HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-3-19 MAR.19.2002 ~,9:23RM FORD NESS FASSBENDER NO.91G P.1/1 :O{J ~ '-J~:SS ~ ::ASS3:'\lJER, l\JC. LAN~ . CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. WATER RIGHTS EXAMINATIONS CIVIL ENGINEERINO . CEOTECHNICAL . ENVIRONMENTAL ~ $ \ S. "\ '2.rd.- <:; Grass Roots Thinki.n& Inc. 1135 Cal YoungRd Eu,ge1le, OR 9'7401 Walt: , The compaction t...~~~.g for lot 48 ofMcKe1121e Hills has been completed and approved by Ron Derrick. However when we received from Ron it was not stamped. We should be getting the report in the next day or two, and forward on to you. ' Thank. you, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. - B1len Engholm Office Manager 116 Hwy. 99 N., Suite: 100. P.O. 80x22735. Eugene, OR 97402. (541) 844-16U. Fax (541) 344.9923 E.mall: mai1@fnfine.nBt.Website:www.fnflnc.net ' C:err.ified WB.E.I 0.8 E, JAN-~-~99 ~12:01P FROM: TOll54i 7413050 P:2/3 FORD ~ \J:SS ~ :ASSBENDE~, I \Ie. LAND SURVEYiNG. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION. WATER RIGHTS EXAMINATIONS ---- CIVil ENGINEERING. GEOTECHNICAL. ENVIRONMENTAL February 22. 2002 John and Jennifer Hubbard c/o Gl'8ssroots Development 1135 Gal Young Road Eugene. Oregon 97401 RE: Subgrade e'Jatuation Lot 48 - McKeMie Hills Subdi"lsion Tax Lot 4700 N. 72nd Eugene; oregon On February 21, 2002 a representative from Ford-Ness-Fas5bendef, lnc_ hand-probed and evalu8ted tI1e abo\le referenced residential building lot to ass8SS the reqUired excavation depth to expose a suitable subgrade for foundation bearing capacity and to assess the 5hrink/SWell potential of the 80il. The foIlQWing observations and recommendations are provided for this lot to satisfY the City of Eugene's Option 2 Condition of Approval. Lot 48 - Tax Lot 4700 McKenzi- HUls Subdivision The lot slopes approximately 12% to me north and is covered by native vegetation. Sul1ace drainage and near surface 58ePs were observed an site EXisting fills were observed In the northwest comer (-i'/_ 400 sq It) of the property and along me south proPerty line. These fills. are not exPected to impact ttle building site Approximately 10- to 12-lnches of vBgetated top$OiI shall bel removed to expose a ailty clay subgrade suitable for an allowable beanng capacity up to 1,500 pst If any large trees are removed within the building pad, all roots over 1- Inch diameter ~1I be removed and any depressed aP3a backfilled with structural fill. It is tAcommended that 3- to 6~,nches of crushed aggregate be placed over the $ubgrade immediately after excavation to protect the subgrade during me wet season and to stabilize the moisture content of the suograde soil and mitigate the potential fer soil shrinklsw911 The aggreglte shall 00 compacted to at least 95% of Its maximum dry densfty as determined by AASHTO Method T-99, 115 Hwy, 99 Ill., SuIte 100 . P.O. 80)(22 H5 .liugenl!, OR 9740.. (H1) j44.16~:1.f;l;r. (iII1) 'l44.9~H E-mail: rnail@tlltlnC nel. W~b ~Itl!: www.fnliro... nel C~(fJnt!d W B f I D II f. E13/C;13 39l;:i'd I11III..... 9Nld33~~DD8~D ADr 1391369GL 1V91 L~ 2ttlc~q~ 81:L1 (;1313(;/9(;7(;13 JAN-1-19gg ~:01p.FROM: TO~ 15417413050 p:3....3 McKenzie Hills - Lot 48 We recommend the landscape aoil slope to direct surface water away from all fOundations, and water should not pond at1,Jacent to rootlngs. Due to the potential for near surface seepage, a footing drain, consisting of 3-inch diameter perfcrated pipe encased in 1 cubic foot per foot of drain rock wrapped With filter fabrIC be Installed adjacent to all up slope footings. " E0/E0 39l;Jd 9Nld33~~008~O Aor 09059U1t>91 81:L1 G00G/9G/G0