HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-5-27 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS. 3950 Marcola Rd ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 1702190003500 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-01298 ISSUED: 09/13/2007 APPLIED: 08/29/2007 EXPIRES: 11/19/2008 VALUE: $ 128,000.00 Sprmgfield TYPE OF WORK. Pavmg PROJECT DESCRIPTION Parkmg lot redevelopment Owner. ORE INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PROD INC Address PO BOX 1442 SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 TYPE OF USE New Commercial Phone Number 541-746-2531 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Engmeer Landscape Contractor MORSE BROS BRANCH ENGINEERING MEDALLION LANDSCAPE SERVICE INC LIcense 2101 Expiration Date 08/10/2008 Phone 541-689-6600 541-746-0637 541-933-2745 7118 02/28/2010 BUILDING INFORMATION I # ofUmts Pnmary Occupancy Group' Secondary Occupancy Group. Pnmary ConstructIOn Type Secondary Construction Type' # of Bedrooms # of Stones' Height of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type. Energy Path Sprmkled BUlldmg n/a Lot SIZe Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement. Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other' Occupant Load I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Frontyard Setback Overlay Dlst Side 1 Setback # Street Trees Rqd. Side 2 Setback Paved Dnve Rqd Rearyard Setback % of Lot Coverage Solar Setbacks ATTENTION: Oregon law requIres you.to follow rUles aaOplElU uy llltl J.J\.~J Notification Center. Those ru tIMtWOVEMENTS Street Improv~ 952-001-001 0 through . OOSp. You may obtain copies ofthe rules by Storm Sewer AVaft\}\g the center. (Note: the telephone Special Instruct'fWlnber for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344). Notes. Pa2e 1 of 3 REQUIRED PARKING Total Handicapped. Compact Sidewalk Type Downspouts/Drams NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHAll EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-01298 ISSUED: 09/13/2007 APPLIED: 08/29/2007 EXPIRES: 11/19/2008 VALUE: $ 128,000.00 225 Fifth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Lme I Valuation Descriotion I Estimate Estimate $ Per Sq Ft or multIpher $100 Square Footage or Bid Amount 128,000.00 Value Date Calculated DescriptIOn Tvpe of Construction Total Value of Project $128,000.00 $128,00000 08/29/2007 ~ Fee DescriptIOn Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number Encroachment Permit $13500 8/29/07 3200700000000000581 Plan Review Comm/Ind/Pubhc $47000 8/29/07 3200700000000000580 + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee $88 51 9/13/07 3200700000000000617 + 5% Technology Fee $52 75 9/13/07 3200700000000000617 + 8% State Surcharge $12 96 9/13/07 3200700000000000617 Curbcut Permit $17000 9/13/07 3200700000000000617 Fixture $64 00 9/13/07 3200700000000000617 Pavmg $723 08 9/13/07 3200700000000000617 Storm Sewer - Ist 50 Feet $50 00 9/13/07 3200700000000000617 Storm Sewer Each Addt1100' $48 00 9/13/07 3200700000000000617 + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee $320 5/7/08 1200800000000000440 + 12% State Surcharge $384 5/7/08 1200800000000000440 + 5% Technology Fee $160 5/7/08 1200800000000000440 Storm Sewer Each Addt1100' $3200 5/7/08 1200800000000000440 + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee $500 5/19/08 1200800000000000524 + 12% State Surcharge $600 5/19/08 1200800000000000524 + 5% Technology Fee $250 5/19/08 1200800000000000524 Backflow Device $16 00 5/19/08 1200800000000000524 Mlmmum/AdJustment Plumbmg $34 00 5/19/08 1200800000000000524 + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee $4.80 5/27/08 1200800000000000560 + 12% State Surcharge $576 5/27/08 1200800000000000560 + 5% Technology Fee $240 5/27/08 1200800000000000560 FIXture $48 00 5/27/08 1200800000000000560 Total Amount PaId $1,97940 I Plan Reviews I ImtIal RevIew 08/30/2007 08/30/2007 APP LLH Pubhc Works RevIew 09/04/2007 09/04/2007 APP JHJ Attached SDC Worksheet No New SDC's (JHJ) Structural RevIew 08/30/2007 09/10/2007 APP DJP Pal!e 2 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Status Issued Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-01298 ISSUED: 09/13/2007 APPLIED: 08/29/2007 EXPIRES: 11/19/2008 VALUE: $ 128,000.00 225 Fifth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Lme To Request an inspectIOn can the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. wIll be made the fonowing work day. LReouired Insoections , Rough Gradmg' After gravel IS m place but pnor to placmg concrete Underground Plumbmg, PrIOr to filling the trench and mcludmg reqUired testmg Curbcut - Close & Repair After forms are erected but pnor to placement of concrete Curbcut - Standard After forms are erected but pnor to placement of concrete Fmal Pavmg After pavmg IS complete Backtlow DeVice Pnor to covermg and provide a copy of the test report on site at the time of mspectlOn By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed application and do hereby certify that all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done m accordance with the Ordmances of the City of Spnngfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descrIbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permissIOn of the Commumty Services DIVISIOn, BUlldmg Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are m compliance with ORS 701 005 will be used on this project I further agree to ensure that all reqUired mspectIons are requested at the proper time, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permit card IS located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remam on the site at all times durmg constructIOn ~/~f_ ~ ~~ ---- ~) Owner or Contractors Slgna~ <:-J - 2-7 C 8 Date Page 3 of 3 225 Fi:th Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541~726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2007-01298 COM2007-0 1298 COM2007-0 1298 COM2007-0 1298 Payments Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT #: DescriptIOn FIxture + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdmInIstratIve Fee Paid By OREGON INDUSTRIAL LUMBER PRODUCTS INC City of Sprmgfield OffiCial Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 1200800000000000560 Date: OS/27/2008 1 27 35PM Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 4800 240 576 480 $60 96 Amount Paid dJb 13673 In Person $60 96 Payment Total $60 96 Page 1 of 1 5/27/2008