HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/2/2008 ~ .~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE ~~@~DW~-:' J APR 2 2008 ...J By}l~02' ~Uf] STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program TechnicIan for the Planning DivIsIon of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that In my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of SCJ(32008~DODl2... 1l~ dlJ 7'l(J,(i~A;/Ok... - p~ ~ - (See attachment "A") on 4\ 'Z- . 2008 addressed to (see Wt.It.f' Attachment B"), by causing saId letters to be placed In a U S. mall box With postage fully prepaId thereon. :A~UR~~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane 4fiJ '>' f . 2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program TechniCian, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me - OFFICIAL SEAL BRENDA JONES NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO 379218 f MY COMMISSION EXPIRES fMY 27, 2008 i ._, ~ ." ~ - My CommIssion Expires ~ 'J1 ;}cttJ! Notice of Decision - Partition Tentative Plan Project Name: Wrrfs parbbon Project Proposal: dIvIde one lot mto two parcels Case Number: SUB2008-00012 Project Location: 1360 S Street, 17-03-25-23 TL1801 Property size: 17,500 sf Base Zone: LDR By Overlay District(s): Drmkmg Water Protecbon Overlay, 1-5 year bme of travel zone Metro Plan Designation: Low DensIty ResIdenbal Refinement PlanfDesignation: Q Street Refmement Plan/Low DensIty ResIdenbal Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: August 28, 2007 Application Submitted Date: February 19, 2008 Decision Issued Date: April 2, 2008 Appeal Deadline Date: April 17, 2008 Other Application(s) none ~~@~Oill~~ APR 2 2008 ...-/ I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Plannmg Steve HopkIns 726-3649 I Transportabon Plannmg Engmeer Transportabon Gary McKenney 726-4585 Pubhc Works EIT Ubhbes, Sarutary & Jesse Jones 736-1036 Storm Sewer Deputy Frre Marshall Frre and We Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Commumty ServIces Manager Bmldmg Dave Puent 726-3668 I APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner/Applicant: Representative: Thomas and DIane Wrrfs Jeanette Applauso Cozy Homes Branch Engmeenng PO Box 37 310 FIfth Street SprmgfIeld OR 97477 Spnngheld OR 97477 Wirfs Case No SUB200B-000 /2 ,,' ~~@~Q\TI~'\_ \.; . APR 2 2008 Ul -' Site: .~I Proposed Partition Summary of proposal: DIvide one lot mto two parcels The eXlStmg dwelling will remam Decision: Tentative Approval with condihons, as of the date of tlus letter The standards of the Spnngbeld Development Code (SDC) apphcable to each cntenon of approval are hsted herem and are sahsfted by the subnutted plans and notes unless spectbcally noted With fmdmgs and conmbons necessary for comphance The Fmal Plat must conform to the subnutted plans as conmboned herem Th.ts 18 a hnuted land use dec18lon made accordmg to City code and state statutes Unless appealed, the deCISion 18 fmal Please read tlus document carefully Other Uses Authorized by the Decision: None Future development will be m accordance with the proVISlOns of the SDC, hIed easements and agreements, and all apphcable local, state and federal regulabons Review Process. Th.ts apphcabon 18 reviewed under Type II procedures listed m SDC 51-130, the Tentabve Plan Cntena of Approval, SDC 512-125, and the Land DIvIsion Standards of Arbcle 5 12-100 Wirfs Case No SUB2 008-000/2 2 Procedural Findings: . ApplIcabons for Lmuted Land Use DecISIOns reqUIre the no property owners/ occupants WIthm 300 feet of the subject property allowmg for a 14 day comment penod on the applIcabon (SDC Secbons 51-130 and 52-115) The applIcant and parbes subrmtbng wntten comments durmg the nobce penod have appeal nghts and are maIled a copy of tills deCISIon for consIderabon rC~~~\~' ~ .' ~ 1\)\)~ ~ ~ \ ~\>R U' . Nobce was sent to adjacent property owners/occupants WIthm 300 feet of the subJect SIte on February 27, 2008 . On March 19, 2008, the CIty'S Development ReVIew Comrmttee revIewed the proposed plans City staff's reVIew comments have been reduced to fmdmgs and condtbons only as necessary for complIance WIth the Tentabve Plan Cntena of Approval contamed m SDC 5 12-125 'flus deCISIOn was ISsued on the 42nd day of the 120 days mandated by the state . In accordance WIth SDC 512-145, the Fmal Plat shall comply WIth the reqUIrements of the SDC and the condtbons rmposed by the Drrector m tlus deCISIon The Fmal Plat otherwISe shall be m substanbal conformance WIth the tentabve plan reVIewed Porbons of the proposal approved as subrmtted durmg tentabve reVIew cannot be substanbvely changed dUrIng Fmal Plat approval Comments Received: The applIcant and parbes subrmtbng wntten comments durmg the nobce penod have appeal nghts and are rna1led a copy of tlus deCISIon for consIderabon See Appeals, page 8 of tlus report One comment was receIved from Curbs Grohs, 1349 S Street The full text of Mr Groh's comments are made a part of tills record by reference here and are avaIlable for reVIew upon request HIS concerns mcluded potenbal damage to lus property, parkmg, and the central maIlboxes Staff reSDonse: . If any damage occurs durmg construcbon, It IS a CIVU matter that should be addressed drrectly WIth the applIcant or the applIcant's representabve Therr contact mformabon IS on the frrst page of tills report . In accordance WIth SDC 46-125, a smgle farruly dwellmg requrres two parkIng spaces The proposed land dtVIsIon will create two lots that contam adequate area on each lot to meet tills reqUIrement, therefore, the parkIng area standard has been met by the proposed parbbon Pavrng of the reqUIred parkIng will be venbed pnor to Issuance of a bmldmg perrmt . 'flus proposal IS to dtVIde the property mto two parcels and retam the eXISbng dwellmg No plans have been subrmtted for development of the vacant parcel Any development must comply WIth the LDR (Low DensIty ResIdenbal) Zone If attached homes are proposed, a nobce will be sent to the surroundmg property owners to allow parbClpabon m that deCISIon Wirfs Case No SUB200B-000 /2 3 "r r:: (]~ rr r> \~; rc: - "~I Ill'":!!)I G U \:J u.; \ \' J b, I APR 2 2008 ~. \ "', , 'I , \, 1,\ UL' ,By. " ----Ti.-..:iC i....c: four maIlboxes at the wes~em edge of the property Locahon or relocahon of the boxes must be coordmated WI,th the post offIce The apphcant has not mdIcated the boxes will be relocated SDC 5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria The Director shall approve or approve with conditions a Tentative Plan application upon determining that all applicable criteria have b~en satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to , satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shal!l deny the application. In the case of Partitions that involve the donation of land to a publi~ agency, the Director may waive any approval criteria upon determining the particular criterion can be addressed as part of a future development application. A. The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertaining to lot/parcel size and dimensions. Finding: The proposed parcels comply WIth the drmenslOnal standards of the LDR (Low DensIty Resldenhal) Zone Conclusion: The proposal comphes WIth SDC 512-125(A) B. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Cbnceptual Development Plan. Finding: The Metro Plan and the Q str~et RefInement Plan deSIgnate tlus area as Low DensIty Resldenhal The SIte IS zoned ~DR As proposed, the project will conshtute a densIty of 497 dwellmgs per acre, wluch comphes WIth the goal of 1-10 dwellmgs per acre m the LDR deslgnahon Conclusion The proposal comphes WIth SDC 5 12-125(B) C. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stuu....water management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not bel exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time ~f development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable re~ations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issuJs. Finding: Abutbng the subject SIte '5' S~eet IS a 20-foot WIde paved roadway WIthIn a 60- I foot WIde nght of way The street has no curb/ gutter or SIdewalk rmprovements A low pressure sodIum street hght IS located bn the north SIde of '5' Street OppOSIte the I northwest comer of the subject property Average daIly traffIC along tlus street IS eshmated to be less than 300 velucle trIpS per day I Finding: Based on ITE Land Use Code '210 (Smgle-Fanuly Detached Housmg) I development of an addIhonal parcel on the property would generate 10 addIhonal Wirfs Case No SUB2tJ08-000 /2 4 velucle trIpS per day and 1 PM peak-hour velucle trIp onto the surrounW1 street system Finding- The eXIStmg low pressure sochum street hghtmg on '5' Street does not meet current CIty desIgn standards, wluch call for lugh pressure sochum hghtmg fIxtures EXIStmg and future velucular and pedestrIan traffIc created by development of the subject property contrIbute to the need for pavmg, curb/ gutter, sIdewalk and street hghtmg Improvements to current CIty standards on '5' Street The lack of these Improvements abutbng the property makes construchon of Improvements on the property frontage econonucally and techmcally Imprachcal at tlus bIDe Execuhon of an Improvement Agreement for these Improvements IS warranted m accordance WIth proVISIOns of SDC 4 2-105 G 2 PUBLIC STREETS, SIDEWALKS & IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FindIng: Sechon 42-105 G 2 of the Sprmgfleld Development Code reqUITes that whenever a proposed land chVISlon or development will mcrease traffIC on the City street system and that development has any urumproved street frontage abutbng a fully Improved street, that street frontage shall be fully Improved to City specIfIcahons Excephon (1) notes that m cases of urumproved streets, an Improvement Agreement shall be reqUITed as a conchhon of Development Approval postponmg Improvements unbl such bIDe that a CIty street Improvement project IS rmhated Condition of Avvroval #1. Pnor to approval of the fInal plat, execute an Improvement agreement for ImProvements m the nght of wav of "s" Street, mcludmg curb, gutter, sIdewalk and street hghtmg Finding: The apphcant has proposed a 7 0' P U E along the frontage of Parcels 1 and 2 adjacent to "5" St Finding- Accordmg to SUB, pole #54075 m the NE comer of the property belongs to Qwest and IS too small to support electrIcal eqUIpment The developer has two ophons to brmg power to the SIte . Trench across S Street to the eXIStmg pole #64048 and set a Junchon box m the 7' PUE,or . Set a new pole m the 7' P U E between parcels 1 and 2 so the eXIstmg dwellmg and future dwellmg can trench to It CondItion of Approval #2: Pnor to approval of the fInal plat, IdentIfy how electnCItv will be extended to each lot and grant easements as needed SANITARY SEWER Finding: Parcell IS served by an eXIStmg sewer lateral from the 8" sewer mam located m 5 Street The apphcant proposes to serve parcel 2 WIth a sarutary sewer lateral from the 8" mam located m "5" Street as shown on the Tentahve Parhhon Map STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT Finding The apphcant proposes to contmue to allow roof runoff from Parcell to chscharge Via splash blocks as noted m the apphcahon narrahve Wirfs Case No SUB200B-000 /2 5 A~/ ~~o~J Finding: 'be apphcant IS proposmg an mdIVIdual drywell to retam the roof runoff from I _tbp P~1'ool-~ as noted on the TentatIve PartItIon Map .---- .~- I Conclusion: As condItIoned, the proposal comphes wIth SDC 5 12-125(C) 'r ~ : I) \;:J , , \ '\ \ , " UL B" D. The proposed land division shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards ~ontained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Finding: SDC SectIon 4 3-125 requrres all uhhty lmes to be placed underground, I mcludmg those lmes servmg eXIStIng drellings As noted on the tentatIve plan, overhead uhhtIes for the eXIStIng dwelling will be placed underground Condition of Approval #3: The overheJd uhhtIes to the eXIStIng- dwelling- shall be - .. -- placed undenrround Conclusion: The proposal comphes Wit 1 SDC 5 12-125(D) E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceRtibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on thJ WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open sp~ces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological sigmficance, as may be specified in S~ction 3.3-900 or ORS 97740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Finding The Natural Resources Study, ~the NatIonal Wetlands Inventory, the SprmgfIeld Wetland Inventory Map, and the hst of HIstonc Landmark SItes were consulted No I lustonc or cultural resources have been'IdentIDed on tlus SIte I Conclusion: The proposal comphes With SDC 5 12-125(E) F. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffIC, bicycle and pedestrian safety t6 avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjace:dt residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, ind~strial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access managebent standards for State highways. I Finding: In accordance WIth SDC 4 6-1t5, each dwelling requrres two parkIng spaces The proposed land dIVISIon will create two lots that contam adequate area on each lot to I meet tlus requrrement For the new dwelling, tlus requrrement will be vermed pnor to Issuance of a bmldmg pernut Conclusion: The proposal comphes With SDC 5 12-125(F) G. Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished as specified in this Cod~. I Finding: There IS no adjacent property 'under the same ownerslup I Conclusion: The proposal comphes With SDC 512-125(G) Wir(s Case Na SUB2C 08-000/2 6 ~ ~ @ [E C ill ~ -~ "APR 2 2008 -/ H. Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allq~ its development as specified in this Code. @.i~ - - Fmding: The surroundmg properbes are developed WIth smgle fanuly dwellmgs Conclusion: The proposal comphes WIth SDC 5 12-125(H) I. Where the Partition of property that is outSIde of the city limits but within the CIty'S urbanizable area and no concurrent annexation application is submitted, the standards specified below shall also apply. Finding: The SIte I~ rnsIde the CIty hnuts Conclusion: The proposal comphes WIth SDc 512-125(1) J. Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the following approval criteria apply Finding: TIus IS not a subdIVISIon of a manufactured home park Conclusion. The proposal comphes WIth SDC 512-125(J) DhlhRMINATION: Based on the evidence in the record. the Director determines the proposal complies with SDC 5.12-125lA)-(J). subiect to the Conditions of Approval attached - - - - - to tlus report. What Needs To Be Done? SDC 512-140 states The subdivision Plat pre-submittal meeting shall be held within 2 years of the date of Tentative Plan approval (the date of tIns letter) The mylars and application fee shall be submitted within 180 days of the pre-submittal meeting. If the applicant has not submitted the Partition Plat within these times, Tentative Plan approval shall become null and void and re-submIttal of the Tentative Plan shall be required. A Fmal Plat apphcabon IS charged upon subnuttal of the complete apphcabon and all reqUITed documents, and after all condIbons of approval are met, mcludmg the construcbon of pubhc and pnvate rmprovements and extensIOn of utIhbes reqUITed through tlus deCISIon Upon SIgnature by the CIty Surveyor and the Plannmg Manager, the Plat mylar may be subnutted to Lane County for recordabon No individual lots may be transferred until the Plat is recorded and the mylar copy of the filed Partition is returned to the City Surveyor. Summarv of ConditIons of Approval - - To the extent necessary to sahsfy the approval cntena of Secbon 512-125, comply WIth all apphcable proVISIOns of tlus Code and to nubgate IdentIhed negabve rmpacts to surroundmg properbes, the DIrector shall rmpose approval condIbons Unless other wise noted, all condItions shall be satisfied prior to Plat approval. CondItion of Approval #1 Pnor to approval of the fmal plat. execute an rmprovement - - - - - agreement for rmprovements m the rw.:ht of way of "S" Street. mcludm2: curb. QUtter. SIdewalk and street hghbng Wirfs Case No SUB200B-000 /2 7 r \... ( J I I In ~ ;',i~ L~ Lt; iJ l!J U;-; '" 1[ I ; APR JL 2 2008 I --./ Conmti m of AODroval #2: Pnor to aDDroval of the fInal Dlat, Idenhfv how electncltv ,,;',.ill-be-t.AL.::.lldecl to each lot and Qrant ~~sements as need~d ----- I Condition of ADDroval #3: Pnor to aDDtoval of the fInal Dlat the overhead ubhhes to the eXlShn2: dw~llm2: shall be placed ~aenrround - - - ~- 8: Additional Information: The apphcahon, all documents, and eVIdence rehed upon by the apphcant, and the apphcable cntena of approv 11 are avaIlable for free mspechon and copIes are avaIlable for a fee at the Development Sen Ices Department, 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfleld, Oregon Appeal: 'flus Type II Tentahve deCISIOn may be appealed to the Planrung comrmssIOn The appeal may be fIled WIth the Development ServIces Department by an affected party The appeal must be m accordance With SDC, Se~tion 5.3-100, Appeals An Appeals apphcahon must be subrmtted to the CIty WIth a fee of $250 00 The fee will be returned to the appellant If the Planrung ComrmssIOn approves the appeal apphcahon In accordance With SDC 5 3-115(B) wluch prpVIdes for a 15-day appeal penod and Oregon Rules of cIVll Procedures, Rule 10(c) for serv .ce of nohce by mall, the appeal penod for tlus deCISIon expIres at 5:00 p.m. on April 17, 2008. Questions: Please call Steve HopkIns m the Planrung DIVISIon of the Development ServIces Department at (541) 726-3649 If you have any queshons regardmg tlus process Prepared by: Steve HopkIns, AIcP Planner II Development ServIces - Urban Planrung DlVlS~on , Wirfs Case No SU82( 08-000/2 8 '~rf (7 \~ & :\r: APR n~~\ 2 2008 J -\ :By-- ~ ---_. --- f I -.-..~ """~u..o ~"'-----'~ '';'' L' '~~ .:,i:s.".:~:'''''~;~~'''''J.'-K:';i.--;.,~ I "'-~"~.":~":'_:"-.-.~'... -.': c] CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ""] ~_f~'-,Li'~""., ..J L;".....~,,,..,,..,,,.,._ Curtls Grohs 1349 S Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 'I'J!.~~., l'_~ ........""d'......Ul......J,:"...~"'"'...-._-\!oL._.!ro\..i'."".".._':".,_"..."''''''''~"'~"....U1'.'._',.,' " ,:,. ....,.,......,,"'., "I!I":'_"=,'''-""'':'":''''''' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ~~'."'---",~.~, . ---~~~ - "" -".-1iIt,'_~1" ". .,."""",-,,,- Jeanette Applauso Branch Englneerlng 310 lHfth Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Ib4......~""I!~~lllL~.Jia,;,.,~. Thomas and Dlane Wlrfs Cozy Homes PO Box 37 Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 ~ 1(6(( 1 J