HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-6-24 JUH ~4 cee~ H3: 1cr' mOM: TO;15416aO~ P:l'l B5'1 S,.lo,~St FO~"") ill ~ESS ~ FASS3E~JER, l\je. LAND SURVtYINCi . CONSTRUCTION SUrFRVISION . WATER RIGHT~ EXAMlNA' lONS - - - - - CIVIL ENG'-NEFRINC . GFOTECHNICAt . ENVIRONMfNTAL June 24, 2002 Adam & sarah Selene c/o Grassroot8 Development 1135 CQI Young Road eugene, Oregon 97401 RE: CWeruca"ltIOn ObHrVItiOn and Compaction evalulltlon 8e1en. Resklenoe Lot 2 - SoutI' tI... NoIth Springfield. ONgOll on June 22,2002 a geotechnical engineer from Ford-N....Fassbender, Inc. observed the owreXC8vation of the above referenced residential building lot. A tr8Ck....ae wee used to remove the 80ft fill at a depth of 5 feet on the south side and tapered to native soil to the north. The natNe topsoil was removed to expo." a mol8t day sCabgrado The ~ soil end some impOrted soil from a nearby lot were placed outside the building fooqmnt to levet the future yard area. The building pad was baCkfilled with pit-Nn quarry rock from Springfield Quarry. 5"..0 rock was placed on the bottom, ovarialn by 3'..0 grade to 1.5"-0 and capped with %"-0. ^ rock maten81 was placed In approximately 8-1nch ttllck lifts and compac.t8d using a 3-toI'I vib,.(....'./, smoottHirum roler. Observation and simple weight to volume ratioS indicate that the rOGk fill haS been compacted to at least 950Aa of the materials maximum dry density The rock fill atop the natiVe clay $LIbgrade has an allowable bearing capacity up to 1,500 pel. The flIllS suitable far conventional ....dential per1rnetBr ItyIe footings. Some compactlve QffortWSSI. r,c,.l..J to the fill placed In yard areas; however, this fill is n,~,'oIIl.1Jctural and should be expected to settle and Slump. Damage may occur to fences, patios IInd other landscape fealurBs atop this ftll. we recammend that all footings be reinforced with at leaSt two #4 atBeI reinforcing bars, and that BUrf8ce water be directed away from the foundatIOns and not alk)we(! to pond adjacent to footing. Sincerely. Ford-N... Fnabender Inc. ./ Ronald J. Oar "6 Hwy. 99 N.. Suite tOO. P.O. 80112 2 71'i. EUlelle.OIl1J740Z. (!;41) H4 1852. "8X (541 J ~4".9!)lS F-maU: mil"~fnflnc.net.Web'ittl. www.rllflnr.nd ("P.tfffled WB E I n.D I,