HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Acceptance of Project P20524; Olympic Street Re-Striping AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: June 2, 2008 Regular Meeting Public Works Q~ Ken V ogeney ye: 736-1026 Consent Calendar ITEM TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECTP20524; OLYMPIC STREET RE-STRIPING ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt or reject the following resolution:. A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PROJECT P20524, OLYMPIC STREET RE- STRIPING FROM BROWN CONTRACTING, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $220,795.84. ISSUE STATEMENT: The contractor has ~ompleted work on this project and it is now ready for City Council to formally accept the work. ATTACHMENTS: A. Resolution DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: On February 2,2007 the City Council approved the staff recommended Safety Plan of Olympic Street from Mohawk Blvd. to 21 st Street due to a fatal motor vehicle versus pedestrian crash that occurred at the mid-block crosswalk. Staff designed the safety project which included a slurry seal with pavement marking replacement which provides for one through lane and one bike lane in each direction, a two way left turn lane, and an auxiliary lane for use by westbound right turning vehicles and L TD buses dwelling at bus stops. Crosswalks were remarked as needed in their existing locations, except the mid-block crossing which was moved eastward and shaped in a Z format with a raised concrete island as a refuge. Pedestrian actuated flashing beacons with pedestrian crossing warning signs were included at the mid-block location. All other signing was updated to current standards. The street lighting was upgraded from the 180 Watt Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) to 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium. The ADA ramps and driveway wings were also upgraded. The original contract approved by the Council on July 2, 2007 was in the amount of $196,328.80. With approved change orders, the final project construction cost was $220,795.84. The complete final cost for this project including the construction contract was $271,733.45. Additional costs included $43,146.80 for staff time, $4,570.10 for right of way acquisition, $1,516.57 for lighting upgrades coordinated through the Springfield Utility Board, and $1,704.14 for other project development costs. All work done under this contract has been completed and inspected by the City Engineer and found to be satisfactory. V:\AIS Council Draft\06-02-08\P20524 Project Acceptance AIS 060208.doc RESOLUTION NO. Acceptance WHEREAS, work on the improvement described below has been fully completed and has been duly inspected by the City Engineer of the City of Springfield: P20524; OLYMPIC STREET RE-STRIPING, and WHEREAS, said work was found to be in conformance with the terms of the contract now on file in the City Recorder's office; and, WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the City Engineer that this improvement project be accepted and permanently included in the improvement maintenance program of the City of Springfield. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1) The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby accept for future maintenance the above-described proj ect and accepts said improvement from the contractor involved. 2) This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, OregolJ., this 2nd day of June, 2008. Adopted by a vote of _ for and _ against. Mayor. ATTEST: City Recorder REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM Joseph 1. Leahy DATE: January L 2008 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Attachment A if