HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-7-10 , \ \.? . .. 'it. ~ '~i.tf / I , / '~LlRr_' fljq: II d I 5t) I 7'"3::::53(1'7 - - 80 mt: (\SSOC T I\TI::~; I HG P/-\t;E t?J 1 ,/ tJr_ " L' A':JW ii'f/ 1f{::ii)i'ID;f~if21',,-;; r;f\\ i}$;,-C:ff~.r~gRj,,~7tl:::!!f'!:! t.t~~-7'~" ~_...... lli.!~"LWet.ht~~'"" ,~ ~Q.....If""".5r'~'i.~~{(EJ l..l=~ ~~Ifti~.- t!! ~~):rj~t$ L:J !- ~l~ .~~r,)(,1h.~L;"d;-: GlJ L:~uldiIJf'/&flflV SulutlUiIS \~~~ J:.ltihd /\ 1~()(..lntf~~ InG ~ I ~ 511:0 sl"V fJeE'H Aven'/d ...J , Lal)'9 ern \Il:dll~, Ul duoll tJ iJJ,-~ TEL 54! 753 53{J'i r!\X '141 7,,3 53.11 F'elel" tVI.:lnn HA)/c!8n Homes ::'0 Elox f\ID Sprinqfleld, Oregon 07478 cltily -10,2002 1~;~" f ....~1 ~ ,JaSpf:lr Meadows 'prole~t 2Q~<.Q37 r-(Hmrlatioll F:nylneorinn ReCOiTliYinn(lI(!ltion~ (loh. 'I :l, i ~;; .'md 14)) Springfip.ld, Oregon DF.rolr ~!li. M:lllj\ /" yrJlIi' ! prp IE'81. l30ire J\ssociales Inc. rnRcle r;' visil to Ule a!JOWLI (~ferencecl project Sltr-; 1:H1d ~,\ IhjG'! ,\ lots to examine foundalion conditions tl',1 clevelop recomm",I\c!:;1tinIlS In order to r:orrect local mARS of footing 1,Inclermining resllltmg from,rec€'nt lItility r.ClnstJl'r~tinn, F'IR8~P. r:nnsidH thi,~ 1~)lIer as a ;;ur'nrnar}f of Ollr work. \lv<:o I'd':,cle a VISit in [he tiile 011 JUrl3 22, 2002. f' or each or !lie 'SulJject fots idenlitled Above, we nhD8r'ff',cl the penmeter vvl1l1 and lIlt.erior f001111,':lS had IJ!?t=m cn()f1i! uc,terL However, at flach house, R short section of penmp.ter footing had 1:'1:38n underrninArl fr(\n1 Ihe IllstFlII;;Jtion of ullllties Both tile lell~ll!l aml elf-ptll of tIle Lllldennmed sledlons averaged 3 to i! ft Tile supporlin~1 waifs for tll19 hnuses a\ eacl, lol118d not heen conr,lruclltHL , DUrnl~j 'Jur visir, tll8 perirneter wall footlflgil for' en ell futiJn:: IIOll[.;E; WAre spailnin[J the uwwpporlecl $ecUon The un~lennlned COI1UilIC\I"15 did not appear to l";()nlpIOrnlse ihp structural int("CJllly of any of the mdstlhu footings, sten:lwalls or surroundill1=l foundation soils. WfJ (~,rJ()mIT\dlvle(j 111A 11I''>ll[1ported foundation condi(jon ell aacll tlloiill[l Incalioll l18 :'(?-slun\ci as fnllfJv'\/s I, Cle<'lrl all loose soil and any debris "me! trom (Ill'" excavaticJIIs 2_ PIClCf-{ an Initial 11ft of '18 Inclles of 7'4-incl1 n11f1IIS, well-oraded, cruuhcd roc!, in the bollolYl of each excavation to SUrfOUn(! and cover the utilities, Compact the rock at a moist w<'lter contfJnl LlslnG d vibratory plate com'pactor, UiJe care to avoid damage to the utilities :l Place subsE'quenl cruslled rod, fill in mBxirnl.lm 12-lI1ch loose lifts Compact each lift to 95% relative compaction according to t!16 maxirnum dry denSIty of P,STM D G98 Due to thE' limited amount of material being placed, a(je~'uate compaction may be confirmed vislJallv II. Continue the rockfifl plRcement to within 2 to .t inGtlE's of the bottom of the footings or to an elevation where the eXlslinrJ footing prevents llJrthm fill rC1mpaction , I , I ....l.,. .. \JiI '} ~ 1 i ..:'Vll/ ~ 11' I: ,q 'I'llt I ','S hJ'I-/ HCi J I~[ I\SS[i<_, J :\ i i'::-:- J 11,-; I \"/;i=" i:"lr_J 'PI..2 f, Use luan concrete 01' non-shrink gl"Otil to riill Ihe I E:maining vOid between the boilom ot the fnl11111g and the 1np of the ror.kfill Raisr-ld fmrns should he l,,-,eel on either side of the fooflll(:j to nlll"dl'nrze los8 of the flowable backfill ' If foundation conditions are restnred as rBCOI1'lil1lendecJ, w€! bp.lieve adequate footing 8uppurt \fvould be i'8stored. We trust this information n'lsets your current needs_ PIp.8se call with any questIOns Sincerely, l3oln-; f\sbocl3tes Inr., ~~..::;.~~ ......~," Ii fmJ-~ O!,-'-" _ '''''(',1'", ,,'{,'f ~-~, u(jlr~' ~G1N~'t,'~ (~. \ , " ;-, \, ,- \ ! rt'<~- ~}I 1!Hi; \ ';!;;.. if . ,~ ~,-' - --:> ~~\ 1:.-=0>> 'If ).j \ / - ~~"(f;'Gt-~,~ ' ,-, \/f C j J \ '141, ~~f I \ .r 2ll "\';/.- "- :1 ~ "'-""~kl~ ~16 y "'.:.. ,J.:, ..~u ,y ~,~~~~~/y I ~~li ~~Eic.~;;l1!< ~~ l~~~] ~ /V"';i--h'-~- -- ,- , "" 1/ (I--...j, Ii!; ll;) /1 <~ j J' L I,. ) /1\(1 l-odrI13olre~ FJ.t;, Jasper Meadows Lots 12,13, and 14 2 Project 201,037 July 10, 200?