HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/19/2008 (2) City of Springfield Deveiopment ServIces Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 l d D m "" A R. . " T IoriQinal Submittal an nflsson ppdCaltlOln, vpeI , Date Received: fEB 1 9 2008 Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: o .~ Subdsvision Replat Tentative~ Partition, ~eplat Tentative: o o '. .. 6 Applicant Name: Company: COZy Homes Address: P. O. Box 37, Springfield, OR 97477 Applkanes Rep,: IJeannette Applauso, E.!. Company: I Branch Engineering. Inc. .4.ddress: /310 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 1746-0637 Fax: 1746-0389 prope~.ty Owner: Thomas & Diane vVirfs Company: "Same as Abovefl I I I iPiH>ne; i Fax: I Address; ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-25-23 TAX lOT NOeS): 1801 ;Property Address: 1361 '5' Street, Springfleid, OR _ !SEze of Property: 0.40 Acres ~ ~quare Feet 0 Proposed Name or Subdivision: WilTs Partition ~De5cdption of This partItIon applIcatIon IS to dIvide Tax Lot 1801 im:o two parcels. Proposaf: Existing Use: Residential # of lotsjParce3s: 2 Avg. lot/Parcel SEze: 8712 sf Denssty~ 5 dujacre ZOi1li&1g: AppBcaoEs Reffnement Pcan: Overlay D;strkt: PC2a1:1 DssfgnatkHi\: II' ___~!___ II rb~;.,;;;;r1!lr~Ir"1;'''' .!::::::o;~"='E:e bE! Y'e 5 S' ~"!t Ill" .= rr ~ jIl:~...n' t- ~~I!:!tr""ct- I i ~ib'ff ri=bg&i5l~~ L-J .."'" ..-=. _"...,.,. .. r----1 CJf'o~n ~rOWft~n ~ounaari U .4.ssodated AppHcations~ Pre~Subm~ttaE Case No.~ ({)yt '7~~'1- aso5Lf Case f>;J;Q.: ~~_2()o0> - Cfbl,- Da:teg Revfiswed by~ (in~tia!s) / Reviewed by~ -"1- / i~ I D 6 (kt~tia~s) -b-v-. Dateg A.pp~katkHl Fee~ Postage Fee~ TOt2~ Fe~~ { ~1~/ cJ1'y-e-.. 10 O~&"~ t?Y-~, , O?rj~~- 675D1t.f . Steps in the Process~ :L The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submftta! Meeting Appiication The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory. Please refer to the Spnngfleid Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Applicat!on fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to thiS form. You are required to submit "j copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Frid2Y betwgen 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduce the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. AppHcant and the-City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meetiing We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meetil1g. The meeting wr/! be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation! Community Services (Building), Fire Mars!lall's officef and the Planning Division. The meetIng will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you w:th a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-If it Isn't already compiete. You wi!! then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Appikatk:m ,,.,1-....._ ......... bo=... ,,_ _.=!.dr--s--......! _!I .-.-C .&.b...-. :.&..-.-..-,..- -.-.. ~h-.. f"\___ S' 'b~-i:~~1 C'--.-L..n-.... -l......-~.-, -. I-.._!.&.. 10- VVIlt::11 yuu ~;ClVl::: ClUU 1::::> I::U 011 UI LIII:: ILI::III::> VII LIII:: ,11::- U IIIH.LOi iIC'-""':>L{ j0ICO':>C :;'\.."..illil~.o.;;;r, copies or the compJete application to the CIty. A fee will be colleCted at that tIme and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft: lend use deCiSion, :he drafe vv'i!l be rl'adec/faxed to the applicant/owner/desIgn team for their review.. At the apr;llcant's [-equest{ the p~ailr,er wiil schedule a mee'Cing to ieView the d.afc with appropnate staff if certaIn Issues need resolution before the flna! la:;d use decision !S 1ssued. Owner's SignatuE"'e This application wi!! be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete applicatIon Submittal. OWiler's signatures are required at both Stages In the application process. An application without the Owner"s signature win not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that ~he Informat!on in ::hiS application is cxrect and accurate for scheduHng of the Fre-Submlttal f\.1eetitlg. Owner: if~ Dat:e: ~ /'S-/,'17 - 1./""-- ~E~-~"-C rJ>-_ _f~tfOI.Uti;:;. t, Date Received: Tom and Diane \Nnfs Print FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal . 1 . . ....... o I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be proVided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: tZ3 '-' . Signature Tom and Diane WlrfS Print Date: <6/ irJ p 7 f I Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal , . land Division Submitta8 Requirements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to thiS form. , 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee ca!culatlon formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application Sub!11ittai. 2. Copy of the deE!d and a preiimfinary titie report-one copy issued within tr.e past 30 days documenting ownership arid listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner[ written permission from the property OWiler is reqUired. 3. One additional copy of the land D~vision Plan reduced to SY2F..X 11'''[ which vl!ill be meiled as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. 4. Right-or-Way Approach Perm~t appHcation must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of TransportatIon (GDOT) facHlty. 5. Stormwater Management System Study-four copies of the study wn:h the completed StoFmwatef' Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, supportmg calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineenng Des.gn Standards and 1?rocec!ures- tvlanual. - 6. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic !::ngineer in accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(C). Tr3fflc Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evalucte the tr2ffic impacts of1d m't!gatiof1 or a deveiopmer:t on the City's transporc2'C10n system. In general, a TI4 must explai;~1 how the traffic rror.! a g!ven development sffects the transportation system In terms of safety, tfafflc operations; access and mobliiry{ and Immediate and adJO!mng street systems. A TIA must aiso address[ if needed[ City, metro plan and state land use and transportation poliCies and objectives. 7. Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeti~g OR Eighteen copies of the fo!;owlng plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All or the following pians must inc!~de the scale (appropriate to the area Invo!ved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), non::h arrow, and cate of prepara'Cion. All p:an sets must be folded to 8Y2"-by 11" and bound by rubber bands ror submittal. a. Site AssesS'rTIsnt of Existh'iig! CO>E1d&ltio~s ~ Pre;Jared by an Oregon !;ce:nsed Landscape Archn:2ct or Enginee:- ~ Vicinity "'lap 19] The name, ,location and dimef'is~ons of ail eX!st1fig Srte features Induding bLH!d!ngs, curb cuts tCr::&.d:: ~nrl n~-lI~~-,.nrl~ ~~ :::~ ;rTri:-::;' rir"~~~ rLc.::-riv ;~ri~r6~jnG \,ivra1" i~ re7iair..qnn ~nt*l tl'fh~r i "="=~......- "="l ~~"f=---' "'.___ __ ~___ __ ___I _._--1:. -, .- _ -"'--" .,: - ~- ~ -= -' _ g(~l:.!~ L...oJ'II... ;:rUt,.....,.... IS beir.c removed o Requ!;ed setbacks to the proposed new property Hr,es for ex!sting structures to rern3111 on Site , Nfl\ D The name, location, dimenSions! dire;:tiOr'1 of flow and top of bar:k of alt vvatercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Qual!ty L~mlted Watercourse f'.1ap on fde in the Development Services Departmerif)ate Received: fEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal . o The lOO-year floodplain C!nd fioodwcy boundaries on me site! as specifIed in the latest adopted FErvlA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of f'.1ap Amendment or Lett:er of Map Revision [gJ The Time of Travel Zones! as specified in A~icle 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead P'otectlQn Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department IS] Physical features including! but: not limited to trees 5" in diaiileter or greater when measured 4 1J2 feet above the g,ound, significant dusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areaSt wetlands and rock oUL'croppings ~ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechmca1 Repon: prepared by an Engineer must be submItted concurrently if the Soils Survey mdica:es the proposed development area has unstable sods and/or a high water table b. Tentative land Division Pian [gI Prepared by an Oregon Ucensea Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 rgJ Location of all existing and proposed easements ~ Dimensions and sIze of each parcel and the approximate dimensions or each buildIng site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale [gJ Location and type or existing and proposed street lighting lZl Location, widths and names or all existing and proposed streets, alleys; dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land diviSion ~ Location of existing and reqL.:fred traffic comroi devicesf fire hydrants; power poies, transformers, neighborhood ma!lbox units and similar public facilities NIA. 0 Location and Width of all eXIsting and proposed sidevv-alksi sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways 3:1G b1ke traiis N(1t 0 L.ocoi:ion, size and type of plantmgs and street trees In any required pian'Cer smp [3J Location and size of existIng and proposed utiiities on and ad]acef1t to the sIte including sanitary sewer mains; srormwater management systems, water malns{ power{ gasi telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection pOints. Where multiple panhandles are proposed; the utility plan must include any utilities located In the drive\Afay(s). Phased Development Plan reqUired If redivlsion is proposed. The plan must include the boundanes and sequencing of each proposed redivislon. Any redivlsion mus;: progress In a sequence promoting street connectlv:ty between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public impiOvements. c. Grad~ll1g and Paviliig Pian ~ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Chii! Engineer 'VIA- 0 Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape ArchItect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system ~ Roof dramage patterns and discharge iocations !Xl Pervious and ~mpen!iQus area drainage patterns 1'/1 -\....Co -:-e -_...! 1____:__ _: _:'__~'H""~-'_ """~"'aaen...onl- s --1>-~......", I"',..,...,.,-.....--n...c: 'n ' rP i"' D' t ~ Gh... ::"iL CHiU ~ULO!;'JU~i u; ;::'LU~E;(\'YCH_:;l flar...lf~ .;;J a~_~H. Y:Sl;..elif";; t....VilutJt,E~t:::ld..-"f ~~tc~u-:~n~ U... not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry we!ls and/or detention ponds; st:Ormwater- quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retaln2d [Sl EXlstmg and proposed spot elevations and contours lines draltm ct 1 foot mterva!s (for land With a slope over 10 percentf the contour lines may be at 5 foot !nterva,!s) ~IA 0 Amo:Jnt of proposed cut and fill Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal , . . 8. Ar.h::Htiofiai materia5s that may be rsqiJired IT IS THE APPlICANT"S RESPONSIB!LITY TO DETERIVlINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SOC 31.030: 1^l(4 D Proposed deed res(rictlons and a draft of any Homeowner's ,ll..ssociation Agreement N/It 0 Additional plans and docum~ntation for submittal of a Cluster SubdivisIon proposal as specified in SDC Section 16.100(3) NlA. D Ripanan Area Protection Report For properties located wlthm 1.50 feet of the top or bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW - NIA 0 A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present N1A- D Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional standards or the overlay district N/4 0 If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Fellmg Permit as speClf!ed !n SDC Article 38 ~I ~ 0 A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ~rrt 0 Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or eVidence the perm;t application has been submItted for review NJA- 0 Where any gradingr filling or excavating is proposed with '(he development{ a Land and Drainage Ai1:eration permit must: be submitted with the land use application - r{/~ 0 \I\!;,ere applicable! any Discretionary Use{ Vanance or fv'lodificatron of PrOVISions as speCi~:ed In SDC l~,rticie :LO or 11 Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittc.l._"_ 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone . Job/Journal Number S UB2008-000 12 SUB2008-000 12 SUB2008-000 12 Payments: Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT #: DescriptIOn CTY Partition Tentative Plan + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type 11 - $155 Paid By TOM OR DIANE WIRFS ty of Springfield Official Receipt development Services Department Public Works Department 1200800000000000148 Date: 02/19/2008 Item Total: Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received tJ 6625 In Person Payment Total: Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal Page 1 of 1 3:05:58PM Amount Due 4,72900 236 45 155 00 $5,120.45 Amount Paid $5,12045 $5,120.45 2/19/2008 ! I Drainage Study for: Tom Wirfs Partition 08/16/07 -- - - -- Dra~~aq~ StudV' ~rv~ {Fer :;ny of Spfingfte~G Eng;~€2~;-:g Des~g;'1) Standards and P!ocedures) Total Site Area: Peak Flow Rate. o 4 Acres 0.23 CFS ( Assumes 50% impervious area) Small Site Study Design Storm: 2-Year Stonn Off-Sere Flows: Property to the North- Public roadway'S' Street Property to the West: Stormwater does not leave this properly Property to the East: Stormwater does not leave thiS property Property to South" Drains (or will dram) to the City storm system on R' Street Conveyance Component: Parcel 2 will direct its roofrunoff to an mdivedual drywelL The length and width of the dryv\I'ells are 7 by 7 feet, with a 3 foot depth_ Please see the attached drywell calculatIOns for more detaiL BRANCH ENGHvEERfNG, [fiC. 310 5tn Street Spri":gfiefd OR 97477 Phone (54.1) 746-0e37 FAX (541) 746-03B9 Ii Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal Known Pervious Area =: 0.2 acres eN = 83 Storage = 205 cu ft o 2S = 0/11 cu ft. "--- Irnoervlous % Imperv :: 5000 Area ,7' 02 acres CN = 98 Storage = 020 cu. ft. o 2S = 0.(.14 cu ft Site '. Area =: 04 acres Total Ram =: 3.3 in Time Incr = 10 min T = 'Ill min c w= o 3333 Answer MaxImum Design Flowrate =: 023 cfs T = In 1[1. p 0 ""\ r cc. , S' 0 (;) (,', "'T'l D) r:: rrr CD I~' m ~4 :::0 ~ ~ u, CD r-!., ~ r~ 1"'> \ ,) c:" ( .) uo CD a. /" ' - -, / r)' :; 1,/./ {/ v fl' - " I /rJl// (.. L.? /-Ie. ,Q~ ... x ~ I A-'l~:r r~ J L. '--= v( 7 '-:;:--- ..-.~~-- ~-;c..l f2. c < @ " :}::7~ c ~w ~~ << ww ww ww "~ "~ ww W~ tiiin co Q{ () 'J) v I r~ 0' Dc Vr' 07"'1 I J ) --- . ~ '" <Xi t'lfJ 3 +\\ '" ij; ~ ~!~ r-; 0 () (J x (} ~ ~.) ,. : l(,/ ),') '2,..f- J I ' i' ' r;\_~ ' J!..){~.. =,1....] v~ (.. d-J :: 7, /i l.- ' / 2;.. r/-/2 ': """ ,A / I / ~7 tG- '7" ~'" ~ -:~r r -----..............- '" ~~--- , "" '-I I c- r -P~ -..-........,.,-- --....-....,.,. - '"'"":;:-""'- .7. r (, I ~[- . ,. I' , .: ~ '.Q-,- (4 ): Q~ 'f 1'-- ' '\ c:,,- I I I =~ ) ---~ I "" /~) \ -=:...... I I ,'~. \ \ i __~-=-. __"-,_.",,r~ ,- - - ~~......~\ -.,.-::._L....' ,,_ _~..=; _ d lfJ) L~'~'J {0 I , + r tA. ;., " I' ~..L I ~ /1 ,1". '/ "'" .- ! \/ r 1 ~""'. I ~ ~ r............ \ " c, . , 'J-" 1'(_ .f \ ..... S-1 : .-=-~ -L / I, I e.! ~____....Or --::-_ -......~'--,,; - -"'- ~--,j, (- .---~-- ... =-'""".......:::="'...__=-_..... $.-_--'0-"'- r". > . ,. I ' , . ,-~.. ->- If-.'. "'( , , \, .~ t./ " ',- r9 I ~) J'"'-"J ,;:. ~:" -_. ---- -::--'1 _- I I - -;~ (' / h , r- " (/); - //,-/-::76 : ''? C" {. 0\ ~. j C-"-J ) - ;: .....1',. t 1'" ~~ ~ / i /i,'i/u~ -; I -. ,._-=-_-J Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal. " 06/14/2006 10:25 R~ 541 7'021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW , JUN-13-2006 TUE 04!34 BRANCH ENGINEERING 541 J389 ~002 P. 02 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engin~ng,Division Fax.: (541) 736.W21 STORMW AI1U{ MANAGEMENT SYSTt,!Vf SCOPE OF WORK ( - (ArB" be/ow thisllneftl/e" oMi by APJ;lktmf) - (Pl!f!Lcrg., l.".~'n t!.! lf4'!EitStg!4!l~'@ ~'~!~+...glr,!,lJ p~,:!:~ Wg:-l!Jb- E:;:~~ F=:r:f! 73~1(:ZI~ Ph~~e'# 7S~!~5J Project Nune: Wirfi PartitiCl11 Applicant: 1e:um. ~~~ItU90 Assessors Parcel #: 17-03-25-23. Lot 1801 Date: 06-13~6 ' Land lJse(s): :Residential ' Phone #1 746-0537 Project Size (Acres): 0.40 Fax #: 746-0389 ApproL ImpeNio~~ Area; <50010 Email: ~nGtt~bmctll~:~P;~~~.com .' ": ,'. :.. ,. , . I "i' ". . Project Deser1ption (Include: a copy of AsBes~'S map): This is an application to partition Tax:'tod801 into three parcels. One parcel will be a panbaudle lot. Dninage Proposal (Public: eonnec:tionCs), diseha;rge locmonCs.), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) ifneoessary: 'I'here is no City stormwater system to oonnect to on this portion. of'S' Street. We are proposing to u~ drywel1s for r:oofnploff. Proposed Sto~water ~t Management Practices; - ~ belVlY thiv lbJe f'if1et[ Old bv tlte Cltv ami RdtuH.~ ttJ tltf'lAp~ _ (At a minimunt. all brq;es cMcked by the Cit;Y on lhefront WId back ofrJris sheet shall be submiJtea , for an applfcatiolt to be- (Jompletefar submitla~ although other l'eqr.di'emene.r nta)' be n~ssary.) Dninaee Studv Tvne mnSPM Section 4.03.2): eN ate. UR msy be substituted for Rational Method} ra Small Site Study - (\16e Rational Method for ca1culations) o Mid.Level Development Study - (use Ul1it Uyc1rograph Method for oaloulations) o Full Drainage D~elopment Study - (use Unit Hydmgraph.Method for oalculations) Environmental Considerations: ii W~ad Zone: l -t "(eA<' ""1 """,p T1 M..f.. '1fJ Hillside Development; ~~-A .afi Wetf.ancVRiparian: _ ,.;/ b::: ' ~ Floodway/Floodplain: J.~IA fit Soil Type: ~- ~b U~ !..a.~ ~ Other Jurisdictions: - n...N.....meam Anah~: Ii N/A o Flow line for starting wate.r surface elevation: o Design HOL to use for starting water surface ehwation: o Manhole/Junction to take an.alysis to: R.eturn to Matt Stouder @ City of SD!'in.1!ficld; cmlU1: m!Jtouder@cf~gp~d.QI".m~ FA_X: (~~17~6..10%1_ _ Date Received: J FEB 1 9 2008 Ori:.;;I"'~1 Submittal 06/14/2006 10:25 ~~ 541 7'021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW , JUN-13-2006 rUE 04: 35 ~ BRANCH ENG I NEER ING 541 J389 ~003 P, 03 , COl\1..r LETE STUDY ITEMS I ForOfficiulU....Only. ~( '1/ BaJed upol1lhe tnformation provided 071 the front ofthi:! sheet, /hI! ftl1~wing 'rf!p'w~n~ ~ mtnimum alwhat -lr needed.for an application to be complettfor ~h/t1i.tt{J1 wilh rrJtpeaf to drainage,' hawevl!T, this list should not be used In l!eu a/the Sp""Mlfield Deve/apment Code (SDC) or the Ciry's Engineering Design Manual. Compliance with tne$e requireme:nts does not cOn3Wum Site QPprvval; Mditi(l1Ial ~tt; ,spe(,:ific i7lfi:lrmation may be required. Note; Upon seoping ~eet ~WJmtual. ensure completed/orm has " beem sign~d in the &pace provided below: Interim. Design Smndards/'Water Quality (EOSPM Chap~r 3) RRI1 '0 N/..4 -~<;;I~.-._- o Ii All non-building rooftop IN'B19 impervious surfaces liMli be,prs..rrellfed (t.g. mUlti-ch.mibcrcd l4ltz:bbl!L~ w/oil filtration m6di!) for Stonnwarer quahty. AdditlonllUy, a minimum of 50 % of the NBR I.tnpervlo\&S ~e shall be treated by vegetaTed mefuods. . . . o Iii WMre requ.1red, vegetative ..lu.......water design shall be consistoIlt witb. intorim design Ertandards (EDSPM Section 3,02), set forth by the Bureau of Environmllntal Services (BBS) or Clean Warer Services (CWS). . o f.ii For neW NB:R impmriolls arclI.les.'l than 1 S ,000 square feet, a simplified design appfMOh truly ~ followed l!ll specified. by the BES for vegetative rreatInent. . o IIj. If a stonnWlter t.re~o:nem swale i& p~opos~d, ~uhmit calcu1stion&lspecifications_ for sizing. velocity, flow, Mit.W 81ope5, bottom slope. and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. :J Ii Water QUAlIty C4lcultttion5l1S roq,uired in Section 3.03.1 of tbe EDSPM J ~ A.ll building lVOftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equIpment located outiide of the Quilding, sbal! b~ 1'rovided with secondary oontainment or weather reaisr.aut enclosu.re. . General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4.03) Ii 0 Drainage study prepared by It Professional Civi,l Engineer liCtlIlSCd in -tUG state of Oregon, o Ii A complete draInage stuQy, as roquiroa in WSPM S~tion 4,03, I, illcluding a hydrological study map. ii 0 Calculations sho"o,ting system capllCity for a 2~year storm even, and ov~f1ow effeots of a 2S.)'ear stonn e'\'ent. o II- TIle time of cODcentration (T;) /;h~ll be ~ermlne4 ~g ~ 'to mi~\1tlil start time fQf developed 'lJ~. Review of }')()wustTeam System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) o ... A dO"lVniitmlrn dr~g~ ~;ya.il; ~ de~crjbl!d in EDS?M Section 4.OJ.4 C. On-site drai!lage shall be ~oVetntd by-the Oregon Plumbmg Specialty Code (OPSC). o aI Elevations of the HOL and flow line$ for botb cJty and private S)'S"'.ems where applioable. Pe5ign of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4,04) iil 0 Flow !me!!, aJopes, rim elevatiolUi, pipe ~ and 5ize~ cloarly lndica~d on the ~]a:n Bet. o 5 Minimum pipe COVtlr shall be 18 inch~ for ~inforced pipe and 36 inches for plain oonorete and plastic pipe materials, - Qr proper eng~g calculations shall be provided when less The cover shall be lo'Ufiicient to sut:lpoli Em 80,000 ib load WIthOut failure of the pipe Stl'UOtll."e. o . M!Ill!I.ing's un" values for pipes shall be consis.te:o.t with Table 4,1 of the EDSP. All ~to= pip~!' shall be designed to ~chle',re a mlI11Qi~U v~locLl:y ofthre:e (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full bas~ on Table 4-1 as w~ll, OtherlMisc IjJ Ii fj o Existing and proposed contours, located nt one foOt mtml<ll. IncfJ.Oe spot elevations Ilnd site grade~ showing ho'l> &ite dram~ - D Private sronnwater ea..c;;ement~ shi!l1 be cl~!y d~pioted on plans wheII private stOtmWElter flow; from one property ~ another o DIj"welIs shall not receive TUn off from an)' surface wfo being treated by one or more BMl7s, with th~ exoeptlon of residential. building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03.4..1\.), Additional provisions appl)" to !hi:> as required by the DEQ. Refer to me websire: www .d~o .sra!e.or_u!:/wal~oundw8/uichonle hem for more informatioll. Ii- Detention ponds slmll be desig%l~ to limit, l'\looffto p!'e-deve.lop~t ~r.el; for J:he Z through- Z.5-y~nr stO;;m evernz; *Thi'i farm shall be mclutied lIe aP. alUliJhmel:.f, inside ,lie front cover, afe/:e s:ormmmr stud.I' o y; IMl'ORT.4.NT: ENOlNEER PLEAS~ REAl) BE/.rOW A.ND SIGN! Ar.. t.l-,e engh~eel' ofrecol'd, I hereby certif;"thc!! above r~uired itClm~ arc:: Complete and. mcludod -with the submittod ~tormwater smdy lmd pliP1 sd. Signature: " ~--~ Ii n" (, ! 1". ~t ^ ~C-I"" (1"'/' ',- ,. -- " --S" 'f-,!t,. {.II v'...............~ 'L.' / _ r::-t/~ "- v.......~~ ~"(.... Dat~; / - r I / ~ __ 'I' '-....~ -. - /- /, -: k- / '\ f 1/ Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 O:jr;i!";'l' Submittal ~I I 'VESTERN TITLE & ESCROW CONIPANY OF LANE COUNTY El'GE'iE OFFICE. 497 OA.I\.\\ '" Y RO"'D, SUlTE 340. PO BO"\ 10960. Eugene Olegon 97440. (5,11) 485-358[,. FA"\ (541) -l~5-3597 FIRST SUPPLEl\1ENT AL SUBDIVISION GUARi\NTEE WESTERN TITLE & ESCRO\V COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY ~';"TT~\ Kltv1 tv1CBR'{DE Repoll 1'-10 50-0222607 Your No -- SubdivIder THOMA,.S G WIRFS 4750 VILLAGE PLAZA. LOOP SUITE 102 EUGENE, OR 97401 Date Received: SUBDIVISION GUARA..NTEE LOCAL GOVE&~1\1ENT LIEN SEARCH fEB 1 9 2008 $200.00 Original submittal $15.00 \Vestern Title & Escro\, Company of LaQe County Gual antees The 01 egon Real Estate COl1Ul1lSSlOner, and any County 01 CIty" nhll1 \\ h]ch saJd subdl\'ISlOn or pLOposed subdIVISIOn IS located That, accOldmg to the pubhc 1ecords whIch 1I1lpan constlUct1\ e notIce of mattel s affectll1,g title to the premIses helemattel refelTed to. "e find Dated as of Feb] udry 13 2008 at 5 00 pm, tnle ]s vested 111 - THOMAS G '\TIRFS AND DIANE M WIRFS. as tenants by the entllety 'Ne also find the followll1g apparent encumbrances. which mcludes "Blanket Encumb1ances" as defined] ORS 92 305 (l) and also easements 1estllct1\ e covenants a,ld nghts of way W]th111 <:1 pellod often years pnm to th~ effective date hereof UnpaId ta"\es [0] the year 2007-2008 Ollgll1al..1._l11ount $135791 Unpaid Balance $135791 plus mterest Tax Lot No 1703252301801 Account No 1392180, Code 01900 '1 The I1ghts of the pubhc 111 and to that pOI tJOn of the belell1 de~cnbed pIGpen)' lymg \, ]thm the lumts of lOacs al1d high 1II'<:1YS 3 --Rese] vatJOUS. ll1dudmg the te1lllS <:1nd PIO\'ISlOnS thereof as dIsclosed by lIbtrument RecOl ded June 27 19..1..j. BooL 269 Page 65 L Deed Reco1ds 1 .,. CO'venants e<:1sements and restJ lCnons but o1111tnng I estllctlons, ]f any, based 0111 ace colOI 1 ellglOn, natIOnal ongm 01 phYSIC3J 01 ment::tl handIcap. 1111;Josec 0) mst] U1l1~nt, Il1CLldmg the tenns and prO\ rS10115 thereof RecOlded FeblllalY 7 19.15 Book::: 82 Page 531, Deed RecOl ds ~VfJ~ Felo \3 ?oof) , ~ I / I Oldel No 50-0222607 Page No 2 5 Covenants, easements and I estl Ict1Ons, but omlttll1g I estl Ict]ons. If an) based on race, colOJ. relIg1On. natlOnal oIlgm, 01 physIcal or ment,,1 handIcap, lmposel~ by ll1strument, ll1cludll1g the teIlus and plOVlSlOns thereof RecOlded May 31, 1950 Bool~ 4] 6. Page 109, Deed Records Document No 20280, Deed RecOlds 6 TILlst Deed to secUle an ll1debtedl1ess 111 the amount shown belo\'. and an)' otheI oblIganons secmed thereb) Amount 5;21 0,000 00 Dated Ma y 31, 2006 RecOJded June 6. 2006 Document No 2006-039308, Of1iclal RecOJds GlantOJ Thomas G Wlrfs and Dldne M Wufs. husband and \\Ife Trustee Cascade TItle and ESClO'vV Company BeneficIa!") South \'alley Bank 8. TruST Its successors and aSSIgns, custodJan fOJ John L Shama Rollovel IRA. (covers addItIonal property) NOTE The gU31antee does not prande affirmatIve assurances as to the plOVIS1Ons ofORS 92 0] 2 - 92 190 \\ hlch lequues that an) dn IS10n of an e\Jst111g p31cells a parntlOn lequmng govelllniental approval \Ve have also se31ched om GeneIal Index fOJ Judgments and State and Federal lIens agamst the grantees named above and find NONE The plemlses ale 111 Lane County, and ale deSCrIbed as follows SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" attached he]eto and made a part heleof ThJs IS not a leport Issued prelImmal)' to the Issuance cfa TItle Insurance PolIc) AU! search IS lIlmted to the tIme specIfied 111 thIS GUal antee and the use hel eof IS ll1tended as an ll1formatlOnal report only. to be used 111 conjunctIon \\ ]th the de\ elopment of] eal plOpel t) LIabilIty hel eunde] ]S lImIted to an aggl egate sum of not to exceed 5;200 00 NOTE For questIons concerl1ll1g thIS SubdlV]SlOD Guarantee please contact JerlIlyn Egg~1 at (54]) 43] 3710 cc BRANCH ENGlNEERI~G Atm TE A.NNETTE Ph (5..11) ,46-0637 h (541) 746-0389 En1311 f~_..~::_~_" - ~.J.~,:.L:l~~"E >..--~ll!~,-_-1- For copies of eACeptions, please contact our Customer Service De~artment at (511) 284-8011 or email ~'our request to "c., L'; Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal .. I Oldel No 50-0222607 Page No 3 EXHIBIT" A" Beglllnlllg at a pomt bemg West 2383 5 feet and N O1ih 00 04' West 841 72 feet of the Southeast cornel of the WIlham Spencel DonatIon Land Clalm No 50. TownshIp 17 South. Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, III Lane County Olegon. sald pomt also bemg on the Somherly ll1algm of'S" StreeT. thenle along saId Southerly malgm North 890 59' 00' East 10000 feet thence leavmg saId Southellymalgm South 00 04' 00" East 175 00 feet. thence South 890 59' 00' West 10000 feet. thence NOlih 00 04 00" West 175 00 feet to the pomt ofbegll1l1lng. m Lane County. Oregon Date Recei"ed~ FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal I ~ "\ ,o"':;~" .j",-..~t~'::%< : :. ' I 10 ;1276520e');0~3s31710U01l 06/06/2006 03 :21 :36 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=l CASHIER 05 $5 00 $11.00 $10 00 "1?05-039JOi $26.00 UIV1S10n or vnler ~~p~wy ~&Ct n Lane County Deeds and Records \VARRL\NTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORIV[ I ) )1 l' KIlf~ERLY C. AXTELL, Gr~~tor, conveys and warrants to fifiP"fif'P/ Pi r;::',~?I;i W:Pf~'/ THOhhS G WIRFS .").m T"\TAl>.TT"' l.,c "'TnvC' h..nu LJ.L.t'U\L 1.1. W~J."".l.'-', AS --. ~ ,.~-, 1 'lENANIS BY THE _________ ' J !O~, l.!.h.!:.l Y1V ~ - .... _\ ~ ~t~ :".!J$.. ~~ ' the follow~ng descr~bed real property, free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth here~n, to w~t: ~~ ("\r- . Beginn~ng at a po~nt be~ng West 2383.5 feet and North O. 04' West 841.72 feet of the Southeast corner of the w~ll~am Spencer Donat~on Land Cla~rn No 50, Townsh~p 17 South, Ranqe 3 West of the W~llamette Mer~d~an, in Lane County, Oregon, sa~d pOJ.nt also being on the Southerly rnarg~n of "S" Street; thence along saJ.d Southerly rnarg~n North 89. 59' 00" East 100.00 feet; thence leav~ng said Southerly rnargJ.n South O. 04'_00" East 175.00 feet, th~~~~~So~t~ 89. 59' 00" West 100.{)0 feet; thence Nord:. O. 04' 00" West 175.00 feet -::0 the po~nt of beg~nn~ng, ~n Lane County, Oregon. Tax Account No(s): 1392180 Map/Tax Lot No(s): 17 03 25 23 01801 Th~s property ~s free from encurrbrances, EXCEPT: hll those ~tems of record, ~f any, as of the date of this deed, ~nclud~ng any real property taxes due, but not yet payable. The true cons~deration for th~s con\"eyance is $200,000.00 . BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE ~.. d' SHOULD' INQUIRE ABOUT THE FERSON'S RIGH':'S, IF A.W; 'UNDER"ORS' 197.352'. "THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMEh~ IN VID~~TOIN OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON AQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTlf~NT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETEF~Ih~ ANY LIM:TS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFlh~D IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS_OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY Oh~~RS, IF AATY UNDER ORS 197.352. Dated th~s 3Q ~ ..., .a ~,~- ..Jr ~ day of Hay, 2005-'~v4~(f.adj KW~ERLY C.tli:X':'ELL I ...~ ~ .>-'/;''''' t ..4..~H"" ....-'. ,-" ""-~ h~ STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF L?~~ ) SS. s acknowledged before me on ~~y~, 2006 by KIMBEF~Y C. &- ~~ J)t/~ ~ (Notary Pubhc I=or/ or~9.,n) cornm1.ssion exp~res V C7,:......2-3-c)") !;~ - -;-- -;:-..........-.....-=------- r~~~~~ - ~ KrJ~~.i~~~=~-=l ~ NO,ARY DUBUC .0R!:GOflt (i ~ COMMiSSION NO 3724SS! s.s:=...~,:~~:~~~~~IR=:S SEPT 23. 2007 ~ -- ------------~) M1:T After recorc~ng retu=n tc; WESTEP~ T:TLE & ESCROW COMP~i OF L_~~~ CO~~Y 497 O?_~,AY RO_~, SUITE 340 EUGENE, OR 97401 Unt~l a chan~e ~s requested al~ tax statements shall De sent to the follow~ng address: THDlolAS G IEEPS AKD DIA,~E M HIRFS PO BOX 237 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 WIE NO 5G-Ol53506 ..'"' ~~ ~. ...."'.,~ h......~ j.," 1..,""'1 _ Original Submittal 1 .t ~.. I I ~"l> ....~ " I '.... r...-.J",> 1-< <i ~e Received: fEB 1 9 2008 :;_.~~~~!1,.'....F-' ,,'_'-:__,<,s':. - ':_' J~~ J 4:,",!;~_ !:.~~.:~~~,~~~~::~.- /'. ." ;~>,~-N~~' ,_ ',__ " . ....'_- ....~. .1l~J.";:':("",~--..,< ~'f:. ..........~_...1..... '1... ~~...'t:~~~....~_-.....,...-i-.f .... '17 "--if -p,; ....,-~ .JJ,t;f ~ ~ ~~ , - ~ ,. "....... ~ l" ... _ ~ "?f"l'....JI.,..~"i;. .... ...\<:,...~.,.,'1t.i<'~~""'f"ii:X ' ~ ~ to. CJ~fI<<" _, ~~t.....~: ~\ '< rl( ~.i"t. ..~~....... .. r..:1. .A ..l.. , ;IT"~~_~~~'-!~t: .. f' ;r.:;)f'f~...~_~ j ~ ~';l-~~.-,,-.,... "' ,., ::"T"I&t~~....."\.~ . 'fJ~tr1e-tr -..~~....'I'I"'..... ,.~,,~~_.... .. - li"~_" ] co C) C) c.... en ...- fa LL i" I 1 I (f) I". ~, r5)]-~l'l.1if';~ t "t V$~I- .<.;~ " ....'r'l~~ !Jf t:r ~~ ....._ t~ j1 l Il"'~ _I .....,~....~~t4J-" it ~ ,"" ~~\I''''''~ry. ~:r... -;.. ~ :"" \ ~ oL~ ~ ~ ':0 ,,,," . a I ..... ......."""" .. Q~..f ,,_.~~~...._...,.t..."'.r--- ~.J-~-,f ~ ~;tr1 ~"rt~1-~~0: t ... .....~r#-;. - ~ 1 ~ ~J ~! .......~ f it~U....'" ')"4 ~ '" :...~:(..':- I 1)~"" ~~~-r-,6"-t"\'t..~),:{ .~" "1;,"'" "..,J.._~ -I"t'~~~-c,q;;"'~-; ,,_ I t="1 ':\ ~... l :'11. I" l>~'1'~~-~",.. ').~ $. 1. , - , -l ,- 11 f": .' . ....1 ':;:.c 4.1'''' ~l'$ ....t\""fG. '" "(i _ .)_... 1 <<I I "C Q) co , >0 ",8 'CD C'oIl 0 c::n Q) - ~ m Q) UJ +J U- m 0 It ?~ '.-..':~-.h"'t"<<,_~~~~ >'-~~::;"~ ~~~~~j.r~~~'i'~:;--"; ~~~'~~~.A.:,IjU<-;.-<-~-'~~~~'l..~la,.;;;:...."E...,-~--:.-."o:;:-~~.J:.,U3:~.:a:;":"::':":;"'::"'~,~,:,":'..~......._.,.. I' .... 'It.....,...1o(. _ _ "\.~~'C ,- -'" " t ",".-.:"~ ...."l"..... ~.r~ I - L_ .. ""-I r ......'.t....~ ........~~ '" . . Date Received: j 1 ....l\o<t ... :;.... .. t.~., J- ~ ""'9--1 -}-- r; r~':"! ..L"~ I='t'i. -~,~ ~ F~n-, t. ti I -.."\'":...... i_....'* &~ 1'~'r .,..-.. .;r HI" n-: ~ .~-I ::~ ......::...",.__.._.~~"~__.~n.....~ ~~~--- ~J>r~..., . -- Inc. ( February 19,2007 PRINCIPALS James A Branch, P E , P L S Rene Fabncant, S E , P E Michael Lane Branch, P E Damlen Gilbert, P E Renee Clough, P E Steve Hopkms CIty of Sprmgfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Dear Mr Hopkms, Onglnal submIttal The followmg IS a response to the pre-submIttal meetmg completeness reVIew comments dated August 28,2007 (PRE 2007-00054) PLANNING Notes 1 Remove the elevatIOns and trees from the tentatIve map The plans have been revIsed as request 2 Show any overhead utIhtIes servmg the eXIstmg dwellmg Unless It IS not reasonable, any overhead utIhtIes servmg the eXIstmg dwellmg must be placed underground The plans have been revIsed to show overhead utIlztIes to the eXIstmg house Power for the eXItmg house can be placed underground A note has been added to the plans statmg that all utIhtIes for the eXIstmg and future resIdents WIll be placed underground 3 A 7-foot WIde Pubhc UtIhty Easement wIll be reqUIred along the street frontage of both parcels Show thIS on the tentatIve map The plans have been revIsed as requested 4 An executed Improvement Agreement for S Street for curb and gutter, pavmg, SIdewalk, street hghtmg and street trees WIll be reqUIred prIor to Fmal Plat ,ThIS IS noted and WIll be executed prIOr to Fmal Plat 5 Show a drIveway locatIOn on Parcel 2 It wIll need to be at least 12 feet WIde and 18 feet long It WIll need to be Improved, but not paved, prIor to final plat Pavmg can be prIor to final occupancy of the future dwellmg The exact locatIOn of any proposed dnveway on Parcel 2 IS not known at thIS tIme The jloorplan of a future resIdentzal structure WIll determme the locatIon of ~ / CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC / lRANSPORTATION SURVEYING ...'~ I the drzveH,ay and would be dictated by a future owner of that parcel A note has been added to the plans specIfi/lng the requIred dimenSIOns of a futUT e drzveway PUBLIC WORKS 1 PlOvIde a 7' P U E along the'S' Street flOntage of both parcels The plans have been re1'lsed as requested AddItIonal comments not I elated to the completeness of the appl1catIon An Improvement AgIeement will be requIred for pavement upgrades, curb & guttel, SIdewalks and st0n11watel Improvements on S Street ThiS IS noted and H'lll be subl1lltted H,zth the Fl12al Plat TRANSPORTATION 1 Show dnveway WIdths The plans have been reVised as requested Please contact me If you have any questIOns or need fUlihel mfonnatIOn Thank you Smcerely, I~M~- Jeannette M Applauso, E I Date Received: FEB : S 2~08 Onglnal submlhal . Tentative PartitIOn for Tom'Vlrfs Written Statement February 19, 2008 ThIS partltlon IS a proposal to dIvIde the plOpeliy located at 1361 's' Street, Spnngtleld, Oregon, mto two pmcels (TM 17-03-25-23, TL 1801) The two parcels WIll both front'S' Sheet The plOpeliy IS zoned LDR- Low DensIty Resldentlal and also has a Meho Plan DeSIgnatIOn of Low DensIty ResIdentlal The propeliles to the south and abuttmg the subject sIte me zoned MDR- MedlUm DensIty Resldentlal There IS an eXlstmg resldentlal dwellmg on ploposed Parcell, whIch wlll remam The assocIated hedges and gate WIll be removed The eXlstmg fence WIll remam Utlhtles to the proposed Pmcel 2 are shown on the Tentatlve Map All utlhtles to proposed Parcell are eXlstmg and operatIOnal Sal1ltary sewel for Pmcel 2 WIll be fiom the eXlstmg stub from the eXIstmg sal1ltary manhole adjacent to the northwest property cornel of the subject SIte We me proposmg a 4" sal1ltary serVIce lme at tillS stub, whIch WIll extend to the bmldable area ofPmcel 2 A 6" water servIce mam IS avallable on the north SIde of'S' Street One servIce hne IS proposed and WIll ClOSS the roadway benetltmg Parcel 2 Power, telephone, and cable are avallable and a connectIOn wlll be made fiom the tlansfornlel located on a utlhty pole on the south SIde of'S' Street, frontmg the eastern pOJiIOn of the SIte Pubhc stonnwater servIce IS not dnectly avarlable to the SIte CmTentIy, the eXlstmg resldentlal dwellmg on proposed Parcel 1 has downspouts, whIch dIscharge on- SIte Remnants of a roadSIde dItch eXIsts on'S' Sheet frontmg the SIte TIllS dItch IS not operatIOnal and does not convey stornlwater to a CIty stornlwateI system ThIS dItch seemmgly tenmnates at the western SIte of the SIte WIth no outlet We are proposmg an mdIvIdual drywell to retam the 100frunofffor proposed Pmce12 Plelnmnary calculatIOns of a drywell SIze usmg the Lane County Sod Survey data show that the SIze of a drywell should be 7' x 7' WIth a 3' depth ThIS deSIgn was fonnulated accordmg to CIty of Spnngtleld standard drawmg 4-19 Sod testmg fOJ detenmnatIOn of actual on-SIte pelcolatIOn lates IS recommended pnor to tlnal plat recOJdmg, and may allow for an alternatlve drywell deSIgn Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 n, :: r _,I :':ll~mlt~zJL__ . 'iLl FIRE~HYDRANT '04 ,I ' -OHP - -A - - ~t:r:"'" - -OHP- -~'--V ~ -6 WTIJ.I~_- -6 W - - I ,(. Vl '0,,' "'~ \.." \il- ,'0<5' ,,'\ ,\il- " IQO"1- ,,' ,-0 '\~~ k TAX MAP 17-03-25-23 TAX LOT 1~~ ___ 'l tl)-d2- 's' STREET 'bOO ,,' ,-0 <..~ Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 ~ TENTATIVE pA71~.fmtr5MJnJ1I~ TOM WIRFS S.W 1/4 N. W. 1/4, SEC 25, T.17S, R.3W., SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, FEBRUARY 19, 2007 SCALE 1 '=20" - --OHP- -- 1-' - -6 W - - - - 0' ,0, 0'\ ,\1'-;" 'V PARCU , 7875 SQ n ~ 45 100 0,0"1- ,,' ,-0 ,LEGEND , STt BOUNDARY PROPOSED PRDPCRTY UNES DTSJ1NG AC (XISlWG FfHCf - -w- - DaSlWG WATERUN( - -SMr- - EXJS1lNC SANITARY SEMJi' - SAN - PROPOSED SA/MARY ~ - --1i'A5-- - fJQSl1NG CAS -OHP- f.X1SJlNG OI{RHEAD PO'fER now ARROW ~ WATER IrICTER Df/SnNG /JANHDlE POIIER PCU POIlER POLE IlI'TH SmELT UGIIT ANfJ mANSf'ORME:R , <::. ~ I '" -< ~ ~ I -~. ~~~ - S'AN MH RiM-; 4553Z::}-F 6 SAN 1 GAS - I r - ,,- ( -8- SANj&AS -OHP- _FL (W).,. 44801-.::;:::/ -'[-- ~OHP - -clrrt; -- -; 'O~ON:~110N ~ - ~ l~~ : ::= ~~ nll ~ ~ 1m POWER CABLE ck PHONE Fl (5) = 4048.17 * 0 100 , ~ 55 _lOW ' '5 I I - - r- ---- _...::J.lt~ TI l';;- - - - - ~ - - r ;~ ~ I I 'I -/0- I I I ' I I I D/W I , I I 9>0 '0- I I ';361 S' sft I I :}):lD REMAIN;S9 I I CIIMNEY~ , I 1<< / I I . [~. , ~ I I -"-I 12:; I I I PARCEL 2 I I 9625 SO f'T I I I I I I IL ~ I I I I I 1_ ~_ _ _ _ J "I 55 Q + ~ I I C:::::J o EXlSllNG CONCRf1f BUlWABlC ARf"A APPROXlMA TE: lOCA nON OF PROPOSF:D ORYM:LL j , 1 'p r"-'-"-'~ o 20 r PR~~~~~Al ) LAND SURVEYOR ~ -i ~ -4 t!../ / l JA"E';~~~CH J DECEMBER 31 2009 ~ W.M. OREGON BARTH lrORK NO CUT OR FILL MORE THAN 50 cr IS PROPOSED AT THIS TIME DlWNAGE WE" ARE PROPOSING AN INDIVIDUAL DRYMlL TO ReTAIN THE ROOF RUNOFF rOR PROPOSED PARCEL 2 D...\.i..,.IS,IAYS PARca 1 IlILL MAINTAIN ITS EXlSTING ORII'l:WAY A FUTURE DRIV[WA Y ON PARCEL 2 IWLL BE AT LEAST 12 FITT IlIDE ANO 18 FEET IN lENGTH FROM THE S smEET RIGHT-OF-WAY U'l'ILlTIES AU UTILITIES FOR mE EXlSnNG ANO FUIURE S1RUCIURES IlILL BE PLACEO UNDERGROUNO ~ Branch Engmeermg, lnc , ~ Street Spnngfleld Oregon 97477 (541)746-0637 FAX (541)746-0389 branchadDUn@branchenglneering com end Structures Transportation Surveymg f HA YOEN BRIDGE N . ~ ~smEET#:~ ~, SmEET \7"', ~I ~ ~ 8 ~ 8 tj - R smEET ~ ~ ~ ; ~; Q smEET I~ ~ ~ j~~/ ~I ~ l/ 1// file \2006\06-128 II1RFS 1361 S STREET PARnnON\06-128 1ENTDWG PROJECT NO 06-128 rr ....J I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00012 1361 "S" Street SItE Map 17-03-25-23 Tax Lot 1801 North + . Date Received: FEB 1 9 2008 Original Submittal