HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 3/3/2008 ,\ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE Ma._.. 3, 2008 TO- Current Planning Staff G Karp, J Donovan, LIz Mille r KlttJ Gale, L Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Llmblrd, Dave Reesor, teve Hopkins oily Markanan .,/" *Matt Stouder, Englneenng - Public Works Departmen ;::::::::---- *Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EnglneennglPubllc Works V' *Chuck Gottfned, EnVironmental ServiceS OnglOal SUbmIttal ~ Bnan Barnett, Traffic EnglneerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) __ V-- *Gary McKenney, TransportatIon Planning Engineer, Public Works Department *Gllbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only *Pat French, Planner, Wlllamalane Park and Recreation Dlstnct *Tamara Johnson, Spnngfield Utility Board (Electnc) *Bart McKee, Spnngfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Spnngfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chlnltz, Spnngfield Utility Board (Dnnklng Water) JIm Henry, Central Lane Communrcatlons 911 (SUbdiVIsions, Street name changes) ..........- Dave White, U S P S (Growth Mgmt Coordinator) a..--- Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Partibons/SubdIVlSlons) 7 *Cella Barry, Lane County Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility Dlstnct (EPUD) Jim Mann, Lane County Land Management [Urban Transmon Zonel George Ehlers, Lane County Sanrtanan [Urban Transmon Zonel (rf applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water Dlstnct(* only If In the North Spfld area) (If applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional AIr Pollution Authonty (rf applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzIe FIre Dlstnct (rf applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable (If applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electnc) (* If In Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) (*If In Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water Dlstnct (*11 in Glenwood) -;;7' Bill Gnle - Development ServIceS DIrector (agenda) -::::-- John Tamulonls, EconomiC & Communrty Development Manager ............- Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) ....- *Dave Puent, Building OffiCIal (agenda) ....-- Lisa Hopper, BUilding Services Representative (agenda) ~ * Greg Ferschweller, Kerth M.yata, Bnan Conlon, Gene Butterfleld, PW Dept ..--- *Cralg Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept ~ George Walker, EnVIronmental Works Dept , (agenda only) ~ Deanna Buckem, Englneenng ASSistant, Public Works Dept or Police ChIef, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) --;:...--- *WIll Mueller, L TD ~ Norm Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda ~ Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State Highway DIVISion (agenda) ~ Steve Barrett, Asst Supenn of Operations, Spnngfield School Dlstnct (agenda) _ /' William LeWIS, FinanCIal ServIces, Spnngfield School Dlstnct ( agenda) --!(" Jack Moran, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Spnngfield Beacon (agenda) Joe Leahy, City Attorney DenniS Ernst, City Surveyor Carole Knapel, PEACEHEAL THlJUSTICE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS v ~ -- Z ........ ~ ..,.--- Date Received: MAR - 3 2008 (agenda) (agenda) (agenda) A request for land use actIon, as descnbed on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development SeMces Office Specific concerns of your diVISion/department/agency should be addressed If you have comments or reqUIrements of thIS proposal, please send them In wntmg to the assIgned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 If your wntten comments are not received by Fnday, March 14, 2008 specrfic concerns of your dIVISion/department/agency WIll not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on March 18, 2008 The Development ReView Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday@ 8 00 -10 00 a m You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday If you have specific concerns so that the Planning representatIVe can diSCUSS them pnor to meeting WIth the applicant If the Planner feels It IS necessary for you to partiCIpate In the public meetings he/she WIll let you know on Tuesday * WIll receive a full packet AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: March 18, 2008 @ 9:00- 10:00 a.m. 1 PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00011 BENSON 8 - 9 a.m. Assessor's Map 17-02-33-41 TL 201 Address Vacant - 58TH & A Streets EXisting Use Vacant Applicant submitted plans partition one lot Into three parcels Planner Steve Hopkins Date Received: MAR - 3 2008 2 PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00012 WIRFSN 9 -10 a.m. Assessor's Map 17-03-25-23 TL 1801 Address 1361 US" Street EXisting Use Residential Applicant submitted plans partition one lot Into two parcels Planner Steve Hopkins Onglnal submittal ,/ 1 . City of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 l d D a "" A B" " " T IQngmal Submittal an iVISlon pp.iCatlOn, ype I Date Re~..;ived FEB 1 9 2008 Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: o ~ Subdivision Replat Tentative:; Partition Replat Tentative: o o Applicant Name: Thomas G and DIane M Wilfs Company: /cOZy Homes Address: Ip 0 Box 37, Spnngfield, OR 97477 Applicant's Rep.: IJeannette Applauso, E I Company: J Branch Engineering, Inc Address: /310 Flftn Street, SPringfield, OR 97477 Propeu.tyOwner: IThomas & Diane VVlrfS Company: I"Same as Above" A_ddress~ I Phone: 1606-4447 I Fax: 1746-8833 I Phone: 746-0637 I fax: 746-0383 Fhofie: IFax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-25-23 TAX lOT NOeS}: 1801 Property Address: 1361 '5' Street, SPringfIeld, OR _ Size of Property: 0.40 . Acres ~ ~quare feet 0 Proposed Name of Subdivision: WlrfS Partition Descreption of Proposal: ThIS partItion applIcatIon IS to dIvIde Tax Lot 1801 !nW two parcels Existing Use: Residential :# of lots/Parcels: 2 Avg. lot/Parcel Size: 8712 sf Density: 5 I dujacre ZOg'ih-ug: Apprkab~e Refkbsment Plan:: Overlay District: Pian Designation: Lg~a:iOn: City limits 0 -jj~~~~ ./!lI~l!I'J~U"'~~ Q~s.,",~"""'llro__. ri ...... ""au ....,e ....."'lfIl.U &PV"-!!U....,;oi y L...J Assodated Applications: Pre~Submittai Case ft'~o.: ~y1' J"lC>l' - 6)o5Lf Case No.~ ~6 'ZtJOD ., ($bIZ- Date: Rev~ewed by: (initials) / RevievJsd by: -"?- I i~ 166 (in[tials) \ rv-.. Date: Application Fee~ Postage Fee: Tota~ Fee: t ;~~~ (}l~ 10 O~c~ ~~. prj~'t- 000/4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00012 1361 "S" Street ~I i '.!12-+, rg'H~J~-g'F,~J~ ~,,1~----- ~ ~ -\:~ltL~~~:~\ - I- I I ~-:>- S ~ ~ -:-, _ : (~--t~~~~~ J_~TISi ~st i!illlllls~-.F[ -"._~~__. ' D.llS: IT LJjj ~::;Tt ~' 4d -J'_LJ...----'--------------.---- -- ---------~ -' ~'T- ~ - I j ~_~__ -U-- - -- IiLSJli(\ I I I ~. ~. l..'_. =.=8~~~"';:E I r c: LI\1-_2~r[]1-111=LL J Sll'E Map 17-03-25-23 - Tax Lot 1801 North .. Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Onglnal SubmIttal JI ",1:1' ,,~ .....'" '\t1- j- ,,,,<:f> ",'\ '\t1- " ","''1- ",' ,,0 ,\\,-i- _~ TAX MAP 17-03-~5-23 TAX LOT 1801 I Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 TENTATIVE p.&M.fmtT~'~ TOM WIRFS S.W.1/4 N.W.1/4, SEC. 25, T.17S., R.3W., W.M. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON FEBRUARY 19, 2007 SCALE 1 '=20" ~ I; PAIlCCI. Z 9625 SO- FT I I I I I I I I ~ I I PARCEl. , 1815 so n FlRE(YD{ANT : a.. '-1 / -OHP)t;----1'-= -6 wT7t---..-w~- 1~:-----6 : }l U1 I <O-1L'S' STREET ~ =;--- I . -~ -=~: ~~ - SAN MH Riit':- 450Fr---.:...-...:- 8- SAN I GAi- II ~-" - _QHP_ _fL (W) - 44801 ~ -r-- - -OHP - -clrrt- -- ~~~1::::~~. s ~ FL (5) ... 44817' ~ ~ 100 . ;... 55 1..f ow . 45 - _\-__-":lg:~ __.______L r'----~ I ~ I I.. -fb-J! I I . 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PHONE ~"" ",' ,,0 ,\\,-i- ~ 1-- ~",'1- ",' .....0 LEGEND &uITB lfOmr NO CUT OR flLL MORf THAN 50 CY IS PROPOSfD A T THIS 11Mf DRAINAGE lll' ARf PROPOSING All IN/lWIDUAL DRYllEll TO RfTAJN IHf ROOf RUNM' fOR PROP/lSfIl PARCEL 2 D...,,, ,..uS' PARCEl 1 IlfU IIAJNTAIN ITS fX1STlNG ORIIfiVA Y Ai fUTURE DRI~WAY ON PARCfL 2 ItllL BE AT lfAST 12 FrET IlfVE AIID 18 ffU IN lINGIH fROM IHf 5' STRffT RJCl/T-lF-WAY 9lf EJOUHOARY PRCRISED PflOPfRrt UNES fllSlING AC D'lSlWG m<<r - -w- - EXJSrwG WAItRtJt,( _ -SAN-- - EJOSJ/NG SMlrNlY SEBER _ SA.N - PRCf"OSED SANlrNlY.5ElIER - ---GA.S- - EJOS1ING GAS _QHP_ DlSTWG o'rfRHfN) Pmel ll!l o + ~ ! - - 1 C:=J D ROW MIlOft WArER j,l(lIR EXlSflNG MAHHOtE POD POlE VTIL1TIEB AU UnuNfS FOR lHf DfSNNG AN/l fUJURf STRUCTURfS lllU. Sf PlACfJJ UNDfRGROUND POD PaE _1M S1RfIT UGHT AND 1RMSTaRJAER EXJSJlNG OOHalEJC SlJ/tDABIE...... APPRO)l1MA 1[' L0C4 nON OF PROPOSED DR'f1tEU. I 'I ~ Branch Engmeenng, Inc ~ 310 Flflh Street Springfield Oregon 97477 (541)748-0637 FAX (541)748-0389 branchadmiD.ttbrancheD8lDeerinl com Civil SlruclUl'es TraDsportatlOD. SurveyiDl HA \"DEN BRIDGE " i N LAWJ<RID~ ~7~ - stl -r- STREET ~T S. SmEFr -- , 8 ~ 8 R' STREET j!; j!; ~ I~ ~ ~. o STREeT ! ~ - f. ~ ~ '? I..... o -I 20 r REQ51EJlED 1 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ~~A to' / l J^"~~~~Oi J DECEMBER 31 20Q9 {~I PROJECT NO 06-' 28 Iiu file \2006\06-128 mRFS l.l61 S SmffT PAR11110N\06-128 !ENTOW!> ;; TentatIve PartitIOn for Tom'Virfs Written Statement February 19, 2008 ThIS partition IS a proposal to dIvIde the property located at 1361 's' Street, Spnngfield, Oregon, mto two parcels (TM 17-03-25-23, TL 1801) The two parcels wIll both front'S' Street The property IS zoned LDR- Low DensIty ResIdential and also has a Metro Plan DeSIgnatIOn of Low DensIty ResIdential The propeIiles to the south and abuttmg the subject sIte are zoned MDR- MedIUm DensIty ResIdential There IS an eXIstmg resIdentIal dwellmg on proposed Parcell, whIch wIll remam The assocIated hedges and gate wIll be removed The eXIstmg fence wIll remam UtIlItIes to the proposed Parcel 2 are shown on the TentatIve Map All utIlItIes to proposed Parcell are eXlstmg and operatIOnal Samtary sewer for Parcel 2 WIll be from the eXlstmg stub from the eXIstmg sanItary manhole adjacent to the northwest property comer of the subject SIte We are proposmg a 4" samtary servIce lme at tlus stub, wluch WIll extend to the bUIldable area of Parcel 2 A 6" water servIce mam IS avaIlable on the north SIde of'S' Street One servIce lme IS proposed and WIll cross the roadway benefitmg Parcel 2 Power, telephone, and cable are avaIlable and a connectIOn WIll be made from the transformer located on a utIlIty pole on the south SIde of'S' Street, frontmg the eastern p01ilOn of the SIte PublIc stonnwater serVIce IS not dIrectly aVaIlable to the SIte CUlTently, the eXlstmg resIdentIal dwellmg on proposed Parcel 1 has downspouts, whIch dIscharge on- SIte Remnants of a roadsIde dItch eXIsts on'S' Street frontmg the SIte ThIS dItch IS not operatIOnal and does not convey stonnwater to a CIty stonnwater system ThIS dItch seemmgly tennmates at the western SIte of the SIte WIth no outlet We are proposmg an mdIvldual drywell to retam the roof runoff for proposed Parcel 2 PIelllnmary calculatIOns of a drywell SIze usmg the Lane County SOlI Survey data show that the SIze of a drywell should be 7' X 7' WIth a 3' depth ThIS deSIgn was fonnulated accordmg to CIty of Spnngfield standard drawmg 4-19 SOlI testmg for detenmnatIOn of actual on-sIte peIcolatIOn rates IS recOlllillended pnor to final plat recordmg, and may allow for an alternatIve drywell deSIgn Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 (' "r ': 'Jl ' m!t~z'L _...: __ __ I I ( ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. ~ 310 5th Street. Spnngfield, Oregon 97477' (541) 746-0637. Fax (541) 746-0389\ PRINCIPALS James A Branch, P E , P L S Rene Fabncant, S E , P E Michael Lane Branch, P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Renee Clough, P E February 19,2007 Steve HopkIns CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Dear Mr HopkIns, Onglnal submIttal. The folloWIng IS a response to the pre-submIttal meetIng completeness reVIew comments dated August 28,2007 (PRE 2007-00054) PLANNING Notes 1 Remove the elevatIOns and trees from the tentative map The plans have been revIsed as request 2 Show any overhead utIlIties servIng the eXIstIng dwellIng Unless It IS not reasonable, any overhead utilIties servIng the eXIstIng dwellIng must be placed underground The plans have been revIsed to show overhead utlhtles to the eXlstmg house Power for the eXltmg house can be placed underground A note has been added to the plans statmg that all utlhtles for the eXlstmg and future resIdents WIll be placed underground 3 A 7-foot WIde PublIc UtilIty Easement WIll be reqUired along the street frontage of both parcels Show thIs on the tentatIve map The plans have been revIsed as requested 4 An executed Improvement Agreement for S Street for curb and gutter, paVIng, sIdewalk"street lIghtIng and street trees WIll be reqUired pnor to FInal Plat ThIS IS noted and WIll be executed prIOr to Fmal Plat 5 Show a dnveway locatIOn on Parcel 2 It WIll need to be at least 12 feet WIde and 18 feet long It wIll need to be Improved, but not paved, pnor to final plat PavIng can be pnor to final occupancy of the future dwellIng The exact locatIOn of any proposed dnveway on Parcel 2 IS not known at thIS tIme The floor plan of a future resldentzal structure WIll determme the locatIOn of ~ / CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / lRANSPORTATION SURVEYING the drzveway and would be dictated Py a filture owner of that parcel A note has been added to the plans specifVl11g the required dimensIOns of a future drzveway PUBLIC WORKS 1 ProvIde a 7' P U E along the'S' Street frontage of both parcels I The plans have been reVised as requested I I I AddItIOnal COlmnents not related to the completeness of the applIcatIon I I An Improvement Agreement wIll be reqUIred for pavement upgrades, curb & gutter, I sIdewalks and stormwater Improvements on S Street ThiS IS noted and will be subnlltted with the Fl11al Plat TRANSPORT A TION 1 Show dnveway wIdths The plans have been reVised as requested I I I Please contact me If you have any questIOnsl or need further mformatIon Thank you Smcerely, I I~ fYI~ Jeannette M Applauso, E I I I I Date Received" FEB I ~ 2an8 Ortgtnal submittal