HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/28/2008 (2) MAY 2 8 2008 ~~~ City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Date Received: Site Pia n Review Original Submittal Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: I Site Plan Review Submittal: ~ Applicant Name: cs.('h-'N6,r'~ t,~ Oe.rA"'-flY6l"lf Company: C'Ti o~ '':;th.~B1.,O IAddress: 2-z,?1 1ST" ~T' ~ ~tU~l"r&ar\-O ~ DIL. Phone: Fax: ~7477 I Applicant's Rep.: c..o,.~ c;,rJJ&~AN Company: vIti ()~ ~rnll'll7l""~O I Address: 1-'2-'5 ( ~!'" ~~ ~rtUM6, ~~O ,0", Property Owner: c./"tY IJ fa.. 4&pn ",Jl1iJ:, St\...O I ( I II Phone: 72-fD.. .4b~8 I Fax: 7~" lo).J . ~74-77 , Company: Phone: Fax: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17 -~'}.. ..~~ -~? ITAX LOT NOeS): ftJ 2-04- . Property Address: 1C~'3~ W-A'tI- 9f: ~-'h..l""i7Pi~O I oIL.... 17478 Size of Property: f.()()tf, I . Acres ~ squ~re Feet D I Proposed Name of Project: ~r f2,lJ..I6 t--'l!'f.C> t:z 'l't: "$. ~ 7' 0 N ...1 ~ Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to this application Proposal: tV/;rW fe.lh.!!! ~1;&.-nON . I I Existing Use: F-1i1.3. c;.r:a,:PCN hO ruvJ INew Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): M. ;;,/f sf ISignatures: Please sign and rint your name and date in the a pro riate box on {he ~ext page. Associated Applications: Signs: Pre-Sub Case No.:.p~2.W8'00030 Case NO.l) (l{)OOC( --()6n,-~ 0 - - (Jo Application Fee: $ 4DCJ q ~ JI,/ Cjb TOTAL FEES: $ ,,58 - I Date: 5/ q log Reviewed by: V~ < Date: S 1J-~/6 r Reviewed by: '-In, 11~J/L/ . I ,. ,I qo Technical Fee: $ ;lOT' Postage Fee: $ /65 PROJECT NUMBER: ~f\S '2.w7~CC08c; ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian P IL J )/[), ---roo ~ q 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: ~ Signature'i . Cavo f ,L b-h~ Print / /'-..-Date: oS 17-Bh!8 / t Date Received: MAY 2 8 2008 Original submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00036 DRC2008-00036 DRC2008-00036 Payments: Type of Payment INT CHGS cRecemtl RECEIPT #: Description Postage Fee Type II - $155 CTY SIte Plan RevIew + 5% Technology Fee Paid By 420-62224-8 I 0046-P20534 Cif "'f Springfield Official Receipt Dt;. _iopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200800000000000354 Date: OS/28/2008 Item Total: Check Number AuthorIzatIOn ReceIved By Batch Number Number How ReceIved INTFIRE In Person Payment Total: Date Received: MAY 2 8 2008 Original Submittal Page 1 of 1 9:19:21AM Amount Due 155 00 4,099 00 204 95 $4,458.95 Amount Paid $4,458 95 $4,458.95 5/28/2008 MAIN eTREiEET - MclCE!N%IEE I-IIGI-IWA'r' (I-IIGI-IWAY 126 ) LEGEND k"' ,- '1 f;-:r! LAWN ~ ~ ~ . m \) <I ~ X :0 . 0ngm81 SUbmittal P1 BROOM FINISH CONCRETE PROPOSED VEGETATION ~ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ~ EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN ~ SITE lIGKTlNG SEe ELECTRICAL ENGINEER PLANS FOR DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS c::::=::::::J WHEEL STOP SCHEDULE 40 PVC SLEEVE = = = = = 4 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Date Received: FIJllE~f'__ ~- lUllI lLillJll i - I r---------, UIDlII p:.~ ~~"'_. I ) - _ . I Ir~-- : ~i X-I .~~ '" MAY 2 8 2008 g~~~~ SchlesInger + AsSOCIates '" l. '" 00 1 Co," 1 A.' II" i. (f \!. f ~.." D 1 ~. G" .- 1801 Willamene 51 . SUite 210 Eugene.Oregol197401 Phonc{S.1)7430767 Fax.(541)743.()769 Well WWNsdliandscaPtl cern ~ Response to Site Plan Review Comments Project Name: FSl6 Case Number: PRE2008-00030 Meeting Date: May 20, 2008 Date Received: MAY 2 8 2008 Original Submittal . Resubmittal Date: May 27,2008 ( The followmg responses address items hsted as "incomplete" ~n the Pre-Submittal checkhst forms provided m the May 20, 2008 meetmg at CIty Hall. Plannim!: 'On-Slte Lzghting Plan: The two mcompletes (type and extend of shielding and photometn~ test report) were changed to completes m the meeting. Anv Reauzred AdditIOnal Materials. Avvlications or Permits Geotechnzcal Report. No unstable soils or hIgh water was noted in the report. LDAP Permzt: These plans and permit apphcatIOn will be submitted under separate cover. Public Works Szte Assessment of Existzng Condztions · The civIl drawmgs (CX.X) wIll be stamped and SIgned by a hcensed CIvil engmeer m Oregon for the CD submIttal. The revIsed submittal shows the stamp and not for constructIOn. · Drawing C1.0 shows eXIstmg condItIons per the survey conducted ofthe sIte. Items marked for demohtion are shown on C2.0. · A note has been added to C1.0 regardmg the floodplain This site lS outSIde of the SOO-year floodplam. Improljement and Publzc Utzlzties Plan: · The CIvil drawings (CX.X) WIll be stamped and signed by a hcensed civIl engmeer in Oregon for the CD submIttal. The revlsed submittal shows the stamp and not for constructIOn. · The locatIOn of known easements IS shown on CI.O. Proposed easements are shown on C3.0. · EXIsting utIlitIes are shown on CI.O. Those utIlities to be demohshed are reflected on C2.0. Proposed utilitIes (water, samtary, storm) are prOVIded on C3.0. Stormwater management design is provided in the Storm Report. Proposed electric IS provided on the electncal plans. Gas, telephone, cable, and fiber optIc hnes are done under separate contract and not included m these plans. Gradzng and Pavzng Plan: · The CIvil drawmgs (CX X) wIll be stamped and SIgned by a licensed CIvIl engineer in Oregon for the CD submIttal. The revIsed submittal shows the stamp and not for constructIOn. · The Plantmg Plan has been prepared by an Oregon hcensed landscape architect. · Roof drains are shown in the. archItect plans. Once at five feet from the building, the roof drains and dIscharge locations are shown on Drawmg C3.0. . Pervious and lmpervious areas are shown on Drawing C4.0 and the drainage , patterns on Drawmg C5.0. , I . Stormwater management components are shown on Drawmg C3.0 and further described in the Storm Report. . Existing contours are shown on Drawing C5 0 and proposed spot elevations are shown on Drawing C5.0. New contours were not shown due to the lack of grade changes on sIte. One contour would be drawn around the perimeter of the buildmg and a second around the bioswales. . The amount of cut and fill has not been calculated at thIS time. Stormwater Management-System Study' . Four copIes of the Storm Report are provided in thIS submittal. I PW Notes: . The calculations performed by the Geotechnical Engmeers for the paving design are included in thIS submIttaL . The infiltratIOn basm has been changed to a bioswale to be used for conveyance. See the Storm Report for detaIls of the design. . Sanitary sewer design IS provIded on Drawing C3.0. . Permit applications will be submItted to ODOT for the driveway and storm connection as appropriate. Plumbing: Sanitary Drain: . A trap and cleanout are shown in the detail on sheet C6.1. Notes have been added to the detaIl regardmg the vent and trap seal maintenance reqUIrements. Transportation ROW Approach Permit: . The eXlstmg driveway will not change. However, conversations with ODOT indicate a permit does not exist currently. An application will be submitted to ODOT for the existing driveway. Land DIvIsion TentatIve Plan . Existmg street lighting IS shown on Drawmg C1.0. No new street lightmg IS proposed. . The location and dImenSIOns of eXlstmg and proposed streets and dnveways IS shown on Drawmg C4.0. . CondUIt IS shown on Drawing C3.0 for the future connectIOn from the FIre StatIOn to the traffic control SIgnal box located in the north~ast comer of the property. Fire No incomplete comments were provided AddltlOnal comments . The FDC IS shown on C3.0. I . The occupancy of the bUIldmg WIll npt change from prevIOUS use. Hazardous matenals quantitIes WIll be limIted to meet the reqUIrements of thIS occupancy Date Received: MAY 2 8 2008 Original Submittal FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT AASHTO 91 f' ld Fire Station Spring 1e for SN cales inputs , l'fe in years deslgn l 'ble value varla 0.45 So = R = Zr = Mr = Po = pt = PSI = trucks/day truck factor ESAL SN estlm. ESAL from SN 90% -0.848 3000 4.2 ~~ Ref 1-62,111-51 11-9, 1-62 1-14 II -12 II -12 FINAL SECTION I DESIGN_ Job #. da~;: _ AC CR CT Base notes: 5 inches 4. 6 12 inches SN 1. 89 0.84 1. 34 TOTAL SN 1. 89 2.73 4.07 Date Received: MAY 2 8 2008 Original Submittal Heavy Duty AASHTO 91 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT Springfield Fire Station inputs for SN cales design life in years yarlable value So = 0.45 ~~ Ref 1-62,111-51 11-9, 1-62 1-14 11-12 11-12 growth = ~~% 1.8 11-12 ~cars/day~~ 0.60 ODOT dlst inputs for THICKNESS cales 17710 varlable value ref SN ~~ msm:b:Saese.__. ~0 ~~~~: thickness aAC 11-19 __~_ FINAL SN SN too high aBase* 11-20 . ~ aSubbase+ ~II-20 ~ R = Zr Mr Po pt PSI = trucks/day truck factor ESAL' SN estlm ESAL from 90% -0 848 3000 4.2 2.4 DESIGN JOb#:_ date: by, _ CBR =~~ FINAL SECTION I AC CR CT Base notes: ~ 3.0 inches 6 12 inches SN 1. 26 o 84 1. 34 TOTAL SN 1. 26 2 10 3 44 ~ Date Received: MAY 2 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal Light Duty CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00036 6853 Main Street SITE Map 17-02-35-33 Tax Lot 6204 North + .. I~ I I I I I I I Date Received: MAY 2 8 2008 Original Submittal