HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2001-12-13 / ---t\ , , .. ... J I I f - . f ~ J} g~4 ~ (JAr Branch Engineering, Inc. December 13,2001 Branch No 01-186 31 0 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 [541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 STATEMENT REGARDING BASE FLOOD ELEVATION DATA FOR LEVI LA~~ING 2ND ADDITION '\ " The ongmal phase of LevI Landmg was platted and recorded m the area of late 1997/early 1998 All flood zone data and project fillmg were based on FEMA maps that were dated May 2, 1994 In June of 1999 updated FEMA maps were Issued that reflect closely the 100-year Flood Zone Boundary shown on the 1994 maps but have some sIgmficant dIfferences wIth regards to the 100- year Flood Contours, LeVI Landing 2nd Addition as filed m September of200 lIS a later phase of the onginal LeVI Landmg subdIvlSlon, The 1 OO-year Flood Zone boundary and Base Flood Contours that are shown on the 2nd AddItIon reflect the information from the 1994 FEMA Floodway Map 4155910044 Data as shown on the attached ElevatIOn CertIficates IS based on the June 2, 1999 FIRM except as otherwIse noted LOT 49 Lot 49 IS shown on the plat of LevI Landmg 2nd AddItIOn as bemg m Zone X However, by scalmg and overlaymg the 1999 FIRM WIth tax maps and subdIVISIOn plat, It appears that Lot 49 lIes partIally m Zone AE and partIally m Zone X The mterpolated Base Flood ElevatIOn m the area of Lot 49 as per the 1994 Floodway Map and as shown on the plat of LeVI Landmg 2nd AddItIOn IS approxImately 512 6 Due to changes m locatIOn of Base Flood Contours on the 1999 FIRM, the same area now has a Base Flood ElevatIOn of approXImately 514 1 (1 5 feet hIgher than the ] 994 mformatIOn) If one were to use the 1994 Floodway mformatIOn, all elevatIOns taken for Lot 49 would be above Base Flood Elevatlon (512 6) LOT 91 Lot 91 IS clearly shown on the plat of LeVI Landmg 2nd AdditIOn as bemg m Zone X Scalmg: and overlays of the 1999 FIRM agree WIth thIS No Base Flood ElevatIOns are deSIgnated for thIS zone STRUCTURAL REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL , LA~ SURVEYOR _, /CE?'/ a(a . OREGON ... ...- JULY 20, 1993 .J. ~ REXA Bt:.I~ / ,,~ ~~ ~Of.l /2/lttrJY TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING / '\ Rex A Betz, PLS Survey Manager '" CIVIL /