HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Change 2008-5-28 ~ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 WWW CI spnngfleld or us May 28, 2008 DaVId Duke PO Box 71 095 Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE Address Change Dear Mr Dukes Due to a recent land subdivIsIon approval, and the prelumnary addressmg I had assIgned for Dove Estates, we need to change the address on the smgle farmly resIdence that was recently issued to you When the plat came through approved from the County, the street name had been changed from Anderson Lane to Brandy Way causmg a change m address sequencmg Your smgle farmly resIdence currently under constructIOn preVIously IdentIfied as 1069 Anderson Lane, also known as Lane County Reference Number ' 17033311, Tax Lot 02500, wIll now be commonly known as 1766 Brandy Way, Spnngfield, Oregon. I Will notIfy the followmg compames and/or agencIes of these space number changes by sendmg them a copy of tins letter Spnngfield PolIc€; Department Spnngfield FIre Department U S Post Office U S West Commumcanons Northwest Natural Gas AT & T Broadband Umted Parcel SerVIce Spnngfield UtIlIty Board Lane CouncIl of Governments 911 DIspatch, PublIc Safety Lane County ElectIons Department Sampac Rambow Water DIstrICt Spnngfield News/RegIster Guard II: ThIs change Will become effectIve upon receIpt of tins letter I am enclosmg a new placard for you to place at your Job SIte Your Job number will remam the same Please refer to the newly assigned address when requestmg mspectIons If you have any questIons, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790