HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 2/12/2008 _ L- L-- L-- ~ L-- L-- L-- L-- L_ _ L-.......- L--_ L...-__ L- L-.....__ L _ L___ l__ L- __ L- L___ L-- 1 - _ 1---- L___ 1- - L l _ L_ L L L L L l__ L L L_ l__ L_ l_ L L _ L _ L_ L _ l___ L-l__ L_ L_l - _ l l - l l l _ : _ L L L L L L L L L_ l_ L_ L _ L __ l __ l_ _ l__ l __ l_ __ L_ l_ L_ l__ l_ _ l _ l _ l - - l I - L_ L WJ- KRUSH & ASSOCIATES -- l _: _ L_ L PROFESSIONAL lAND SURVEYORS __ l ~ _ l __ L_ 607 HWY 99 NORTH -- l -' L L EUGENE, OREGON 97402 l I M . S K h OFFICE 541/686-9211 - arvln , rus F~ 541/484-9631 - - ,-- _ L L P .L.S. _l - I - _ L L SURVEYING · PLANNING __ 1-_ ~ ~[t:~~\6M /fAL. M:-MO .-l t _l__ L -- L L _L_L I 2-/12-)0% _l= L _l_ L t?A1t~_ -- I (--~ -- - - n__ -__ L- L _ L_ _ L Ja2.~O.: --- --- -__ L l , _ L L fi'nMl J UJ/'n V\. 7~___ -- ----__ L _ l._ _ L_ LfO <5\-(\1<-. t\.~t)lL~' --- - .----- -- --------_ L L_ . . L Loo:;. 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Aller recordmg return to ~cott WillIams and Max E Notns POBox 3 I I Lowell, OR 97452 D1V1Slon of Chlef Deputy Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records l~~8.~~1~~~ I $41 00 00974417200800070440030030-- 02/08/2008 11:28:49 AM RPR-ESMT Cnt=2 Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $5.00 $15 00 $10.00 $11.00 I DECLARATION OF V ARIABLE- WIDTH I-RIV A TE NON-EXCLUSIVE .JOINT -USE ACCESS ANI> UTILITY EASEMENT ANI} MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS A Declarant 1111s DeclaratIOn of a Prlvatc Non-Exclu~lve JOlllt-Use Acces,> and Utility Easement and Maintenance Agreement IS made by Seott Wllllam~ and Max E Nom,>, the owner~ of the real property described as LAND PARTITION PLAT NO 2008- ';o2Jo 9 , and thc Aeeess and UtilIty Easemcnt as de<;crlbed In Exhibit "A" B Purpo~e ThIS Declar'Mion of a Private Non-Exe/u<;;ve JOlllt-U'ie Ac<.)es~ and Maintenance Agreement IS made to speCIfically provl(je for " (I) Aeces,> to Parcels 1,2 and 3 of satd LAND PAR IITION PIA I, and (2) Maintenance requirements of the Acce~<; Ea<,emcnt, and (3) Installation and mallltewince of utilities, and I (4) Re<;ponslbJlltles' for all persons who are or who may become partie,> uSing said easement 1 I I, I WITNESSE r II: t, Now therefore 111 con~ldcration of the foregolllg recitals, wlllch arc expressly made a part of thl'> Declaration of Private Non.l!:<.xcluslve IOlllt-Use Acce<;<; and Utility Easement and Mallltcnance Agreement, the under~igneJ'hercby dee/arc<; as fi)lIows , ' , " ;. f,t- (I) Declaration of~ ACGliss 'and Utility Eascmcnt There 1<; hereby declared, granted, conveyed and created a perpetual private and non-exclu'>lve ea~el1lent as a mean,> of IIlgress and egre~,> to and from Parcels I, 2 ,apd 3 of said LAND PAR I n ION PLAI. It IS further dcclmed and proVided that said Acoess and Uti IIty Easemcnt may be lit II Ized for the lIl<,tallatlOn and mallltcnancc of sllch utrlltiM as may be nceded to <;ervc ,>ald Parcels Said casement shall also be used for emergency vehiclel access. It IS expressly undcrstood that no fights out<;lde thc ^cce<,<, and Utility Easement are"pr~~'Vldcd w (2) Extcnt The, casemeht created by tIll'> dctlaratlon are not per~onal or III gros,> but are appurtenant to each Hald ,l"~rtcl I, , " " ' , . \ bl fl. 'I.. I ~ ~ ~i , , " , , i, J ~.l\~ ~ ~. !> <i; ~<t~ , ," .f ,"/1 . 'llttr' , I ; 1 " 'I l? .. -, (J) Dural Ion of Covenants Bmdmg or Succe'>Sore.., and As<;igne.., 'I he easement created oy 11m declaratIOn e..,hall be permanent and perpetual and shall constitute covenants running With the land and e..,hall be omdmg on and inure to the benefit of all helre.." <;uccee..,<;ore.., and a<;<;Jgne.., of Parcele.., I. 2 and 3 of said LAND PARTn ION PLAT (4) Non-Exclusive The Acces<; and Utility Easement proVIded herem shall be non-exclusive to lJ1c1ude but not Itmited to owners, helr<;, succes<;ors, a~e..,lgn<; and their permltee<;, IIlvlle<;, Itcensees, guests and others of Parcels I, 2 and 3 of Said LAND PARTI nON PLA f or any portion thereof and each shall be entitled to use the Acce<;,> and Utility Ea<;emenl lor the vehicular, pedestrian access llnd utility purposes for which It I'> provided (5) Maintenance: Any party may cause the Acce<;,> and Utlltty La,>ement right of way or any portIOn thereof to be maintamed or repaired The party causing said mamtenance or repair to oe done shall pay for such work, and othcr persons usmg Ihe Acce~<; and Utlltty Easement <;hall oe liable for contributIOn based on that party's relative use proportIOnal to the total roadway u,>e ThIS payment ,>hall be made m a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expcnse (6) I axes Real property taxe~ ~hall oe paid oy the ownere.., 01 the property upon whICh the ca,>cment I'> located (7) Indemllllicatioll' Each party shallllldemlllfy and ,>ave any other 01 the partie,> harmlee..,e.., from any Itabiltty, loss or expense,> re,>ultlllg from that parties agent<; and employee<;, any IJ1dependent contractor hired by that party, and that partIe,> penmtee,>, IIlVltece.." Ilcensecs and gue<;t<; unlc<;,> that Injury IS caused in part by any of the other partle~' fiJllure to contribute to the expen<.,e<., of mallltenance ofthc Accc<;s and Utility r:a<;ement (8) Further Documcnts: In thc event that any further granl'> or ea~ements are reqUIred 10 document and effectuate the eascmcnt creatcd herem for Parccle.., I. 2 and 3 of the af()remcntroned LAND PARTITION PLAT or portIOn thereof: (irantor~ each repre,>ent that each will execute '(d ~rm):Of C7Il1F\ ( ',"-. /l,Al l\.,/' (I ),~.~.~._~~_,~~ ScolfWi\lthins Date ~L~ Max E Noms j_/.~~oY~ Dale State of Oregon) )ss County of Lane) fhe above named Sc~t William,> and Max I" Norm. acknowledged the foregolllg before mc 111Ie.., \ -T'~~ day of ,Ll.."\.~.,-. :+~__ ...__~_ ,200R ,f ) , 1'1 / c', >1 L- ) CNotary Public for Orogl)il My Commls"lon EXPircs.,..t~~\ t I\~\ ~)-'-" _.:....~~\I '( omCIAL SEAL AARON M ZEH NorMY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION NO 420885 ~...s~MISSION EXP,~ SEPT 3, 2011 ,L ExhIbIt "A" Easement DescriptIOn Begmning at a pomt being North ] ] 3 ] 6 feet and West 855 33 feet from the Southea,>t corner of the WIlliam Y Mtller Donatton Land ClaIm No. 48, SectIon 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, thence South 00 03' 2]" East ] 7696 feet to a pomt on the North margm of the McKenzIe Highway, thence along said North marglll along the arc of a 40- foot offset spIral curve having a centerltne "A" value of 0 25 (the chord of whIch bears North 890 54' I]" West 90.12 feet) a dIstance of 90.] 2 feet to the True Point of Beginnin~, thence contmumg along said No"ll margm along the arc or a 40-root offset spiral curve havmg a centerline "A" value of 0.25 (the chord of which bears North 890 44' 25" West 3200 feet) a dIstance of 32 00 feet; thence leavlllg saId North marglll, North 00 OJ' 21" West 124 J5 feet, thence South 890 40' 28" East 26 00 feet, thence South 00 03' 21 " East 105 35 feet, thence Ea"t 6 00 feet; thence South 00 03' 21" East ] 9 00 feet to the True Point of Beginning m Lane County, Oregon ,. I ': 'I' f I ~'!,I; j J . J :l ~ ; :11 . . !r,: " "~,~: 1 , ','~, " , I :"l~i , I , ,'~I : '~, I, ,f,l,'1 ,I ~Vj' ' v I ' .... ~ " :;),,1' I ~" ItJ, '1. , ~~ ( I' t t 1~ "I: "rf1! I , " 1 , :' I '" i' ,q \ I; I' " ':1 I I I .f I,