HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-8-20 ,::{4 ~_ -\' -'20 $. -'3n::l <st- " 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080. FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-877-661-9959 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION '"MORTIER lNGINEERING, EC. .._--~._.- BUILDING ANALYSIS REPORT Statement of Conditions and Limitations CLIENT Derus Nowak LOCATION OF PROPERTY 73m and GlaCIer Sonnl!field. OR WO# 14810 Type of Inspect:J.on and Items mspected IS Iumted to a Structural CondtlIons b Weatherproofing (Extenor surfaces) C Stonn DraInage (Bwldmg, SIte) d ~ SIte Condttions (SOllS, Geological) e _ Plumbmg (Fnctures, Plpmg) f _ Heating (Furnace, Heat Pump, Au Condtt1omng, Frreplace, Stoves, Chunneys) g Electncal (ServIce, Wmng, Outlets) h )< Other COY"1PA"rJ~4.) The mspectIon [S for the purpose of alertmg the clIent to major defiCIenCIes m the condItIon of the y.vy<-.;f descnbed above and accordmg to the condItions contamed m the report and t1us statement The mspectIon and report are y<-,[vuued and prepared for the sole, confidentIal and exclUSIVe use and possessIOn of the CLIENT No oblIgatIon or responsIbIlIty to other partIes IS assumed Tlus InspectIOn IS of the readIly accessIble areas of the budding and IS !muted to VISual observatIons of apparent condItIons exIStIng at the tune of the InspectIon Latent and concealed defects and deficlenc[es are excluded from the mspectIon, equIpment, cons1IUctIon and systems will not be dIsmantled Mamtenance and other Items may be dIscussed, but they are not a part of our InspectIon The report IS not a complIallce mspectIon or certIficatIon for past or present government codes or regulatIons of any kInd. The mspectIon and report do not address and are not mtended to address the pOSSIble presence of or danger from any potentIally harmful substances and enVIrOnmental hazards mcludmg but not !muted to radon gas, lead paml, asbestos, urea formaldehyde and tOXlC or flammable chexrucals Any references made to these substance m om report IS made for the sole purposes of alertmg om clIent to the possIbility of their eXlstence. We are makmg no poSItIve detennmatIons as to theIr actual presence, as we do not do laboratory testIng If CLIENT WIshes any further InformatIon or ,,,~...mendatIons m '''6",J to the presence of these substances, we .""",uIIlend contactIng a speclaIu:ed enVIrOnmental contractor The report descnbes the ywp"..j condItIOn and status on the date of InSpectIon The purpose IS to alert clIents to present defects Sub-surface soIl condItIons, maccesslble areas and features, applIances, secunty alarms, mtercom systems, solar heatIng systems or panels, spnnkler systems, spas, pools, water softeners, central vacuum systems, and the presence or absence of rodents, temutes or other msects are specIfically excluded from the scope of tIus report WhIle every reasonable effurt was made to determme the p'vp~Hf condItIons, no guarantees are expressed or unplIed No ,,,.yvuslbllIty IS assumed for any Items outSIde the scope oftlus mspectIon, nor can we be held ",..puuSlble for work performed by others LIabIlIty for damage ansmg out of errors or OnuSSlonS shall be IInuted to the cost of the scope of mspectIon No representatIons are made concemmg the arclutectural or engmeenng condItIons MortIer Engmeenng, Its employees and agents, assume no lIability or responsIbIlIty for the cost of repamng or replacmg any 1.Ulreported defects or deficlenc[es, eIther cwrent or ansmg m the ,future, or for any p,vy",;y damages, consequentIal damage or bodIly mJUIy of any nature The mspectIon and report are not mtended or to be used as a guarantee or warranty, expressed or unplIed, regardmg the adequacy, performance or condItIon of any mspected structure, Item or system . For MORTIER ENGrnEERING, P C J3. .,UA~~ r SIgnature TItle Date I / I I / Engmeer August 20, 2002 MORTIER <ENGINEERING, EC. --_._--~ STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN · FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 , PHONE (541) 484-9080. FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-877-661-9959 August 19, 2002 Denis Nowak 923 Prescott Springfield, OR 97477 RE: 73rd and Glacier Sorinafield - Site Soils/Compaction Investigation - W.O. #: 14810 As you requested, a site/soils investigation was performed at the above noted address on August 19, 2002. Design for the site is as follows: All fill, vegetation, and un buildable material has been removed to native grade. The native soli is a silty loam with a Unified Soils Classification of ML and a plasticity index of less than 20. Thil? soil is considered non expansive (after Holtz 1959). A gravel pad is not required over undisturbed native soil for the foundation of the proposed residence. However, a gravel pad for the front garage wall should be a minimum of 12" of compacted crushed rock placed with a tracked dozer or excavator, and compacted with a vibratory plate or roller. On 8/19/02 a compaction inspection of the gravel under the proposed foundation of the front garage wall was performed on this site in preparation for the constructIon involving foundation for the proposed residence. The excavation involved the placement of 3/4" minus crushed rock. The compacted surface of the crushed rock is adequate to support a conventional wood frame residence with a standard foundation per 2000 State of Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code as adopted per the local jurisdiction. The compaction of the gravel surface is greater than 95% of a standard proctor, per ASTM D698-91. ' Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. The enclosed Building Analysis Report and Statement of Conditions and Limitations is a part of this report. If you have questions regarding this report, please contact me at 484-9080. Bradley R. Myers, P.E. CALCULATIONS STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN . FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION C. l I ~A..II DE ,\..-Vlr ,V.....vAI'- "1,,3 PI~G5: (0Ti Sc' :'l~,: '.I '~),;' ';;' I.> Or'," C;' ., I.) 'I -, p~I" '}( ; L.l . ~j t; 3 J 'oJ f.} ",u \., ,>Qil O-v GLAi(..((':;~ {-"',vCo 7 5""'::":''' ({)({IN (, ,!:, (. t i' Ollt ~("g D~S'.J'~,I/QI!DN ELc;;;.UA~<c/) \,::,J::.\t.?A6~ BJ~5.t;:: '~rG vr L~J/4\. l R[I:-s.l/;/E-.vc cS \ I \ /-1 P"i R. IE pJ on..:r /I / J'1 0.\ 1.C 1'1'1-" )JOS CLIENT DGAJAJ" NlJW;:Uc... SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY wo# /t-{ IS'I \,) I j/Yp OF DATE &/('9 /a l.. DATE ~;./-il.-:i)""'", 7", ~.~'&,,^,,,,--"::,~\ ,~,,,, -~ --. -;:'~~~ 6. i ' ,,\ , ! ~ I fi,;;1~1'~I"'.""I,'J"i -:':'JI!B ','" " ,.,~'I~ '5r. '"L. -'~ -:- ,<':y r~<x?: ".fI\IJ"'\"\l!c';; ~ r--~ CLIENT ;VO(...,..'/"l/Z "5 t'YD CALCULATIONS SHEET NO STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION =- CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY --.---- WO# ,,-,r~1 0 f (VI C f.../C C,'.... <:-., I ::. ~ 111 'JF"Av '.........,71./ .~L -+ /?( C)rv/..'-j J ':J C /H <: 10 Oc.:,LOJ 40 (6./rr -A ! J, 1 .! '1 J ..,!.. -!- J.. ~ 7' t ]1 'I " . 1'1" /11 fl'?/-ll{ PL Iv L" /00(" (/'1) 40 ( ill j '1 f ~ ";' -4 '.f a ~ '11.f(10 (6. Fr ....\ - 2. /'- (;, I s: ( v (:) DOl(,s . I ()GoL(,~ ?' .:-~~ I ' ----) ~ Va U. /Cr J. ,L. .I, J, L..t, J.. .(. ~ ..... ( . '<--- '1 ......., J... ""1 'j 14 J ~- lJ : IO()uCi:u + l' il::;;.t-~/r I'>IA. "'l ( I.{ r.. (/oouL6J) J Ilj , Ill-) -I- l'Ih' J ~ 1'5-66 Ll"s uS (. /. ~ 1= /'VII CV(..uL-t4fV\ L-v t. ( 1"4' )C q K (, CH~c..t DE:r:u:..q/D.AI A'...4.... :;, $" 1......1 l.'l p LS L./8 f T ](1tl(1 '1~/..:>q /1'1 I : $" (c{(,J(lrllj(I'-~ , ~r<;;Z- ~~.' l:r '. - ........" .... . 6/ " -!?.!:. ,/66(1 ,,1"1 ,) ;L>'- '; + <;~::1 :::.'/ 9..t lo.1b ' OF DATE ell~/Ch DATE CALCULATIONS STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION L:11 S/?:'i'v CUL(..LC~()/'-__,~G/I' I 1 L6:--F.' :: t-:L ~ L L::;. C; Clll)j. j _4 -W--i ~ 1<Vl-~/"\" 7ft;. I t1: 13.;- / l 0I~0 0 C;[)Jo~lr ((IS. : - /L-I S /..,- {' T"'- '1 A 61</'-. L... I:/i CLIENT N6WA/Z SHEET NO t..; , CALCULATED BY I/J---O CHECKED BY wo# I'~I e;' () v= l....J(G. (;,} I p .:rt,':- (;.... ~y?'-.../ 6 / f? II C'- ;.OOU.s) / 4.. - ~ "3 "$ ~I L.,; c.......( G b }2.) fVI ::' .. .... :: & 5. 5G (.\.;' 6:1 <..') VC'!l/ ~ ;/'(5C1.-) -::y v: '7ClC.JG l(,s - 3, <41-...; 1<..1 "t.-:: L......; 11'1'7 'J/v1C!..)/ /Enr: C' ,.))l/-u) ;;;;> ;:' &,...~. --';uO.6QOP /ri= dBstr;- I~ ') 1)6 Lv (-",,:; J1j8"'( /I)L( -01<.. ~ [> fr. -+ CN"'J.. l.. t:v. \ Q I n C-M~<:. lot,l):: l/OlOrr(/lJ/:- GL[OPU J, R ,....., "--- t .J;., <J, I 'JI,-/,,_+_ &'a" ,uC>C,\lD1 i7 C/o VJ u: J, ~t- t:-1...1 3/'o.,.J' !....- . -., t 1/1 tl"1J4, ~ CvL1. ?f..- qC(o (( (,)).) {wo(!::,. ~ ')) T - J i (; - -:.. 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