HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/3/2005 UB/U6/U5 MON 10.47 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1iJ002 " City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726.3759 ' Fax: (541) 726-3689 SPlRINGFU!LD Site Plan Review Modification. Minor ApplicantName 'Er'lc. \-\C\\\ t\n'",',-\-1J( ~ ',. .'1:'\<':.. Address -::'C)'L., l.u(\j.\rt> -' ~e\-- &, )rlP r\P (') \P(\I'''',,', q 140 Z Phone f 7"?\ \") (Q.~n - S5q.q PropertyJ~er~ame - C ~-r Address 7~1- q~ C tic). Yr\ ~C\ -:'Je \'\~__ '2i:;Y"') - j _ Phone ( -H4 \J -z..,~~- S ~~ Property Address ~ / A ~2 Assessor's Map No. 1\ - O'"2...,-\t:=:) - ~ Tax Lot No. '2<)u / '3CYD I 4 <.J<) Journal Number of Decision to be Modified 62 - 0 <" - 0 l ?../~ Specific Descnption of Modification --rY'(J 'V\'""'-<)....";--(-'. II'- ~ l-\f . y\(\-., tpp (,\ ~ M(')('~'\~\Q r\ ~,~ -\-rQ, ~\(J\"\ (\0,\ A- W 10\9 ('\ c\ ml i ") nq . ~p \- -4f"'""1 ~ JI \ I~(V\(\ -x. , (Y\ \ r-P V)-.C\L\I'Y\ '\(.-:r -yv\~I-:-{->-1J-_ l )?,{1 ~ \'..i\\^0i \7'.r\\N\ a.....nc\ 6m\n(U'1~. (t> \)\~01(\6 , \'\(l\"'JL I{JPPr\ f'N\N . ~ \-Ar\.\Y\e~ '\Pt ~\~ ~<Y\l~ll (' '\\(\f\nri~ '-\f) -\.hP_, ~J. t\-\~ Qx"\C\ 0~ -\-\r\Q.~.0{\'=P_. -rr ~k. The unde....l~ed l1wowledges that the information in this appliatioD in corr~t 8lId accurate. Applicant Signature ~ -. l,Jo4. ) L Date 01-. 1-1-- ' ";$' If the IlppUcant is other than the owner, tile owner hereby grants permIssion for the Ilppltcnnt to act in bislher behalf Owner Signature CJ Date g-03 -cJ.:r i=or Office Use ()nly~ Journal No. 1> (2 ( /~).\ -CIDD$q Map No. \ 1" D 3 -- [6 ' :, 2- Received By ~'Z--- Tax Lot No. 2fftY, 3-00, 4- OV , . '---," Date Accepted as Complete eyl60 ~' 5-6'2J503- C5(Y50T TeJ ~u- ?;'v{l/ :2-~\ - C:1:bol P (;ML ~(J. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone RECEIPT #: Job/Journal Number Description DRC2005-00059 CTY Site Plan - Mmor Mod Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Check ERIC HALL ARCHITECTS 8/4/2005 "ity of Springfield Official Receipt Jevelopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200500000000000476 Date: 08/04/2005 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj 14723 In Person Payment Total: Page 1 of 1 1:50:22PM Amount Due 882.00 $882.00 Amount Paid $882.00 $882.00 Ju1v 12, 2005 City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Site Review Application Project Description The eXisting Sports WaV Business Park site IS located North of International WaV and West of Sports WaV In Northwest Springfield as delineated In our Street Map The business park has been proposed to be built In two phases with the First phase completed In Apnl of 2003, and the second phase to begin Immedlatelv Phase 2 anticipates an additional two storv office structure, of approxlmatelv 28,000 sf The Phase 1 office bUilding has a sole tenant, Pioneer PacifiC College, which also antiCipates occupVlng 7,500 sf of the Phase 2 building's approxlmatelv 26,000 sf of commercial office space, and will also Include 2,000 sf of restaurant space to serve office park tenants The two buildings are envIsioned as sister structures, With Similar matenals and detailing Careful concern has been given to generating a IIvelV facade, while maintaining a sense of decorum and hlstonc senSibilities BUildings elevations depict a sturdv base, a Simple spilt face CMU skin With punched openings highlighted With bnck lintels ThiS spilt-face CMU facade IS articulated With 4 Inch courses of reveals as well as a bnck strlngcourse at the second floor level The building IS capped With a Wider emphaSized masonrv cap With an additional 4 Inch coursing Window openings and entnes are anticipated as being Simple aluminum storefront svstems With tinted glass The sole tenant for Phase 1, Pioneer PaCifiC College, IS accredited bV the Accrediting Commission for Independent Colleges and Schools to award certificates, diplomas and occupational associate's degrees TheV offer programs In BUSiness Information Svstems, Office Administration, Computer Accounting, Computer & Networking T echnologv, Webslte DeSign & Administration, Medical ASSisting, and Legal ASSistance The college clearlv offers some of the Euegene/Spnngfleld cltlzenrv training for some of the first steps up a career ladder, that their current training to date has not afforded them EarlV morning and evening classes dominate the programs Impact, which Will make It an Ideal fit With proposed office tenants In adjOining building spaces Project Phasing Phase 1 was completed bV the second quarter of 2003, and Phase 2 IS to be completed In 2006 Special care has been given to site Infrastructure components like power dlstnbutlon, storm water pre-treatment, and landscaping and related Irrigation, to assure that theV will work With the proposed phaSing ThiS has Included creating separate storm water pre-treatment swales, the Phase 1 swale handling not onlV parking, but also our ceremonial CIrculation dnve LikeWise, the draWings antiCipate prOViding earlv plantlngs along both Sides of thiS drive so that landscape matenal can achieve a more uniform matuntti throughout the life of the park Flnallti, power dlstnbutlon to both buildings has been centrallti located such that one transformer and related vaults can serve both buildings Proposed Phase II Modifications !he Phase II site has been partlallti modified to Include a more effiCient parking arrangement to ensure the Impervious parking area IS utilized to the fullest extent possible Subsequent modifications have therefore been made to the Site Coverage RatiOS and Parking Matnx shown on the Modified Site Plan Sheet. as well as a reVised Circulation Plan Including current site lighting & an updated Street Map Should anti of thiS or other aspects of our application present tiou With anti questions, please don't heSitate to contact Mike Hoffman or mtiself With thiS office In that regard Thank tiou, as alwatis, for the opportunltti to prepare thiS for tiour review Slncerelti, t .- 1-- "--t..~ Enc Hall, PreSident Enc Hall Architects, Inc r 1IJ ~ , , C/) '''- L5 , .. t- III ... :r .... '" " :J 'd .. ~ iii, 0 Ill, "', Cl. I , W (,) ~ g; ;"1' ~s V ~ I , , I , , '- ,,,, ~ , , , ~ eo' , I ~~'Vl_ 76,e13 :Q, FT V> ~ ~(fj,- ~. (] _~~H I ~ : CITY OF SPRI NGFIELD I 1(\\ ~~15~J1L2~,30~ CO) I l. I /1 I ~ ~ I (I 0l''''-----1"''\ 5.280 )~)' I' L --, " ..J \ \ ! J \ \ ) ---, _I ~ I ) ,~-:::~!/ \~~ '- ~ 1.1 ,// ~~ '-....::::::.r- , '" I > , ~ ~.. , - , Iu ... ...,.UI "- ...}. ., . SA7'4!=i'~n.r 202.65' . se7'~5'30'E 165' I. lle I'" iD I' 1:;;_ !~ .... 10 ~ I~ 35' U, tZ M I:' 35' ~ I 18 I Z I I I I~ ~ llil I I> I~ I~ (Jf) iij lill L1- ~ I... r- ... I (t: l~ R-Ie2,67' I LC"N 0~'2e'36' IJ 1 ( n -~2.7~' I I ~~ > ~ ? ~ Ln ~~ &e;? ~:!; r:tu ""N 4:..J ... I 600 0.46 AC. 20,050 sa FT 5 900 0.86 AC. > ~'" . III 25051' S87'45'30'E - 255.51' 3 , , , 200 2.15 AC. 93,679 SQ, FT, 127,76' se7'~5'30'E ~ M III ,r.. ~~ f r , , , t'i , se7'45'30'E I 2116' , , , , SITE """'0' NIA'~~~"W' LC"50,3' R"70' 500 0.64 AC. 27,753sa FT, 6 I 1 000 1.00 AC. 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