgamc streaking (In Sandy Salls) = Orgamc pan (In Sandy Salls) ><..Llsted on Hydnc SOIls List (and SOIl profile matches) _ Meets hydllc SOIl crrtena 3 or 4 (ponded or nooded for long durallon) _ Supplemental indicator (e 9 , NRCS field indicator) '-./ Cnterta Met? YES ^, NO ===::================================~=========================================================================~~===~==~====== Recorded Data Recorded Data Available HYDROLOGY Aenal Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Data Available Field Data Depth of mundalJon Depth to Saturahon (J j l I Depth to froo water ~" ,4 " Prtmary Hydrology Indicators Inundated ....x.... Saturated m upper 12 Inches Water Marks DnfI Lines Sedlmerrt Deposrts ,x::; Drainage Patterns / '.... Criteria Met? YES ...... NO Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more reqUired) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 12i Water-stained Leaves ,:::-'<Local SOIl Survey Data ~ FAG-Neutral Testlfc' _ ~_Other 1/3\'\:..-\ ,:>{~",,7C . I I I , 17(~ Sl j I C V' i Comments =============================================================================================~==================~============ DETERMINATION //.....~ (' tH,! \ '~ ~~ WETLAND? YES ".,/ NO Comments' DEPARTMENT OF STATE \\IDS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA ':ORM-Full Method County Lane Crty Sf}{/nafte/d Date ProJect/Corrtact -r" & Mam Street Delmeallon / Max Noms Det Plant Communrty U (' W V\ 1./Cl.\A.,'V'--' .' If \d 17 q-v'Ih'(/I~ Plollocahon ;..i V;! fy,- or\, nC ~ )[' '. ie' t.J ,f- +....n Lv (/ Recent Weather '??? oW ~ 17 l'C.G (y" Do normal enVIron conditiOns exISt? Y L N _ If No, explain Has VegelatlOn L Soli Hydrology been signifICantly disturbed? Explain Mown, malllK}8C/ and manicured lawn In residential area March 22. 2005 File 11 CCES #05-07 by IGoYOte Creek Environmental ServICes. Inc ra~ Pia" <:; (' It / Michael W ShlOO8V ===============c================================================================================================================ VEGETATION Status I Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover Status 1 Raw % CavAc I Rei % Cover Tree Stralum IU/ 1 f!f.I.JL"J l'XI'-{.l\nlfn.. _ FAt. ':)/ 2 r-I.4-1.1V; 1~,tlrr,I,,'L r-AL-"" .;-/ 3 hoc % * t:c;o "/,., if': , - Herb Stratum l.'O / . 1 fu.T1;(?~ ,LvLnLm'/L(':',. 2 Ti"~y...Al~~--'(uM_ ,;f--fJ(/n.t-\....l' 4 ~,_, f'.-.'\.Ir'n~,<; 5 _lna'tiLh'\...- ~~1." 6 r-\J,Y1~)( r/1::'O<,-, 7 fc:.lf','v,yt .-v~/W:'l' 8 9 10 11 2f1.'..-- 'r~' C/~f, 2&,... ""'~,Jr 1-;- / I,: I , -,'/ 9-,/ I.e." ...,-/ c/ "Z-'7 It.- ';t- '~i'C *2' ~~"'/~ ~ ~ j""{;',?- '* -r-]f SaollnalShrub Stralum l ,/ 1 2 3 4 5 Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, FAC (not FAC-) Other Hydrophytlc Vegetallon Indicators ~- /~, ~- W ~( /.:'~, Crttena Met? YES NO Comments' ================================~================~=================================================~===============~============== Map Unit Name , '......./ On Hydnc SOIls List? Y /', !/)lfa-- r7 , i~:CiV\ o/J v'a / V , SOILS - ~). L- c.-:~ . Drainage Class N Has hydnc inclUSions? Y N c.;.C-JI;W:lU\<\ Cf'~ f'U '1'1 T Depth Range of HorIZon Matrrx Color Redox Concentrations Redox Depfellons . abundJslZe/contrasUcolor/1ocatlon (malnx or pores/peds) Texture L' -- lit'" IL' 'U- -z../t ~I. U,,{~J,/4 G' ILjd C:J r'1+1 c I 'O'-{ (0 aI/'^- ;/ ,:1; (VC\-Vf> \ '7 t /, ,/ Hydric Soil Indicators _ Hlstosol _ Hlstlc Ep.pedon _ SulfidiC Odor RedUCing Conditions (tests posltl"e) - Gleyed or low chroma colors Nt::. = Redox features wrthln 10 mches (e g ,concentrallons) !\L< Criteria Met? YES NO ~:: _ Concretions/Nodules (wlin 3", > 2mm) _ High organic conlentln surface (In Sandy Salls) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy Solis) Organic pan (In Sandy SOIls) X Listed on Hydnc Salls List (and SOil profile matches) _ Meets hydnc soli crltena 3 or 4 (ponded or nooded for long duratIOn) _ Supplemental indicator (e g , NRCS field Indicator) =============================================================================================================================== HYDROLOGY Recorded Data Recorded Data A~llable Aenal Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Data Available Field Data Depth of Inundation Depth to Saturallon l~ I j} I Depth to free water (;;' 11, ,/ Primary Hydrology Indicators _ Inundated -L Saturated rn uPP8' 12 rnches Water Marks Dnft Lines _ Sedlmerrt Deposits _ Drainage PaUerns Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more reqUired) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 121 Water-stained Leaves .....: Local Soil Survey Data _ FAC-Neutral Test /....', Other Criteria Met? YES 'v NO Comments ===========================================================================~======~================~=========================== WETLAND? YES NO -" , 1,.( \! \1 r...-l../ ~(I ,"" DETERMINATION Comments t\J\ilV'<Y' Iv'\;.l ((y \ \"\~:(,, \--.1 ' !, ' \. _ . Ll~C. ~-,: \~I\;\/\.-tht::: \., \.,~ '\;{:'{.>I 1 \: r 1/ A" I (,\ I ,- ~_ \ \ \ I ~\' 0'\;\ \- j--j (. '\ f: ,\- r~ I II ) \ ~ , ~ ) ( I ~ ( 'U ,~ ~-- DEPARTMENT OF STATE NDS WETLAND DETERMINATION DA '=ORM-Full Method Courrty Lane Crty SfJ/1naf1e1d Date March 22. 2005 File # CCES #05-07 Project/Contact 7i''-& Ma/{l.Street Dellneallon / Max Noms Det by GoYOte Creel< Environmental Serwces.lnc P1antCommunrty I-A'luV\ \-"~t.uv\, y:fV"\~'\.r \?qv'1.-\v\'! CN1::q-' Plot# ",f'" Plollocahon .y~'.'-I ~.f- ~ 1('. M rl ,'-f- Mev) <?- (.j z,.' -+ (,; I~, D{1. ':>(- L..f- t\ <., h... Recent Weather <;.e- vw.... -?J ~\'I? Do normal enVIron condrtlons exist? Y l N _ If No, explain Has VegetatIOn L Soli Hydrology been signifICantly dIsturbed? Explain Mown. manaaed and manicured lawn In residential area / Michael W Sh/,C>Dev ===============c====================================================================================================:============ VEGETATION Tree Stralum ~,C / , 1 f'rc.)</<1I.', Iv~-hf-t.II"~ 2 frr"t1;~ /:).. i':J. /1-l.+?y;'~ 3 Status 1 Raw % Cover I Rei % Cover 0.-;.$/ ,/ I v" /(.,., ~-" ""V{J/l..p_ FAL/--J F7l/~ '1 '-; / ;::::'J.'t(, L,' }-:::.I!rA.' ,~,,- J~- ~1'tL.U :.;;../ '7.1." I 1.. /~ 'J.li , '"'./~ le,1/, le,~ '2-'1 ' /c, -'k ~ ::?'>' ':0 *' n'jC I r:/ -; ) " I ...,- / Herb Stratum Cj 0 / 1 ....v,nllolfM... VereHS 2 ~/~cA,.'VL< ,.+--F1,'II1C'" t,," 4 &......-h.I'~"- ~/{1,..1,:1..<'..,. ,'- 5 ("\I\.. (If'i''rTy Yl(~. (""lo 6~' 1.<' "tYV r~~t-<~ 7 l'>ttrp IOJ' ...,''''/I' 8 ' 9 10 11 Status I Raw % Cover- / Rei % Cover SaollnalShrub Stratum C;' 1 2 3 4 5 Percent of Dominant SOOCles that are OBL, FACW, FAC (not FAC-) Other HydrophytlC Vegetallon Indicators Crtteria Met? YES X NO i-. /-?) I . ( -- 0 -- u: ! 10 Comments ===============~==============================================~==================================================================== Map Unrt Name \ 0 (y ~- On Hydnc Salls List? Y -Y. f ~ . I ... SOILS r<0\;1~V <j -- t /' V (./. N Has hydnc inclUSions? Y D':Mge :_~~~C'" ~"'~ IAXifl L Depth Range of HorIZon Matrrx Color Redox Concentrations Redox Deplehons' . abund ISlze/contrasticolorllocalion (matnx or pores/peds) Texture 0- l/z,." Srrl 'jz.. - (2.... /2 - Il? It I () 'i 1')-'::>/1.- Ii) {~2. :)/ Z... \I'.--~ \; \. CO " ~lC__ u---;,- <-'7.1 l!~7Vt 1<; (;'L - I t_, Hydric So.llnd.cators' _ Hlstosol _ HlstlC Ep.pedon _ SulfidiC Odor RedUCing Conditions (tests posItive) = Gleyed or low chroma colors :---1. c .r _ Redox features wrthm 10 Inches (e g , conce"'tratlons) ~t Criteria Met? YES \/ NO /~ _ ConcrehonslNodules (wlin 3", > 2mm) _ High organic content In surface (In Sandy Salls) _ Organic streaking (In Sandy Salls) _ Organic pan (In Sandy Soils) ...::..::.. Listed on Hydnc Salls List (and soil profile matches) _ MPets hydnc soli crrtena 3 or 4 (ponded or nooded for long duration) _ Supplemental indicator (e g , NRCS field indicator) ===============================~=============================================================================:=:================ HYDROLOGY Recorded Data Recorded Data Available Aella' Photos Stream gauge Other No Recorded Dala Available Field Data Depth of Inundallon Depth to Saturallon j.,J II)' Depth to free water (. J I "r' I Primary Hydrology Indicators Inundated x.. Saturated In upper 12 Inches Water Mar1ls _ Dnfl Lines _ Sediment Deposrts _ Drainage Patterns ....., , " , ... Secondary Hydrology Indicators (2 or more reqUired) _ OxidIZed Root Channels (upper 12j Water-slalned Leaves ::x ~ Local Soli Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other Criteria Met? YES " NO Comments ===============================~================~================================~============================================ WETLAND? YES "",' I I NO {"..... Comments" r--'\ t / ' I~""~ ~ -- ,I }, 'v\ " 1\. ,f"', \ (.. \~ \ DETERMINATION 4fV},~/i, L~4-[1 "( !.i'r . - \--~ \ I ~... \' i-I.' -- I I '- '1 ' -[ : I I . v\ I I'\., V t<=- r. , - ~ y I' 't:.: C~\ t I I \~ i:-, ~~.. , , ~ .' Ii L ( (ill," " ~..'\~ ..... i _ r'''N'?~ ~~~(~~~: J1 }~l~1,\Jr'(~'1.! ~~ "" .-'l'1l.'l'......)""~~~I~'"....(l.h~ ~"":.;..~ ~tt'1~~~Jf.;rP~:.c.\.!1'; Ylf.,N ~c;\ of' 00011-\ \.--A\'-1N \--' : .., ~- f i' t: .,.; .}l:- ~ ~I ~~t:.~~: -, 6~ _~r~~:-~~~.!!~i/~_..c~'" : 1!l:~ _ :-~ 1'''::-............... ~~" ~ _ ... I, -' ~~ ......_~ . ': 1 """:-..~~~- , "i~ ~"'_ 1 ~ ..'i ~ . '. V\E+-1 ~ASI AVfZ<Jq,~ lv\1O-<;Ovn-{ t..-Ahlt-.l /1$ ~\? f) 7, e 4- r:; (pWE-- R.At':J<;= ~~1lJ1ND Pf<J i _~ ~~~~:...;~.: ~ ....\\ ~J:!/ \ II' I \; W" 1'1 "'r \ \ r o ~ ~ 1 ~ 4- (l3L,Vf) } .4L 3 (tz.e.v) F-=T ~ ~~~f:r~~~ ~~~~~=~~,~f-fi-z-.- :;~::: ;:~~ :-~-~~~_~ - - .-.:,:-.; ~~:,.~'~ _~.tt.....r '::"'f;'~"-.q: .,,, ~JP_ F"'"" .' <: ! ~ :-...p, ."...' ~~ ('"" l ! ",~ ' , L;~.._ '::'_'G. '-'_-',': '~" ., I ,'1 '"Y~ I &E ':.--t- ~l ... . r '....."""__.r~ _ V\6~ E;.A<;'T" To ~.el 10 I I ~~,..~ O\S"'f\)~N~ C~~ 1eN'\F-M\t:~ / t'~~Nc,.) ", ,. I 'if/X.' ~-...,.'-=-,~~~~~~ I --- t,' "~I - -.- -- -. - -...... ~ .... / 1~"".W~""'l ~~ - "l,..', ol-<f'oJ'....,'t'"l(: ~ ~ .. I ~~:~~ J~'.~ _ ~ ~.: .r. :1 , ~ ---'1 ..... 'I ~~ ,~ -- . --. , I I ;:-::.~ --._1 '_ ~ ,. \...' \JI~ ~.&;\ 10 Gf"! It .. APPENDIX 6.3. Historic Aerial Photoe:ranhs Coyote (.reek 1:'rrl'lrollIJJenlaiSen',/ces, 'Inc TerraServer Image Courtesy of the USGS Page I of I '-::;'2rlc! f(, rnnt t":r F..)(;~ T_} Ten (1::-....{"")I '~ t \,\)(;,\ I...-;'ld 1 ~ne~ Lnnl)(W tl) Lt'1nt:j n! \") f ';? >l'lr"',< .. ?i;"~ -'d .. ~-+' ~ -;;~ ~.L~ ," ~ 1~ ~i ~ ~~" I , '" Ill!;, ~~ <v'{., ~~ '5 ''''''~-J .1<> ' ~ ' " " , ''-'''.7' Y'- ""~... , ; 'w ~, '1.;:;-~~ 11.} (~ -;;,. -' ~ . !' '1 : ( ! \ " " .....t \ ",*'J' 'lII!l;, \ .... 'Ii/...~, 1 . t' f { I ...' f I , - I ,~ I , -~o , ~ .. j 0' 1100M 0' '100'ld Hll?~(]C (/\qrlt"\()/ of ~hv U.\), (J(~t\i(\~~!I:~1t 2}Jlrvcy (e' )00'1 ~/ll~'IO'~<ln C \'1 Pi)l2Hl< Ii) Terms of Use Privacy Statement http I Iterraserver -usa com/PnntImage aspx?T= 1 &S= lO&Z= I O&X =2539& Y =24384& W = I 3/21/2005 ,l,l I .- J '/' '.' , -, I c; i I~J I ,I ~ _ \'~ ........~ 1'__ ~... ,~...~ y -1:,," ' Nfl " ,~.11: ~/} , ~ ;"1 I ..'i, f ,1.: . .~1.:~ I ,II n;'t'''A '1 J ,~' ,,' .' ,ioo{W' .. .f J )", .' ... ~ ~ ,..-1'_... 1 ", i .. ,1 I , I II r ~J : ~ I' 'I R: ':r ~ 'c ri I ~, ~~~!;" ;1'" -' " ,~ ~~;:~ll:\-~~~::/, -."", :~J ~:~." . ' "J1! :;. ~T~\):: ~ <:' '!,r~~/~7 -,...,. ,,,,-,,~ ~'-:i'" \, ~'t .~Sa~ , ,.~) ,tl~,.. ~, rf:it 'l-~~',~'if,..~ f 11' .... ....,/1 ."~1' .:~. ..... ~, ,. - to '-;,\."_,, """. '.,1,"--'1'" ,~ .~. ,~,}r' r .... ~* . 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'I, '" It~~ '.. ." . .J \, ., , I I} \ '\ It ,I\,~ \', " ~ ~ 1 .', \~ , '. ,.' , ~--:; 'w,,~' .," I ~ t\, f . 'f' ',,'/,." .. ~:} .. , fJ~ ,." ,., , " .". " .. L , ':o.r;, ~ t . c,~t 'l'.~ - ~~tA - :;:~~;; 1 "''' u. ~ ,., J"" 1< ''\-:Ji'i~i) J:tJ:.: " ~,H \:':.:' ~l~ > " :~S/""..~ ..... ~ .I" I ", r- '" '"~,-l' ,.~ l ....}"r- ~ "~";~'f1 ){I:4r;R- .,::' ~ .' " ':1.t;~~.. i >' ,..1'.. \ f'" .<, .0 - ~ I I t.....q '<,o?, ::- ,:t r'l ;.'t, '..:.a.t ~ , "{l .~~'~; I,of.' .,' , <, . -, l~ w'~}" t~t ".t~'9~ "., .J ??~~~!:'/,,:\~);;;~ ' ,,\: ~I " ~~ . ( ~- ::~,~:~ ~ ~: ;~. ",}( , f APPENDIX 6.4. Weather Information C'o'{;(;i;/C,'eeIiEI;vlro;1f1ie;llal Sen;/ce~"Jllc ....-- .... .,.. ...,......... .' ....... -'.. "'" " . "'....., - .., .. .....--, ...... eugene aye WETS station: EUGENE WSO AIRPORT, OR2709 creation Date: 09/09/2002 Latitude: 4407 Longitude: 12313 Elevation: 00360 State FIPS/County(FIPS): 41039 county Name: Lane Start yr. - 1971 End yr. - 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I Temperature I preci pi tati on I I (Deg rees F.) I (Inches) I 1-----------------------1--------------------------------------1 I I 1 I 30% chance I avg I 1 I I I I wi 11 have I # of I avg 1 1-------1-------1-------1 I-----------------Idaysl total I I avg I avg I avg I avg I less 1 more Iw/.11 snow I I daily I daily I I I than I than I orl fall I I max I mi nil I I I more 1 I -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 January I 46.7 I 33.6 I 40.2 I 7.65 I 4.54 I 9.281111 1.4 I February I 51.0 I 35.5 I 43.2 I 6.35 I 4.24 I 7.60 I 11 I 1.6 I March I 56.1 I 37.4 I 46.7 I 5.80 I 4.13 I 6.87112 I 0.1/ Apri 1 I 60.9 I 39.6 / 50.3 I 3.66 I 2.30 I 4.42 I 8 I 0.0 I May I 67.0 43.4 I 55.2 I 2.66 I 1.56 I 3.24 I 7 I 0.0 I June I 73.6 47.8 I 60.7 I 1.53 I 0.78 I 1.87 I 4 I 0.0 I July 81.8 51.6 66.7 I 0.64 0.19 I 0.79 I 1 0.0 I August 82.1 51.8 67.0 I 0.99 0.16 1.17 I 2 0.0 I September 76.8 47.6 62.2 I 1. 54 0.58 1. 94 I 3 0.0 I October 64.8 41.4 53.1 3.35 1.71 4.09 I 6 0.0 I November 52.3 37.8 I 45.1 8.43 I 5.50 I 10.14 1 13 0.2 I December 45.9 33.9 I 39.9 I 8.29 I 5.12 I 10.03 I 12 1.4 I ---------- ------- -------1-------1--------1--------1--------1----1------I ---------- ------- -------1-------1--------1--------1--------1----1------I Annual I ----- ----- I ----- I ------ I 4S. 28 I S5. 59 I -- I ---- I ----------1------- -------1-------1--------1--------1--------1----1------I Average I 63.3 I 41.8 I 52.5 I ------ I ------ I ------ 1 -- I ---- I ----------1-------1-------1-------1--------1--------1--------1----1------1 Total I -:---- I ----- I ----- I 50.90 I ------ I ------ I 90 I 4.8 I ----------1-------1-------1-------1--------1--------1--------1----1------1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Month GROWING SEASON DATES I Temperature ---------------------1----------------------------------------------------- probability I 24 F or higher I 28 F or higher I 32 F or hlgher I ---------------------1-----------------1-----------------1----------------- I Beginning and Ending Dates I Growing Season Length 50 percent * 1/23 to 12/13 325 days 1/10 to 12/26 351 days 3/ 9 to 11/21 257 days 3/ 1 to 11/30 275 days 4/21 to 10/18 179 days 4/14 to 10/25 194 days 70 pe r~ent J_ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Percent chance of the growing season occurring between the Beginning and Ending da~es. Page 1 COLUMN 17 PEAK WIND IN M.P.H. rage 1. 01 1. PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) , PAGE 2 [TEMPERATURE DATA] AVERAGE MONTHLY: 41.5 DPTR FM NORMAL: 1.7 HIGHEST: 67 ON 18 LOWEST: 21 ON 5 STATION: EUGENE MONTH: JANUARY YEAR: 2005 LATITUDE: 44 7 N LONGITUDE: 123 13 W [PRECIPITATION DATA] TOTAL FOR MONTH: 1.66 1 DPTR FN NORMAL: ,,":5.99 2 GRTST 24HR 0.52 ON 7- 8 3 SNOW, ICE PELLETS. HAIL 4 TOTAL MONTH: T 5 GRTST 24HR T ON 8- 8 6 GRTST DEPTH: 0 7 [NO. OF DAYS WITH] [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] MAX 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.01 INCH OR MORE: 13 M.A.'\{ 90 OR ABOVE: 0 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 7 MIN 32 OR BELOW: 10 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 0 MIN 0 OR BELOW: 0 1. 00 INCH OR MORE: 0 [HDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. 719 CLEAR (SCALE 0-3) 5 DPTR FM NORMAL -50 PTCLDY (SCALE 4-7) 8 SEASONAL TOTAL 2538 CLOUDY ( SCALE 8-10) 12 DPTR FM NORMAL -166 [CDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. DPTR FM NORMAL SEASONAL TOTAL DPTR FM NORMAL [REMARKS] #FINAL# o o o o [PRESSURE DATA] HIGHEST SLP 30.50 ON 31 LOWEST SLP 29.07 ON 7 SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 8 9 X FOG FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY TO 1/4 MILE OR LESS THUNDER ICE PELLETS HAIL GLAZE OR RIME BLOWING DUST OR SAND: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS SMOKE OR HAZE BLOWING SNOW TORNADO Please note that th1S 1nformat1on 1S prellffilnary and unofflc1al. official and cert~f~ed cl~matolog~cal data can be accessed at: Natlonal CIlmatlc Data Center http //WWW,ocs,orst.edulpub_fip/climate _ data/daily/lcd/eugene/eugO 1 05,txt 4/4/2005 page J or L PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA CXUS55 KPQR 011404 CF6EUG PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) STATION: EUGENE MONTH: FEBRUARY YEAR: 2005 LATITUDE: 44 7 N LONGITUDE: 123 13 W TEMPERATURE IN F: :PCPN: SNOW: WIND : SUNSHINE: SKY :PK WND 1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 AVG MX 2MIN DY MAX MIN AVG DEP HDD CDD WTR SNW DPTH SPD SPD DIR MIN PSBL S-S WX SPD DR 1 46 32 39 -2 26 0 0.00 0.0 M 3.0 9 30 M M M 12 lO 30 2 44 34 39 -2 26 0 0.00 0.0 M 1.5 8 40 M M M 128 9 330 3 42 32 37 -4 28 0 0.00 0.0 M 1.8 8 350 M M M 12 9 30 4 53 31 42 0 23 0 0.01 M M 6.7 18 280 M M M 1 2J, 280 5 49 32 41 -1 24 0 0.00 0.0 M 3.6 9 310 M M M 1 lO 320 6 45 35 40 -2 25 0 0,07 M M 10.3 23 160 M M M 1 26 160 7 47 28 38 -4 27 0 0.01 M M 5.2 13 340 M M M 12 l5 330 8 39 29 34 -8 31 0 0.00 0.0 M 4.3 10 330 M M M 12 l4 30 9 40 34 37 -5 28 0 0.00 0.0 M 2.2 9 340 M M M 12 lO 340 10 43 27 35 -7 30 0 0.00 M M 4.6 12 330 M M 4 128 l3 20 11 51 27 39 -3 26 0 0.00 M 0 1.9 9 280 M M 6 12 lO 270 12 48 33 41 -2 24 0 0.61 M 0 7.0 15 140 M M 9 1 l6 150 13 49 29 39 -4 26 0 0.11 M 0 3.8 17 290 M M 7 12 20 290 14 46 28 37 -6 28 0 0.00 0.0 0 6.2 15 350 M M 5 12 l6 10 15 48 24 36 -7 29 0 0.00 0.0 0 8.1 17 360 M M 2 1 2l 10 16 55 26 41 -2 24 0 0.00 0.0 0 7.5 16 360 M M 0 20 20 17 53 25 39 -4 26 0 0.00 0.0 0 6.9 15 350 M M 0 l7 340 18 54 28 41 -2 24 0 0.00 0.0 0 5.3 12 360 M M 1 l4 30 19 57 43 50 7 15 0 0.41 0,0 0 7.5 15 130 M M 9 1 l6 130 20 53 38 46 3 19 0 T 0.0 0 5.4 12 340 M M 7 l4 340 21 56 32 44 0 21 0 0.00 0.0 0 7.6 18 10 M M 0 22 350 22 60 31 46 2 19 0 0.00 0.0 0 8.1 17 10 M M 0 2l 360 23 62 29 46 2 19 0 0.00 0.0 0 5.5 10 340 M M 0 l3 340 24 61 30 46 2 19 0 0.00 0.0 0 4.5 12 230 M M 1 18 l3 240 25 51 41 46 2 19 0 0.00 0.0 0 2.7 9 330 M M 10 1 lO 360 26 57 41 49 5 16 0 0.00 0.0 0 2.6 9 360 M M 7 18 l2 30 27 62 38 50 6 15 0 0.05 M 0 5,8 17 290 M M 5 128 22 280 28 57 43 50 6 15 0 T M 0 11. 3 29 170 M M 8 1 36 170 SM 1428 900 652 0 1. 27 0.0 150,9 M 81 AV 51. 0 32.1 5.4 FASTST PSBL % 4 MAX (MPH) MISC ----> 29 170 36 l70 NOTES: # LAST OF SEVERAL OCCURRENCES COLUMN 17 PEAK WIND IN M.P.H. PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) I PAGE 2 http'//www Des orst edu/pubJtp/climate_dataldaily/led/eugene/eug0205 txt 4/4/2005 ra.g~ k Vi L. STATION: EUGENE MONTH: FEBRUARY YEAR: 2005 LATITUDE: 44 7 N LONGITUDE: 123 13 W [TEMPERATURE DATA] [PRECIPITATION DATA] AVERAGE MONTHLY: 41.6 DPTR FM NORMAL: -1.2 HIGHEST: 62 ON 27,23 LOWEST: 24 ON 15 TOTAL FOR MONTH: 1.27 DPTR FM NORMAL: -5.08 GRTST 24HR 0.65 ON 12-13 SNOW, ICE PELLETS, HAIL TOTAL MONTH: 0.0 INCH GRTST 24HR 0.0 GRTST DEPTH: 0 [NO. OF DAYS WITH] [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] MAX 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.01 INCH OR MORE: 7 MAX 90 OR ABOVE: 0 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 3 MIN 32 OR BELOW: 18 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 1 MIN 0 OR BELOW: 0 1. 00 INCH OR MORE: 0 [HDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. 652 CLEAR (SCALE 0-3) 8 DPTR FM NORMAL 37 PTCLDY ( SCALE 4-7) 7 SEASONAL TOTAL 3190 CLOUDY ( SCALE 8-10) 4 DPTR FM NORMAL -129 [CDD (BASE 65) TOTAL THIS MO. DPTR FM NORMAL SEASONAL TOTAL DPTR FM NORMAL o o o o [PRESSURE DATA] HIGHEST SLP 30.53 ON 1 LOWEST SLP 29.62 ON 20 [REMARKS] 3DR DRIEST FEB ON RECORD. # FINAL# SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 1 2 FOG FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY TO 1/4 MI LE OR LESS THUNDER ICE PELLETS HAIL GLAZE OR RIME BLOWING DUST OR SAND: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS SMOKE OR HAZE BLOWING SNOW TORNADO 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Please note that thlS lnformatlon lS prellilllnary and unofflclal. Offlclal and certlfled cllmatologlcal data can be accessed at: Natlonal Cllmatlc Data Center " http //WWW.OCS orst.edu/pub _,ftp/cltmate_data/daily/lcd/eugene/eug0205 txt 4/4/2005 NatIOnal Weather ServIce - Climate Uata rag~ I VI L. CLlMA TOLOGICAL REPORT (DAILY) CDUS46 KPQR 150324 CLIEUG CLIMATE REPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE PORTLAND OREGON 722 PM PST MON ~Jffi 14 2005 .......o.o..... ................. .................... ...THE EUGENE CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR MARCH 14 2005... VALID TODAY AS OF 0700 PM LOCAL TIME. CLIMATE NORMAL PERIOD 1971 TO 2000 CLIMATE RECORD PERIOD 1931 TO 2005 WEATHER ITEM OBSERVED TIME RECORD YEAR NORMAL DEPARTURE LAST VALUE (LST) VALUE VALUE FROM YEAR NORMAL ............... ....... .......... ......... .... ........... ............. TEMPERATURE ( F) TODAY MAX IMUM 68 427 PM 70 1940 56 12 62 MINIMUM 29 636 AM 24 1941 37 -8 43 AVERAGE 49 46 3 53 PRECIPITATION (IN) TODAY 0.00 1.69 1974 0.19 -0.19 0.00 MONTH TO DATE 0.02 2.84 -2.82 0.54 SINCE OCT 1 12.74 36.92 -24.18 30.06 SINCE JAN 1 2.95 16.84 -13.89 11.72 SNOWFALL (IN) TODAY 0.0 MONTH TO DATE 0.0 SINCE MAR 1 0.0 SINCE JUL 1 T SNOW DEPTH 0 DEGREE DAYS HEATING TODAY MONTH TO DATE SINCE MAR 1 SINCE JUL 1 16 195 195 3385 18 268 268 3587 -2 -73 -73 -202 12 219 219 3275 COOLING TODAY o o o o http //newweb wrh.noaa gov/climate/getclimate php?wfo=pqr 4/4/2005 NatIOnal Weather ~ervlce - Cllmate uata <I MONTH TO DATE SINCE MAR 1 SINCE JAN 1 o o o o o o rdgt:.t. VI .t. o o o o o o ..................................................... -. ......... ... WIND (MPH) HIGHEST WIND HIGHEST GUST AVERAGE WIND SPEED SPEED SPEED 7 10 3.9 HIGHEST WIND DIRECTION HIGHEST GUST DIRECTION SKY COVER POSSIBLE SUNSHINE MM AVERAGE SKY COVER 0.0 WEATHER CONDITIONS THE FOLLOWING WEATHER WAS RECORDED TODAY. NO SIGNIFICANT WEATHER WAS OBSERVED. RELATIVE HIGHEST LOWEST AVERAGE HillHDITY 89 24 57 (PERCENT) 400 AM 200 PM N (20) SE (140) ... ...................... ........... .............. ................ THE EUGENE CLIMATE NORMALS FOR TOMORROW NORMAL RECORD YEAR MAX IMUM TEMPERATURE ( F) 56 73 1974 MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (F) 37 25 1978 SUNRISE AND SUNSET MARCH 14 2005..... ....SUNRISE MARCH 15 2005.........SUNRISE 626 AM PST 625 AM PST SUNSET SUNSET INDICATES NEGATIVE NUMBERS. R INDICATES RECORD WAS SET OR TIED. \ MM INDICATES DATA IS MISSING. T INDICATES TRACE AMOUNT. Please note that this information is preliminary and unofficial. Official and certified climatological data can be accessed at: , ' . - I (II 1- "1 ':~?t~9J}aL 0 )Hl,t3t((' uaLi C eHfer http //newweb wrh noaa gov/climate/getclimate php?wfo=pqr 618 PM PST 619 PM PST 4/4/2005 NatIonal weatner ~ervlce - Cllmate uata ragt:: 1 VI L. 1':, CLIMATOLOGICAL REPORT (DAILY) CDUS46 KPQR 220323 CLIEUG CLIMATE REPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE PORTLAND OREGON 722 PM PST MON MAR 21 2005 ...THE EUGENE CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR MARCH 21 2005... VALID TODAY AS OF 0700 PM LOCAL TIME. CLIMATE NORMAL PERIOD 1971 TO 2000 CLIMATE,RECORD PERIOD 1931 TO 2005 WEATHER ITEM OBSERVED TIME RECORD YEAR NORMAL DEPARTURE LAST VALUE (LST) VALUE VALUE FROM YEAR NORMAL .................................................................. TEMPERATURE (F) TODAY MAXIMUN 53 350 PM 72 1934 57 -4 67 MINIMUM 40 547 AM 26 1982 37 3 38 AVERAGE 47 47 0 53 PRECIPITATION (IN) TODAY 0.02 1. 21 1998 0.18 -0.16 T MONTH TO DATE 0.89 4.14 -3.25 O. 65 SINCE OCT 1 13.61 38.22 -24.61 30 . 17 SINCE JAN 1 3.82 18.14 -14.32 11 . 83 SNOWFALL (IN) TODAY MM MONTH TO DATE 0.0 SINCE MAR 1 0.0 SINCE JUL 1 T SNOW DEPTH 0 DEGREE DAYS HEATING TODAY MONTH TO DATE SINCE ,MAR 1 SINCE JUL 1 18 303 ,303 3493 18 394 394 3713 o -91 -91 -220 12 322 322 3378 COOLING TODAY o o o o http.//newweb.wrh,noaa gOY 1 chmatel getcl1 mate, php ?wfo::::pqr 4/4/2005 '?;J MONTH TO DATE SINCE MAR 1 SINCE JAN 1 o o o o o o - --CJ- -- -- o o o o o o ........................................................ ........... ... WIND (MPH) HIGHEST WIND SPEED HIGHEST GUST SPEED AVERAGE WIND SPEED 12 14 6.5 HIGHEST WIND DIRECTION HIGHEST GUST DIRECTION SKY COVER POSSIBLE SUNSHINE MM AVERAGE SKY COVER 1.0 WEATHER CONDITIONS THE FOLLOWING WEATHER WAS RECORDED TODAY. LIGHT RAIN FOG RELATIVE HIGHEST LOWEST AVERAGE (PERCENT) 600 AM 100 PM HUMIDITY 93 63 78 THE EUGENE CLIMATE NORMALS FOR TOMORROW NORMAL RECORD YEAR MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (F) 57 72 ( 1939 MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (F) 37 28 1982 SUNRISE AND SUNSET MARCH 21 2005. ........SUNRISE MARCH 22 2005.. ...... . SUNRISE 614 AM PST 612 AM PST SUNSET SUNSET INDICATES NEGATIVE I~BERS. R INDICATES RECORD WAS SET OR TIED. MM INDICATES DATA IS MISSING. T INDICATES TRACE AMOUNT. Please note that this information is preliminary and unofficial. Official and certified climatological data can be accessed at: !~~u!{)nHl ( !jrnaiL.~ ~ lr1!.:1 C\ent~~p http //newweb wrh noaa gov/c1imate/getchmate php?wfo=pqr SE (140) SE (130) 627 PM PST 628 PM PST 4/4/2005 . ':) APPENDIX 6.5. Statement of Oualifications Coyote "fYeek7ln,;ironmeriia{ s'en;ices:Jnc--------..- - - ..-......-.... --..-..-- ..........---- ..-..-.... - -.. -..- .. ....., - ..........-.......... ....m__... m.... ... -- -~ ;" r 1 , .~=_.--...,/. - . J ....' f~ 7'::'::: -/\:11 v#~~/~ ' - WQ~-"~.t~ -'<.<l..*,~ ~, >"--.::.:.::.. ~ ( I' t ~'J i (.. to. ~ ; : f ....\ j"fJ ..\1i ' j ~; ..... :~\ t..., , (' MICHAEL W. SHIPPEY, MLA PRINCIPAL / LANDSCAPE ECOLOGIST Education Professional Affiliations Professional Experience SupplementaJ Coursework Master of Landscape Arch, Landscape Ecology focus, Urnv of Oregon, 1991 Bachelor of Landscape ArchItecture, Urnverslty of Oregon, 1989 Bachelor ofFme Arts (VIsual Arts), Blo SCIences mInor, Oregon State Umv, 1976 Souety of Wetland SClenllsts, Member SlIlce 1993 Society for Ecological RestoratIOn, Member SInce 1989 2002 - present, Pnnclpal / Landscape EcologISt, Coyote Creek EnVIronmental Services, Ine 1998 - 2002, ASSOCIate / Natural Resources Manager, Satre ASSOCIates, P C 1991-1998, Wetland Resource Specmhst, Oregon Department of Transportation 1989-1991, Wetland Field Researcher, SCientIfic Resources Inc June 2004, PresentIng Data and InfonnatlOn, Trauung, Edward Tufte Feb 2003, NatIve Plant RestoratIOn In the Wlllamette Valley Workshop, OSU Feb 2003, NW Stream RestoratIon DeSIgn SymposIUm, NW RIver RestoratIon Org Jan 2002, MItIgatIon Plantlllg Workshop, Oregon DIVISIOn of State Lands Nov 2001, Watershed RestoratIOn Workshop, Amencan Flshenes SOCICty Apn12001, MItigation Goals, ObjectIves and Success Cntena Workshop, 0 D.S L March 2001, HydroGeoMorphlc Assessment Methodology Workshop, 0 D S L. May 2000, ESA and BIOlogIcal Assessments Workshop, SOCIety of Wetland SCIentIsts Feb 1999, Stonnwater SolutIons, ImplementatIon ofNPSP Control, City of Medford May 1997, Deslgmng and ImplementIng HabItat ModIficatIOns for Salmon and Trout, 0 DO. T. May 1997, Integratl1lg Stonnwater Management & Wetlands, Society of Wetland SCIentists Feb 1997, The Hydrogeomorpluc FunctIonal Assessment Method, CTE Teleconference July 1996, Hydnc SOli Geomorphology and IdentIficatIOn Course, OSU July 1994, Grasses, Sedges and Rushes Course, Hortus Northwest June 1994, Streambank ProtectIon uSlIlg VegetatIOn Workshop, Wash Dept of Ecology Feb 1993, Stream HabItat RestoratIOn App of Geomorpluc Pnnclples, OSU Oct 1992, Wetland DehneatIOn Course, 1987 Manual, Wetland Trammg InstItute July 1992, Wetland Plant IdentIficatIon Course, Sahx ASSOCIates Apnl 1992, Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment, Unified Sewerage Agency Through the combInatIon of Interests, educatIOn and expenence, MIke has developed a strong reputatIon for sohd natural resource research, InnovatIve enVIronmental deSIgn solutIOns, thorough constructIon InspectIon and Insightful post- constructton momtonng He has demonstrated the ablhty to delIver complex prOjects WItlun the estImated tunen-arne, and has developed strong workIng relatIOnslups WIth a WIde vanety of regulatory and resource agency staff members AddItIonally, MIke also proVIdes an enthUSIastIc and creatIve approach to problem-solvmg, based upon knowledge of the regulatIons and regulatory processes, lIltegrated WIth the needs of the chent and responSIble stewardship of the resource MIke consIstently and successfully receIves both State and Federal concurrence for hIs dehneatIon projects MIke's compensatory mlttgatIOn deSIgns have often mtegrated wetland needs wIth other resource needs, such as threatened and endangered plant populatIOn conservatIOn zones and fish habItat 1ll1tIgatIon Mike has partICIpated In many major projects of local and stateWIde Importance, such as proVIdmg delIneatIon servIces for over 600 acres In the West Eugene area~ proVldmg delIneatIon, rare plant survey and penmttmg servIces for expanSIOn of the second largest alfport m the state, providIng delIneatIon and compensatory deSIgn seIVlces for WIdemng of 15 mIles of Interstate 5 for the Oregon Department of TransportatIOn, provldmg compensatory deSIgn seIVlces for reahgnment of 7 mIles of State HIghway 20, WhICh integrated coastal salmon habItat needs wIth wetland ImtIgatlon reqUIrements, and proVldmg compensatory deSIgn and constructIOn momtonng seIVlces for a 46 acre wetland IlutIgatlOn bank SIte In addItIon, MIke has co-authored the GUide to Wetland Issues for TransportatIOn DeSigners for the Amencan ASSOCiatIon of State Highway and TransportatIOn OffiCIals ThIS pubhcatIon was Issued m September 1996 and has been dIstnbuled natIonalJy, receIVUIg very strong praIse from a vaned audIence Mike IS currently workIng on a pnvate wetland nutIgatIon bank at hIS 47 acre fann m the Coyote Creek basm southwest of Eugene and has recently celebrated 2 years of hIs own busmess enterpnse, Coyote Creek EnVIronmental SeIVlces, lnc . ~ ~Wetland Determinations. Delineations and Documentation of Findin{!~ Mike has received fonnal traImng In all aspects of wetland deltneation, mcludmg mtenslVe deltneatIOn traimng utIlIzmg the 1987 Corps of Engmeers Manual, wetland plant IdentIficatIOn and hydnc sod geomorphology (please see resume for addItJOnal professIOnal cOlUsework) In his 10+ years conductmg and proVIdIng consultmg oversIght for wetland delIneatIOns, Mike has successfully receIved both State and Federal concurrence for all of his delIneatIOn projects. Each of the projects lIsted below reqmred a complete techrucal report (Wetland DeternunatIon, Wetland DelIneatIon), eIther for mcluslOn withIn reqUired NatIOnal Envlfonmental Poltcy Act documents (Envlfonmental Assessments or Envlfonmental Impact Statements), or as supportmg documents for vanous regulatory pennIt applicatIons The followmg Itst IS a sample of the many projects MIke has personally delIneated or supervised Proiect Name 1135 Amazon Floodplain Restoration Amawn Creek (2 parcels) Bear Creek Restoration Canary Road Coburg Local Wetland Inventory Coyote Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank Diamond Ridge Subdivision Dragonfly Bend Habitat Enhancement Proj. Eugene Airport Expansion Fern Ridge Bikepath (3 parcels) Gilham Parent Council Greenhill Road @ Barger Drive Halsey - Lane Co. Line Hwy 238 - Jackson Street Legacy Estates Subdivision Lorane Highway Bridge Replacement MP 7 / Florence - Eugene Highway North Jefferson - North Albany Oaklea Developments, Inc. Oregon Coast Highway@ 131st Parsons Creek Substation (EPUD) PeaceBealth Riverbend Hospital Pleasant Valley - Greentimber Royal Avenue TGM Project Silverton Rd - State St Siuslaw River Road Bridge Silencer Creek Bridge Sllringfield Quarry Stone Forest Industries Tangent Local Wetland Inventory W11th - Garfield (pba~ 1) Wllth - NCL (phase 1) (Eugene Beltline Mitigation Site) Wetland and Stream Restoration Desi{!n and Proiect Permitting Countv Lane Lane Columbia Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane LInn Jackson Lane Lane Lane LInn Lane Lmcoln Lane Lane TlIIamook Lane Manon Lane Lmcoln Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Studv Area (Acres) 170 5 2 I nule 770 47 260 7 335 15 5 7 12 5 nules 10 miles 18 10 I 5 nules 264 2 10 55 1 ITIlle 220 5 1ll1les 5 10 10 55 2200 1 5 ITIlles 47 With hiS background m Landscape ArchItecture and BIOlogy, Mike bnngs to a mItIgatIon deSIgn project a depth of understandIng of landscape processes and habItat speCifics MIke has developed a strong reputatIon as an environmental deSigner, llltegratIng multIple needs and constralllts to optmuze the functIOning of nutIgatlon deSIgns AddItIonally, MIke has extenSive expenence In developmg Jomt PermIt ApphcatIOns for removal/fill projects, and has establIshed a good workmg relatIonslup WIth many of Ius regulatory and reVIew agency peers The followmg IS a sample lIst of nutIgatlon deSign projects Mike has successfully conducted, many of which alsoyreqUired pernuts . ,.; ~ Proiect Amazon Creek Widening Project Bear Creek Channel Restoration Bob Artz Park Chrome Plant - Cedar Pt Cox Cr. and W. Cox Cr. Br. Coyote Creek Mitigation Bank Diamond Ridge Subdivision Dragonfly Bend Habitat Enhancement Proj. E. Courtney Cr. Bridge Eddyville - Cline Hill Eugene Airport Expansion Greensprings - Midland Greenwood Dr - Vida Linn Co. - McKenzie River Martinsen Mitigation Bank Noti - Veneta OakJea Dr. - Jct 58 Olalla Cr - Hoover Hill Rd Or. Coast Hwy @ Sandlake Rd Pleasant Valley - Greentimber Salt Cr Falls - Klamath Co Shadowridge Subdh,ision Silverton Rd - State St Siskiyou Re~1 Area Spoon Cr. Bridge SPTC - Silverton Rd SL Vincent de Paul State St - N. Santiam Hwy Walnut Blvd Extension Wllth - NCL Construction InsDection Count v Lane Columbia Lane Coos Lllln Lane Lane Lane Lmn Lmcoln Lane Klamath Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Douglas TIllamook TIllamook Lane Lane Manon Jackson Lmn Manon Lane Manon Benton Lane Site Size (acres) 10 025 1 25+ 4 38 25 7 2 8 90 18 18 05 46 5 05 8+ 1 2 15 4 6 12 3 4 1 6 6 47 Mike has been m the umque positIOn of provldmg envlfonmental adVice on many major constructIon projects ThiS has allowed him to follow projects for which he conducted the dehneatIon and nutIgatIOn planmng, and ensure that the l1lltIgatlon sites were developed accordmg to the letter and mtent of permIt condltlOns The folIowmg IS a sample itst of proJects for WhICh Mike provIded construction momtoring and IDspection, Proiect Name Amazon Creek Enhancement / City of Eugene Ash Meadows / St. Vincent de Paul Bear Creek Channel Restoration / City of Vernonia Bob Artz Park / Willamalane Parks & Rec. Cox Cr. and W. Cox Cr. Br. /ODOT E. Courtney Cr. Bridge / OFOT Greensprings - Midland / ODOT Halsey - Lane Co. Line / ODOT Joseph St. - Stayton City Limits / ODOT Legacy Estates / DaVid Corey Linn Co. - McKenzie River / ODOT Martinson Miti~ation Bank Noti - Vencta / ODOT OIalla Cr - Hoover Hill Rd / ODOT Or. Coast Hwy @ Sandlake Rd / ODOT Parsons Creek Fish Screen / EPUD 'Plllnin~..I-.1I Vn~;ul rill",.....,. IT -:.np C'nun." npw County Lane Lane Columbia Lane Llml Lmn K.lanlath Lmn Manon Lane Lane Lane Lane Douglas TIllamook Lane T <lOP Studv Area (acres) 20 1 5 025 I 4 2 ]8 125 miles 18 18 05 46 5 8+ I 025 () ,)'i . .; " Pleasant Valley - Greentimber I ODOT Salt Cr Falls - KJamath Co I ODOT Shadow ridge Subdivision Silverton Rd - State St I ODOT Spoon Cr. Bridge I ODOT SPTC - Silverton Rd I ODOT Woahink Creek Culvert I Lane County DPW TIlIamook Lane Lane Manon LlOn Manon Lane Post -construction Monitoring 2 15 4 6 3 4 025 Mike has conducted post-constructlOn mOOltonng for many of the prevlOusly-hsted projects and others ThIS has mvolved deslgmng the appropnate momtonng strategies which would measure the charactenstlCS of each partIcular mlhgatIOn site and mfonn tlle detennmatlOn of success, as specIfied m tlle state and federal penmts Mike IS familIar WIth a vanety of momtonng protocols, has partIcipated lO mteragency worklllg groups focused on the Issue of ffiltIgatlOn success, and has made presentatIOns on Wetland MItigatIOn Design and Success Cntena Habitat Characterization and Seauential Rare Plant Surveys Based-upon MIke's educatIOn m Landscape ArchItecture, Landscape Ecology and BIOlogy, supplemented with trammg m vanous landscape assessment methodologies, MIke IS fully able to charactenze and assess functIons and values of a Wide vanety of habItat types These mclude wetland areas, npanan areas, upland areas and disturbed / agncultural / urbanlZlng areas MIke has received formal tramlllg m the IdenuficatIon of a WIde range of native plants The followmg hst IS a sanlple of projects for which Mike has performed Habitat CharactenzatIon and / or Sequential Rare Plant Surveys Proiect Name 1135 Amazon FloodPlain Project 3rd _ 4th Avenue Connector A-I Channel Realignment Airport Road Realignment Candlelight Park Project Coyote Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank Dragonfly Bend Project Eugene Airport Expansion Fern Ridge Bikepath (3 parcels) Greenhill Channel Relocation Laurel Hill Reservoirs Project PeaceHealth I Riverbend Project Pioneer Parkway Expansion Royal Avenue TGM Nodal Project Countv Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Study Area (acres) 75 10 10 25 15 47 70 350 IS 10 8 160 10 220 Fish-Culvert Reolacement Monitorin2: Dates 2000 2003 2004 2004 2004 1999 2003 1999 - 2002 1999 - 2000 2003 2002 2002 2002 - 2003 2000 Based upon MIke's educatlOn and supplemental trammg regardmg fish passage and salmorud hfe cycle reqUirements. MIke has conducted constructIOn momtonng on several culvert rcplacement proJccts ThiS work typically IOvolves on-site mspectlon of the work m progress, paymg partIcular attention to Issues of eroSIOn control, sedimentatIOn stablhzatlOn, IsolatIOn of mstream work areas, measures to cnsure protectIOn of senSitive and endangered fish species The followlllg table dIsplays a hst of these projects Proiect Name Clear Lake Road Project Hills Creek Road Project Peninsula Road Project County Lane Lane Lane Dates 2001 2001 2001