HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/20/2008 ICity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit equired Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: DennIS Murphy Phone: 726-3737 Company: Address: I City of Sprmgfield Fax: 726-2297 225 5th Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 Applicant's Rep.: Carol Stineman Company: Address: I CIty of Spnngfield Phone: 726-4658 I Fax: 736-1021 225 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Property Owner: CIty of Springfield Phone: 726-4658 Company: Address: I CIty of Spnngfield Fax: 736-1021 225 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17023533 TAX LOT NO(S): 06204 Property Address: 6853 Mam Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Size of Property: 1 +/- Acres IZI Square Feet D I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to this application Proposal: Remove trees for the construction of the Thurston FIfe StatIon #16 - P20534 , , A A Associated Cases: Signs: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 0 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 7 Signatures ! The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate Applicant: Date: Signature Print If the applicant IS not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 0 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 7 Tree' Fetling Permit Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Tree Felling Permit Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Tree Felling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. . Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check . Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. . The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. ( . An application is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. . Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision o This is a Type II decision and thus is made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed. . Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood assoCIation. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. . There is a 14-day public comment period, staring on the date notice is mailed. . Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day It is mailed. · The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. PRE-SU8MlllAL REC'D MAY 2 0 2008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 3 of 7 Tree' Fel'ling Permit Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or Land Division applications, where applicable. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Tree Felling Permit Application Form ~ Copy of the Deed (already provided to project planner) ~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. (already provided to project planner) [gJ Narrative explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Tree Felling Permit Criteria as specified in SDC 5.19-125 (see page 4 of this application). The proposed tree felling is part of the site improvements and construction of the Thurston Fire Station #16 Project - P20534. This project has been approved by City staff and the City Council. The existing station will be demolished and replaced by a new building. In addition, extensive site work has been identified including pavement replacement, installation of a sanitary/storm switching valve, construction of stormwater pretreatment bioswales, removal of existing berms along the south and east property boundaries, addition of new public driveway and parking, covered/paved dumpster enclosure, and fire operations training area. Twenty of the trees to be removed are on top of two berms which will be removed to prevent stormwater intrusion onto adjacent properties. One berm will be replaced with a ,stormwater pretreatment bioswale. The remaining seven trees to be removed are in the footprint of the new building, public driveway, or other improved areas. NOTE: Before the Director can issue a Tree Felling Permit, information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Tree Felling Permit Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. In certain circumstances, it IS advisable to hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings. The Director or the Public Works Director may require the applicant to provide the services of a professional forester (approved by the City), licensed hydrologist, or licensed landscape architect in order to address the standards in SDC 5.19-125 for undeveloped property greater than 10 acres in size or 15% slope or above an elevation of 670 feet. [gJ Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan drawn to scale to include: (already provided to project planner) [gJ The species or common name of the trees PRE..StlRMITTAt REC'O [gJ The location of trees to be removed and their sizes MAY 2 0 2008 ~ The method of tree removal and the hauling route to be used Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 7 [gJ 'A description of any plan (Vegetation and Re-vegetation Report) to replace, landscape, or otherwise reduce the effect of the felling that addresses the applicable criteria in SDC 5.19-125. [gJ Copy of the Plot Plan Reduced to 81/2" X 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 () 2008 v Revised 9/26/07 Molly Markarian 5 of 7 I 5.19-125 Criteria The Director, In consultation with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve, approve With conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria p U LJ..JI ~ --il ~ :2: co :::;) U> I LA..Il G"~ ~ "'!!- A. Whether the conditions of the trees With respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of failing, proximity to eXisting structures or proposed construction, or Interference With utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffiC safety warrants the proposed felling The site IS bounded by Main St to the north, 68th PI to the east, an undeveloped parcel to the south whIch IS currently occupied by fire operations, and a private resIdence to the east Within thiS area all trees fall In the path of construction of the new bUildings, pedestrian or vehicular paving and/or their associated Infrastructure work. B. Whether the proposed fellmg IS consIstent WIth State standards, Metro Plan policIes and City Ordinances and proVIsions affecting the environmental quality of the area, Including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and Windbreaks, wildlife, eroSion, sOIl retention and stability, volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams, scenic quality, and geological sites No trees outside of thiS site will be affected, and all trees removed from thiS site will be replaced With appropriate species as shown on the construction documents All landscaped areas will be covered With vegetation Including trees, shrubs and ground covers Most of the paved site surfaces also drain Into City of Springfield approved Slo-Swales for pretreatment prior to Input Into the City's storm water system c. Whether It IS necessary to remove trees In order to construct proposed Improvements as specified In an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings The trees outlined In thiS tree felling permit must be removed to allow for the construction of the Thurston Fire Station #16. All trees Identified for removal fall In the path of construction of the new bUildings, pedestrian or vehicular paving, or their associated Infrastructure work ThiS project has been approved by City staff and the City Council D. In the event that no Development Plan has been apRroved by the City, felling of trees will be permitted on a limited basIs consistent With the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescribed In the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent With the following criteria 1. Wooded areas associated With natural dralnageways and water areas shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimiZe eroSion, N/A 00 ~ ~ '" e C'ilI ~ ~ 2. Wooded areas that will likely proVide attractive on-site views to occupants of future developments shall be retained, N/A 3. Wooded areas along ridge lines and hilltops shall be retained for their scenic and wildlife value, N/A 4. Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to serve as buffers from adjacent properties, RevIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 7 . . i t 5. Trees shall be retained In sufficiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure against Wlndthrow, N/A 6. Large-scale clear-cuts of developable areas shall be avoided to retain the wooded character of future bUilding sites, and so preserve housing and design options for future City residents N/A E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation IS an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled 19 new trees (see landscape plan) will be planted In place of the 27 trees to be removed under this permit In addition to the trees, the site will be planted with additional shrubs, ground cover, and vegetated storm water bloswales F. Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City All felled trees and associated debris will be removed from the site uSing proper recycling, reuse, or disposal techniques G. Whether the felling IS consistent With the gUidelines specified In the Field GUide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region Tree felling will be done In a safe manner uSing qualified personnel uSing appropriate equipment and gear Every effort will be made to: · ensure the safety of cutting crews, bystanders and other personnel working In the vIcinity of the cutting operation, · minimize damage to reSidual trees and seedlings, . minimiZe damage to Site, . properly dispose of trees at a compostlng faCIlity H. Whether transportation of equipment to and eqUipment and trees from the sIte can be accomplished Without a major disturbance to nearby reSidents The trees are located on a site that IS bounded by public ROW on the north and west Sides, undeveloped property on the south Side (currently occupied by fire operations), and a private reSidence on the east Side Trees Will be felled and cut Into transportable sizes With a chalnsaw The pieces Will be hauled to appropriate wood recycling/reuse faCIlities In Eugene/Springfield uSing City streets All work Will take place dUring normal daylight business hours thus causing little or no disturbance to nearby residents PRE~SUBM\TIAl REC'Q MAY 202008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 7 of 7 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. · SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 · SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX' 541.741.0619 1\ ~x~rg{~~n TITlE INSURANCE SERVICES · ESCROW ClOSINGS 875 COUNTRY ClUB RD. · EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 · EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 fAX: 541.6870924 December 24, 2007 Our Order No.: ELT-54590 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT CIty of Springfield 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Carol Steineman Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 Dear Carol: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as mdicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of December 11, 2007, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, a municipal corporation Subject only to the exceptIOns shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. rRE.SUBMlllAL REC'O MAY 2 0 2008 CONTINUED . "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MA TTfR MOST" www evergreenlandtJtle.com ELT - 54590 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authonty that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3 Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions In patents or In Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment (of existing improvementslocated on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existmg improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land. 5. Any lien, or right to a hen, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensatIOn heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6. The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of city ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied. (Map No. 17-02-35-33-06204, Code 19-00, Account No. 1229184) 7. Easement, granted to the City of Eugene, Oregon, a munIcipal corporation, of Lane County, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded May 12, 1955, Reception No. 56584, Lane County Oregon Records 8. Easements as disclosed by Highway Construction Permit Recorded July 13, 1966, Reception No. 53894, Lane County Oregon Records. i' 9. Easements as disclosed by Highway Construction Permit Recorded February 28, 1967, Reception No. 82105, Lane County Oregon Records. 10. Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded July 25, 1967, Reception No 92677, Lane County Oregon Records. ! CONTINUED PRE-5U~M'TTA' QEC'D MAY 2 f\ L008 EL T - 54590 Page 3 NOTE: The address of the property to be Insured herein is: 6853 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. NOTE: A JUDGEMENTILIENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, and as of December 11,2007, none were found. NOTE: Said property lies outside the city limits, therefore, is not subject to city liens. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The current vesting,deed and all changes back to the deed which vests ownership 24 months ago are as follows: WARRANTY DEED RECORDED December 3q, 1977, FROM WILLIAM DEMPSEY COPELAND AND MILLIE FRANCIS COPELAND, TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, RECEPTION NO. 77-8380l Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: f/l;J~, Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON TH~ REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200 00 WILL BE CHARGED. J PRE-SUBM\TIAl RF( ,-. MAY 20 200b ELT - 54590 Page 1 of 1 Legal Description EXHIBIT A Begmning at a point on the South right-of-way line of the McKenzie Highway, 146.56 feet South 000 16' West from a point on the North line of the Thomas J. Maynard Donation Land Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, North 890 49' West 1914.06 feet from the Northeast comer thereof; thence run South 000 16' West 23973 feet; thence North 890 44' West 181.70 feet to the Easterly line of Lot B, EASTON FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 68, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 000 16' East along said Easterly line of Lot B, a distance of239.73 feet to the forementlOned South right-of-way line of the McKenzie Highway; thence South 890 44' East along said South right-of-way line 181 70 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT the Easterly 1.05 feet as conveyed in instrument Recorded January 14, 1986, Reception No. 86-01482, Lane County Oregon Records. PRE-SUBM\TTAl REC'O MAY 2 0 Z008 F! ~ - l( :II: . l\l 00'1 "f'''''! (U ... I I 180,65' (183.23' SURVEY> S 89'08'22' E 106.20' ~ 89'08'22' E 457.6€,r TI-:1S iVli\1J f.5 TO ASSIST LOCATTNG PrzOPER-rY THE COl\:lPANY t\SSUtJ1ES NO LU\SILrfV FO:~. IN!~CCUR.ACIES N COIif' i[SY OF \IV -l- E EVEF.GI,!:Erl LAND TITLE GO S 741-1981 180.65' 6204 PI ... 0\ CO) lU ~ ~ ~ Q I'..) ~ ~ 00 ~ ;:0 '""1M . ~ 55 ~99'08'22' E ~ ,~ :c:r n' o 17~7--~) -~ s ::Ii 10 ~ ij + o - a.. - :I ~ ... <<! ~ ~ ,..: - ~ 6 + - g ~ s: MC;:aZIE= HWY. "8- -8 "-se'j.".--:<- -<<s =--~67' ~:r=i77.14,------~--t;.-lT-~-" -----; I ~r: 6206 I ~17M7' -I:3J.4S,~I', ~ ~ l\l /~ I I "U'. I l\l:..1 . 0.57 AC. I I 6203 ~~~? ~ .:./ 10+168.467 M P.T. I 0.75 AC, . 't 2;; I /,0+1803..322 M P.O.T. , I Is a.n. Cl!:) ,I I I ".0 QZ;~ I " ,~ ',., I I .:9,144H,:9,144H4: 10+le2348 M P.T. I I lor-. I 1 I ~ ~ Y-C5:0u) I \ ~gj I ~ \ ~ ".~.c. 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Ie I :7 ~I.r re:::ordmg rUurn to City of Sprlngfleld Finance Uepartmen~ 4th & North ~ Streets Epr;~~~i~Id. Orego~ ?74~7 NAME ADDRESS. ZIP 11\ 11'\ ~ ~ Go ~ =J 8 a -E n ~j i d~,' ~ l~ 11 ~ ~j ~ ~ '( . 4~ r'~ ~~ lk~; .~:~~."~ 1"""~G' '!;F~ e& ,-..:-(1.1 ,.fL~ '11::--'" ....~~.,r t.~~~~ ;~ ~ l;k~'" "'..~1 '~" : 1/1 ~ ~~ - - _.\.:;.... .-r. J (~~~ /. o~. ~ ,^,.,,'t~: . ;~~~ ~~.. !)>f~~ ...,....,-... -:.!i:,\~ z~ ~t\~ ~t,;1B i~~~~ i:" j a.L lSfji -5~-5i ~g~~ Silt" h .e j 1 ::!l ..- I i 1 ~ ~j '" S... i 50 =i~.g:; 'Ct- '!'O~B ! g M:; a 1: ac:l llJ a ~ ~ €tO ~ f?? t.) "J I:' ~ ~ oq'" c ~ Unlll, ehD. "requeUtd, m:ul.1I "UlU.llmlnh tD Clty of Springfield Fiirimce Dl!r>lI\'tl1l~Ylt . . . . 4 tho &. .Nor.th A. St.reets. SprIngfield, Oregon 97477 . . - .... U NAME. ADDRESS: ZfP "~D WARRANTY DEED-STATUTORY FORM ~I~L~AM D~~EY COPELAND and.MILLIE.fRANCIS.COPELAND tonveYHnd warrants to THE CIY OF !1PRI.NGnE~D. OR~GON.I a munlcipal of. the ,State. of Oregon \~, y- , XGrantee, th~ followmg described properly free of encumbrances, except as slleclf.cally set forth hcrem Be9inning at 8 point on the South right of way line of the l'lcKenZle lIighway, 146.56 feet South 00 16' West from a pOInt on the North 11ne of the Thomas J. Maynard Donation laBd Claim No. 44, TownshIp 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Ileridian, ~orth 89 49' West 1914.06 feet from theoNortheast corner thereof; thence run South 00 16' West 239.73 feet; thence North 89 ~4' West 181.70 feet to the Easterly 11ne of lot B, Easton Flrst Additlon as platsed and recorded in Book 68, Page 25 lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 00 16' East along said Ea~terly line of lot B, a distance of 239.73 feet ~o the forementioned South right of way lIne of the McKenZIe Highway; thence South 89 44' East along said South right of ~ay line 181.70 feet to the~oint of beglnmng. in Spnn~fie)d,.lane County Oregon. E...v, ~111- ~ wv- ~ 1<<'\ S; ~ -- r- ~Cp -D I V8L. ~L~c9 !_I'f-r; \. M ~ 0 lOiIlZ55. ooOHOO Gr.lI1tor corl?oration I/J I-- (IF" INSUFFICIENT 'lPA't,CON1INUE DLSCRIPl ION ON ADDllIONI\L PAGEl The said propcrty 1'0 free from all cnclIlllhr,lIlCCI except easements. rcserva tlons and res t rlct- ions of record '.~f~ ~_-2:.L"".. 17~i t "o"'~-;' g~ -..~""~-~ :t ::_.,.~ tl- ;~,'~ -;-~ ~J~?J 3-' ~~;. !} _ ;"1 _......J~ ~ ":t=""'T ':L~ --=~""".: ~~.;,.::-:~ 1tjj '..~")f ~; .J~pJ; ~-~~~J ;f"'?~2~ :r ~~~1~ ~....~ truc conSideratIOn for till.. eonvcyancc IS S3~ ,ODD ,,9.0 Dated De~embe,r 19 77 fM;~l>~ ..\'Iln~ tf ~a.....v .' I r.. /.. \,\U!} III 'J"~(l'\.\' 1\":" \\\\\" . I ,\ -'I, ~ 'I "1",. JWl" nally .w~~ti1'i;~~~""med, :-If;.-,' _\ C-' ".~ ';) usb '!L'...~.~iLh\~\o!! : r!~ ,o!.a,1~}u..: llL ~ ';~~t 0 ~ :;,} /O! · "..,.,>.:t- Q, .......'" l . .. .~ ~~P~'J"""'''''''~J>: '::o.~ " olary Pubhc for Oregon .f ~.v.!'~ ~ \ " ~ ",...,0:- I ";~'t.ll/IIIII"IU""\\ . 1075 Oak Street, Euyene ~::;C1\~~'.." FOrm No '07 1.,j.1-'rt . r J- STATE: OF OREGON, County of L,ne, IS WILLIAM DEMPSEY COPELAND and MILLIE F dnd utknowkdgcd the foregolllC 1Il,lrlllllcllt 10 be t~e .... v Ddled December , My CommISsIOn Exp".' ISI :l1977 . c..;;J.;r /910 'CA ADE TITLE COMPANY I ~~~." I I I ;t;~'; ~. :-;. . ' -,.,..,-~"1 '.A/I .I,~~~.l I -~,' r "'~-.... '. I' l\ ".'qJ,~~:""'". ~_".~ ~. t: ,....... ., I,' \ \'. "~:.y,f .~. "r;,.,; ': .,' '.' " :. '. ,: A, . : PRE SUBMlTIl'Al n~r' J '; ~".' ~ ,.' ':', :,' ", :, '.,' AI.. .;, . :', I _ 111"'''' \'f \.,. b :~',~~ - ..!_'I:~ . tf , ," ,'.. '1',- ':!t- _ ;( ......... . ~:,:...1 .. .'! ~ . .. "I-"tl"-\~~\ .. I ~. t ";'. '.....0 ,'" 1 'F 'Cot ",\'. '" ' A, " -.. 1'1 .;'::' I . 'r~~~: , !:rr~/~..~J~~ "..i, J ; ..'J!'.';", r ';" !,," ~,,1~. ~; ~ :1 :~t~7; ,~~ p' ". ~ """.'~ j..it IV r IE!! 'll" 'J 00(1 ,. \.t"f"~~ ..... Ih.. ft'l-'~_)...f.'('L.~.,....,t .1t "'I,r It-~.~ 1 I I" d"\-_tVIt\1 ~ \1\"" .~.. /;I("r~:1 .1"".....'.4..."".....' '.f"..<<,,'t... t..\lr:"~ ~,.;~.t!~"I,~!''''':i'' Itq.i~!; I : ~"/J' I ~~. "q'" ..../ ,",' , . '.'" I ; \, ..,. 'tI'T~I.('l" '~' ",.:f~' "}~~Y1,,:~!J~i<':i'.l..;iI1~':~" ",:..J~~~.iJr.i'b'; ~ ~ \ ' " .' ~~-:;s..l._'_ ~ ..~~~.-u...-....~.~.""..J.~~~~~_;.;.,~~-:__~, I '~.. 4 T . . ~ ':. ~~; , . . L c _.~~"I;'"'''''''''''''~~IIt'l;~I~..,..'tI\!jlll!~Y'''''U''''''M'_'''~''~''''''\'''''''''''.....-.....,.. ...."''''~.lJIii''t\.I\l'lliitlliW,t~~i''l\''...'t.i,~~~~'..t'"l'... '" I ,,' . I I . I. I b I.. ..... I.. I." II.., ~' III", "" I I. 1."..., I "1 " '" .. .... , '" I , J~ ,-if : . ~~::t . ': I :"'51. ;;,^, , .'.~ ~~:~"~~',,: ~:,:-~~\ =,~~ -"'-1 I'~<:~~~~": ':'.c.,':---.:.r:;r,t t;' . $ ~.. ''1.~.vt' ....~ .~;.foP. 01\~~'d~:~;~~~~ ~;;~~~~:t;:~i~ ~f':~ I__:~ ~,;:.> ....'f;~.u~~ ~~~ ;~::~~:~: r;~ ~i! ~ ~ ~ f,~~"~"M )-1..... .."1['_' ~~:iU~~~~ ~~4',::;, <] Ilf~l~~ Ill'h.. ~rt.tr~..~<, I' ~~rf~;t~r "~:S~..~;tt.:l~ t , ~&;~t~;::r,(:~,: ~,; -~Or') <"..j \ I ~i-~~{t L i"~:::r~1~~ ~ 1~\J~~t~~~~" j.,._.::L.~.." .' , ~~i:f;;~~:i2 ~ ~ E:.t~:~ ) r~.l:: ~; "~;' ~\ ~ : i~~~t tI.i ~~7?:t}..{~ F.r J~:'(_"~r 131l,,:J-C:. r;:-ij~~;:r.~~~f~,.;":I!:~~~ ~~~j;}1~1~2~~:~\~ ;1~i:;lL:~~~:9{f?\ f!;"J~:.: .~'t.?;.~t: r.: ~~:~ ~;3:~{~-i'~>' f;t{ :;~~ ~<~;-. ~"'" }- ':\~ ~-;p,?$"fy,.?:. ~".., ~t,P I, s..!,....~~~cl.", - ~..waI" i'.4,:::. ~"'::~4-~ "",;,,.----'-- 1~".....4.~_~l:','_...or , :,; ,';"d~^',i;:;,~~,., " . ;';:~ I: .,,;;.,~j;.; '~, .', r?+- ~ . ~:X(?~=~S~~~~Rl~gi0i~'~~~2.,c:.~:~ _....:..~:~:'." ~~"""""\'4, .~\f.l),..o,I.H"''''___.~~,_"",~"",____.__,~",,,..II. ,..,... ... .._ w.___..................._.... t. .' ' 17-02-35 33 0620J s.. - QUITCLAIM OEED 'I 8601482 , , , . The City of Springfield, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, relea~es and quitclaims to Jack E. and Sarah Heacock all its rights, title and Interest in that real property situate~ in Lane County, State of Oregon, described as: The West 1.05 feet of the fOllowing described parcel of land: Beginning at a point being North 89049' West 1915.11 feet and South 0016' West 146.61 feet from the Northeast corner of the Thomas J. Maynard DonatIon Land Claim No. 44 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point being on the Southerly margin of the McKenzie Highway; thence along said margin South 89044' East 86.20 feet; thence leaving said margin South 0016' West 239.73 feet; thence North 89044' \lest 86.20 feet; thence North 0016' East 239.73 feet to the Point. of Beginning in Lane County, Oregon. . This instrument does not guarantee that any particular use may be made of the property described in this instrument. A buyer should checl: with the appropriate City or County. Planning Department to verify approved uses. The true and actual consideration for this transfer is None Approved thi s 6 day of January entire membership of the Springfield City Council. , b~' a majori ty vote of the, , 1986 S~ATE OF OREGON 6942AOOl 01/14/86 REC \ . \'\ . "0007" ~~:-o~o.\ " . . .(1/1t1'lf- ~/ "....:. (1@ ,,,,,,,,, . . 0 . I 5.00 - ss COUNTY OF LANE On this' /.3-1l--day of /J/1/71'/UUA.;) , 19~, before me, the'und~~sl~ne~ a.: Notary Public in and for sai~y and gtate, personally appeared the within named, ..:h:An 2) j"lPW and, -'.id:J""'J ',. ~/." '.' __ ,"::~ who are known to me to ~e the ldentica1 indiyiouals described in a~~ecu~ed t~e:~:~~' within instrlj~ent, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely 'arid ',', voluntarf1Y~ .':"'- '.: , ,~ , IN TEST~Mg~Y.WHEREOF, I have hereunto set. my hand and affixed mY official ,-. .t~ay an~!e~ lil;t a.bove w!'ftteri, (#2tz4F~ III 4Jitllt1 /1/)~ ~PUIlI1,.C fOI1,Oreg,on , ':'l~;'i:ir~~; -' .. I ,,\\\\' seal ./tJ-/2-,?7 My comrn1sS10n exp1res CIS, EDI46 " , . ./I/8o.q. -. 1~ > PRE~SU~MlltA~ji~ MAY ~' ifl~\},f~.)i:; ::'-!:!'~~'f~::~--~:: ;.' . "., - ,~ .: ,:'.' " ' sD.: '0/ ;%,;, (. ~8f:'/. , -' j. ";""1' ..~'I.~-:~<'~ 'L.__ -. II '.~~ ~ '<'" ~J. .. '~ ,r... ,~,.=1r-i~_...- .._". . ~, \ t" .-~_!:. r ~...~ '..;.- :,;, ~ ",." I." ,,~ I, '" .~'.',.\_l" -,_' '...;(- .~. " ~.. .I. "!...~. ,. ,.... _ ~ ~. ' ~"4. ~ I ...~, ........) '",. ~ 1........J,..~ "I ~.. "..,. I _ ";;,- '.:-t I .,. ~ . '1 , " ~.." " ~- ~', :' ( ......t... '\i ,'\ = \: ,.- .' '{r; .~r..::. ~J. < ::' ,J , . t~." il',~,J""iil'nt J_~.', '~I"~''''''111~'~~'~r'[jJjsj~'lJJ1~''6" "'~"~.IIlI"I=:"'~~.~Lt!...".'..',I,. ".Ill!~~:..."":,!;I, :l"";Ili'!~,~t.~,, .,10,,\;:, UJl!l!l"L.'II,l~K d'!l~.lJl.~M'~oWiB~"J,,;bI_;~.i>iW""""""'*t Ii, IU."...""""",,,"\r;. \..... ,. II, lI"';' , ~ ." - , " ~ ~, ~... .. ~ ~ 1, : [:l:~,:r:;> ~:~;:~::#~ "7~ " _ ......:.1.4-:;' '~;;....ot-'~~p l!l!Io.... !l if 565811: G(... ... . 'L- : ~'O)D .~ll :mrn JS! 'Ebrsr ~n.mt.: l ~ ~ ! i ,," In~" of...Q..u1lli.....L~.__. __...DoILIt.'" and 0IhM HI..,., ~[j "''weD/,1s he,u, ---Wged, the .,...Ierdgudlurdry ,... 4 ~""" ___ ~~-c.!IJ-~- , I ~~ ,!4 mUJlIclfal .. , . ." :,., of l.AlU Con?" Or"'BOJI, "" muI fmfNg/t 1M &""''Y. JIiliIrif, -I t lJI1"" II!'I Jofrsl .". wWa whom II may COlI"", 'IPll" 1M righ. to ,L-. ., ,., rei, CIJI'!:-.~ S , ~, '.,w, ".., t:kar -' _. eleclrlt: U".. dectriD fN1I"', ~ ... ~Iir.. .., W ~ cl/ri(l. ~~ p,.. -' ."JIImur -, or .., " II. I '" _1NdbI ~, tIf'O'I~ ~.:_ 8riI~ . ~ I ""., 1M foIkitmg Uierlbed ." ',' . ./ slltwM '" u- Cou"?,. 0Iwp: I ::' . Iii , I!JJ _ .'_ ~....41l1 at. a poiJR, OB i.be .0Ube.-~ J1cb1; ot 1IQ' 1iM of .. .r.Iii..: .;'1 H~ 1k7.03 tNt. 1Io1&t.b O. 16' ..n tl'08 . po1at. OD u.. 110," ~ or _.~ Jo - J;, IIa,ruanl D.L.C. 110. :J7, 1'. 17 S, .. 211., V. II., Uaa' 1.I11OZ"to1a 119- 16' 1IIUI" ; 1587.8 ted tl'Oll ,be IIDrih...t. COI'IIII'- tb.NCIt, aIIIl l'11111W111;beDo. 8Gu~ 0<< ti. -. _, S90.S teat, 1;boJlae Solltb 89. WI' ...1; S07.9 t.., to i.be out. l1DO or 411aat;, ~ 2S.0 too' nJ1.p .. c." . ,,1 to H1brUld A. ...1;emu &lid wit. b7 dMCI noon(icl ,= oJ&Il1I&i7 23, un ill Boole 431, Pac. 297, taM CoWIt.J O1'eIOB llelll Ieool'd., UIoIII.: lo"b O. 16' Jut. &1011& aa1d UDe S90.S t.n to t.bI .ollt.berq riP1; of ..., 1Ue of .aid XOlaDa1e H1&baT, th.nce Sollt.b 89. kIl' ...10 &10111 th. .ollt.bel'q ript. I, of VI' of .aid H1s1n1a7 S07.9 t.et. to the place of bel1l1D1Da ill Lau COlll3" Orelon. i I; :1 Ii I' I: ! 'l'be I'OlIW ot t.he oquiJlNDt. .ball follov a o.nter l1ne d080*1Md .. tol.101nl. Bq1ftmq a' . po1nt. OB ,he lIO"b boundar7 of ducr1bed tone1; ,bat. 10 .0" ...1a&W1T 201 f.., ...~ of ~bo IIOrth...~ HrMk' of de80r1bed 1;not., t.bona. 3out.b O. 16' nat. S~O.S rll'~ te the ueuth boWld=zy or dOllCr1lled tract.. I&1d I'OIIt.o t.o be approld.llaH~ parallel to and OJIII foot. ...1; of t.he ...1; liAo of . 31.9 foot. private l'Oad., I'WIII1Jl& DOrth &IlII lOuth thl'OuP do.or1bed tne1;. ,. I I I I I " be gralC, ItlUllU 101t" ...,. .Iudlld ..u lime. Jsnv. 1M riB"" ItlUl "wu... .. ~ or _. "ml.,,' for lit. fulllltl;., .. .. 1 -' IIUI .1t.Mo/ for lit. purro- abow ,J.u:iIHd. IIIDIIIdl"B ,It. rip. Of "'gru. ItlUl .grm III ItlUl from iIae rut ,..'J...., of Ih. gratlltm tor dIe f'tIfI'O,.. her.". _tloIIed; ItlUl tl&o lhe righ' III ..-. "..... limite of trN.. U_SfO'IPlIa or Olher ob.trw:1ioN lllI 14Ill"..., 0/ IN gr""""', lIac t1116T Jum, rtr Olltllrvlu ndlmger 1M " 'I '.'J of 1M grllllle" TO HAVE AND- TO HOlD 1M _ ""10 lhe Or4lll.... lis '_IIDI" /IIId IIIIlp. 10'-; tmtl 'M riS"II, eDII4illlotu tmtl "llIIbiotu of lIab _I ,Iudl "'_ 10 lhe kII~1 of tmtl h fIW"'g upon .", hein. CUCIIIOt'l. odllllttblnllorl, ._non tmtl ""'8"1 of 1M ,.,r-tIv. ,.,,,, "",to. . d IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhe mulcr.lgned Iw tX'C11lC4lhl,'''.,",meJlII''IL.._.c2~- _....... My o/......::71.f~....... ...... ... 19S:~- /l ,I A f} .' ~ _ CI P _ A.. " / /J WlhNU: /J n JlW~.U..~~.. ~:~~~:............ ~~::':~~:.~~:~ .......... ... ......PRt~SUBM\TIAt'RECO MAY 2 0 Z008 N' Nfore _...VJ..1.UM.,D....a~....JIUU&..l...JlQpelMd, Im_halllll ~-~!!~.~!..~~~..~~..~~~~~.~..~! -~!....~~!!!!~- _ ~ '" IJIuI wlao _1M 'M willa... -' fore,., """-"I. _ "" IN ~ ~.._.-fr.. -' MIIlIlIII? ., -' tlMI, ftw dN .... -' to. .....~4# --;1#~~ ...-:- .. ~... -. ~ of.._..~IfT::A--:-._.._..., 'P-.<i: '~ /. ~: j..., AAa(,& .. _ . _ _. ,'.I:1!il:ft{_r,.__J...;,.f:r.I. ....~.__...._ M t J" . _, ,_ ,:.. ; *'1PUllG~. ftwdNS..",. ...._.' I .'1\...-':; "~'.l' \......~ ,~" ~ ~~q_ ~~'~.... --..1.':2.1.- ~t;' ~._ ~~ /1.&..... ". ...... ", \, '" . ~""" ......IIioOj.... .-, ..... . ~ ~jf .--.. , it: _. ~" .J I,..., tj.... t ~ .... 7 . '..I "'-"" .. ,- ~~.. "I. ,,,",' ,II' J ~', .~.~, I(.a~ i'''' "'" ... I", ~ \. "lI' , ..).+,'~~'-. ' .~ 1ft s.~ . \I'''~''~ 4.J ...~ a)~.:ft. 1 ',' ,',,', 1 If-' " .' '~ < 1tfN~ a:a "',1-' .... 'y.,.t" , y.gW ..... .~"I; IV . ',_~ ',., ,-.). ., . . " I ..... ,j.; Ld J;, ,\ "l.\t;:!!~ . J " .. r ,.. -~';~n; , ~ "~~~~'t.'/.l ~~{ l.~'i... . ... ~ ;., .,.... - t~'"...i. tt.~.tI ~f~~. ~-r....... ~I . , Ij 'r . ~ ~ r: !:" .' ,~ i<- C' r ,;} ~ ~ : ,~~ . - ( 'i:i ~ , . . ~ ,) ~ ~ t: DO ;:,~ ~.: ~ ~; .,..,!-- " .s ai::- ! ...~ ~ ~ . I- '-;I; - ~~I , - ." ~- - - , Ii t'7 ~~'.-iA'J.:. . .. "f . ~ ~ ?~ .: ~ , ,,:.., t- ~'l .E ~ :~t. ~ n-~ '. - ~ ~ r. :-~ 1\ ~.:r Bl .- ~ .j~ ~ ;: *~~~ r- \; ~d :::- ~_! ~ ISI f i'~I~Jii~~ '10"'~\\:: . >l' !!t-/i &. . ~"'~;;:..~...~:.; ~~_-!c." .,.~-'~.. .i'i!:':b;.- :~~4'=' (~~~~;i;f1till' ~.'t~;'~ ~~~~::;l:.-.;;c ~~ -r~--;~:[,!:: '~i. ~ ~t.;'~~~J r ~..~-, - " ~T' ,. ~~~ ' :(ti""'~">~'~'~- .- .., ~<t:'~.!t".. ..... ;:r ;..< \~~""'~-. '$' -:>'it,.:: .r..l;". -; ~ ~ .'- ~ ~ ,= ir ~ cr r- .. '. . .' :-; =0 ::=:0 l!'T1 . :s: en ~ c::: CO' .- , :s: ,. -' ~ ~ Q - 1'00.) 0 ^' 0 QQ ~ 0: i . , ' .... ~ .~:. ~ ~ -' c ~ ~ :: ; ..9 : -: ~. .- c.: .. ---.- ----- --...---- ':. :-~----- ---- - 565&1 EASEMENT - "-I V1ll1:1:~pe1ud ~ Rl111e ,. cD - ~t~lI- e.,... 10 . THE i:rrY OF EUGI!Nf, OIIGON "f1~ .- 8IMe or Orep.. Cou~~ I. L ~ Clop", a.t:... ,.,.- or c. . ..' _ fa IlIMI for ...... (loat;r. .... ...,.,. __ tllatlM__1 '" ,..,,_neoIveil for _ at .. tm MAY 12 1..\1 9 42 Rf::tS9 'J5 iJ '. ... CoutY~. \ '-"'" . Dr I14BBJ' L. ClIaQ' QB, :~~ c:rHlt. I \A!.~M11v-~. ~ . irMNio.... M- -, -.... WAlII IDllID -- tOO_ _ ~~~~..;,.,..," r .'" ,:, .- t',H:. ~_" .'! ? , "'I J .?,",' "l ",I : k~ '1' f ' v ~~f~ , ;'-"~i ~'t--:1 i '1 I I I , I I I ().d 53894 t"J -7 HIGHWAY CONSTIlIlCTION PERMIT 19th S~ot. - 71et 5t.roet Section Hclten:ie H1shWll1' File !lo. . ;Jq~ g"J-- In cond4ol'at1on 01 the mutual benefit. to be derived botl<<lll%l the w:dGZ'uigned an:t the StAte 01 Oregon, bJ'lUId. throll8h ite Oregon stato H1ghwq COllIll1aoion an4 the City of Sp1'1n8tlelcl, a 1IlIUI10ipal corporation, it :1.0 herobT agreed that tho OreSI'll State H~ t ~ ! ~ ~ !~ ;~ Camm.sllion, its 118ents, lIIIIployeell, and oontraotol's, IIlII7 onter upon the real Pl'OJ';!lrt,. cnm.e4, described 111 deeds recorded on RGei~~-"6!b1> .o.'t-A-tC llo~.1~"EiE~!pt tlie1'81'N1ii ...-..--y b7 tho llIIl!orDigMd 80 dsscribed liVEWiroUII ,8 ~ooll07-,ltofufi~ Deod Rscords, fot' a diatanoe not to exGtlecl jCj';'l&. feet pll1'allel to t.be exl.llt:lng right of vq 01 the HoKmlde Hishwq, to finillh elopoD and weN roquired IlI1 additiollal .5"0 S4Ul\1t/a,feet to provida storm drainaBo facllities along the eaid h1ghwu;r, and fU1'tberJ it 10 herllb,y 118rllOO thllt ths 01t)' ot Spr:1llgt:l.eld, ite Bgente, emplll)'ooo Ilnd contractors, IIl!I1' enter upon ao.1d rllal prOptl1't7 aftllr oonstruction to maintain allid otom drainass tacilitille, providingl 1. '!he OlopllS lIill be tUliehod in II worlcmAnllka IIIlIJlDW end will not excsed in stefl1meBll tllO (2) teet horizontal to one (1) loot vertioal.. 2. Ex:1at1= rollj1l1JlProaob~9 'lI1l!. be re!=QDatruoted whero dieturbed. '-oC4T'~1/ WILL:. ~6 'ZJ~trr,,.'t:r~ ...."T 71n14!.. op.. C.cl/#7'7ldt::-r"tD" ,. Arr:T ncooJl~aZ7 ma:1ntonanoo ot IUV stom dra1na.go tac1litioD ino1llllk OBteh ball1nll 1nstall~ on OrantoZ"o proport)' tor the ,_,.ao ot Z'BIlIOVa1 ot surfaoo uater JII8T be done b,y thll City ot Springtlolcl. '!ho Bteto H1g)nmy COImlliollion 1d.ll not be rOIlpoMlblo tor aaid operation or mUntenanoa. 4.. Bhrubo or other improvllll"ntD within tho elope uoa will be paid for liD follows, ""'......"'(. S/olAu8~) 11__ .JJ1.s-~~ 5. .:Balar oondit1onOl4pP.IlftMN '''//l~I"'' "~"'lIlC!.as3 ...~ ~,., ,c:-""c:-r "1UJ...- ~ t::">A/"TIl!:fC'T~S> -;lfu.awACr '~?H5 ~M1R....~'.et:u~/,,!. PRo""" '71tl!-.. ~ o,r:.SPllIfiSf!J''''''-'r> "I"J", ~u,....." ~~. Upon oompletion ot the work, and lJZ'f1' plIJ'IllOnta to be Illlldo horOUlldoZ', the undor- o1gne4, tbeir hlliro aJld alIoigDo, ful.JT Z'oloaoo the State H1ghwll7 CCImII1oeion !rom 0Il7 furthor e.lsJJDD witJI rOJpeot to tho ~WlQ" .1IDprovBlllllnt oovered heroin. J, Datlldl~'.1 () '~t. B1$.n&d~ ~--C~,(/ :=~ ~ S~ed~p E~sui~f~rREt'f ae Countr ot Lr4";;; MAY Z008 ~ thlo ..a:::..daT ot ,....,&{ . 1966, peraonall7 OAIIIO betol ~f.flll~~ land Publi~ ~ aZlI1 for IIUd Oll1lllt,. lUlll~tate, ,tho w.l.t;h1n namod MP..CC)"'Sl.,q~-Lf{fPO -L;(Il.,=,e-... .c. Co DeI..ANo.. hie vito, to IlI8 Jl'B%'.~ IlJIown to bet the idGDt10al PWllon( DJ 4Gsll1'1b11li in, IlIld WO tlZlJllUted, .. . ,- nt, and WO ./lob pOZ'SOZlIllly aolmoltlcdio:l to me that ::rJle4- lIlXG~~" :'l!1)}' ',voluntari11' tor' tho UllOll and pc.xwposea the.reiD .named. _I,. $~ " ~.. iI'.., - ~~ I ~. I$~. . WltnllDll m, han4 and otlio1.al ii_.~. h ., =11 r 11, I - I' , ..' ':~~\. ~ I )..~ P " ' .1rt!:- ~~ .:-...L--.::":.~,;:- '~\~ ~~r "'I. Sisnodf \. 1to~tteA. ~ . . ' r - I ,. I , .., ~ . " .',' - ,J:.. .......ttr;t !..I ", 'H0tu7 Publlll foi' OD~<' . lIeion up1rIllDJ~A~ 0 ?J(,.i'i.19...JJt. ' " " ~. . . ,-. :fi"~:" " I ~ ,~, .. ..., ..I, f' . '\.~ -' - I ~"'!. ~... ~. . '\~l - '-~ :'-~--.. \ -Ik.;;'~ " Wi...... -.,"!~/66 _ ,I.' .. ,-, -...- '''J' =" ~ ." . '.~""l" "-\~....._4i.... ~ ,") .~ ." ...;, .i."-,-""~"'.. .~, I ".~.. I ~ ~'-. .-:...;--~ . ... -\ .. ,",I.. .. ...... ".- --- ~~?Z~~~~:,~~~.:i,..'i'i)~("....!~\L,)/DIi';.QiO' 5 .. .sup~'~t. #., ,_r,'('~~"",.'-::.'~'f~~~)'}' =,..., I~:~"r.:~)jr;'~'''._ ~ 1M" 'I' ,-, JU~ " ,.' 0.,- . :',\'i'~r:.'..l,' I . ,.fl':;--)~:.;-~: ~1::::".,oJ.'I"j .;.\.,- '..,. . HIGJniAY CdNSTRUcrIOILPERHIT I ..,. ~.1 .) h , ..' 1"~'V...... . 'ti t.1~~;~if:"";"",,,,)~ " ' _;.. - ":1 ._ I ..:: File Ho;3~S2.': :,,"1 ,t '" .~, .... ..". ""' ..", ,-, 19th Street-71st Street'Section' I . J ~i~W;''''V' -;' ,,' - ~ ", McKenzie HighWAY ~~~ > - 6Ba9 i~o~lo - ': ~~~:~~(\ i .....,":l', " , d i f h 1 b f' b d ' :I b h d d' I 'I I.~I~'- ,in conai e~ot on 0 t" mutus one .to to II er.ve ot"sen t e un eraigne -:,::'<{l'-\ ;.t~r II t'.4~~' jt;: :;I!,~, .and tho State of Oregon, by and through its Oregon State Hi8bwsy COlllllliuion and the City';'" ;,' 1 .l.."\ \-, j ~ I' ~.. 'e of Springfield, 0 municiplll corporation, it h beTOby aeroed that thll Orogon lIUte HiSb1lay :.. ~Il : :,.J" ~'; 'Commiaeion, ita Agents, omp1oyaes, and contractors,may enter uppn the ~~ol proporty ~nod ". ':I~ ;~' ';~", . , 54>> ~11 _ ~cepr. thGre1'rom property .' :. ' 1"1: I 'Jr!~ by thll upderdRnfld ao do.oc:dbcd i~tl~ .~~it890 8}'O LLl1uCI CClIIDtv Deed Rocordn, for.' .1', , F":'l 1..sI', ci~Boribecl -3J1 Dtf13d.e recorcux1 on Ree~ ~55-6vL~Ji4"",od- e:ect ijo. :JYf-:'ffJJ f/~':;IBl ~, , ~I t ~~';Ji <:\~~ a diatance not to exceed t'iYe feet perolloi to the exiutinll rillht of wa)' of tho ."!' )1',';' -~' 'i:~--; JZ!:; , , I I ~. ' , I, '.,I'~ lJcKenzio Hillhway, to Hnioh slopes on:! where required en additional -4ee-.iQUD.n het to "r.; 'll>.. q ~..... J' t = ~ ,t", A,~,.. ~ 1,., ""y' provide atore dre!ne:;c facUitles along tbe said highway, snd furthor, it ia berebY o8~mod "!~" ~~i' ;:~; ", ......{ ::i, ,that the City of Sprinllfiold, ita ogcntD, empl~yeoD ond controctorB, Il!IIY enter upon ooid ;L.. :~:':' na1 pro~orty lifter conatruction to lIIOinteln said atom droinago facilities, providing 1 ~;~~ " 'I'tl!'tl... 'I \ '~~~"_ '1. The slopes will be finished in a wOTk~sn1iko manner ond will not eBceed in .l ';,~i;jt; oteepneso two (2) fost horizontal to one (1) fODt verticAl. ',' I.'~ ii~): 2. Exietinll rosd approachss will be ~econstructed where disturbed. '~:' ~ ,:tJ~fr I " ~ \ I" I ~ . ,_ 3. Any neceosory maintenance of any storm d~aina8e faci1itieu including cotch ; .,~il~; ';:' basina inotalled on srontor's property for tho purpoeo ot removo1 of surfaco tl~~;t:li: ..1 water msy be done by the City of Bp~inBfield. The StSto HiOhwlIY Commieaion -, ;~~'.~t'f(' wU1 not be rouponaibla fcr said operation or mdntonllnco. ~{'t'~, }. \!'\'l'P JCI" \: f[~\:~ ~;:f ~.:~ ~i'~~";J'l I~'~' \. l)Ji ~ oIflt" :~~ .: ~'" !' follO'llOI,: ' "I ,,::!;~~:~', ' i' fI,l Atl oond!"tion~ t'emn.in th~ EJrmt~ It,. nn, the) o'l'iftiftq"l \'I9J'1J1\t... I . I . ,j C/'J I 5. Othor conditions: Oatoh basin added at Station ~'l'f+2'5 to '-'\''I'l'ov''J:"ai~''lh ~~:,;:i ,,' 'a..f J3S+SS r:/r 33' +:;2.. " ' " '- ',: . .U;0~.c~P1etion of the work, snd any paymsnts to bs mode hsreundo~ tho U~d~r~i~~~d~~t~l' thelT .~?~~S and IllsDigns, fully raloaae tho State Highway COlIIIIlieeion frcm any furtho~ c111ims:t,,'.JI~ wi rh r~~?ect to _the hiShwoy improvomont covered' hordn. ' ":,. ' ,; J,t Dotedl -;J~. f : J 2.k! /9~:7:i " \,,~ ~: SlgnOdl~:P~/a.-rflJ-' "," PRE' '-S.qUd:~~tl~~/~E:' :; , .. uDI~~nLV~ ' -,;~t:{.,J:; ;- '" 11,1, MAY 2 0 2008 ' :/f'~': \ " ,~ 'thiD 28t1day of?~ ,196(7, personslly come bofore 100, s Notar)' .;':: :':" Public in and for.said 'county ,ond olf.rts, the witfJin nemed \fllli~D_.no~\lmll ' !2nd' ;., ~':" .," __. lallie' ",,' 'Oin"e~d. " ;, hiD 'life. to lllO perRone 11)1 \cnown to bo the idllntica1 :t' 'ft'" .. ' pllr~~!!(a), \~1l8 t:ibl!d;'in, end who IlIlClcuted tile witbin instrulllent', end vbo each perDonallY" ,.<'~:j;I-, __' 'l1~kn~. Il ~"X e~e~ut~~ ~~l! ,~all1e ~rIle~y,llnd, ,volunto~Uy for 't~a' uCla~ ,.I'd ,pu~.,', ,', -.\; 'POIOI..: , . 'l!.,,\~ I '1'I..la~'IJ..l "rl'l~ , \""" ~-'-".' ~ " "#,:'\ ...)i'..;;;.j,'..~ '( i "'-'(J_"I" If - ~:.j; ,.,)" -,':I .... .'If ~.. - I ,..I"'.t:~.'r...~'jlf" ,,\.,II';~:'~\ ~offf.cial.,aoa1 'the"dlly.;'aiid YeaE"lOfJ~Jtten. '1-, \"'.\~\'~.!'I.t;r.", '''tll\lrtl_-.:,~ l~./J J ~../.~';,"I'r'ol#'lt,!.I'" ..., .....I?P~'.!...\~4l""-l.jll~.1.~SIJ.. \ \.~ '~~ ~ ''1r.L' _j I /. '.(1.. -jIIl'(\r:"'~ ..r~' ~ .'1. , . J )1n:'~'~L tl(,,,,,,,,,,. I~'I:ZO 11) :: 'fJ.',r-.. - _ ~ ~'~.'.j~..!~ ,h.r\I~~ l ,1 " '.. iC}.... .'~' y, ;~"..". .' ~ .~rr/.. ~ , . #'.':.j,fJl:[r~";'J4.J,~;t~;. 0' ,~';, ,~". / Not y'--!'Ubl'le flr!Or - ;'J~f11 ,... #.,' .~ ~( !.' '~I...... ....'/11 "'1,t"~J '~\.,... 1'1':;;1 ',.....' I~. "It ,-.l ,I /J~"",.-:...E. ,~. I, '- ~ ;$\" ,-;. - ~ II ,,?~:' j:t.....;.1 ",-,... :. commloslon "eJtplres.. ~ G-,.- .!t ~~.: ' ~;.. . -\,~~ .\\~...,'~'~ \;.~:~ ~ ;"r~:'i::~ 1r ;~~~ ~.~~,I:.::~~ k~,;.-~V~./2.r,.Jir}!~ . ,},\!l /-;.. hI' , "t" ~'1t" ,', ,( d ~+:- :~ . ..111.-L;J.,f."~?'" ;I~t'i!l\o ~l :..~~=)"'la "; ~,~~~: ' ; '~;~' &:f:'\,~;:,::r:~~ :~r:c?K:~~~~ ~~ ,t~...1 ',J"Jjl,J ~J\r."r~':~~...,;.,..o~~Ji. ~t!!~"gi..VI ~~, ~i~4~t"~'Jr..z.! \~:l(-:Il\'.,lt J~~~j"....q ~ t...., 7'.", 4. Shrubs or other imprcvemonta within the slope ere. will ba paid for aa ~ ~ J ~.... ~I- , '~i.~r ~'\ . Jt~lt \1:i' ~ '1<1:'> : ~\ , -;:.\ Sinnac!i .:,}. ," ~, . 11..: ,'r-' Sisned: !f',,', STATE OF OREGON County of ~ SS. ~', -:" ,gO~t"Ol Z'~^VV(' .',':. :..' 'a:03~' ,vJi'WgnS.,3~d " ,~.. C> ~, ~~~ (1:;;:/'" 1iij5 == a O:Z:~'" ~f~z o-<-<c/ :t1D8 .81 ~ , I' '( JI" 1.J ,. I) rc'l ~"'I ,;'J .'tlt, ,J ... hi. '. ~ : ~ ~~ fT- -~jjif~ il. .1 II 1 t,. rf~,r og , P.5 0 -R ~ ilfaif:s V r.-~ Ch I!P :t~!J~' , !J i:' ~ 211~ r!t:U {t ,: J :-.- ':H " . If ..w.. u. f i , J " ~L." _ _.... . " .f" .\ ,.,1 .... -t'" l'i .f, '" - , .. oJ ( I,J . . . .. ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ "':l l"'::l ,.~, ~ c.n ~ I ~ --- ..... .' \,'11 ,.... . .' ~\\') .'1 0" t ;;t~;~;~~':;~:~f~'t =. ~ \ vll ~ ~ (1. :.. ~'1l ,,/ . ~~f:~~::"~"~,,,,;<~'r~ ,'../,'0 ':'c ~;" "!(..n....., -. .-';:'P::.:~...i:::;~~,~;'"~.."....o1JI;'.- ~""1?~~~1(P"if.1~~~~~~l~i>>.~:{ .~","="'-I"""'..t;_<-'l-V'...,-.-.....:>y__-:.....~ .... ,J ~.... -.1" t... J . :: : 1 ~ 11 ~1- j " i ~ i , 1 1 1 I I I i --------.--- -....- - .~~.~.',.'_..... 92677 (..;rL'--..fJ -rt 1900 BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this /d day of .:r.-Iv , \ 19 ~;' , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Bsia County 'I and1i'i:o.ta, paj:Ban1l11y appeared the within named UI. P. a_d M.d!/e rl,,,,,...Ja,,d H 'f W kno~~l'~O me to be the identical individual sdeacrlbed in and who e2'BQlc\.~tWI"'~,'w1.thin inatrument and aclmowledged tome that T..6<!' 1/ e~~~~~~~~~~~.freelY and voluntarily. I~~~~~~REOP, I have hereunto set my hand and affi~ed my official I.. . l~~l)~~~~Y;~~~Br last above written. I ,'~ ~...~,l.JSI.:'\~lt.'-jf.""nr t nlTI'^'l RE~~!/ .j/ ~ j' j ~<,..,.,.."t~ ~UBt" /'\,~ife e-a?3 S. < jl', '..' cis ,Eif'4~~iI._,";~' ," ~J""j 2 ~ ... _..__....__H...-.. . _ (;: >:j;:<~!:~~~1~j1;~~~"-,:,:]i:;?},~i;;w~,~t~?< !<~i~~j~~~~~\,~; - . -::---_ ~~ d;'A~1) Y':.~;.~ ~:~~:~7,,~:~-~:~";""~~~~;~~:-::~F;i~~:~;::(~~; '"\)/.~~~: ~~-I-~~:_~ ~~~ ~~I~::~~:~::;;~ ~ ~~~-~~~;~~~ - .. !A!~!i!Ui! THIS I.~u....ulJi.u;: ~fADE and ente~Ciid into thill--6.':r day of ..-.IlUv !.9li2-' by and be~i1een "1 l} (!....~,l.,nN "no l>H1.1i.. C:l>nFll~nd hare1nafter referred to as the Grantors, and THE CI~1 OF o~~~4GFIELD, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee. ~!:.!.!!i~!!!.!!! That the Grantors, for and in consideration of one dollar to them in hand paid, do hereby sr:mt, barg::lin, sel.l and convey unto tho Grantee, e perpetual easement 14)' 0 feet in t~idth, together t'i1ith the right to go upon said easement araa horeinAfter described for the purpOBe of constructing, recon- structing, maintaining and using a sanitary sewer which may ho=~aftar be iniitullcd en the follo~:ioS ~cocr:!.bed p:'ope=-:~l"" to-\7~..t: Beginning at a point 289.88 feet South 0~16' Weet from II point on the North line of the ThOlllas J. Maynard DLC #44 in Tc;.r.lehip 17 South; Ranga 2 Weat of tho Hillmnot:te Neridian, 1787.86 faet fr= the northGGst corner thereof, oaid point being 133.0 foot frum tho northeast corner of tbe Grantor's property, on tho acid eaDt proporty line; thoncG North 89044' Woat 308.16 feet to tha Grantor's West property lina: thence South 0016' Wast 74.0 feat: thence Soutb 89044' East 14.0 feet: thence Worth 0016' Zaat 60.0 feet; th~nco South 89044' EaGt 2BO.16 feat: thence South 0.16' Usst 15.0 foeti thonce South 89044' ESG!: 14.0 feat to tho Grantor's eaot property line~ thenco North 0016' Eoat 29.0 fect to the point of beginning, all in Springfield, Lane County. Oro gon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the1llbove easement to the said Grantee, its heirs and aesigns forever. i I ~~ ~ ~ \ I IN ADDITION Tm:RETO, The Grantors do hereby give and grant unto the City of Springfield, a construction 'easement of 30 0 feet in width along and abutting the So~t~ ~ ~nBt sideBand for the lull length of the aforementioned and described'perpetuar-eQsement for the purpose of giving a wOr~ Qre~ during the construction of a sanitary sewer within the perpetual easement. TO HAVE AL"ID TO HOl.D said construction easement unto the said City of Springfield and to its successors and assigns, during the construction of xhe sanitary sewer. Upon the construction of the sanitary sewer end its acceptance for uae, the construction easement herein named shall become void. named have hereunto sot their hands , 19 ~ '7 IN WITNESS ~nmREOF, tha Grantors above and seals this 6 rA. day of ,Tvl" " ~ e.f6.if~{L (SEAL) - 7/J .f'.~;, (V <y6' ~u~SEAL) . :!sTATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of ~..,,~. ) (SEAL) (SEAL) " il ~ ,. i I - , ~, 'c- &."""~.... ", i~ ...#~,r..,;~~ ~~r~~~'l ~ ~;::::... :-:-.:;; C" .t:.~'<;.-=", ~~ ~-:..,~~:.~ ;;J' I 1 I ~~ '~ ...r...."': ~\1','~ .' :f.:- ~ 1:'l1....t~H~ ,";::<:;Il~\"~~ ~~:....,:.:;..~ ~10.'" ..~4'otC ~ '" f_" _...~.. r_~ >';'..~ ~ ,i '~ -,:~ ;j .1 'J j j t ~~1;~l'~1:'~~:~~~\lf.ia,t~ ,. '1>:;r:I.~J~\~~'\""'''/1I;:., l3.: ., >4"~~ ~;t:~~:.j~~;:::=~'i:'.:~' ~...~ .i-"~""'"" ..... [;~~- i.*~~'~.l~=t~~~~~~ ~<.-.."i._ .....,..--~.m~.L......,.,""!'~ ~~~~ .--- ~_vo ~';~~ f"t""", ,I ::~~;':~~~ :;J~~:::'~~$~~ '.ll::c. . ~~:: J,.7_"'" l.::.~~ .' - tlll"'...:" ~t~l ~f~ '",t""J ;e1'?.\',.. ,rr..'tf 'IIl-..;...o.. .J ~!f~1. ~11=~:~;gf~~~~~ _~~ ii,' ~",.i ~- );\, '(~,'f...r'.... 1:;j ~~~~i:~:j~~~~it~~~ ~:f:~ :;:;;~~:; :'~~~: .:~ ~ ~ .......t. O\,: "'-.4~_""$' it... .-i........_'t.~....."-~ ~:~~:~~~: ~~,,::~~:~:~ ~~~:~;~~~;.i"~~. iJ.' - ~i:~ ~"'.,~~1t~~~:!~',b~ 1., "'c:': ~~:~~~-:~~:~"-~II-~' .' ~>l~ .b ~" .,' ,> I i /- i -..:.[rJ~ r J " " - ~{'~,~~r:l~-.J~~ ' ; l_'~' J. ~-~ .-00::' - - ,- I ~I I ... .."J ~ J ~'~. J I, :. j ,_ _.' ':. ," I' a _'~ '~_ ( ....r;: .. ') J. r J :f;t, I .. \ (, j tJ~ -'10.J" I .:=.,1) .u-i r ,{ " J , $,.1 .[""; 11,:> J. tlJ 'l,t,! '1.1' l~ fl,r.. .!-,-4 . If , ; I' . r, I ~ I l"', - ------.--, '~ ~\ft~; I I ~J i t1 t.. '. .. dJ I ' ~l 1 I' , .. .I.)j J.; '''lie ':." ~. 1 ': b~'. ",.11'.,3 11 I. :"'':-1: .;" I ~ n,~ . , i,' ,I t ,'_ " ,,' t'''''' \ " . ( tf , , <:) " 19 ~ -;:~;~\I"" .' ~:,... dJ b t ! j1- ,'( , ~I . " ,- . ,- . ""'",~,,--...-. " ~f" I ".1; t 1_ , '1 t ~ J ~_I " ' t ~ 1 f , - I .1 ~ ("" r; ..... _ r', ' ... >, i: I .;.: d Z \ :: :. "\: ~ r.c N r:n , ,I I I:)-... <;:) ~ 1'(\' ~. If}.!, j C. "fJ 1 '1~1~' I J l)'h I~'I'. ~ ), .. J. ... _ ., ~ \ c"':...!.. , .. .-, J I , I' ., '. "....: .1 (J " ,- I " , ~1 J .-.. J.1 . ,.'J' .~" : J'::,~ I ;I!,J .to.! ;._~:.... ~n:: .J...I~-'''.'l-:- ," I ,,' I 'rT .) IJ!:i" ( I ---5~'6~-S'v \ . ':of ..flC..""..'..,i...., ~~H 3 - _ ~ '\11:...... ~....,.:-~. '<.uJJ1!.o:. 1,,,t1j... L" !.,._1 ,.. l' ..' I ':' -' >_1, '- " ~HjJ (,I) J IJ()rt.... ItJI'jlJ .....- 'tlOt~ d::1JO~ j'::.~~ :', .:.>~~ :J:.n...l.Jq "i jr. :rl.!__ft,t.r~~d ~ -I . I 'I':' .\ir :) I(j I..'r."~lr!.,... . T ~.E,hJ:)r1'l' ~dj -lr, ~.II,J. r .;: ,\' - .,f,,"';/ t .IJ:..Oc;. \.. (. . ,.-.,.. .."'! 1'-:0':> ;!:.BSr1j-;:...;O ;,"JI 'I)C~_t 'j!,D.' ct.'. \,1 eJ" ,bl Ie. ~,j J~(J!I.rl'. ....)J~l.~ :'l\ \.' \CI:i;':)~I~... 111:.1" Jl, ':tarl':.(O::> jSI;.~l:'..:c..r. <:t.fJ IUC...'=l -:_.It.'.l Il.ffr ;rIl..)r! j,""lJ' ~ l.J'r.. ')..l";l ;~I :'0::):1 i. .d,lt JCl."'" I ~~4t?~. ...J-\t.~J ~...a'"i~rlj ,';,rL.J '(J~ -="~",_., J.....r" .. fl,} I j J).~ 'I l:i' ,~ . nJJJ~H: l.....!:/l O.-tl~ j",.1t. 'i'...."C' dJ1Jc...:'.':::'fj,~;l. ~Hf.L;' '(,:r.r~(:t<JU J:.:..U "~(}:": :r;' ~. .J '~i o:r I ~ r I - ) ~ ~; I :J I. , l!j!.l~)~ )UJ_ij, ~:t!;.)S:t ".(10 jaE.':~ ...!. i.;;."'.... ."I.)~$'C~' ~_::;O'~_ . ...J.....}..:;.".... :~., I 1:; ,") ~ '?.tJn~d;;} . j r...~1. (\. ~l J::- !1'" 'lb.' r.lJlJ~~- 'l~r':9ri~ <<~~~'J ll. ,_ t~ .., \ "..... " : 'l j'lf. ! j 0' ,.,::.rl!)n t,' r,)( {l 1~:i.. -IO"'i :Jr';;: ...1 ..LI.Jj:il,.~,~) '..rlj II ..Jr.,.... 1\. \ I .: ..'1..... : \, JI) :_I\"l/C::': aue...l cbi:j.:.i.~,I'.!IJ~ e.1 _Il~ c\..f:.ff..,I.!e'&r: J.l tn__U1 .)lI-J rj 1,.;tr;." I ..l" _.' It. ...... '.I~jl ~1 j R ~ .~ I .';: ,~ ,I ;p I~f ~~ i ,~ ~!A:.. '.tf.:C-ro> ~ U". .1.': _.. '..I' '" ," ".J -, \; ~ '. , j' '. " l ! c: . :I~j; ~ ... " 0 u Jl~l'l .:! u.. \ ~.:l ~ ~ :~ I/) ... ~'g 0 ~ f 8 ~ ~' '" " ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ::: 0 -< So J\ ~ ~ . . ~ ~~ it . ..: 0 I' . II .. t'! '"I , I , I 'l.JJr . ~i.gi 'a~tw .. t).cI CI !a.so ~1?i~ ~H,!l~ .; .g. S 0;9", .T!:g~]H I;) Cl ....." 4t . co! 0 It '5 '" =~ ~~-S!it o~.aGt-=:: ;~ .:liU !8 ~!I B: ~ ~ l)o" ~ ~ "'- to ~ ~ ~ -' ,::) -:a J ff 'I '~'.. I I , " , PRE:SU~AL REC'[ MAy 2 () 2008 " '. "" I \\,1' "Jt ..I, ..L....J ; ,'J}' ,. I "'. ,- oJ', ..J~~A '~I d ,. , ,'"!I " fJ. : ,_I, -J/j _ \ " ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ';" , . ,--;-;';-; Cm HAll 344 NORTH 'fl' STRI'5T ~ 'I'~ '., 0: ~,\ , L9-~Z'lIlfPRlHGRELD. OREGON J '" ,,;,:, J ~ -.-- , , ~"'" , ~, ., ,I. ~,', l.)f' ./1: ' ! ,~ .-~ ;./~ ':>~~i~ -~! ~i~: :,,_ ,,:~_, ~'_.~' c.'_ 'I ., /~~-:'f'lv"o('~ , . '; .:J~;?jc~~~~~::1:~~fu~}~~' (....I;'...".Ip......~-----..-....,........- - ~~ t >' 1">\ V) "" i , i ~ , . i i. j t, ~ ~ ~ .' ... i i; ~~ ~~ ~ ';;I ~4 ~ :.~~ ,3l 't'! ti '1 j f I ~'l::-&.;;,;t~;:.,..~ n;~" ;,"i;.::?";;l' r~~~~../..~ roT>-:~~":t.t:':!.:"4 ~,r~~~;~~ ~~~~_1tft l..~....~.....~'~ .. ~ foundations to settle differentially. The surface of the base rock should be filled with sand Just prior to concrete placement to reduce the lateral restraint on the bottom ofthe concrete during curing. Vapor barriers are often required by flooring manufacturers to protect flooring and adhesives. Many floorIng manufacturers will warrant their products only if a vapor barrier installed according to their recommendations Selection and design of the appropriate vapor barrier, if needed, should be based on dIscussions among members of the design team. We can provide additIOnal information to assist you with your decIsion. 8.5 SITE SPECIFIC SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS We recommend that seIsmic deSIgn be performed using the site specific procedures outlined in the 2006 International BuIlding Code (IBC 2006), the 2005 MInImUm Design Loads for BuildIngs and Other Structures (ASCE 7-05), and the 2007 Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC 2007). Figure 24 presents the site specific, design acceleration response spectrum for the fire station #16 site. We recommend that the follOWIng parameters, which are based on the design ground motion spectrum In Figure 24, be used in computing seismic base shear forces: Table 9. Recommended Site Specific Seismic Design Parameters Site Specific Seismic Design Parameters (2006 IBC) Site Class MCE Spectral Response Acceleratlort (Short Penod), SMs MCE Spectral Response Acceleration (1-Second Penod), SM1 Design Spectral Response Acceleration (Short Penod), Sos Design Spectral Response Acceleration (1-Second Penod), SOl D o 93g 042g o 62g o 28g 8.6 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS We have calculated light duty and heavy duty pavement sections for both asphalt and Portland cement concrete pavements at the sIte. We performed our analyses in general accordance with American Association of State HIghway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design methods, based on a design life of 20 years and an assumed California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of 2 The light duty pavement sections should only be used for pavements that will be subjected to passenger cars only, whIle the heavy duty sections may be used for areas that WIll be subjected to both passenger cars and fire trucks. All pavements should be provided with a minimum 12 inch thick working blanket that is placed under the aggregate base material to provide support for compaction and paving equipment. The working blanket should be constructed as described in the "Granular Haul Roads and Working Blankets" section of this report Table 10 presents our recommendations for light and heavy duty pavement sections PRE-SUBM\TIAl P'- , MAY 2 0 20Ul' File No /999-005-00 February 28,2008 Page 19 GEOENGINEER~ . Table 10. Recommended Pavement Sections Granular Portland Granular Asphalt Aggregate Working Cement Aggregate Working Concrete Base Blanket Concrete Base Blanket Class (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) Light duty - 3 6 12 4 6 12 passenger cars only Heavy duty - passenger cars and 45 6 12 7 6 12 fire trucks Earthwork for pavements should be conducted during the dry season, typIcally mId-July through mid- September. The subgrade should be protected from damage pnor to earthwork The contractor should select the appropnate methods to protect the subgrade from equIpment traffic. ThIS can include restricting equipment traffic, building haul roads and working blankets, leaving the existing surface cover on the sIte until the earthwork is conducted, or a combination of the above. LocalIzed earthwork, such as trenchmg and filling for underground utilities, can be conducted in the pavement areas during other tImes of the year If the pavement subgrade outside ofthose areas is protected. Pavement areas also consist of undocumented gravel fill near the surface Site stripping, grubbing and demolItion operatIOns should remove the upper 4 inches of existmg site cover as well as locally deeper areas of loose and otherWIse unacceptable materials Additional site cutting should be accomplIshed to establish the required soil subgrade elevatIon pnor to filling. On-site matenals are not acceptable to use as fill and imported granular fill will be required Site cutting and grading m the pavement areas should be conducted to accommodate the required aggregate base thickness and the 12-inch thick granular working blanket The resulting excavated surface should be observed by a member of our staff prior to placing fill Concrete walkways and pads located outside the buildmg pad area should be supported on a minimum of 8 inches of aggregate base where they are placed on existmg site soils and a mmlmum of 4 mches of aggregate base where they are placed over granular fill. Proper reinforcement or jointing should be provided for concrete pavement to control cracking (for example, contraction jomts should be placed closer than 30 times the thickness of the slab and thIckened edges should be used). The aggregate base should conform to Section 02630 of OOOT "Standard Specifications for HIghway Construction," current Edition, be %" - 0 SIze, with the addition that the material contain no more than 5 percent passing a U.S. No 200 SIeve and have at least two mechanically fractured faces. Aggregate base should be placed in one 11ft and compacted to not less than 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Method 01557. The granular working blanket should conform to the specifications for imported select granular fill in this report The asphalt concrete pavement should conform to Section 00745 of OOOT "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction," current EdItion The Job Mix Formula should meet the reqUIrements for a 12.5- mm Level 2 Mix. The asphalt cement should be PG 64-22 grade meeting the OOOT Standard SpeCIfications for Asphalt Materials. Compact asphalt concrete paving to 92.0 percent coverage at MaXImum Theoretical Unit Weight (Rice Gravity) of AASHTO T-209. PRED~IIRMmAl RFr:'J MLlY ~ 0 2nnR GEoENGINEER~ Page 20 File No J 999-005-00 February 28, 2008 . The preceding recommended pavement sections assume that the site is prepared as previously recommended in this report. Prevention of road base saturation is essential for pavement durabihty. Efforts should be made to prevent water from entering the base course by providing deepened curbs adjacent to landscapmg areas and by providing rapid dramage of surface water from the site. Pavement areas subjected to cychc wetting and drymg may expenence slight heaving. Pavement cracks that result from heave should be sealed as soon as practical. 9.0 OBSERVATION OF CONSTRUCTION Satisfactory foundatIOn and earthwork performance depends, to a large degree, on quality of construction. Sufficient observatIon of the' contractor's activIties is a key part of determining that the work is completed in accordance with the construction drawings and specifications. We recommend that qualified personnel under the dIrection of the design engineer be retained to observe excavation and general fill placement and to revIew laboratory compaction and field mOIsture-densIty informatIon. Subsurface condItIons observed during construction should be compared with those encountered during the subsurface exploration and utilized for deSIgn. Recognition of changed conditions often requires experience; therefore, qualified personnel should visit the site with sufficient frequency to detect whether subsurface conditions change sIgnificantly from those anticipated. 10.0 LIMITATIONS We have prepared this geotechnical engineering report for use by the City of Spnngfield and the deSIgn team for the new fire station #16 facIlity to be located in Springfield, Oregon, in accordance with our proposal dated October 26, 2007, and authorized December 3, 2007. WIthin the limItations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in the field of geotechnIcal engineering m thIS area at the tIme this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or Implied, should be understood. Any electronic form, facsimIle or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The onginal document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and WIll serve as the official document of record Please refer to Appendix C titled "Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use" for additional information pertaining to use of this report 11.0 REFERENCES Abrahamson and Silva, 1996. Abrahamson, N A., SIlva, W.J., 1996. Empirical Ground Motion Models. Report to Brookhaven National Laboratory. Abrahamson and SIlva, 1997 Abrahamson, N.A., SIlva, W.J., 1997. Empirical Response Spectral AttenuatIOn Relations for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes: Seismological Research Letters, v 68, , no. 1, p 94-127. ASCE 7-05. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures: American Society of Civil Engmeers, Sec.16, 20. Atwater, B.F., 1992. Geologic Evidence of Earthquakes during the Past 2,000 Years Along the Copalis River, Southern coas~al Washington: Journal OfGeOPhYSPRtSUBM'TrAl'ROC9L-1919. MAY 2 0 2008 Fzle No J 999-005-00 February 28, 2008 Page 21 GEoENGINEER~ \,\\ \ \\~ \\ I ~~. ; A,I ~/-0 ~, CD /", ; /1 ~-"'~8 ! . : 27 ! U. I 2 I jI!II I W ' .s I I ! '" ~2:'~ i " ! _ ~ :~~ > ~ c r~ SP /~~ @) e ~ _.._.__.._.__ .._..{._.._.___.__._.___._.._.._._______"_.___ij_-. _ .,// I 1_-:" I (!fj <:) ----.-.--..-___.__/ 5- \ ~ b\) 41 J "W 27 I 17 , ","1 4' . I 0 Main (McKenzie) ~ I It 20m I 4mr 01 ?LW.) ~ C /! 15m I ~ \ (;::=l ~ -____L_ / ,-I !~ /Tf1A _6~D\- ~ 1ZW ------------_____l__#__ @1-0----.J-------------- ~_~ l~, ______ 8-----_J __~_____ ./ ~ 'x;t' 1" \ (;::=l St. (Hwy.J 0 ~~ s~ _ If:ff:y~ c::=:;:> \ . ~ ~'~j @ ~F f F L ;;-------7---. ~L -~12 ------------------- 21 --~------------L--------------- /J'::-,. w.....~:>. -.---r--... - \ L2 - 5 --L fiC'I ~ N 2-5 N ~ ! -b 4 ' "V'\ ~ \, '---v' \ J ~ ~r ~r~ I r m m 20m ~.----J"o.. - ___ f ,------~---(Sfi\/'Z'\---' \ I 15m. F ~~ I '---v" 0- /-T-~-\ ~-:;,:~~---=====~=='.:~=>~ ~! ;, i i! -~ ~ (j) - u_ -===---=:~=--~--r~i ~ ~ 7\ f /~ -- -R-_J,,-.-!-u- ~~ _h__"'___~:=-~~., -'~. -=--,:.+.:-)f~W~' //..// I ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ I :z SP """ ~ ~ "rs" 7((5 /~8 _~ II)~ a~ F. <e?~1 ~ : 8 := ~ r 7-5 ". I i WD I -: P co <:> ; ~ .. '. I "8 I I ~ i '0 ~ @ ~ 15. 6 E.c - J2tI " I ~ I . ~ ~ '- ~ ~ ~~: : ~~ = ~~ ~, .5\ (' i 18 IS "", I 19 6 E.c - JJL - - transfer to J4U ~! I 20 . 6 E.c - J4U - - transfer to JJL Z I 21. 1 _ E.c.co _ lIU ,-LW J 22, .5 1 r 23 ' I 1 - E.c - 19U ,Controller I //. 24. 8 - E.c.co - J6U Cabinet ~ /~ {contJ V" ~ 25.. IS 8 - ~.c ' ''4 26' .. - J7U . . 27 ' 8 - E.c.co - J6L ! D ~~ : ;5 8 _ E.c J7L - :1REanS'dB\~mAl R: . } I \ 8 1 ~~AY 2 0 ZOCl "\ I \\\ ~\\~\\, "- o Loop Number 1 - 2- 3 - 4 - 5- 6- 7 . 8 . 9- 10 - 11. 12 . 13 . 14 ~ Phase Function Slot SCALE c-.- o E 2, E.c 2 E.c 2. E.c 2. ;.c 5 - E.c.co 5 - E.c ., - E.c.co -12U -IZL I" -/JU - IJL- - transfer to 14U -JIU o ~ (!!) @ tJ:ID \& ,5 I -.!9U _ l~" , Controller gu Cobinet .5 I ., - E.c -17U 4 - E.c.co - 16L IS ., - E.c - 17L - - transfer to 18U @ ~ o @ @ 6 LOOP DETECTOR WIRING DIAGRAM S = Series. E=Extension. C=Call. CO=Carry-(JVer. D=Delay See T .E.s. Drwg. No. TM408 for loop detector details Center all loops in tr(JVellanes or as shown on plan VIEW=BI - DETECTOR PLAN f MAIN ST. (McKENZIE HWY.J AT 69th ST. HvVY. 15. M.P. 7.56 ~ ~ETERl L /0 G E N 20 D 150 300 C Controller (See Signal Plan) Install440 mm x 265 mm x 305 mm (min. dimension) precast concrete junction box Install 100 mm xl00 mm xl00 mm galv.cast lron street box with (S) mm conduit to junctIon box Install phase (Ph) 1 m diamond vehicle detector loop i CURE r-- I~ ta:> i~ " j IJ f~ & u iE ~ Q) .. E i, i 0 ~o ~~ r-- +- C e ~ ~S82 21 W --. .: ..-....- , -r------ i4 ~-::i!!J 06 l" -----___..1._ .. ~- .:t .._..__~ l- \ . \ _._-~~ ~---.; R/W Install (X) phase (Ph) loop feeder cables t Install (N) palr of loop wires Install (S) mm electrical conduit Electrlcal conduit (See Signal Plan) Install41mm electrical conduit for future interconnect Install53mm electrical conduit with one loop feeder cable for fire pre-emption circuit Ph = Phase shown X = Number of cables shown N = Number shown S = Size shown ~~~~~ I 'i1'F OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPoRTAnJ ~ \..."...~., ~\ IJIJ: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SECTION ~ !.:; 12,197 \~ > .' TRAFFIC SIGNAL /NST ALLAT/ON 'j McKENZIE HH'f. AT 69th ST. (SPRINGFIELD) Sf-:IJ McKENZIE HIGfM'AY !o LANE COUNTY L... 08J8OtrJi8 ( D.t.T" Seotember 1997 IlI:SIQ€ll BT, J. Pf au CJ4(lX[ll BT, P. Ward _... BY. J.Pfau T..w.s.Del:.1IO. 11159 , ,. '; 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. · SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 · SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741 1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 1\ ~~~rg{~~aQ TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES · ESCROW CLOSINGS 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD. · EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 · EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 fAX: 541.687.0924 December 24, 2007 Our Order No.: ELT-54590 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT City of Springfield 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Carol Steineman Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 Dear Carol: We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of December 11) 2007) at 8:00 a.m., vested in: THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, a municipal corporation Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 0 2008 CONTINUED "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www.evergreenlandtitle.com EL T - 54590 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedmgs by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or riot shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment (of existing improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existing improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subject land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6. The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of city ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied. (Map No. 17-02-35-33-06204, Code 19-00, Account No. 1229184) 7. Easement, granted to the City of Eugene, Oregon, a municipal corporation, of Lane County, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water Board, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded May 12, 1955, Reception No. 56584, Lane County Oregon Records. 8. Easements as disclosed by Highway Construction Permit Recorded July 13, 1966, Reception No. 53894, Lane County Oregon Records. 9. Easements as disclosed by Highway Construction Permit Recorded February 28, 1967, Reception No. 82105, Lane County Oregon Records. 10. Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded July 25, 1967, Reception No. 92677, Lane County Oregon Records. CONTINUED PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 0 2008 ELT - 54590 Page 3 NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 6853 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478. NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, and as of December 11, 2007, none were found. NOTE: Said property lies outside the city limits, therefore, is not subject to city liens. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The current vesting deed and all changes back to the deed which vests ownership 24 months ago are as follows': WARRANTY DEED RECORDED December 30, 1977, FROM WILLIAM DEMPSEY COPELAND AND MILLIE FRANCIS COPELAND, TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, RECEPTION NO. 77-83801 Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: 1/;J:~,- Jeffrey K. Walker Advisory Title Officer NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. PREmSUBMllTAL REC'O MAY 2 0 2008 ELT - 54590 Page 1 of 1 Legal Description EXHIBIT A Beginning at a point on the South right-of-way line of the McKenzIe Highway, 146.56 feet South 000 16' West from a point on the North line of the Thomas J. Maynard Donation Land Claim No. 44, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, North 890 49' West 19l4.06 feet from the Northeast comer thereof; thence run South 000 16' West 23973 feet; thence North 890 44' West 181.70 feet to the Easterly line of Lot B, EASTON FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 68, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 000 16' East along said Easterly line of Lot B, a distance of239.73 feet to the forementioned South right-of-way line of the McKenzie Highway; thence South 890 44' East along said South right-of-way line 181.70 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT the Easterly 1.05 feet as conveyed in instrument Recorded January 14, 1986, Reception No. 86-01482, Lane County Oregon Records. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 0 2008 ~ ~ - lI: s: . IU c::t0'l ..-I IU ... =0 ;0 n-B' . :s:~ ~lOt'l' s: Q:o:)~ =:J::=i" '" ...- g:::o COo \0 ll-llS iVIAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERTY THE COMPANY ASSUfljES NO LJABILrrf fO:? IN!~CCURACIE5 N GaUR i[SY OF \fit + E EVEf;Gt;lEN LAND TITLE CO S 741-1981 lao.65' 6204 ~ ,... iii M IU 17.,,-Q1-- 3> -~ s_ 2" II.. - a:: ::::IE ::::IE::::IE ::E {.:j fJ a ~~ iii iii to: - ~ "'6"" ~ 6 + + - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MCKENZIE HWY. 1IIz:- -Io:z: JI[-s EiJ'09'22"'E:- -10:& ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z: ~ ~ t '--- ~~ ~. '-1'77T-,------~-~-,"T'-~--,zj ____~I--.. 106.67' I---~ 'f4 51, I ~. ~ I / 6206 I ,70.97' --3~49'~11 ~ ti IU '/ , I i.i>, I l\I -J .t 0.57 AC. I I 620.3 ~~~,. ~ ..,/110+168.467 M P.T. I 0.75 AC. . 't '1; '/,0+183.322 M P.D.T. I I,~ 62 9Z I I '1'1 I I, ,I lIoi9.144HIo'9.144HJF IO+-H52.J48 M p.r. I '. I I I I I ~~Y6200) I. 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Jr (., , :7 ~tr re:ordma return ta City of Springfield Firiance'Uepartmenf 4th. & North,A..Streets ~pr~.~.~.~~~}~l, 9!.egon. ?74.7.7. NAME ADDRE$:', ZIP ~~ j &L lS.aS t1...J ~ -502""2 eijg S.!l~h Ahl :I d~; ~j hi i d'O =i~.g:; 'Ot- Q'O:,;i1 :q -:; oil Jl~ ad a 1! .~ d ~l i d~' ~ cCi 1. c ~::; :l Qt3 Il\ IIi !l:! ~ Q. ~ fi? (.) "J I:., t:::: ~ ~ ~ i:O ~ Un..1 8 chanp II requ"tld. m:ld Ill',,, "_'emtn" 10 City of Springfield FilUn1:e 'nl!))llY'tll\~llt... ........ .. . 4t~ &.~or.t~.~.S~reet~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 .. _._.m ..- -..mNAME:ADDAES5~i:.IP .. ~ ; '4.ll C~D WARRANTY I)EED-STATUTORY FORM ..... Y1~"LI~. D~.!!EY COPELAND an~.1:1ILLIF: FRANCIS..CP~~LAND. convey~ and warrants 10 THE qy .OJ: SPRI~.Gf.JE~D t. q~~GON.1 a. !JIunlC:lpal of. the .S1;a;~. of. Or~gon '\~ 't- , . .. .. '(Gran Ice. lh~ followmg descnbed properly free of encumbrances. except as specifically set forlh heretn Beginning at 8 point on the South right of way line of the HcKenzle lIighway, 146.56 feet South 00 16' West from a point on the North llne of the Thomas J. Maynard Donatlon LilBd Claim No. 44, Township 17 South. Range 2 West of the Wll1amette lIeridian, Uorth 89 49' West 1914.06 feet from theoNortheast corner thereof; thence run South 00 16' West 239.73 feet; thence North 89 44' West 181.70 feet to the Easterly 11ne of Lot B. Easton First Additlon as p1at~ed and recorded in Book 68, Page 25 Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 0016' East along sald Ea~ter1y line of Lot B, a dlstance of 239.73 feet ~o the forementioned South rlght of way line of the McKenzie Highway; thence South 89 44' East along said South right of ~ay llne 181.70 feet to the~oint of beginning, in Spnn!l.he)d~Lane County Oregon. .ti.lh .pI''' ~ wv-- 1'tS.~ r- ~ ~ - C) I V g c.... ~ C~&7 / - I V-V \. t.l ~ 0 lO11I15S4 0000$.00 GrJl1lor ~~!p!,!a.ti.on /. 0 ~ 1'ed !-- :-i~ "~'~1~ e-_I!r"l f~ ~2~~; fir INSUFFICIENT IjPAC!., CON1U"UE DLSCRIP110.... ON ADDITIONI\L PAGE) The said property IS free from all el1Clllllhr.IllCCI excepl easements, reservatIons and res t rict- ions of record :;'~'~~ t-l...~~ :~f~g:~~ ~:;..,. i..:-2L""':! ~~ r ~':}:r;6t .;: r.:.-Jt~./!.., ~~~ :..~:.J-~ t ::-.,.~ ~~h~Ja ~~~!;3 ;*'~~~ . (".."'.c. ~'.J'~~ :.,::. ,;., ~"t -.'.....J_ ~E: 5~::~ "~~ true consIderatIOn ror Ihls conveyance is s;l~ AQQQ ..QO Dated De!:.ell)b.e.I: 19 77 Jw~b ry' ~ n; ~ ..~. ~ t7~e-t2..: . I ,\\u~ III II',~ I r!" ,\, lit ..,\",\ .. ,:'..{t-\J/ '""'- Jt:/~ i ~~......... o"'~.-: nally ~.e'r~ ,t"~~.~~~ed, usb - fL ,,~.~ &'in...~' Q!! : r~~~o!..m1; 1...:~ t ':~~: 0 I ~! f 0 i \"'i')>.;:. " Q, ........ '" l . . ... ,4, /~~" t'1'~.....~"\J)rO ~.:; ..,n. . olary Public for Oregon 't. ".V; ...~~,. "'," ., \,\"... I .I;...,. ~t. I ~tll'",ut""'" , 1075 Oak Street, Eugene: ,~;;n;l!$;""',' Fo'm No 107 r 1- STATe OF OREGON, County of L,ne, IS WILLIAM DEMPSEY COPELAND and MILLIE F the' . ....v Jnd acknowlcdged the foregOing m~lnllllelll 10 be DJlcd Decembe r . My Commlssll>" Explle. D .1 J I , Aj) 1977 . . C, /:;2il /1'910 , CAsCADE TITLE COMPANY , , , .;;,: <;~i::,' ::'. ,,' . -~-" T ":,~~;~ :.'.. ::~ . " ,: l, . I '~IP~ ~ . ,. ." \ '0 :'1 ~ 1 I {" "~:i'~~~6',~'::.(,:, . '::"H:: ' ::_j,/;~.'/:' . ~;~: .,( ',,,: -'~ PRE.SUBIVHrrAl REC'O ,', a - J~I". \:1 r~.~ '. ... ~-... ,~."". ',- I~ .. ~..~ .." ....... ....:t..~~', ~..,~...... 'I . .,..., - oJ!'C""','~ ,..c.. 1', , - -','I ".,' '~'A'y; I ..~~ . I """".' "'" 'F ",." ..... '2 2008 1"'-;:1~..' <'''''1' ", "", ' :' :,!~:,..t I, l~. ... "r ;,1". ~ , I~' , . r'. ' , I . 0 ...1i1f-1 '" j"t., .-J " ,,_ ... ,.' , '-"'~' ."r,., '-5 J II' I . .... ,... 'I -. t.k-"i.~~ .. ~.';.. ...\~ ->oJ '~l' l.l ~_ "",p, l" ..~., ..... \Ot Il'"'.: J~,.r ~ ,.,....~..,.. 1" J I' H'''',.,. 'II... , t' . ..,';I1~:1 ,~~..,.' ..,,;.........~.....r..... t"..'lr:I~~';,:;.;J.!~)&.'~.~""';I' 't''iJ'(.''!'" I : ~,'4: I.'!q~' loti'" I.. 1,1:!lfJ '~, ......~t ,"9r 't"1"I~' /,.. ",1 ..',',!" r.tt..~~~t~~~~.~..:~11;~~...'~..I~~.....i~(.t.r,'1 ':q . .' _ ~......._. _'".. 't:.' '-~~~_.';'_~.;~~..._.~.~~.,_l_._', '. _ 'ft. . .~ . . .- L c - , I, ~,- - - I .. ,- '- , J~ ~ :.:: ~ \ ~ '~:!~~- "~}. .. I.' l" ~i~l1!jAiN~"'!Il,l"""""'~"i~~ii~,~t:i1~~f''!It'A;,,\'::'~i'"'' ........IW'......'.. --;:.~,;::-._: .. -_:,_.~'. ~~~~~~'t".., ~:_.:F-~'--~~~i';..':t"~r-"-. .- . ':'"~': ;:~ :..\-:/~~~~i~:;;~!,;:;--';,,;',:,<r; "~'~ <,.; ';;',;,:',) ~ ;.~: ~~;- ,-:'. " (), ,'. , ;, --"~,',~,--"_'..,",".,.<..",'"-''' ""'-'":;\~,"~,,,,;,',,'-1~'''_A_'-'''_'"' "'~," :~~ ' ,~r~~:?~::~~~o~:~~:~~~~ifJ~711~,-(:~f,it{~~j~~~<~~ ~_~?: r~~~~ ~, ...:....,:.,' ..::::~~:'.~~'~; :JtIJI t.:.\ . ......._.....\1'.~.....I~..IO",oO.I..,-...___.~L&I.to4 ~_...___.~........, _ ..... .._....__.......... ._"___~. , .' . 17-02-35 33 0620a s~ - QUITCLAIM DEED ,\ . ' 8601.482 :..... I The City of Springfield, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, releases and quitclaims to Jack E. and Sarah Heacock all its rights, title and interest in that real property situate~ in Lane County, Sta te of Oregon, descri bed as: . The West 1.05 feet of the following described parcel of land: , Beginning at a point being North 89049' West 1915.11 feet and South 0016' West 146.61 feet from the Northeast corner of the Thomas J. Maynard Donation Land Claim No. 44 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wfllamette Meridfan, said point being on the Southerly margin of the McKenzie Highway; thence along said margin South 89044' East 86.20 feet; thence leaving safd margin South 0016' West 239.73 feet; thence North 89044' West 86.20 feet; thence 1I0rth 0016' East 239.73 feet to the Point of, Beginning fn Lane County, Oregon. . This instrument does not guarantee that any particular use may be made of the property described in this instrument. A buyer should chec!: with the appropriate, City or County.Plannin9 Departm~nt to verffy approved uses. The true and actual consideration for this transfer is None ,Approved this 6 day of January , 1986 entire membership of the Springfield City Council. . ,b}' ~ majority vote of th~: " S~ATE OF OREGON 6942AOOl 01/14/86 REC .. \\ ' . *'0007.. ~- 0 Lu,po'J Mayor ~. \ a A"~ _ ,~/ "'-:. ' ~der ,.. ~ - ,,0 " - I ;-. .. 5.0~ ' I .J t~- ss ,COUNTY OF LANE . On this /..3';~day of /J/lAlN...AAA..) , 1'9 (I.. befor~ ~e, 'th~ und,~~sig~e~ "a ~:_~':- Notary Public in and for sai~y,and gtate, personally appeared the within named. , -.j- "::;;;;;'/1 ZJ. I,;u lu and, -.fid:, Il.f';' /, ~.lfu ~ /". ',,:: :". :: ~ ~~"' who are known ,to me to be the 1dentical indi~iduals described in and'who"Hxecuted the):;:: /1k1-m:~~~ ~ , .. ~..... - ~~ ~ . - . , wf thi n ins trl!ntent, and acknowl edged to me t/la t they execu ted the same freely' 'and :- ;':, , ,v~luntarily~ I,.., . , , ,'~,;, " . '" t . t . ,.' ,/t?-/;Z:",?7 ~ comm1ss10n_explres _, '1;_ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~' '.' '..' ': i .'-H"/8,q'l.,. "', - .. .,' ... .. 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'l:btJr ~rrJmtJ: ~ ~: ~ t ,," I,. ~adolI of,.J.uIlll.ML~.__ _--DoIl4r.I.,""" orMr HI..1e ~I f "''weof," ber", a:1uunrIW~ 1M ...JerdpttJ hereby ""'1110 ,-pct...u e..", I ~~'C."l~ '.f , Or! ,;0 ",,,,.~ '''.' , ,..:., of L..u Coull.,.. Or..ogott. by -' IImnIgJa /IN ~ 'Y4ii:ir BGid, -I , ~1 Jobtt flUI'.w. 'IPbom " ruy COlla-lid, ..,,11 the righ, to ",.,., -. ~,j """".1 ., :s; , ~~, ,.,-, ~ ere.... _. ~ fish, Jectric power, ~ _ IiIr:-\..,,;i, ,'1 W ~ ,l/1if.l, pOla~ P.1I ... wrlimar -, ar ., ... , ,... '" COIIINICdlIlI ~, 1IJfOIIJ ~ '- ""'r ,~ r ,miLIr m. foIlarm., Uit:rlhd ,'" ," "J ~ lrr LmI CoM..,., Cftp: I::: " . t Ii J !JJ r _ ,~ ~....4"1 n . po1D1; OD tu .0~l'q I'iPt ot 1IQ' u.. o:l .. ~ ~ H1 l H~ 1k7.0J t.. 1011~ O. 16' wn tl'll. . po1at; OD .... IIOrtb ~ or '* ~ !". . J:, IIquanI D.LeO. 10. 37, '1'. 17 5. L 2 V.. V. II.. Uaat. U IIDI't.ll 8P WI' 1lIIlJt' ~ , 1:>87.1 fed rzooa tbe D1trtb...t 00I'I1II1' tIt.NOt, AIId I'IIIIIWII ilbeDo. 8CrIriIa 0<< ti' " ! _to S90.S tnt., tobenDe Sollt.ll 89. WI' ..at; 507.9 t..t. to t.be eut. Uu or 4Ibat i~ t t 2S.0 toot nr1p .. 001lW;rR to H1brUld A. "'at.enlul aad 1dt. ~ daacl ' ., ". ,lid ... , JAIllIAi7 23. ~S1 iD Book 431. Pili. 297, Luw COIIIItT OrepD De_ 1lea0Ma, tMJIII j: lonll O. 16' But. alolll H1d U. S90.5 t.at too tU aallt.barq dpt or ...... l1JIII or aUd JCcEeJlss. JI1&tara7, thMlle Soutob 89" 1&1&' aut alolll th. lolltberq rip," at -1' ot e.id H18bW&T SOT.9 teet too the place or beliDD1Bl iD IAu COUDt.1'. Onaon. ~ ! I: I' Ii ! '1'he I'OlIte ot tbe eqIlipunt aball taUov a oeut.v Una deRtiMd .. tollenn.. s.&1~..4", at a polnt. aD tbe lIDrt.b balUldu7 at duor1Ded t.rut. that. ie .ppra~~ 201 t..t ".It fit toM IICIrth...t. corner at deRriHd t.nat.. thellOe 30uth O. 16' wast. S~O.S IlIe~ to the south boUJlduy 01 dOllCri"Ded tract. P1d J'OlIte to be appI'ou.a\e:q p&l"alleJ. too and one toot v.at ot the ...t 11De ot a 31.9 toot privat.. J'O_W1 I'IUII'I1DI nort.h and 80Ilth thl'OuP deeoribed tNOt.. I I I I i' - gr/ltlle' tIIUl III ,.. .....,. w.u IJt tdI /Jme. Iunr, ",. rig,," _ ~pI dim"" ~ ar COlI' "",,'-.t far tM fvlJ '"/~t -' UIII t"--'f far ",. 1"70- abtwe .z....ra..d, ","".g iM rlpi Of lrrgruo IIIld 'grm to _ from ihe rM ," 'J" .. " of ,lte granum tor ,h, purpose' Iter. _Ifotsed; tIIUlllho dl' rip' to ~. if_. llmJla of trN., "*"'lf1OV1as ar otlter olwruc,""" 011 IlIIl ," ~ ,. '! of 1M grllltUln, .. till., htm, or IJtIsmPlJe tmdnF /IN "'j" ,;, of tM grllltlee, TO HAVE Ai./D T6 HOLD flu _ ".to "WI C,,,,,u.. lu ._aor. IIlf4l ...tip' ,0''''''; IIIld 'M rl8hll, COIt4flllotu -' "Dl1i.Iltm.t of asb _t .1usJI In_ 10 ,Ite -efi' of IIIld .. '''In, "fIOI' ,h, Iwrln. llUC1l,on, IIdtltlnblnllorJ, .tl<<eJlorJ . ulfIII of tM ruf'"iW. ","lei ""'10. d- IN WITNESS WHEllEOF, tlte "fNIer.lpetJ "'" tXIIC1l1ell ~hfl lrr,,",_,.t thll._.02..4, - _..._ My of -_..:11f'~-_..__... ....... 19S:~-:- /IliA f) .. _ _ () ~ WlhteJJ: f) n' JlW~_LL '. - .... ~.ff!..~f' ~--~-_..... .... -. .,'-. ~~~~~~~~~=~.... .. '~~~~~~~:=~:~~~:.~:'~~~~~'~'~ ..,..... :'::::'''~~:~:~:~~~::._- ,....~~PRE~- RECID: MAY 2 0 Z008 '" --...... ....... ......} Nt- _...VJ.UlM..D....a~....llUULJ:....ao~. Im.halllll ~_~~_~~!..~~!..~~}.!.~~~.~. ot __, ua ONp _ ~ iII.""'1I _.... 'M .w... -' 1-", "'*-'rI, IIItIl oj'" 1M ~ ....tIIIiJ:._-fr.. ,." fill...,. .. _lMl, for tit. _ .." .....~.......:~~ ...,..,_~ . "A- .'.. ~ . _. ,~_:k_e.~c4- _._ :; .. :>. k', '" /tM4~~ ' ---:~,,~:,' ,. ~v'._ cf~(;q ~~~.. ~PUUa~for"'B""of.~ -: "., ,,' . " f ...'., f' .,r"--4 -IIt"'~.,. ~..... ~'. .....~: ~ :~,~ "~"-""~,,," .;'.l.:,.... it~~ ,,'" dJ.... I....\~... . ,i , ";{'-i1~..tL' tI/I .,.~. ~,,~ \1'''(' .14...1" Ji ~"'~~'A .. :~:., .,.,U -: ',' ~...:. .~ . lItNiWil . :U'..s-- ... Y"ll:t.. , ,t~~uV , 117 "Ul11"~,.',,,,;, " ".. '" . ''''. " .1-3::" J ~ .. ~'l.. -;t ~j.~ f- z ~J ~ ~I ~i:i ~ :' ~.) I .- \ I i ~ e . 8'~ a ;~.' ',5 ~\:~__ ",' ~..~ ,'! ~ i."" ,J ) " . u1: J I ')1. .' 'I -'",... \' .. ,J... .. .t ,I. .,' I..' , I, , I' '11 I, l~f~ tjt !!~I f' fl.:!,. "8~!al U Ill!,. N J~ 'r..', ocr - If. I 0\ ~ ~ 1.0 ' :1.1 If": ~ ~ iiu1 ( ~ ::. r:.:: C') IA ~ ':I:: jl j , " '0 - ~,',' " :,. ' , I '. " , . J I' II . , I" I .... " o. f , " .. .. , ,. J ,. , , , ., , , ". , '. J . . .:h' '1'1 ',' '. ., : , I . , .' ,d '~. I I. fl .~ . : .") r ' J\ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 2 0 2008: In "'1 : l' t I ~ .:!..i ~~) '" \ '. J ~ . .. ,:,1"1 "'h, ~ lJl\'ol.lSMIl. .lolWU~a:J. ,,~..:.l.1.l,lM. ~,Jo\'ll'.J,;;.".,\;,1 .,'i ))lqi...J...: ;," '''''\''I.;\"".~.~ '(\i..~s:,\\i..+~\l' ijiM' '- no <.oJ 11M ,:rr,c.ac.';:,il'l1 n..llnl'oOl!,,:' nl:....! -"('Jntl/,: I:.t'~.,..," ~ '1(,I~~'~~~\1.of:'4~/. ",.~I". - h ,.- ",. .. ,. ,.."". ..., . . "'-{cw"}r. !If'''~'~~' . "'ir.~~~" , '. 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'..":! . .J l ,\ Pd- ().Jtf# 53894 (I -7 HIGHWAY CONSTllDC'rIOK PERHIT 19th Street. - 71Bt st.roet Section HeKenzie Hishvq Pile Jlo. ,lJq~ S"'2-- "... In con1l1l1onr.t10n of the IllUtual benetitll to be dllrive4 botwoOD tho w:dOl'dgn04 CIII:I the Statll of 'J. -g ._. br lUl4 through itll Ol'oson stato H18hwa;r COIIIlI1DBlon lIJI4 the Cit7 of Spr1nst10111. a lIIlIIlialp:&l cOl'JlOl'st.1on, it 18 hel'oby Bg1'81ld that. the OrGgon State H1Pa;r Ccmzd.sB~n, 1tll 8sento, IIIIIplDyeell, llDIl oontl'aatorB, IIID7 entel' upon tile l'oal p. _,,"_ ~~ CM1Sd dosoribed in deaclB reaorded on R8el~el:3.&-~b ~'f:A-w.. ~~.1~,,~~~F tliel'eb'clDi ......_~L., by tho WlC!crD1gncd aD deBor1bed li}lSiR;i}..-QUJI 1140 ,9 ~ell1 107-r'~d!~ Dood Records, 1'01' a. cl1atanoe JlQt to excoBd ,:;,:,,,,,,. teet parallel to till' meting right ot lfq of the YoKel1zie !lighwq, to tiniuh 1I~1l0 aI1ll wheN roquired an additioJlBJ. .5"'0 S.s.ulllo....feet to pl'ovide storm dra1.na&e facilitills along thll eaid h1g~, and turt.h1l1'~.1t ill hereby Dgl:'IlGd thllt the Cit7 of Sprillgtield, ita ll8ente, emplarello I1IId oont.1'aatol's, 111!11' enter upon said 1'IlIal proport)- aftlllr oonstruot10n to IlIlI1ntll1n DdeS lltom c1ra.1nllge tacilitills, providingl 1. '1he 1I1oplls will be fin1ehod in 8 wrlcmllII11ko IlIlIDIIClr and will not exceed in st8flP11elll tl/O (2) fllllt horizontal to onll (1) foot v8rtiaal. 2. Exist1nR: zooll,!1 A'Pprosohllll 'lIil!. be rll~Dstruatad whllro dioturbed. l-oC4T';1/ WiLl- :D6 -Z~/lriNO" ....T -n~ 10'" C.OH#'T1I.dt::T-i'O" 3. ~ noaa6~all7 maintenanaa ot 8Zrf stom drainago facUit10D inll~ 08toh buw 1nBtallosd on O1'lIDtor'D Propllrt7 toZ' the JIIU'PClsa at r8lllDval ot ll1I1'faae tmtlll' IIIllT bo done b;r th!! City ot Bprll1gfiold. ~Cl Stato H~ CDIlIIIl1ollion 1dll not 00 rOllpODlI1bla for said operation 01' mUntSDanOll. 4.. Shrublll 01' othOl' D1pZOOvom9nts within tho elope 81'00 w1ll be paid tor ae toUovSI ~...".." SMA.,S". #J4,~"!-6 "! -?a~ ; ~ 1 ~' .. l' S. or aOndit1Dnlll4ppy~ t.\h.q7?/,,-!t .III/ ~Jtt!.~,. .,,~ ~~ .......-'.%~ ... 'U.J..- ~ c::....,ITre"CT~;. UoIAJI4CT' '7H5 CtAN(1J~~'et:,,~ ill. PA,O"" '7l'iI~ a' "'" ~'~'~ . I,,?, Ql:wPIlJl'ltf)DIAL "r, ~,~ UIIf!-II.1\ 'DJAA/Y1#1II ~ _ UpOD aDlllJlletion ot tho writ, lIJld /!JfT pllJ'lIIlInto to 00 madll h01"OUlldol', the ~Ol'- 1I1gne4, tl1011' h011'lS and U/l1gDlI, ful.JT 1'0108110 the State Highwa;r CClIIIIII1111lion trom llIIT furthOl' alahla v.1.th rOIlJlf'lIt. to tho lU8bwa,:r 1-,.. -" lIllIIIJIt oowred herllin. ..i Detoch......,""." 19.. /9"., Si8nG4~ t~/~tJ PRF..SUBM'nA~/~:'~~" ~ SD Count7 at LRN/!J.. MAY 2 0 2008 nr: Cft thio ,q dq ot~! , 1966, perBO~ - oot01'O ma,f,..ll~ On 1azxl Publia in lUl4 for .aid COIIlItTAiii8tato, ,thG,w1t11:1.n DIIIIOll M.D.CCI!l6t..,Q~ wbIlPO ...J:;1/1.~"fE;.... p. c;;:'c peL.A~ hiD lIUlI. ~ ,_ po~~ known to bG the 1d8Dt.~o&l parsOIl{1I1 desClI'ib04 in, and 11110 lIZ8Cl!1ted, ,'. _....Io. and wo 811Gb pOl'llOZIQll7 ' e.o!alostlcdio:l to mo that. '.:J1se~ ~CTo/-~,' ' ,., .".... t wlUD~ fol" thll ualDll IIIlI! pel'pOs8a therein namscl. ~.. ...)~~.""..,.. '~~ {~oI~ . ! ,::> ~.1~ \ , Wi~ooll m" hand llIl4 ottio1aJ. s~it~,.c' .. . "-=" I:> ~ !'ol:I I!, I, ,- I_I,' ...' ':~~\.:~I~ ~ ..\.' ~ J ), ~ p'... , , ~!""'}"', . I, '. '-_{ ~ I ~ ~. _ .', 1~~., ' -:; I"~ ,/66- -, "~f.-.i:--=.=. ..\ . .::~. " ,: 'h~' .. I,.l.;~ /..~~. - :'" o!-~r' -:! ,-' 't':: l.l"::~", -. ";''';''' Signl!l11 STATE OF 01lEQ0N S1&nOdl J' . ~ '. ---- . - ," II I , r' J .. , ./ ~ 'l:1l ~ ~ L~ 1 I . ,\;" lYD~ :::k. ' ~ ~. . " . "'" I ~ ~ ~,. ~ j & ~ ~ ,J. ,. ,I fl,:; " , . , I I ~ 1 ;-' " . I J l. .' I 't - " ,. 1.4 (' ..I ,-.J _t :-it.: J , \-:. - ~ ,-' ~. '~,~;,:'~.,.:' ,."(,,, . , ..I~, "" . ,~ .. . ...:~::~.,r.~~7~';~~~~~:,~~ ~ -, ,": J'. : ":~...Jf:Y(I...tl,ltc..~;~~t_.~i,:..:,J~. ._..~.. ".- ..~.~" t~~~~ .:.~~\~:~;~ }t'G~ I~~J':,~ jf ~ 6 PREmSUBMITTAL REC'O i " :.', '.." ~,MAY 2 () 2008 -, - -- - --;" - ,J .'..:.::..,..j';:;-:.;, , . . :." .., . "... - ',,' ;,~ '. ..... \.J ,. .... ',:',: '... " ',' ~lfi JI' J !,,:I ~ fIll ~E ~." . Eo, 12 ". \.. ~;J.iIJi =~':.:;~:a jj~~ Tf ll:!ljg ~1I t: l!llil ~J; ~;I: ~f 'l'~ i' i~", ~~!~hji, ~ ~;8',~ i : 'l fi' nh 'iR w.ta,;~ ~ I ,,,,"~. .!.s: e Ii .3 i!i A III ~ ~ , I " u, .... !:,..1 ;r: . 1- .;:. 0#;;..'.... _ __ _._ , '_r,I/'''''"; ..~:l.. \1ri.n,..r ~:.,: :,;rnt; 4" .. ...::.,.-n .1,: ,j I' r:r,oo' ".... ,;:.:,:;;,,71 -':;l-;' '.J:,...~...'.. '.~ ~ ;>,~dj'fX ~ _ \. .. .. I ,- "-: .~~ --,' ~-...... -.- a ~~ ~9:l 08"0 Fo >-)-., z~~::! "'SIO ~:E~~ O:~"'... t; ~ ~ ""Iii ~ -::r ...~ l!'~!... __.J"C: ,j"(~,lt. r);;. II .' ,; i '. I , ~! I Z.' ~ - I p~.;(.I o?/ t' ':J,,\..~',; .... .."l _1 .":'"...._:!-jL. _ f:- .. 4 .. ';'-1 \"~."_ 'o' ,~ ... '1" - '. ...\.... ,I, ..' ,,~'''l . ,~J"\ ;?.j~~"'''' J:i~"~'1.::at~""\L1?Bo"ifLO- 5 .. .sUP~'~. ~. I"'fj".-' '_1:.;;-;;'.....1'..) - :;\--. I,""."f.iy}!(f"'~~ '1:~:i~'(..J':ht:;:""Jij ~. ... '.. .. ~-,~ "',. ,.........~.'...?I{ .., ::-, Q,:.-:; 4 :~~:;i..t.~~ ~~...~. .'r."!' '",,, ;j, '..', '", "'. . HIGlWAY COaSTRUCfIOll.l'l!:IlHIT _ 1 "r" " ..' ..",1/." , C'", , - - ., . - - ,( -396~" '. I ;rtt~~~~;'r':\;I~""""~~"'''~l'~ f..::: .. \ J; .. i-a' FileNo. ".~!l~~'.: ::f.>,~::, (> ':~"'"''- .' '- '., 19th Street-71ot Stnet SectiDn , -., ......'"1,;.,..1 1\ ~~~_ ~.! ' ~.. . HcltcnJlte Higbway ~,' '.'i"_JI"~' 'J.J.~i L 68119 }!oKll:W.a .; :1,1,; ~r;,,'" a.o... " ~'", ,./ , -'r*~ - :In c.mUderlltlon of tbe mutual baneflto to ba darlvc:l betveen the underllignad '-:':":",': J;.\H-' 11 !"~~ t-.' i' ~tt'~, -and the State Df ,OregDn, hy and tbrough ita Ouaon State Highway CDllItlIlallon and the City \:'.. ;,! ~ ~:.' :'..- of Springfield, a municipsl CD;PDratlDn, it h haroby eereed that thll OragDn ~tlte Htsllvay ~ .:'~II i : ~;~ COlIII;1tasiDn, ita aBenta, emplDyaea, and contractora, ClBy enter UPlIn the rl1al prDpDrty ~nod H, ,\~ :,,~ J';. .. , ~1) ~~c.Pt thore1'rom prop.rti;y " .'~ ' 'r;\~ I, 'J~b by th" undeniRfUld aD dUR~ibcc!. i~R-46 - .~It 8~ '__1.1,\1111 ClllIDtv D!led RocordlJ, foz:: :~J' !l. J- . r.J<' - ~!:j:rdt!Bo:r:ibect 1:JlDfJada recorclD1 on ReeJ. ~,5-6OD"'t4'ODcr ~ g.L ;JYf-;f(JJ f;~:;'jB1. " I' \ '.~ ',1 ':;~ :;'~~'::' 8 diDtance nDt to eKceed five feet p8\"allul tD the oxlatlng riaht Df way of the ' ',' ~ ,(ii', " ;~};;!oli..,-!jit- .~ J 1;~-; I'ZS I, I ~, ___~~'1"~" ,iii' 1_ '~,N tlcKenl!:io HiShway, tD Uniab 1I1Dpaa and where required en additlDna14WiiaUlll'e hllt tD '1 .,;.~.. : ,;~ M....~:,I:' . r ;Iff". ;.._;.... ,. ':I~Y:: ,prDvide atDrm drUne;c facl1l1:leo elDng the aald blghway, and furtbllr, it la hereby ogrlllod '\ ," ,~~'thot the City Df Sprinafiald, iea ogcnto, empl~yeao and cDntroctDra, may enter upDn Goid ,~;. ~~..~ .;;:: roal 'l~j~ljlo< .. "~::t~~)\ .~t.'~"t;t~..,. 1 P~~~l1j... J:ii~f 1;;,)3~r;:. 'J~"--c.... ! ,..11t~' ", 11;~;r~: . '~'~.ff';' 'iF:,}, 1!l~l::V rt~~s:. ~-tI.fl.1 ~t: a7J ....,,;... \-lJ ' , l' All oond!'tion~ remn.in t.het DAmA "" n" thl) D'Pi~"""'I'j' ""A~.. :t;l,~ ' .:W : 5. Other conditions I Oateh bo.ain added at station ~~7+2"l +." im"l'DVI! dt'ainscrlh ~t~~. / ,~-I :J3S+SS cf 3j~ +1;'2.. , i''"'' ;..," , I,:{"' . U'D~ . cCllllpletion Df tbe wDrk, and any paYlllanta tD be mode t).~~. ~ I .. lh the iT heirs' and lIIeelgne, fully releaae tbD Steto HISbway CDllll1lluiDn frDm any ~I\ '"' .' : .. ~ :~~ With r'~;pect, to ,tbe higbwoy 1IDprDVCIDDnt cDVered:~areln. I .. {g. , ' ~r Datedl -:l.et.N...., ,1 2.B;-! /916,'J,i' ,to' - .~' A '/'.d/O _ ,IrA'!.,,,,, A ~~' ;:"\ Sinnad" ; ! S1gnedlW ~~CI'AZI'L..... ';... ~f", ,'" ~~; Signed: !~/: ' ~ STATE 0' OREGON ::...p '. CDunty of ~ ~~~~~~'~t!i~'g~':;~!~!I t~"l~~("~ , # ~~.;: ~.. _~ ..~..s".!...-~-.. ':-~~"~.;"...:'F='-::~~- ~ ,"~_....;:-:;t""";.:"~~ -~~~~~:.-;.....- .: ':'-:~ ;.t:., ~ :~,:, '- ;' .~- ~ :~:~--.,. -,{~; ~~ ~~-' ::.-= ,~. i:...-~,~~;::-. ' . -:. - ::. . -, , , . ~ -J..- ~~~~0WII9~_"""I_"""\-'_""_ - ~ ~"Z1;r ---- :.;,j"'" )hoW - 92677 "I.;" . ~:~,l~.: ",' Ii! A S E MEN T ~l.._f ~------- '::',J< TIllS .u.1U.....'...mE ~fADE and entel!'Sd into this-DJ;lt day of ...-.hUv ~9li2-' by and bet;ieen "1 n ......"'" 1 ..nil .,nil lof{ 11 i F' c:""..l..nd -- U hereinafter referred to as the Grantors, and THE ClTI Ol" SPRING~.......I, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, hereinafter referred to as the Grantee. I! 1.. 1 '! ~~ -1 ., I . , ~~., 'I' _w....~...l~_~.....~wu~ l I - ~~<..~::-~~..;4!~g;,~....1::.1:...~1"".;~~~..} I ",,' -to COO--I-'>'OW-"!' ,."''L.{~l ':;'''It' , ~......tL.~~~~"r,.l""""-=OC"~ I !l 'j I I i I. I i 'i i l 1 i I I I I i I , i-Ib,'.~'.~ TO HAVE AL'lD TO HOl.D said construction easement unto the said City of Springfield and to its successors and assigns, during the construction of xhe sanitary sewer. Upon the construction of the sanitary sewer and its f acceptance for uoe, the construction easement herein named shall become void. ~ IN t-1ITNESS t-1HEBEOF, the Grantors above named have hereunto sot their hands ~ :, ~~:;~i d;:~; ,Tv/y ,19 0 (SEAL) f 7n.f'~;/ ('-7" ~u~SEAL) I: 'hTATE OF OREGON ) : ) ss , County of .t"/1~ ) ~--J? Tt. /900 !L!..!!i!.!!!!!! That the Grantors, for and in consideration of one dollar to them in hand paid, do hereby grant, barg::::!.n, sel-l and convey unto tho Grantee, a perpetual eaaecant 14.0 feet in width, together t~th the right to go upon said easement areahorc1nnfter described for the purpose of constructing, recon- structing, maintaining and using a sanitary sewer which may hereafter be 1natullcd etL the fo.llo~:inc; ~coc:,:!.hed p::ope=tJ.'rJl to"-:7itt Beginning at a' point 269.88 feet South OU16' West from a point on the North line of the Th0Jll/16 J. Maynard DLC #44 in Tar7i18hip 17 South; Rang.:! 2 t<1eat or tba U:!.llnmoi:ta Meridian, 1787.36 fast frc::!l the northGaat corner thoreof, said point being 133.0 feot fram th~ northeast corner of the Grantor's property, on tho said eaDt proporty line; thence North 69044' West 308.16 feet to the Grantor'e West property line; thence South 0016' Wast 74.0 feat; thence Soutb 89044' Boat 14.0 feet; thanco North 0016' CaGt 60.0 feat; thencQ South 89044' EaGt 280.16 foot, thence South 0016' West 15.0 foet; thonca Soutb 89044' Eaet 14.0 feat to tho Grantor's east property 1ine~ thence North 0016' Eo~t 29.0 feet to the point of beginning, all in Springfield, Lane Councy, Orogon. TO HAVE AND TO HDLD the,abave easement to the said Grantse, its heirs and sSDigna forever. 0: IN ADDITION THERETO, The Grantors do hereby give and grant unto the City of Springfield, a consCruction 'easement of 30,0 feet in width along and abutting the So~tp & ~nBt sidsBand for the full length of the aforementioned and described perpeeuar;aaBe~nt for the purpoee of giving a wor~,are~ during the construction of a sanitary sewer within the perpetual easement. ~ ~ ..., ~i ~~ ." " ~4 J J 'I 1 I _(SEAL) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this /M. day of wty 19// , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public 1n and for Baid County . and Stato, pej:~onally appeared the within named W. P. ,,~J. ).(,Ij,'.. r1,,,,,.../..,,.1 H f W kno~n~~o, me to be the identics1 individual sdeecr1bed in and who '~mF;lc!;\-~lNlu'~/w~thin inetr\11llent and aclmow1edged toma that r,l<!! 1/ I e:c~J'i1;~~lflt'. freely and voluntarily. ' J Ilf~'I~ OP, I have hereunto set my hand Ilnd affixed my official 'II', ~~~!:~~~~~ r}~:~ar last above written. j :' "tJ. " c' .'''% 'I ,.. . ~.....' US-\..\ i..tt;:'/'". " :" ''''':;if~f:raa , -' I _ ~t , f{' ,~.' : I"' ,J! C/B',~ ~4e~iV,:;;: . '" ., -"~~_f~':~~ "'''~~(.....~,:~ ~~:,'F~~?~i)~:_~',:,,~, ,~-:".'~':, ~~,~~~1~:;~\' :':> .,~, :~.~,-,-:~~,. '-.iL ''! ,-.".,..">,,,",' ",' ',""-:'0"[,. ,',. ,JVl4~.I' f~..t'l~" 11~,i?""):,,\~-~'frl,l 'f .... -. ''''~- .J l1' _'-{ ~ ,-~ ....'r::.~ i"J~-~f ..~""p 'f ~'J ..t~1.7-.t:"'l:'\"1J1""'~" I ~ ~t-";:l..11 ''\''I.>~111:-'''''t'.., \"::-~..rl""l~';:>tf"}t,~, , ,< :Y;~~,:~~:::r J~{":!>/ L~ \~;~~:;t~;{C,~:~~i),~-~~ " I \-,,_ .. ;.. ..t1..,"":"':_r....~~~r...~ 1_ ~~H~.~f~l~~~v~jt> I - :I"(rn","",",-::.tI'tOC'\,._~ _ _ ....__..... . ~~~"..;:~,;,;.~~~t;=Jit~,~'- tloO:~,..,.."..::...'\..~.r~ 11:. r ~...,l:'\.~Uot:~:~ : , ~~~~~- ~~~\t~.\!"~~!1~~~, ~~.;.15r~~~J2.~~2. " ',,'". ,,",,, -"""'----- -_).I-t - oc- ~ ~ ' - -~. il'J: t J .. ~- ~(iJ~-rq1")fj# -;":,,~!f t~~ l.~;...: r:' to I J _ ..,.A..J;, 1 1_ .! ...J. I ':',' "'" '."J''') ":r-" -""!: ~--~ -.. -...-- ,-.......):(), I 1. .. fr......., ~~.0-J~/:.~ .' ~. _' .., II ~ b:.l. ..".1 ,~~ " I. =-=-~ :, ~#,: I ~ .............!...u.... 11f: - ~ - .. _.. u-..._.. -+--:-__. "'r... ,....I", ...if! , I , . ~ -:;";-UJ DI i':\.I'1 t_J.4_~:-:-_ ) . 1 ".J' 1 r'l. ,('" '~""='("i'-. . r.', , , ! i"l I .:.: G 3 _~ ;...--= :,,' J I, '.:1 "It)! J C _ r,,~ j .. J .h' J 1 " ','.':: :!~:' J I ~I:'\ If i)''h '_~_.'':. ,_~/', ,l ~'J'i_r"\.rc:. .... 1"1,,. -,JII...~ )._ fl..... ..:Cf!':;'''!.' r.J'U':'_~ ~:rH. I .. \ (. J,lt . ..! -1; ~".r J Ij '.. .'.1' ~I." .. J~I'" I __ _..~ \r -'''JO-"., l .;.JIJ ~ .l.n f';(". J. ~, ...;1:"__ ;,!,J .to.! f... ~~.-' ~....t .. J~'~' ~ "....~ ~rf l.oJ i'l:ll J. 11.... 'l' .n!. :1.;'J~ ""l..-\':-... 't u JJ.L!.o::. ' 1,".'11,i' L-i !,':I ~ '_' I I ,.. tJ ~l I _-, " '-'1 'r ""'f,c..,n"Ir';L,"'.1 I ,~. T":I... f ') I' ~HJ...J (If,) J_IJ()Cl .;: li.iOJ.J ,-.,i ~ I vIoe dj1JO~ ,j-:.:~ ~~:- .?t1~ :l.n...uq t.~ j,[, :':U..€Hr,rt!l.-L, ,.. I' -"';I..r~:' tdJ:.:oa \! C"~..I ,.,........j "'! :'.\er ::'l.1fi f''':-Glf~'f!..''. .T ?E.hJ.:lrJl .,dj tn ~r.lr ',' ~., ,".-:O~ ;;~59Ilj~0n :,"J' 'lJc:;:t :J.:'I!J! Gt.', ,f tf'[.:t.,l_~: '.)j J~a!.l!1T. ')d-I Ir, . .:1\ ,.,1 ,O:;;l-;~I.... ....1.:1 Jot, ':t~)(,'Xo:) j~1:&9J:,".:or. ~tfJ l(tC:..'=t ::_J(.l=t ".rff !"rJl~d ji"'lJ."~ 1.J'r... -.OJ.!"':J'.1 :JOO:' i. .d'){ Jo-'" ';'~"e:.. ,.oj-Lt.:;1 !,....a'"l~rl:; ,!:'r!.1J X:1-S,J""-1 J....n... hi" .o::l(~ pi ~I:"J"\-'" rJ'JIl~H~ J'~''.:f''1 O.~; '::Lo:':lt. '{'.:."::' dJuc..:' '::'::'c,u;l~ ~".[: '{:J")'-'7I'Il.J'..o J:.!:.L1 1"{,}:':-r':!~I_ '0,/ '~1 1~21J.)Z },.)~rl'j i:f!;)S:!",Oo jato,:] '.'31''r 1'1:1.1,.." o'"\")"J'='cJ.; i.:":os:', .~J...."I'-:;,!~~", ':' I\~~ . 1~,,/)~ '7'I(JC1d:: ":t."'IJ:-.. 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' . .,', , j -, ~ ,j ,1 I !':i ~, 1'" 'i ~ ;'11 :1:4 :1 ~ ~ ~,j 10"11 ,~ ~i ::; .j 1 J , i I. to ~t;~~;;,~ ri->... "'~;P.':=' !"'''>'It...............''' ~':~~~ F;{~~~~ !f~J;~~ PREcSUBM\TIAL REC'D MAY 2 0 2.008 COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT Date' ~October , 2007 Between' Jack E. Heacock and Sarah J. Heacock, Trustees of the Heacock L~v~ng Trust dated March 15, 1999 ("Landlord") And c~ty of Spr~ngf~eld, Oregon ("Tenant" ) Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord the follow1ng descr1bed property (the "Prem1ses") on the terms and cond1t1ons stated below The Prem1ses 1S approx1mately 200 West tol East feet by 140 feet north to south, about 28,000 square feet 1n area, and 1S un1mproved land 1n the northwest corner of Tax Lot 17-02-35-33- 06201 The Prem1ses 1S approx1mately the crosshatched area on Exh1b1t A attached hereto Sect~on 1 Occupancy 1.1 Or1q1nal Term. commence October 2009. The or1g1nal term of th1S lease shall , 2007, and cont1nue through March 30, 1.2 PosseSS1on. Tenant's r1ght to possess1on and obl1gat1ons under the lease shall commence on October , 2007. 1 3 Renewal Opt1on. If the lease 1S not then 1n default, Tenant shall have the opt1on to renew th1S lease for two succeSS1ve terms of three months, as follows. (a) The renewal term shall commence on the day follow1ng the date of term1nat1on of the exp1r1ng term (b) The opt1ons must be exerc1sed by wr1tten not1ce to Landlord not less than SlXty (60) days pr10r to the last day of the or1g1nal term for the f1rst renewal and th1rty (30) days pr10r to the last day of the f1rst renewal term for the second renewal The glv1ng of such not1ce shall be suff1c1ent to make the lease b1nd1ng for the renewal term w1thout further act of the part1es who shall then be bound to take the steps requ1red 1n connect1on w1th the determ1nat1on of rent as spec1f1ed below. COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT -, 1 - (c) The Base Rent rate of the lease for each renewal term I shall be F1fty Dollars ($50) per month more than the base rent for the pr10r term. All other1terms and cond1t1ons of the or1g1nal term shall apply Sectl.on 2. Rent 2.1 Base Rent. Dur1ng the or1g1nal term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord as base rent of $842 per month. The f1rst month's rent ~ shall be payable upon slgn1ng th1S lease If the effect1ve date 1S not the f1rst month of a calendar month, the rent shall bE' prorated on a per d1em bas1s for the part1al calendar month. Each subsequent month's rent shall be payable on the 1st day of each month 1n advance at Landlord's address 11sted below or at such other place as may be des1gnated by Landlord. 2.2 Base Rent for Renewal Term. In the event that Tenant exerC1ses the renewal opt1ons, then the base rent for the renewal term shall be as spec1f1ed 1n Sect10n 1 3(c) 2 3 Secur1ty Depos1t. To secure Tenant's compl1ance w1th all terms of th1S lease, Tenant has pa1d Landlord the sum of $2,000 as a depos1t The depos1t shall be a debt from Tenant to Landlord. The unused port1on of the depos1t shall be refunded to Tenant w1thout 1nterest w1th1n THIRTY (30) days follow1ng exp1rat1on of the lease term or other term1nat1on not caused by Tenant's default. Landlord shall have the r1ght to offset aga1nst the depos1t any sums oW1ng from Tenant to Landlord and not pa1d when due, any damages caused by Tenant's default, the cost of cur1ng any default by Tenant should Landlord elect to do so, and the cost of perform1ng any repa1r or cleanup that 1S Tenant's respons1b1l1ty under th1S lease Offset aga1nst the depos1t shall not be an exclus1ve remedy 1n any of the above cases, but may be 1nvoked by Landlord w1thout pr10r not1ce to Tenant, at 1tS opt1on, 1n add1t1on to any other remedy prov1ded by law or th1S lease for Tenant's nonperformance. If Landlord glves not1ce to Tenant that an offset 1S cla1med aga1nst the depos1t, and, unless the lease 1S term1nated, Tenant shall w1th1n TEN (10) days follow1ng such not1ce depos1t w1th Landlord a sum equal to the amount of the offset so that the total depos1t amount, net of offset, shall rema1n constant throughout the lease term. ~ U LLJr c=:: --.I ;!! ~ co ,:::) <r.) " 3 1 Perm1tted Use The Prem1ses lS currently vacant. Tenant ~ owns and operates a f1re stat10n on Tax Lot 6204 adJacent to theCb Prem1ses Tenant 1ntends to reconstruct the f1re stat10n and Sectl.on 3. Use of the Preml.ses dO c:::tI 1:)) ~ o ~, >- ~ COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 2 - ') wants to use the Premlses on an lnterlm basls to house flremen and a place to park emergency vehlcles Tenant shall be permltted to lnstall modular houslng on the Premlses for ltS flremen, concrete bases or pads for the bUlldlng as necessary, utlllty Ilnes and telecommunlcatlons facllltles to serve such facllltles, perlmeter securlty fenclng and asphalt parklng lot, a curb cut for access from the Premlses to S 68th Place WhlCh shall be the access pOlnt to the Premlses for Tenant's use and other related temporary lmprovements necessary but lncldental to the operatlons of the flre flghtlng actlvltles currently on the flre statlon slte adJacent to the leased Premlses Landlord wlll co-slgn any necessary land use, other appllcatlons, permlts and other documents deemed necessary and reasonable by Tenant so Tenant may secure approval of the Permltted Uses Ilsted above Such actlons by tenant shall be at Tenant's sole expense All of such constructlon shall be subJect to the followlng addltlonal terms: (a) The sewer Ilne provlded by Tenant from S. 68th Place shall be a permanent sewer Ilne at least elght (8) lnches ln dlameter for use ln future development of the Premlses and the adJacent property owned by Landlord. Upon vacatlng the Premlses, Tenant wlll cap the sewer Ilne and leave a stubbed-out extenslon on the Premlses and transfer the ownershlp of the sewer Ilne and any other utlllty Ilnes connectlng to the Premlses to Landlord (b) Tenant shall lnstall a Clty-approved drlveway apron or other paved entry access to the Premlses from S 68th Place. Tenant shall take all access to the Premlses elther from the adJacent flre statlon property owned by Tenant or S. 68th Place The drlveway access shall be ln accordance wlth all munlclpal requlrements and shall be constructed on a permanent basls for future use by Landlord after the lease termlnates. (c) Tenant shall construct a securlty fence around the perlmeter of the Premlses and provlde slats for the fenclng faclng the Landlord's adJacent resldence The fenclng shall lnclude a gate for access to S. 68th Place as well as a gate large enough to accommodate vehlcles along the east boundary of the Premlses at a locatlon mutually agreed upon between Landlord and T enan t Cj I,.(..U> " c;td:r r!-- C~ s'Li2t..;.A-~ M (d) All safety and securlty llghtlng lnstalled by Tenant shall be dlrected downward and shlelded ln a manner to mlnlmlze llght lntruslon on the Landlord's resldence and adJacent property. PRF~~11RMlrrAL REC'lJ ~jAY 2 0 2008 COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 3 - ..i (e) Landlord's adJacent property to the south of the Premlses slopes downward from south to north. As a result, surface 1 stormwater wlll flow from Landlord's adJacent property onto the Premlses. Tenant shall construct storm dralnage facllltles on the Premlses as lS reasonably necessary for Tenant's use of the Premlses Any storm dralnage system shall be channeled lnto the storm sewer Ilne on the flre statlon property to the north of the Premlses. (f) Upon termlnatlon or explratlon of the lease, unless otherwlse agreed by Landlord In wrltlng, Tenant agrees to remove all pads, bUlldlngs, appurtenances and other structures and ltems constructed by Tenant on the Premlses (expect for the sewer Ilne and drlveway apron descrlbed In Sectlons 3.1(a) and (b)), and all debrls and other personal property and to restore the Premlses to a level fleld, plant grass and ensure the condltlon of the Premlses lS sufflclently s~ooth that It can be rea~ona ly mqwe#i bv,1andlord. 11~~/UJ ~/}~~~ q~ "tcN~ L,J~ ~/~al~~C:i..I'~3&"b/~:~"""'/tttbh~~~o-$~ IT1 ~ r-- )~$lv~~ q~ 3 2 Restrlctlons on Use In conn~ctlon wlth the use of the Premlses, Tenant shall (1) Conform to all appllcable laws and regulatlons of any publlc authorlty affectlng the Premlses and the use, and correct at Tenant's own expense any fallure of compllance created through Tenant's fault or by reason of Tenant's use. (2) Refraln from any actlvlty that would make It lmposslble to lnsure the Premlses agalnst casualty or would lncrease the lnsurance ratlng of the Premlses. (3) Refraln from any use that would be reasonably offenslve to tenants or owners or users (lncludlng Landlord) of nelghborlng property or that would tend to create a nUlsance or damage the reputatlon of the Premlses (4) Tenant shall not cause or permlt any Hazardous Substance to be spllled, leaked, dlsposed of, or otherwlse released on or under the Premlses. Tenant may use or otherwlse handle on the Premlses only those Hazardous Substances tYPlcally used or sold In the prudent and safe operatlon of the flre statlon speclfled In Sectlon 3 1. Tenant may store such ~ Hazardous Substances on the Premlses only In quantltles ~ necessary to satlsfy Tenant's reasonably antlclpated needs ~ Tenant shall comply wlth all Envlronmental Laws and exerClse t~ hlghest degree of care In the use, handllng, and storage of ~ Hazardous Substances and shall 'take all practlcable measures t~ mlnlmlze the quantlty and toxlClty of Hazardous Substances use~ I c.n j ~ COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 4 - ~ co <:::) <:::) '" = ~ ~ ::a: handled, or stored on the Premlses Upon the explratlon or termlnatlon of thlS lease, Tenant shall remove all Hazardous Substances from the Premlses The term Envlronmental Law shall mean any federal, state, or local statute, regulatlon, or ordlnance or any Judlclal, or other governmental order pertalnlng to the protectlon of health, safety or the enVlronment. (5) If Tenant breaches the obllgatlons stated hereln, or lf the presence of Hazardous Substance on the Premlses caused or permltted _by Tenant at any tlme after executlon of thlS Agreement, results ln any contamlnatlon of the Premlses or any other prlvate or publlC property, lncludlng, wlthout llmltatlon, sewers or streets, or lf contamlnatlon of the Premlses by Hazardous Substance otherwlse occurs for WhlCh Tenant lS legally llable to Landlord or to any thlrd party for damages resultlng therefrom, then: (A) Tenant shall lndemnlfy, defend and hold Landlord harmless from and agalnst any and all clalms, Judgments, damages, penaltles, flnes, costs, expenses, llabllltles and losses (lncludlng, wlthout llmltatlon, dlmlnutlon In value of the Premlses, damages for the loss or restrlctlon on use of the Premlses, and sums pald ln settlement of clalms, attorneys' fees, consultant fees and expert fees) that arlse durlng or after the term of thlS lease, as a result of or ln connectlon wlth such contamlnatlon. The foregolng lndemnlflcatlon of Landlord by Tenant lncludes, wlthout llmltatlon, costs lncurred ln connectlon wlth any lnvestlgatlon of slte condltlons or any clean-up, remedlal removal or restoratlon work requlred or recommended by any federal, state or local governmental agency or polltlcal subdlvlslon because of Hazardous Substance present ln the sOll or groundwater on or under the Premlses or any publlC facllltles. (B) Tenant shall promptly take any and all actlons, at ltS sole cost and expense, as are necessary or approprlate to return the Premlses or other prlvate or publlc facllltles to the condltlon eXlstlng prlor to the lntroductlon of any Hazardous Substance to the Premlses, provlded that Landlord's approval of such actlons shall flrst be obtalned, WhlCh approval shall not be unreasonably wlthheld lf such actlons would not potentlally have any materlal adverse effect on the Premlses or other prlvate or publlC facllltles All contractors, laboratorles and englneerlng flrms (herelnafter "Consultants") chosen by Tenant to undertake any remedlal actlon that may be necessary or approprlate on or about the ,Premlses or other prlvate or publlC facllltles shall be ~approved by Landlord prlor to thelr employment by Tenant, WhlCh PRE.sU~MITTJ1t REC'O MAY 2 (} Z008 COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEME~T - 5 - approval wlll not be unreasonably wlthhold Consultants ~hall I be llcensed and bonded In acc9rdance wlth all appllcable laws. Dupllcate coples of all reports and flndlngs made by Consultants wlth regard to the condltlon of the Premlses or other prlvate or publlc facllltles shall be dellvered to Landlord concurrently wlth thelr dellvery to Tenant. Tenant shall have the work done by the Consultants at Tenant's sole cost and shall lndemnlfy and hold Landlord and Landlord's agents and employees harmless from and agalnst any and all loss, costs, llablllty, damage and expense relatlng to or arlslng from any damage or lnJury to Tenant, the Consultants, or the agents of elther of them, for any thlrd-party llablllty lncurred by any of them, an for any clalm by Landlord, or Landlord's agents or employees by reason of any such work conducted by Consultants (6) As used hereln, the term "Hazardous Substance" means any hazardous or tOXlC substance, materlal or waste that lS or becomes regulated by any local governmental authorlty, the State of Oregon, or the Unlted States Government The term "Hazardous Substance" lncludes, wlthout Ilmltatlon, any materlal or substance whlch lS deslgnated as a hazardous substance pursuant to the Water Pollutlon Control Act (33 USC Sectlon 1317), or deflned as hazardous waste pursuant to the Resource Conservatlon and Recovery Act (42 USC Sectlon 6901 et seq ), or deflned as a hazardous substance pursuant to the Comprehenslve Envlronmental Response, Compensatlon and Llablllty Act of 1980, as amended (42 USC Sectlon 9601 et seq ), or deflned as a hazardous materlal pursuant to Artlcle 90 of the Unlform Flre Code, as adopted by the Clty or County In whlch the subJect property lS located and, as amended from tlme to tlme Sect~on 4 Repa~rs and Ma~ntenance 4 1 Tenant's Obllgatlons. Tenant shall be responslble for the malntenance and repalr of all lmprovements on the Premlses. . 4.2 ~ Relmbursement for Repalrs Assumed. If Tenant falls or refuses to make repalrs that are requlred by thls Sectlon, Landlord may make the repalrs 'and charge the actual costs of repalrs to Tenant. Such expendltures by Landlord shall be ~ relmbursed by Tenant on demand together wlth lnterest at the ~ co rate of 12% per annum from the date of expendlture by Landlord~ ~ , --.JJ '-" Except In an emergency creatlng an lmmedlate rlsk of personal ~ ~ lnJury or property damage, Landlord may not perform repalrs ~ ~ whlch are the obllgatlon of T~nant and charge Tenant for the ~ >- resultlng expense unless at l~ast 10 buslness days before wor~ ~ I L.Ul B: COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 6 - lS commenced, Tenant lS glven notlce In wrltlng outllnlng wlth reasonable partlcularlty the repalrs requlred, and Tenant falls wlthln that tlme to lnltlate such repalrs In good falth. 4 3 Inspectlon of Premlses. Landlord shall have the rlght to lnspect the Premlses at any reasonable tlme or tlmes to determlne the necesslty of repalr Sect10n 5. Alterat10ns 5 1 Alteratlons Prohlblted Except as provlded In Sectlon 3.1, Tenant shall make no lmprovements or alteratlons on the Premlses of any klnd wlthout flrst obtalnlng Landlord's wrltten consent, whlch consent shall not be unreasonably wlthheld All alteratlons shall be made In a good and workmanllke manner, and In compllance wlth appllcable laws and bUlldlng codes. 5 2 Ownershlp and Removal of Alteratlons Except as provlded In Sectlon 3.1, all lmprovements and alteratlons performed on the Premlses by Tenant shall be the property of Landlord when lnstalled. Sect10n 6 F1re Insurance 6 1 Flre Insurance. Tenant shall keep the Premlses and the lmprovements thereon lnsured on a standard all rlsks of loss lnsurance pollcy lncludlng, at Landlord's optlon, earthquake and flood coverage Tenant may carry, and shall bear the expense of, any slmllar lnsurance lnsurlng the personal property of Tenant and Tenant lmprovements on the Premlses. Tenant shall purchase a walver of subrogatlon endorsement on all such pollcles walvlng the lnsurer's subrogatlon rlghts agalnst Landlord. 6 2 Walver of Subrogatlon. Nelther the Landlord nor the Tenant shall be llable to the other for loss arlslng out of damage to or destructlon of the Premlses or the contents thereof, to the extent such loss lS covered by lnsurance All such clalms for any and all loss, however caused, hereby are walved to the extent covered by lnsurance. Such absence of ) llablllty shall eXlst whether or not the damage or destructlon lS caused by the negllgence of elther Landlord or Tenant or,by any of thelr respectlve agents, servants, offlclals, or employees It lS the lntentlon and agreement of the Landlord and the Tenant that the lnsurance carrlers lnvolved shall not be entltled to subrogatlon under any Clrcumstances agalnst any party to thls lease Nelther the Landlord nor the Tenant shall have an~ lnterest or clalm In the other's lnsurance pollcy or PRE-5UBMITIAI DFC'D COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 7 - MAY 2 0 Z008 pol1c1es, or the proceeds thereof, unless spec1f1cally covered there1n as a ]Olnt 1nsured. Sect10n 7. Taxes; Ut111t1es 7.1 Property Taxes. Tenant shall pay all real property taxes and any spec1al assessments lev1ed aga1nst the 1mprovements " constructed on the Prem1ses by Tenant and a percentage of the taxes and any spec1al assessments lev1ed aga1nst the land 1n Tax Lot 6201 of Wh1Ch the Prem1ses are a part, equal to the percentage of the tax lot leased to Tenant hereunder, computed on a square footage bas1s Property taxes on the land shall be prorated on a per d1em bas1s for any part1al tax year th1S lease 1S 1n effect 7 2 Spec1al Assessments If an assessment for a publ1C 1mprovement 1S made aga1nst the Prem1ses, Landlord may elect to cause such assessment to be pa1d 1n 1nstallments, 1n Wh1Ch case all of the 1nstallments payable w1th respect to the lease term shall be treated the same as general real property taxes for ~ purposes of Sect10n 7.1 7 3 Contest of Taxes. Tenant shall be perm1tt~d to contest the amount of any tax or assessment as long as such contest 1S conducted 1n a manner that does not cause any r1sk that Landlord's 1nterest 1n the Prem1ses w1ll be foreclosed for nonpayment Slnce the Prem1ses 1S part of a larger tax lot, Landlord may also contest the ,taxes on that tax lot. 7.4 Payment of Ut1l1t1es Charges. Tenant shall pay when due a~l charges for serV1ces and ut1l1t1es 1ncurred 1n connect1on w1th the use, occupancy, operat1on, and ma1ntenance of the Prem1ses, 1nclud1ng (but not Ilm1ted to) hookup or connect1ons fees, charges for fuel, water, gas, electr1c1ty, sewage d1sposal, power, refr1gerat1on, a1r cond1t1on1ng, telephone, and ]an1tor1al serV1ces Sect10n 8 Damage and Destruct10n 8 1 Damage If the Prem1ses 'are damaged by f1re or casualty, Tenant shall have the opt1on to repa1r the damage at Tenant's expense or to term1nate the lease on TEN (10) days pr10r wr1tten not1ce to Landlord If Tenant elects to repa1r the ~ damag~, repa1rs shall be accompl1shed w1th all reasonable ~ d1spatch subJect to 1nterrupt1ons and delays from labor ~ -.I d1sputes and matters beyond the control of Tenant. ~ e ~ CCl =::>> en . L.U 0:::: c... 00 C) C) C'-..J = tN >- <( ::E I 1 COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 8 - 8.2 Rent Abatement. Rent shall not be abated durlng the , repalr of any damage Sect~on 9 Em~nent Doma~n 9.1 Partlal Taklng If a portlon of the Premlses lS condemned and Sectlon 9.2 does not apply, Tenant shall have the optlon to contlnue the lease and make any alteratlons or repalrs Tenant deems necessary for ltS use of the Premlses, or I termlnate the lease on 10 days prlor wrltten notlce to Landlord (1) Landlord shall be entltled to all of the proceeds of condemnatlon, and Tenant shall have no clalm agalnst Landlord as a result of the condemnatlon (2) If Tenant elects to contlnue the lease, Tenant shall proceed as soon as reasonably posslble to make such repalrs and alteratlons to the Premlses as are necessary to restore the remalnlng Premlses to a condltlon as comparable as reasonably practlcable to that eXlstlng at the tlme of the condemnatlon. (3) Rent shall not be abated lf Tenant does not elect to termlnate the lease. 9.2 Total Taklng If a condemnlng authorlty takes all of the Premlses or a portlon sufflclent to render the remalnlng Premlses reasonably unsultable for the use that Tenant was then maklng of the Premlses, the lease shall termlnate as of the date the tltle vests ln the condemnlng authorltles Landlord shall be entltled to all of the proceeds of condemnatlon, and Tenant shall have no clalm agalnst Landlord as a result of the condemnatlon. Sect~on 10 L~ab~l~ty and Indemn~ty 10.1 Llens Tenant shall pay as due all clalms for work done on and for serVlces rendered or materlal furnlshed to the Premlses, and shall keep the Premlses free from any llens If Tenant falls to pay any such clalms or to dlscharge any llen, Landlord may do so and collect the cost as addltlonal rent Any amount so added shall bear lnterest at the rate of 12% per annum from the date expended by Landlord and shall be payable on demand. Such actlon by Landlord shall not constltute a walver of any rlght or remedy WhlCh Landlord may have on account of Tenant's default COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 9 - PRE-SUBMITTAl P~C'D MAY 2 0 LOO~ 10.2 Indemnlflcatlon To th~ extent allowed by the Oregon Constltutlon and the Oregon Revlsed Statutes lncludlng speclflcally but not llmlted ~o the Oregon Tort Clalms Act (ORS 30.260 through 30.295), Tenant shall defend, lndemnlfy and hold harmless Landlord from any clalm, loss, or llablllty arls1ng out of or related to any act1v1ty of Tenant on the Prem1ses or any cond1tlon of the Prem1ses 1n the possess1on or under the control of Tenant Landlord shall have no llab1l1ty to Tenant for any 1nJury, loss, or damage caused by th1rd part1es, or by any cond1tlon of the Premlses except to the extent caused by Landlord's gross negl1gence or breach of duty under thlS lease. 10.3 L1ab1llty Insurance Before tak1ng possess1on of the Prem1ses, Tenant shall procure and thereafter dur1ng the term of the lease shall cont1nue to carry the followlng 1nsurance at Tenant's cost: Commerc1al General L1ab1llty Insurance (occurrence vers1on) 1n a respons1ble company, w1th llmlts of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 1n the aggregate Such lnsurance shall cover all rlsks ar1s1ng d1rectly or 1nd1rectly out of Tenant's actlvlt1es on or any cond1t1on of the Prem1ses, and shall name Landlord as an add1t1onal 1nsured. Tenant shall prov1de Landlord proof of 1nsurance on Landlord's request Sect10n 11. Ass1gnment and Sublett1ng 11.1 No Ass1gnment. No part of the Prem1ses may be ass1gned, mortgaged, or subleased, nor may a r1ght of use of any port1on of the property be conferred on any th1rd person by any other means, w1thout the pr10r wr1tten consent of Landlord Th1S provlslon shall apply to all transfers by operatlon of law No consent ln one lnstance shall prevent the provls1on from \, applY1ng to a subsequent 1nstance. Landlord shall consent to a transact10n covered by thlS provlslon when w1thhold1ng such consent would be unreasonable 1n the C1rcumstances Sect10n 12 Default The follow1ng shall be events of default: 12.1 Default 1n Rent. Fa1lure of Tenant to pay any rent or other charge' w1th1n 10 days after 1t lS due. ~ 12.2 Default 1n Other Covenants. Fa1lure of Tenant to comply~ w1th any term or condltlon or fulf1ll any obl1gatlon of the ~ --' lease (other than the payment of rent or other charges) w1th1n~ 20 days after wr1tten not1ce by Landlord spec1fY1ng the nature~ of the default w1th reasonable partlcular1ty If the default ~ 1 => 1 U> i ~ COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 10 - g: co ~ <::::) C"-I! C ~ ~ ~ lS of such a nature that It cannot be completely remedled wlthln the 20-day perlod, thls provlslon shall be complled wlth If Tenant beglns correctlon of the default wlthln the 20-day perlod and thereafter proceeds wlth reasonable dlllgence and In good falth to effect the remedy as soon as practlcable Sect~on 13 Remed~es on Default 13.1 Termlnatlon In the event of a default by Tenant, the lease may be termlnated at the optlon of Landlord by wrltten notlce to Tenant Whether or not the lease lS termlnated by the electlon of Landlord or otherwlse, Landlord shall be entltled to recover damages from Tenant for the default, and Landlord may reenter, take possesslon of the Premlses, and remove any persons or property by legal actlon or by self-help wlth the use of reasonable force and wlthout llablllty for damages and wlthout havlng accepted a surrender. 13.2 Relettlng. Followlng reentry or abandonment, Landlord may relet the Premlses and In that connectlon may make any sUltable alteratlons or refurblsh the Premlses, or both, or change the character or use of the Premlses, but Landlord shall not be requlred to relet for any use or purpose other than that speclfled In the lease or whlch Landlord may reasonably conslder In]UrlOUS to the Premlses, or to any tenant that Landlord may reasonably conslder ob]ectlonable Landlord may relet all or part of the Premlses, alone or In con]Unctlon wlth other propertles, for a term longer or shorter than the term of thls lease, upon any reasonable terms and condltlons, lncludlng the grantlng of some rent-free occupancy or other rent \ conceSSlon 13 3 Damages In the event of termlnatlon or retaklng of possesslon followlng default, Landlord shall be entltled to recover lmmedlately, wlthout waltlng untll the due date of any future rent or untll the date flxed for explratlon of the lease term, the followlng amounts as damages: (1 ) -J J new tenant have been, The loss of rental from the date of default untll a lS, or wlth the exerClse of reasonable efforts could secured and paYlng out. (2) The reasonable costs of reentry and relettlng lncludlng wlthout llmltatlon the cost of any cleanup, refurblshlng, removal of Tenant's property and flxtures, costs lncurred under Sectlon 13 5, or any other expense,occasloned by Tenant's default lncludlng but not llmlted to, any remodellng COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 11 - PREaSUBMllTAl REC'C MAY 2 0 2008 or repalr costs, attorney fees, court costs, broker I commlSSlons, and advertlslng 80StS. (3) Any excess of the falue of the rent and all of Tenant's other obllgatlons under thlS lease over the reasonable expected return from the Premlses for the perlod commenclng on the earller of the date to WhlCh Tenant has'pald rent or the date the Premlses are relet, and contlnulng through the end of the term The present value of future amounts wlll be computed uSlng a dlscount rate equal to the prlme loan rate of maJor Oregon banks ln effect on the date of default. 13 4 Rlght to Sue More than Once. Landlord may sue perlodlcally to recover damages durlng the perlod correspondlng to the remalnder of the lease term, and no actlon for damages shall bar a later actlon for damages subsequently accrulng. 13.5 Landlord's Rlght to Cure Defaults Except as otherwlse provlded hereln, lf Tenant falls to perform any obllgatlon under thlS lease, Landlord shall have the optlon to do so after 30 days' wrltten notlce to Tenant All of Landlord's expendltures to correct the default 'shall be relmbursed by Tenant on demand wlth lnterest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from the date of expendlture by Landlord Such actlon by'Landlord shall not walve any other remedles avallable to Landlord because of the default 13.6 Remedles Cumulatlve. The foregolng remedles shall be ln addltlon to and shall not exclude any other remedy avallable to Landlord under appllcable law Sect~on 14 Holdover 14.1 Property Removal. Except as provlded ln Sectlon 3 1, prlor to explratlon or other termlnatlon of the lease term Tenant shall remove all furnlshlngs, furnlture, trade flxtures and other lmprovements to the Premlses If Tenant falls to do so, th~s shall be an abandonment of the property, and Landlord may retaln the property and all rlghts of Tenant wlth respect to lt shall cease or, by notlce ln wrltlng glven to Tenant wlthln 20 days after removal was requlred, Landlord may elect to hold Tenant to ltS obllgatlon of removal. If Landlord elects to requlre Tenant to remove, Landlord may effect a removal and place the property ln publlC storage for Tenant~ account Tenant shall be llable to Landlord for the cost ot) removal, transportatlon to storage, and storage, wlth lnter~~ ~ at the rate of 12% per annum on all such expenses from the ~.~ , ~ = of expendlture by Landlord. ~ ~ :E ~~ ~~ . LLj ~ C- , COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 12 - 14 2 Holdover If Tenant does not vacate the Premlses at the tlme requlred, Landlord shall have the optlon to treat Tenant as a tenant from month to month, subJect to all of the provlslons of thlS lease except the provlslons for term and renewal, or to eJect Tenant from the Premlses and recover damages caused by wrongful holdover Fallure of Tenant to remove flxtures, furnlture, furnlshlngs, trade flxtures or other lmprovements that Tenant lS requlred to remove under thlS lease shall constltute a fallure to vacate to WhlCh thlS sectlon shall apply lf the property not removed wlll substantlally lnterfere wlth occupancy of the Premlses by another tenant or wlth occupancy by Landlord for any purpose lncludlng preparatlon for a new tenant. SectJ.on 15 MJ.scellaneous 15 1 Nonwalver. Walver by elther party of strlct performance of any provlslon of thlS lease shall not be a walver of or preJudlce the party's rlght to requlre strlct performance of the same provlslon ln the future or of any other provlslon 15 2 Attorney Fees (1) If SUlt or actlon lS lnstltuted ln connectlon wlth any controversy arlslng out of thlS lease, the prevalllng party shall be entltled to recover ln addltlon to costs such sum as the court or arbltrator may adJudge reasonable as attorney fees at arbltratlon, at trlal, and on any appeals. (2) Tenant shall relmburse Landlord wlthln 30 days followlng slgnlng thlS lease for Tenant's legal fees lncurred ln draftlng and negotlatlng thlS lease ln an amount not to exceed $2,000. 15 3 Notlces. Any notlce requlred or permltted under thlS lease shall be glven when actually dellvered or 48 hours after deposlted ln Unlted States mall as certlfled mall addressed as follows. To Landlord: Jack E. Heacock and Sarah J Trustees 6893 Maln Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97478 Heacock, To Tenant Clty of Sprlngfleld 225 Flfth Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 PRE.SUBMIlTAI D~C'D MAY 2 0 200u COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 13 - or to such other address as mcY be spec1f1ed from t1me to t1me by e1ther of the part1es 1n wr1t1ng. 15.4 SucceSS1on. SubJect to, the above-stated llm1tat1ons on transfer of Tenant's 1nterest, th1S lease shall be b1nd1ng on and 1nure to the benef1t of the part1es and the1r respect1ve successors and ass1gns. 15 5 Recordat1on Th1S lease, or any memorandum thereof, shall not be recorded w1thout the pr10r express wr1tten consent of Landlord 15.6 Entry for Inspect1on. Landlord shall have the r1ght to enter upon the Prem1ses at any t1me to determ1ne Tenant's compl1ance w1th th1S lease, or to show the Prem1ses to any prospect1ve tenant or purchaser, and 1n add1t1on shall have the r1ght, at any t1me dur1ng the last two months of the term of th1S lease, to place and ma1nta1n upon the Prem1ses not1ces for leas1ng or sell1ng of the Prem1ses 15.7 Interest on Rent/Late Payment and Other Charges. Any rent or other payment requ1red of Tenant by th1S lease shall, 1f not pa1d w1th1n 10 days after 1t 1S due, bear 1nterest at the rate of 12% per annum from the due date unt1l pa1d In add1t1on, 1f Tenant falls to make any rent or other payment requ1red by th1S lease to be pa1d to Landlord w1th1n ten days after 1t lS due, Landlord may elect to 1mpose a late charge of F1fty Dollars ($50) to re1mburse Landlord for the costs of collect1ng the overdue payment. Tenant shall pay the late charge upon demand by Landlord. Landlord may levy and collect a late charge 1n add1t1on to all other remed1es ava1lable for Tenant's default, and collect1on of a late charge shall not wa1ve the breach caused by the late payment. 15 8 Tlme of Essence T1me 1S of the essence of the performance-of each of Tenant's obl1gatlons under thlS lease 15 9 Oregon Law. ThlS agreement lS subJect to, and shall be 1nterpreted 1n accordance w1th, the laws of the State of Oregon ~ ~~ ~o ~ ('..1 15 10 Representatlons Landlord makes no representat10ns or ~ c warrant1es as to the cond1t1on of the Prem1ses or any ~ c 1mprovements thereon and Tenant lS leaslng the Prem1ses "AS IS'$ ::r and w1th all defects; 1f any Tenant certlf1es that th1S leas~ ~ d b' - LLi lS execute on the aS1S of Tenant's own exam1natlon and ~ knowledge of the Prem1ses and Tenant's op1n1on of 1tS value ~ , COMMERCIAL LEA~E AGREEMENT - 14 - No representatlons as to the condltlon or repalr of the Premlses or the zonlng or land use classlflcatlon of the Premlses, or permltted uses of the Premlses, have been made by Landlord, or by an agent of Landlord, and no agreement or promlse to alter, repalr or lmprove the Premlses has been made by Landlord or by any agent of Landlord. Tenant accepts the Premlses In ltS eXlstlng condltlon, lncludlng sUltablllty of the Premlses for the use contemplated by Tenant All condltlons precedent to thls lease of the Premlses have been satlsfled or walved by the party In whose favor the condltlon was establlshed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partles have executed thls Commerclal Lease Agreement to be effectlve the date flrst set forth above. Landlord: " >;/4i1d~~~- / aCK E- H acock Trustee of the Heacock Llvlng Trust "../L{/1.n/~o;z~~ Sarah J. H'e{loCk Trustee of the Heacock Llvlng Trust Tenant. Clty of Sprlngfleld By: R(Vi[WED & APPROVED AS TO FOF,rv; \ ~ e.. C::.I"~ ...) '- Q<\-' "I DATE _ \ a'l\~ ll)\ OFFICE Of Lll ( /\TTORN~Y PRE-SUBM\TIAl pl=C'D MAY 2 0 20U~ COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT - 15 - L_ ~! LV u..n 11.-- / 11 I V I [/,-'f(.J _'~l :i~ \ ~ - tij~'~ _ ~I: ~ I M~I<ENZIr: HWl'. ij S s~C i - - e~we ~ -1. ---'~4-1Tl~, 2 l/~!J 0,5' ~ ~203 'g /I"0.'"olol111 pr, o 5HJ. .~"' r 1''''''I:.J<tZ~~'''T 'b 62j5!.i I It '-1.~ ~ IO+luJ4 II PoT Ihl , i ~~.~ @ I I j!Q~ ; \~\'I>l-~"p~ . i II \\'~~'; 1M'" UB!...,. \~l_ ! !I9"!ll11'~ t~.."..., I.I~J!:I', ~ ~ I \ : \ \ ~"""'--... I ~~01 ~ @:" ;\ '\ 1 J~. ",. L'h \4I-CGL1.... PA g \ ' \; i II-I""I~ r-I 0.. ~ 1\ ~.,' -.--....;-1 ;; i . .HO t I' I ~ ~ w ~ I li . I ~I I j; I ! I I lillM 6204 k 6 J ^ NORTH :. I'JO"''';J' 1 ~llY "~M~ GHI4 JoI "At;. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 0 2008 SEE MAP 17 02 35 J~ / EXHIBIT A LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Transportation Engineer: Jon Dnscoll Case#: PRE2008-00030 Applicant: Spnngfleld Fire Station #16 TRANSPORTATION o Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) faCIlity Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) D [g\ 1 Copy of ROW Approach Permit Application o Traffic Impact Study - four (4) copies of a study prepared by a Traffic EngIneer In accordance with SDC 4 2-105 A 4 Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic Impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system In terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and Immediate and adjOining street systems A TIS must also address, If needed, City, Metro Plan and state land use and transportation poliCies and objectives Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ~ D o Land Division Tentative Plan Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ~ ~ 2 ~ u D ~ 3 ~ u D D PREmSUBMIITAl RECIO MAY 2 0 2008 ReVised 10/25/07 Traffic Impact Study Location of eXisting and proposed street lighting, Including type, height, and area of Illumination Location of eXisting and proposed transit faCilities Location and dimenSions of eXisting and proposed dnveways Location and Width of all eXisting and proposed Sidewalks, Sidewalk ramps, pedestnan access ways, and bike trails Location, Widths, conditions, and names of all eXisting and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other nght-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land diVIsion Proposed streets should also Include approximate radiUS of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets ~ ~ 4 as shown on the Metro Plan/ TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map Location of eXisting and required traffiC control devices Transportation Notes: 1 Please provide an ODOT ROW permit showing ODOT's acceptance the alteration to the entrance and to eXisting site conditions 2 Street lighting IS not shown 3 Show the eXisting and proposed dnveway widths 4 Signs needed for the arched dnveway ("Do Not Enter", "Enter" ) - Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: · 11M- L"- /UVm,#/,,J.)... J ;- 4I>n~.J /f.c hj < 5/f"'.1 -t -d!.1""'~ i mmJ4 h/llk,J. dtw -k ~~r ~'lIr""GC I$. J'", bdcs- PH~ ;fk/A ~ II J'{)'7~)/je /$ I7UZf /r1e jl't:rhlrn'l ~/dt cF//1kins /tJ':lleef 1 c..t.6k Ilf aAl~A/tfJt.IIYJ / /1. woN'!I ~ k4eft/'d i. W7l4J ~~ )mJA I)~ 11'~ eeu.lth f -d ~ /l&,/ ~ ~~~ tl ~~ II' 4:.- thl"t:. (or f~5iMI-) c:...uedl_ -.t -Ik -frr.>jf..,ad, r PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 0 2008 Revised 10/25/07 +' TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Deputy Fire Marshal: Gilbert Gordon Case #: PRE2008-00030 FIRE o Site Plan Complete Incomplete See Fire Note(s) ~ rJ On-site vehicular circulation o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan Complete Incomplete See Fire Note(s) ~ lit Location of eXisting and required fire hydrants and similar public facIlities Fire Notes: 1 Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: A Provide engineer's analysIs of the pavement and concrete slab showing capability to support repetetlve 80,000 Ib loads (see Public Works Engineering's comments) B Show location of the fire department connection on Plan Sheet C3 0 C Provide a Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) The HMMP shall Include a faCIlity site plan designating the follOWing 1 Storage and use areas 2 Maximum amount of each material stored or used In each area 3 Range of container sizes 4 Locations of emergency Isolation and mitigation valves and devices 5 Product conveYing piping containing liqUids or gases, other than utility-owned fuel gas lines and low-pressure fuel gas lines 6 On and off pOSitions of valves for valves that are of the self-Indicating type 7 Storage plan showing the Intended storage arrangement, Including the location and dimension of aisles 8 The location and type of emergency equipment The plans shall be legible and drawn approximately to scale Separate distribution systems are allowed to be shown on separate pages (2007 SFC 2701 5 1) D ProVide a Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS) The HMIS shall Include the follOWing information Manufacturer's name PRE SUBMITTAL REC'D Chemical name, trade names, and h~zardous ingredients - , MAY 2 0 200~ Revised 9/24/07 1 2 3 Hazard clasSIfIcatIon 4 MSDS or equivalent 5 United Nations (UN), North Amenca (NA) or the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Identification number 6 Maximum quantity stored or used on-site at one time In Ibs or gallons 7 Storage conditions related to the storage type, temperature, or pressure 8 State of the matenal gas, liquid, or solId 9 Open or closed use 10 NFPA 704 classification 11 Location of chemicals stored and In bulk use In the bUlldlng(s) (2007 SFC 2701 5 2) PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 2 0 Z008 Revised 9/24/07 :C1ty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD ~., SITE PLAN REVIEW PRE-SUBMI I I AL CHECKLIST Project Name: FS16 Project Proposal: Replace FS 16 Case Number: PRE2008-00030 Project Address: 6853 Main St Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): 17-02-35-33 TL6204 Zoning: Low Density ReSidential (LDR) Overlay District(s): Applicable Refinement Plan: Nj A Refinement Plan Designation: Metro Plan Designation: Low Density ReSidential (LDR) Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: May 20, 2008 Application Submittal Deadline: November 16, 2008 Associated Applications: tree felling CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION ' REVIEW OF I Project Planner Land Use Planning I Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Utilities Sanitary & Storm Sewer I Fire and Life Safety I BUilding NAME Steve Hopkins Gary McKenney PHONE 726-3649 726-4585 I Deputy Fire Marshal I Community ServIces Manager Gilbert Gordon Dave Puent 726-2293 726-3668 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner I Applicant Applicant's Representative Dennis Murphy Carol Stineman Spnngfield Fire Dept. Spnngfield Fire Dept 225 5th Street 225 5th Street , Spnngfield OR 97477 , Spnngfield OR 97477 DREmSUBMIITAt RFC'D MAY 2 0200b ReVised 10/25/07 TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST PLANNING o Application fee - discuss the applicable fees o Copy of the Site Plan reduced to 81/2"x 11" Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) C8J D 1 8 V2" x 11" Copy of Site Plan o Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report Issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances If the applicant IS not the property owner, wntten permission from the property owner IS required Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) C8J o Deed and Preliminary Title Report o Brief narrative explaining the purpose of the development, the eXisting use of the property, and any additional information that may have a beanng In determining the action to be taken The narratIve should also Include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, If known Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) C8J D 0 Site Plan Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) [g] D ~ D [g] D 2 [g] o [g] PREmSUBMlTTAL REC'D MAY 2 0 Z008 o Revised 10/25/07 Bnef Narrative .J, Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Architect, Landscape ArchItect, or Engineer Proposed bUildings location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parkIng requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between bUildings Location and height of eXisting or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs Location, dimensions, and number of tYPical, compact, and disabled parking spaces, Including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and stnplng Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for bUildings, structures, parking and ~ D ~ D ~ D D D D D 3 vehIcular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other ImperVIOUS surfaces Observance of solar access requirements as specified In the applicable zOning district On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulatIon Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-publiC uses Location of eXisting and proposed transit facIlities o Phased Development Plan Where applIcable, the Site Plan application must Include a phaSing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase PhaSing must progress In a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public Improvements, Including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electriCity The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) o o o landscape Plan Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) l2J cg] D D ~ cg] o D ~ ~ D D 4 o Architectural Plan Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) l2J D Revised 10/25/07 Phased Development Plan Drawn by a Landscape Architect Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to. Include calculatIon of landscape coverage Screening In accordance with SDC 4 4-110 Written description, Including specifications, of the permanent Irrigation system Location and type of street trees List In chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover) Include In the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, Size, spacing and method of planting PRE.sUR~nrfT1\1 PEC'D MAY 2 0 LOu8 Exterior elevations of all bUildings and [g] o structures proposed for the development site, Including height I Conceptual floor plans o On-Site lighting Plan Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) [gJ D o cg] 5 LocatIon, onentatlOn, and maxImum heIght of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles and type of Illumination, wattage, and luminous area Photometric test report for each light source o cg] 6 Planning Notes: 1 The reduced site plan will be used for the notice Simplify the drawing and show only the proposed site plan, not any eXisting conditions Remove the "balloons" for clarity 2 Describe the fencing Will the eXisting remain or be replaced? 3 The bike parking will be described In the land use decIsion Two outside near entrance and one inside 4 The screening will need to address the sound of the generator It will be closer than before (15' from the property line) How loud will It be, how often will It operate? Will It be muffled and/or shielded from the aJacent properties? 5 The pole lights have a 12' max height The cut sheets for the gull wing luminaires IS adequate Any wall ounted lights must also be fully shielded 6. A photometric report IS not needed ' 7 The Tree Felling App can be submItted wIth the SIte Plan Both are Type II revIews and can be processed concurrently The tree felling IS a separate application I can put the package together, but will need an 8 1/2" x 11" of the tree felling plan (TP1 with footprint and paving outline) I Tree Fellmg for more than 10 trees I acres I base fee I $ per acre I 1 I $956 00 I $500 base total I tech fee $1,45600 I 5% tech $ $72 80 mallm~ $15500 total $1,683 80 I Site Plan Review I Base fee tech % I $4,099 00 5% tech $ $204 95 I mall total I $155 00 $4,458 95 I PRE-SUBM\lif+,i Q~C l;) MAY 2 () LUU~ Revised 10/25/07 ANY REQUIRED ADDITIONAL MATERIALS, APPLICATIONS OR PERMITS IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS OR APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPM'ENT ISSUES MEETING OR THE PRE- APPLICATION REPORT FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION Applicable Not Applicable D cg] D cg] ~ 0 D cg] cg] 0 D cg] D [g] cg] o o ~ D ~ Revised 10/25/07 Where a multi-family development IS proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance With SDC 3 2-240 Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located Within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or Within 100 feet of the top of bank of any dIrect tributaries of WQLW A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently If there are unstable SOils and/or a high water table present Where the development area IS Within an overlay diStrict, address the additional standards of the overlay district If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified In SDC 5 19-100 A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon DIVISion of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there IS a wetland on the property Any reqUired federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or eVidence the permit application has been submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating IS proposed With the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as speCified In SDC 5 9-100 and 5 21-100 An Annexation application, as specified In SDC 5 7-100, where a development IS proposed outside of the city limits but Within the City's urban service area and can be serViced by sanitary sewer PRE-5UBMllTAL REC L MAY 2 0 200~ THIS APPLICATION IS: D COMPLETE FOR PROCESSING cg] INCOMPLETE AND NEEDS MISSING INFORMATION NOTED ABOVE City Planner Date This is not a decision on your application. Spnngfield Development Code Section 5 4- 105 and Oregon Revised Statutes 227.178 require the City take final action on a limited land use decIsion within 120 days after the application IS deemed complete The 120-day processing penod for this application begins when all the missing information IS submitted or when you request that the City proceed without the information You must indicate by either signing this form or by submitting a wntten response to the City within seven days of the date of this form asserting your Intentions regarding the provIsion of the missing Information If you Indicate herein or In your wntten response that the missing information will be submitted, then you have 180 days from the date the application was submitted for Pre- Submittal Review to provide the City with the missing Information If you refuse to submit the missing information, then upon receipt of the full application packet and processing fee, the City will deem the application complete for purposes of starting the 120-day clock and / begin processing the application No new information may be submitted after the start of the 120-day penod unless accompanied by a request for an extension of the 120-day processing time Upon receipt of a request for extension, the City may extend the 120-day penod for a reasonable penod of time The City may also require additional fees If the new information IS submitted after the Notification to Surrounding Property Owners IS sent out and a second notification IS required or If the new Information substantially affects the application proposal and additional review IS required I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated herein to the City within the iSO-day timeline. Owner/Applicant's Signature Date PRE-SUBMITTAL REC MAY 2 0 2008 Revised 10/25/07 TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Engineer: Eric Walter Case#: PRE2008-00030 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING o Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) D ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer l2J D 1 Vlcmlty Map D l2J 1 The name, location, and dimensions of all eXlstmg site features mcludmg bUIldIngs, curb cuts, trees and Impervious surface areas, clearly Indicating what IS remaining and what IS bemg removed For eXlstmg structures to remain, also mdlcate present use, size, setbacks from property Imes, and distance between bUlldmgs l2J D The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file m the Development Services Department D l2J 1 The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified m the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map RevIsion l2J D The Time of Travel Zones, as specified m SDC 3 3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file In the Development Services Department l2J D 1 Physical features mcludlng, but not limited to trees 5" In diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands, and rock outcroppmgs l2J D 5011 types and water table mformatlon as mapped and specified m the SOils Survey of Lane County A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently If the SOils Survey mdlcates the proposed development area has unstable sOils and/or a high water table PRE-SUBMIllAL R~C MAY 2 0 200b Revised 10/25/07 o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan must be In compliance with the regulations of SDC Sections 5 17-100, 4 1-100, 4 2-100, and 4 3-100 and must Include the following Information Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations Pervious and ImpervIous area drainage patterns 3,5,6,7 The size and location of stormwater management systems components, Including but not limited to drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds, stormwater quality measures, and natural dralnageways to be retained EXisting and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot Intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot Intervals) Amount of proposed cut and fill Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) D ~ D ~ 4 ~ D D ~ 3,5,6 o Grading and Paving Plan Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) D D ~ ~ D D D ~ ~ ~ D ~ D ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed CIVil Engineer Location and Width of all eXisting and proposed easements Location of eXisting and required power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facIlities Location and size of eXisting and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site, including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV Indicate the proposed connection pOints o Stormwater Management System Study - provide four (4) copies of the study with the completed Stormwat~r Scoping Sheet attached The plan, calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual Complete Incomplete See PW Note(s) 3, 6 D [:g] ReVised 10/25/07 Scoplng Sheet and attached Stormwater Management System Study PRE-SUBMlllAl P!:I~ MAY 2 0 20Dd PW Notes: 1 Please Include the specified information on the site assessment plan 2. Submit a structural analysIs for pavement section at all areas required to support the 80,000 Ib fire truck loading Fire Department will determine required locations 3 Provide an analysIs and over-flow outlet for proposed Inflltralon basin 4. Show on plans all eXisting and proposed easements including a 7' PUE fronting both streets as well as easement for the public sanitary line running through property 5 Provide sIte sanitary sewer analysIs and plan detailing for serving proposed bUilding 6 Verify If the blo'swale at the south end of property IS conveyance only or If Will be designed as Infiltration 7 Approval from ODOT Will be required for proposed storm connection to Main St Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: . Recommend submitting one site plan that Will completely address all proposed site related Issues and that Will eventually become the final site plan PRE-SUBMITfAl REC'D MAY 202008 Revised 10/25/07 . Page 1 of 1 From: GRAHAM Steve Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9 40 AM To: HOPKINS Steve Subject: FIre StatIOn #16 DRC Steve, Please pass along the follOWing comment In your DRC meeting, thanksl To DeSign Team, The 1 Inch domestic water service with a 1 Inch backflow deVice shown on sheet C3 does not meet minimum code requirements for SIZing The minimum requirement IS a 1 ~ Inch water service with a 1 ~ Inch backflow deVice (Table 6-6 or AppendiX A OPSC) Trash enclosure sanItary dram shown on sheet C3 WIll need a trap, vent, c1eanout, and means of maintaining trap seal Smcerely, Steve Graham Plumbmg Inspector CIty of Spnngfield 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3665 541-726-3676 Fax sgraham@cI spnngfield or us I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 202008 file /II \APPS\PRE\FSI6\PIre StatIon #16 DRC htm 5/20/2008